  I. Genebashvili, A. Gogatishvili, V. Kokilashvili and M. Krbec,

    Weight theory for integral transforms on spaces of homogeneous type.
     Pitman Monographs and Survey in Pure and Applied  Mathematics 92, Longman, Harlow, 1998 . (MR 2003b:42002)

Research papers in academic journals

2. A. Gogatishvili. Fractional maximal functions with respect to the  basis of the  convex comperable sets in weighted Lebesgue spaces.  (Russian. English and Georgian Summaries) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Grusin. SSR,   129(1988), no. 2, 273-275. (MR  89g:42033)

3.  A. Gogatishvili. Weighted  inequalities for potentials in spaces  of homogeneous type. (Russian. English and Georgian Summaries) Soobshch.  Akad. Nauk Grusin. SSR, 129(1988), no. 3, 493--495. (MR  89i:42033)

4. A. GogatishviliRiesz transforms and maximal functions in $\varphi(L)$  classes. (Russian and Georgian Summaries) Soobshch.    Akad. Nauk Grusin. SSR, 137(1990), no. 3, 489-492. (MR  91j:42009)

5. A. Gogatishvili, V.Kokilashvili   and  M.Krbec.  Maximal functions in the classes $\varphi(L)$. (English, Russian original)  Soviet Math. Dokl., 42(1991), no. 2, 488-490; translation from   Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 314(1990), no. 3, 534-536.    (MR  92c:420018)

6.  A. Gogatishvili. Maximal functions with respect to the basis of the  comperable convex sets in weighted Lebesgue   spaces. (Russian. English  Summary) Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst. Razmadze Akad. Nauk Grusin. SSR,  95(1990), 20-38. (MR  92h:42034)

7.  A. Gogatishvili. Weighted inequalities for vector-valued  fractional maximal functions (Russian. English Summary).  Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst. Razmadze Akad. Nauk Grusin. SSR,  98(1991), 9-18. (MR 94e:26037)

8. A. Gogatishvili. Weak type weighted inequalities for maximal functions with respect  to the general basis. (Russian and Georgian Summaries) Soobshch.  Akad. Nauk Grusin. SSR, 145(1992), no. 2, 249-252. (MR  94m:42040)

9. A. Gogatishvili. General weak--type inequalities for maximal operator and Riesz transforms. (Russian and Georgian Summaries) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Grusin. SSR, 146(1992), no. 3, 497-500. (MR  94m:42041)

10. A. Gogatishvili. General weak type inequalities for maximal operators and singular  integrals. (Georgian Summary) Proc. A.Razmadze Math. Inst.,  101(1992), 47-63.
(MR  95e:42015)

11.  A. Gogatishvili. Riesz transforms and maximal functins in  $\varphi(L)$  classes. (Georgian Summary) Proc. A.Razmadze Math. Inst.,  102(1993), 59-70. (MR  95d:42024)

12. A. Gogatishvili. Hilbert transform in Zygmund classes. (Georgian Summary)  Proc. A.Razmadze  Math. Inst., 102(1993),  71-84. (MR  95d:42065)

13. A. Gogatishvili, V. Kokilashvili and M. Krbec.  Maximal functions,  $\varphi(L)$ classes and Carleson measures. (Georgian Summary)  Proc. A.Razmadze  Math. Inst.,  102(1993), 85-97. (MR  95e:42016)

14. A. Gogatishvili, L.Pick. Weighted inequalities of weak and extra-weak type for the  maximal operator and Hilbert transform. Czechoslovak Math. J. 43(118) (1993), no.3, 547-566. (MR  95i:42013)

15.  I. Genebashvili, A.  Gogatishvili  and  V. Kokilashvili. Criteria of general weak type inequalities for integral   transforms  with positive kernels. (English and Georgian Summaries) Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Math.,1 (1993), no. 1,  11-35;   Georgian Math. J. 1(1994), no. 1, 9--29. (MR  94j:42030)

16. A. Gogatishvili, Kokilashvili V. Criteria of weighted inequalities in  Orlicz classes for maximal functions defined on homogeneous type spaces. (English and Georgian Summaries) Proc.  Georgian  Acad.  Sci., Math., 1,6 (1993). pp. 721-755;   (English Summary) Georgian Math. J. 1(1994), no. 6, 641--673. (MR  96b:42021)

17.  A. Gogatishvili, V. Kokilashvili. Necessary and sufficient   conditions for weigh\-ted Orlicz class inequalities for maximal   functions and singular integrals. I (English Summary)  Georgian Math. J. 2(1995), no. 4, 361-384.    (MR  96g:42010)

18. A. Gogatishvili, V. Kokilashvili. Necessary and sufficient   conditions for weigh\-ted Orlicz class inequalities for maximal  functions and singular integrals. II (English Summary)   Georgian Math. J. 2(1995), no. 5, 445-468. (MR  96m:42031)

