Head of the Department:
Miloslav Vošvrda
Deputy head of the Department:
Martin Šmíd
Eva Dostálová
phone: +420 266 052 411
fax: +420 266 052 232
www: E_/
staff: people, Ph.D. students
List of publications, courses, projects
The members of department have concentrated on the following research fields:
- real and monetary macrodynamics, dynamic economics and econometrics, stochastic economics and econometrics, and econometric modelling,
- theoretical fuzzy set approach to decision making,
- nonlinear and stochastic optimization, stochastic dynamic optimization,
- stochastic differential-difference equations and its applications to the mathematical finance, and to stability of dynamic economics,
- uncertainty processing in expert systems,
- advanced methods in financial econometrics and wavelets analysis of capital markets.
Last events:
Responsible for information: E
Last modification: 07.10.2009