Academy of Sciences, Economic Institute, Prague, PhD study in economics
Political economy, neoclassical and Keynesian economics, statistics, econometrics, pure theory of international trade and trade models.
Candidate of Sciences in quantitative methods used in economic modelling, CSc., (eq. PhD).
Clare College, Cambridge University, Faculty of Economics, Britain; supervisor: Charles Feinstein (All Souls, Oxford)
1964-1968 and 1970
Prague School of Economics, Faculty of Trade, Prague, Czechoslovakia
My expertise covers the following fields:
Teaching experience in International Trade, International Finance, Economics of European Integration, Institutional Economics
Economic analysis of the accession and the EU economies.
Analyses and modelling of the behaviour of economic agents in open economies.
Consultancy in economic policies related to restructuring, efficiency and specialisation in trade at the level of the macroeconomy, sectors and enterprises.
The behaviour of the entrepreneurs and enterprises on the world markets and their relationship to specialisation in trade; the role of human capital and R&D; market structure, nature of competition; entrepreneurship and SMEs.
Work with statistical data, databases and techniques of quantitative evaluation of trends and determining factors.
Coordination and assessment of projects dealing with nominal and real convergence and policies aimed at growth and stability.
Evaluation of the proficiency of governments in their role as public administrators and policy-makers.
Linkages of the EU accession countries with the EU, Russia, Ukraine and Central Asia and the trade policies with them. In 1995-2001 a similar agenda concerning China and Taiwan.
Teaching at the Institute of Economic Studies, Facutly of Social Sciences, Charles University.Curricula:
International Trade, viz. http://ies.fsv.cuni.cz/index.php?module=sylab&action=sylab&id_sylab=30&lng=en_GB
International Finance, viz. http://ies.fsv.cuni.cz/index.php?module=sylab&action=sylab&id_sylab=37&lng=en_GB