Melatonin in higher plants: occurrence and possible functions

Kolář J., Macháčková I.

Klíčová slova: antioxidant, circadian rhythms, higher plants, melatonin, melatonin determination, photoperiodism, reactive oxygen species
Abstrakt: Melatonin may be ubiquitous in the plant kingdom. This review considers the evaluation of methods of melatonin determination in plant material and possible melatonin functions in plants. Concerning the determination methods, the only reliable techniques are liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry or gas chromatography - mass spectrometry after some purification steps of the extract. Melatonin was shown to delay flower induction in some photoperiodic plants and in the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium it replaces, in part, the requirement of darkness for cyst formation. Melatonin may also have a function as an antioxidant and it may possess some auxin-like effects. Finally, it may act as a signal for interaction of plants with herbivores and pests. Further research is needed to clarify these potential functions.
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Autoři z ÚEB: Jan Kolář