19. I. Genebashvili, A. Gogatishvili  and  V. Kokilashvili. Solution of two-weight problems for integral transforms with positive kernel.  (English Summary) Georgian Math. J. 3 (1996), no. 4, 319-342. (MR  97k:42029)

20. I. Genebashvili, A. Gogatishvili  and  V. Kokilashvili. Criteria of two-weighted inequalities for ntegral transforms with  positive kernel and maximal functions. (English, Russian original) Dokl. Math. 54, no. 3, 895-898 (1996); translation from Dokl. Akad. Nauk RAN 351, no.4 , 448-451 (1996).        (MR  98c:42030)

21.  A. Gogatishvili  and  V. Kokilashvili. Criteria of strong type two-weighted  inequalities for fractional maximal functions. (English Summary) Georgian Math. J. 3 (1996), no. 5, 423-446. (MR  98m:42020)

22. A. Gogatishvili. Two-weighted mixed inequalities in Orlicz classes for fractional maximal functions defined on homogeneous type spaces. (English and Georgian Summaries) Proc. A.Razmadze  Math.  Inst.,  112(1997),  23-56.  (MR  98m:42021)

23. A. Gogatishvili. Maximal functions and singular integrals on $L^{p,\varphi}$ spaces.  Proc.  A.Razmadze  Math.  Inst.,  114(1997), 112-115.   (MR  99i:46017)

24. A.Gogatishvili and J.Lang. The generalized Hardy operator with kernel and  variable integral limits in Banach function spaces.  J. Inequal. Appl., 4(1999), no.1, 1-16.  (MR 2001f:47085)

25. A. Gogatishvili, Fractional maximal functions in weighted Banach function spaces, Real Analysis and Exchange, 25(1999/2000),  no.1, 291-316. (MR 2001g:42029)

26. A.Gogatishvili and L.Pick, Duality principles and reduction theorems, Math. Inequal. Appl., (2000), no. 4, 539-558. (MR 2002c:46056)

27. A.Gogatishvili and T.Sobukawa, On the extrapolation estimates, Math. Inequal. Appl.,  6(2003), no. 1, 97-104. (MR 2003k:46030)

28.  A.Gogatishvili and L.Pick, Discretization and antidiscretization of   rearrangement- invariant norms
, Publ. Mat., 47(2003),  no. 2,  311-358.  (MR 2005f:46053)

29 A.Gogatishvili, A.Kufner, L.-E.Persson and  A.Wedestig. An equivalence theorems for some scales of integral conditions related to  Hardy's inequality with  applications.  Real Analysis and Exchange, 29(2003/04), no. 2, 867-880.  (MR 2005f:26043)

30. A.Gogatishvili, J.S.Neves and B.Opic. Optimality of embeddings   of Bessel-potential-type  spaces into Lorentz-Karamata spaces.  Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh  Sec. A 134 (2004), no. 6, 1127 - 1147.  (MR 2005h:46044)

31. A.Gogatishvili, B.Opic and W.Trebels. Limiting reiteration for real interpolation with slowly varying  functions, Math. Nachr. 278(2005), no. 1-2, 86-107. (MR 2005k:46048)
32. A.Gogatishvili and  P.Koskela. A non-doubling Trudinger inequality, Studia Math. 170 (2005), no. 2, 113-119. (MR 2007b:26041)

A.Gogatishvili,  J.S.Neves and B.Opic. Optimality of embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces into generalized Hölder spaces,  Publ. Mat. 49(2005), no. 2, 297-327.  (MR 2006f:26002)

M.J.Carro,  A.Gogatishvili, J.Martin and  L.Pick. Function properties of rearrangement invariant spaces defined in term of oscillations,  J. Funct. Anal. 229(2005), no. 2,
375-404. (MR 2006g:46051)
35. A.Gogatishvili,  A.Kufner, L.-E.Persson and A.Wedestig. Compactness of the Hardy operator and its limiting case. Soochow J. Math. 32(2006), no. 1, 21-35.
 (MR 2006m:26031)

36.  A.Gogatishvili and L.Pick.  Embeddings and duality theorems for weak classical Lorentz spaces, Canad. Math. Bull. 49(2006), no. 1, 82-95. (MR 2006k:26024)

A.Gogatishvili,  B.Opic and L.Pick. Weighted inequalities for Hardy-type operators involving suprema, Collect. Math. 57(2006), no.3, 227-255. (MR 2007g:26019)    

38. A.Gogatishvili and  V.I.Ovchinnikov. The optimal embedding for the Calderon type spaces and the J-method spaces, Vestnik VGU, Ser. Phys. Math. 2006. no. 1, p.145-151.

