» Projects » Grant List » Monitoring of Al forms in surface water and appraisal of possibilites for removal Al by water treatment technology

Monitoring of Al forms in surface water and appraisal of possibilites for removal Al by water treatment technology

  • Identification: GA103/04/0929 - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 2004 - 2006
  • Principal investigator: Ing. Libuše Benešová, CSc. (Faculty of Science, Charles
    University Prague)
  • Co-investigator: RNDr. Silvestr Mutl, CSc.

Subject of research

Aluminium is a metal which causes problems in aproximatelly 30% of water treatment plants in Czech Republic. Moreover it is a metal potentionally toxic, some of his formations are very dangerous for human health and for biota in surface water. The main goal of this project is to verify the methodology for determination of aluminium forms in surface water from the selected localities which have the higher concentration of aluminium naturally present. The second goal of project is to control the possibility of removal these forms of aluminium from water by coagulation, sedimentation and filtration. The forms of aluminium - inorganic. organic, total monomeric and acid soluble ( suspendid form)will be determined. There will be verified the ways how to remove these forms of aluminium by coagulation in laboratory (jar test) and in pilot plant size (model). The coagulation by Al3+ and Fe3+ ionts will be tested with optimal doses of coagulant in different condition of rapid and slow aggitation.


Research Goal

There was developed the  metodology of  farctionation of Al, based on the Van Benschoten and Edzwald technique.  The influence of reaction conditions ( pH, type of destabilization reagents)  on the residual concentration of Al and his forms and  organic