
CEM Discover

CEM Discover

The Discover® line of microwave synthesis systems is built upon CEM's Focused™ Microwave Technology featuring a unique, single-mode cavity designed to automatically focus microwave energy with maximum efficiency regardless of the physical properties of the reaction. With the largest single-mode cavity on the market, Discover not only accommodates pressurized vessels of various sizes, but also offers the unmatched flexibility to perform atmospheric reactions in standard glassware, up to a 125-mL round-bottom flask.

Buchi sepacore

Buchi sepacore

Buchi Sepacore offers customers easy to use solutions for preparative chromatography. With the new Cartridger, cartridges can be packed in one step and are ready for immediate use.The logical, modular structure has been developed to the needs of the user: The system can be adapted and extended at any time according to your separation problems.

ISCO CombiFlash

ISCO CombiFlash Companion

The CombiFlash® Companion® personal flash chromatography system can be controlled or monitored from anywhere, using any internet connection with Microsoft Windows® Explorer. It can even send you an e-mail notification when your separation is done. The system’s advanced automation and communication capabilities offer a new dimension of “productivity with peace of mind”, freeing you to pursue other priorities without distraction while a purification is in progress.

Bio-Rad Opticon 2

DNA Engine Opticon 2

The DNA Engine Opticon 2 Real-Time PCR Detection System has two-color detection capability and a sensitive optical system with no moving parts. Samples are illuminated by a fixed array of 96 blue-green LEDs and detected by two photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The first PMT detects at 523–543 nm (suitable for detecting SYBR Green I and FAM-labeled probes), while the second detects at 540–700 nm (suitable for detecting many commonly used fluorophores, including HEX-, TET-, TAMRA-, and VIC dye-labeled probes).

BD FACSAria™ cell sorter

BD FACSAria Cell Sorter

The BD FACSAria™ cell sorter sets a new standard for high performance flow cytometry. Based on a revolutionary new design in instrumentation, this easy-to-use benchtop system delivers high-speed sorting and multicolor analysis.

Waters ZQ LC/MS

Waters ZQ LC/MS

The Waters ZQ™ Mass Detector, the most popular single quadrupole mass spectrometer worldwide, offers characteristic performance and robustness for laboratories that require nominal mass resolution for mass confirmation applications.

FlowSYNTH: Continuous Flow Reaction System

FlowSYNTH: Continuous Flow Reaction System

The new FlowSYNTH system is a continuous flow microwave reactor that represents the link between laboratory-scale reactions and industrial-scale synthetic production. This revolutionary system allows chemists to scale up reactions from grams to kilogram quantities.