39. A.Gogatishvili,  J.S.Neves and B.Opic. Sharpness and non-compactness of embeddings of Bessel-potential-type  spaces, Math. Nachr. 280(2007), no. 9-10, 1083-1093. (MR2334661)

A.Gogatishvili, M.Johansson, C.A.Okpoti and L.-E.Persson. Characterization of embeddings in Lorentz spaces using a method of discretization and anti-discretization, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 76(2007),  no. 1, 69-92. (MR2343440)

A.Gogatishvili and L.Pick. A reduction theorem for supremum operators, J. Comput. Appl. Math.   208(2007), no.1, 270-279. (MR2347749)

  A.Gogatishvili and V.I.Ovchinnikov. Interpolation orbits and optimal Sobolev's embeddings, J. Funct. Anal. 253(2007) no. 1, 1-17. (MR2362416)

A.Gogatishvili, W.D.Evans and   B.Opic. The  reverse Hardy inequality with measures, Math. Inequal. Appl. 11 (2008), no. 1, 43-74. (

44.  A.Gogatishvili,  K.Kuliev and G. Kulieva. Some  conditions characterizing the "Reverse" Hardy inequality, Real Anal. Exchange, 33(2007/2008), no. 1, 249-258. MR2402877 (2009b:26030)

45. M. Carro, A. Gogatishvili, J. Martin, L. Pick. Weighted inequalities involving two Hardy operators with applications to embeddings of function spaces, J. operator Theory 59(2008), no. 2, 309-332. MR2411048 (2009f:26024)  

46.A.M.Caetano,  A.Gogatishvili and B.Opic. Sharp embeddings of Besov spaces involving only logarithmic smoothness,  J. Approx. Theory 152(2008), no. 2, 188-214. MR2422148

47.  A.Gogatishvili, J.S.Neves and B.Opic.  Optimal embeddings and Compact embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces,  Math. Zeitshrift, 262(2009), no. 3, 645--682. MR2506313

48. Gogatishvili, A.  Kufner and  L.E. Persson. Some new scales of weight characterizations of the class  BpActa Math. Hungar.123(2009), no.4, 365--377. MR2506756

49.  A.Gogatishvili, L.Pick. Calderon-type theorems for operators of non-standard endpoint behavior.  Indiana Univ. Math. J. 58(2009), no.4,  1831-1852.


Papers accepted for publication 

50. A. Gogatishvili, A.  Kufner And  L.E. Persson. Some new scales of charachterization of Hardy's inequality. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 58(2009), no. 4, Preprint 103, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague 2007, pp. 9.

51  A.Gogatishvili,  P. Koskela and N. Shanmugalinam. Interpolation properties of Besov spaces on metric spaces. Preprint 151, Institute of Mathematics  AS CR, Prague, 2008, pp.19. accepted in Math. Nachr.

52. A.Gogatishvili,  J.Neves and B.Opic. Optimal embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces into generalized Holder spaces involving k-modulus of smoothness, Preprint, Univ. Coi\-mbra, 2008, pp. 24. Preprint 182, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, 2008, pp. 24.accepted in  Potential Analysis.

53.  A Gogatishvili,  J.Neves and B.Opic.  Sharp estimates of the k-modulus of smoothness of Bessel potentials, Preprint, Univ. Coimbra, 2008, pp. 17.  Preprint 177, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, 2008, pp. 17. accepted in Journal of the London Mathematical Society

Preprints and Papers submitted   for publication

54. V.Burenkov, A.Gogatishvili,  V.Guliyev and R.Mustafayev. Sufficient conditions for boundedness of the Riesz potential in local Morrey-type spaces, Preprint, Institute of Mathematics, AS CR, Prague, 2007-12-21, 14 pages.

55. A.Gogatishvili, L.Pick  and J.Schneider .Interpolation characterization of the rearra\-nge\-ment\--invariant hull of a Besov space, Preprint No. MATH-KMA-2008/269 pp. 17.

56 A. Gogatishvili and R.Mustafayev. Equivalence of norms of Riesz potential and fractional maximal function in Morrey-type spaces. Preprint 135, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, 2008, pp. 18.

 57. V.Burenkov, A.Gogatishvili, V.Guliyev and  R.MustafayevBoundedness of the fractional maximal operator in local Morrey-type spaces. Preprint 136, Institute of Mathematics  AS CR, Prague, 2008, pp. 20.

59. A.Gogatishvili and R. Mustafayev.  Dual spaces of local Morrey-type spaces. Preprint 137, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, 2008,  pp. 9.

60. A.Caetano, A. Gogatishvili and B. Opic. Sharp embeddings of Besov spaces involving only slowly varying smoo\-thness, Preprint, Univ. Aveiro, 2008, pp. 34. Preprint 178, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, 2008, pp.  34.

