Institute of Information Theory and Automation
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Show surnames starting withDepartment
NameSurnamesort iconPositionDepartmentRoom26605-
TomášMarekpostdoc SI1132426
MilanMarešresearch fellowE2222803
JaroslavaMarešováhead of departmentHS1702815
RadimMatulíkresearch assistantZS2622452
FrantišekMatúšvice-head of departmentMTR2692341
TomášMazanecPh.D. studentZS2742472
RadkoMesiarresearch fellowE
JiříMichálekresearch fellowSI1242241
StanislavMikešPh.D. studentRO2212262
Petr MiláčekVS722928
KamilMrázekPh.D. studentAS
Institute of Information Theory and Automation