61.  A.Gogatishvili and R. Mustafayev. The multidimensional reverse Hardy inequalities. Preprint 179, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, 2009,  pp. 19.

62. A.Caetano, A. Gogatishvili and B. Opic. Compact embeddings of Besov spaces involving only slowly varying smoothness, Preprint 188, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, 2009, pp. 15.

62. A.Gogatishvili,  J.Neves and B.Opic. Compact embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces into generalized Holder spaces involving k-modulus of smoothness, Preprint 189, Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, 2009, pp. 22.

Papers in conference proceedings

63. A. Gogatishvili. Fractional maximal functions with respect to the basis of theconvex comperable sets in weighted Lebesgue spaces (Russian).   In: the book of collected works Extremal problems, functional analyses and their applications, Moscow State University press 1988, pp.38-40.

64.  A. Gogatishvili. Potentials in weighted Lorentz spaces for critical exponent (Russian).  In: Reports of Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of I. N. Vekua Institute   of Applied  Mathematics vol. 3, no 2, Tbilisi University press 1988,   pp.25-28.

65. A. Gogatishvili. Riesz transforms and maximal functions  in  Morrey-Campanato  type    spaces and in weighted  Zygmund  spaces. In:  Reports  of  Enlarged     Session of the Seminar of I.N. Vekua institute of  Applied  mathematics,    vol. 5, no 2, Tbilisi University press  1990, pp. 41-43.

66. A. Gogatishvili. Riesz transforms in weighted $L\log L$ classes (Russian).  In: Union School on Operator Theory in Function Spaces, Abstracts of    Lectures, Ulyanovsk 5.-12.9. 1990, p. 68.

67. A. Gogatishvili. Weighted weak type inequalies for a strong maximal function. In:   Abstracts of Symposium on continuum mechanics and related problems  analysis, Tbilisi, 1991, p.52.

68. A. Gogatishvili. General weak--type inequalities for the maximal  operators  defined  in spaces of the homogeneous type. In: Reports of Enlarged    Sessions of the Seminar of I.N. Vekua Institute of  Applied Mathematics,  vol. 7, no. 2, Tbilisi University press  1992, pp. 14-16.

69. I. Genebashvili, A. Gogatishvili  and  V. Kokilashvili. Solutions of Some Weight Problems. Function  spaces, differential operators and nonlinear  analysis, (Frie-dri-chro-da, 1992), 264--273. Teubner--Texte Math., 133. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1993. (MR  95a:42028)

70. A. Gogatishvili and V. Kokilashvili.Criteria of weight inequalities for integral transforms defined on  on homogeneous type spases.Topological vector spaces, algebras and related areas, (Hamilton, ON, 1994), 251-262. Pitman Res. Notes Math. ser., 316, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1994.   (MR 96a:42021)
A. Gogatishvili. Weighted inequalities for one-- sided maximal functions in  Orlicz classes. Function spaces, differential operators and  nonlinear  analysis. Proceedings of the conference held in  Paseky nad Jizerou
, Czech Republic, September 3-9, 1995,  Prague: Prometheus Publishing House, 201-205, 1996.

72. A. Gogatishvili. Discretization and anti-discretization of function spaces, In the proceedings of the The Autumn Conference Mathematical Society of Japan, September 25-28, 2002,  Shimane University, Matsue, 63-72.

73. A.Gogatishvili, S.Moritoh, M.Niwa and  T.Sobukawa.Interpolation theorems for block-Lorentz spaces.  In the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Banach and Function Spaces, Kitakyushu, Japan,  October  2-4, 2003, 215-223,  Yokohama Publishers,  2004.

74.    A.Gogatishvili,  J.S.Neves and B.Opic. Optimality of embeddings of Bessel-potential-type  spaces, "Function spaces, differential operators and nonlinear analysis"  Proceedings of the conference held in Milovy, Czech Republic, May 28- June2, 2004, Mathematical Institue of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, 97-112,  2005.

76. A. Gogatishvili, A.  Kufner and  L.E. Persson  An equivalence theorems with application to Hardy's inequality. In the book ``Function Spaces, Differencial Operators,  General Topology, Problems of Mathematical Educations'',  Proceedings of the 3th International Conference dedicated to Lev Dmitrievich Kudryavtsev on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday,  278-298.  M. 2008.

76. W. D. Evans, A. Gogatishvili and B. Opic  The ρ-quasiconcave functions and weighted inequalities, Inequalities and Applications, Conference on Inequalities and Applications, Noszvaj (Hungary), September 2007.International Series of Numerical Mathematics, 157, Bandle, C., Gilányi, A., Losonczi, L., Páles, Z. and Plum, M.(eds.), Birkhâuser Verlag, Basel, 2009. 121--132.