Institute of Information Theory and Automation


Michal Šorel

Books and chapters

  1. Šorel Michal, Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan: Recent Advances in Space-Variant Deblurring and Image Stabilization , Unexploded ordnance detection and mitigation , Eds: Byrnes Jim (2009) Download

Journal articles

  1. Šorel Michal, Flusser Jan: Space-Variant Restoration of Images Degraded by Camera Motion Blur , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol.17, 2 (2008), p. 105-116 (2008) Download
  2. Šorel Michal, Flusser Jan: Restoration of color images degraded by space-variant motion blur , Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.2007, 4673 (2007), p. 450-457, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, (Vienna, AT, 27.08.2007-29.08.2007) (2007) Download
  3. Šorel Michal, Šíma Jiří: Robust RBF Finite Automata , Neurocomputing vol.62, p. 93-110 (2004)

Other publications

  1. Šroubek Filip, Šorel Michal, Boldyš Jiří, Šroubek J.: PET Image Reconstruction Using Prior Information from CT or MRI , Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2009, 2009 IEEE 16th International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2009, (Cairo, EG, 07.11.2009-10.11.2009) (2009) Download
  2. Šorel Michal, Šroubek Filip: Space-variant deblurring using one blurred and one underexposed image , Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2009, 2009 IEEE 16th International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2009, (Cairo, EG, 07.11.2009-10.11.2009) (2009) Download
  3. Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan, Šorel Michal: Superresolution and blind deconvolution of video , Proceedings on the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (Tampa, US, 07.12.2008-11.12.2008) (2008) Download
  4. Šorel Michal: Multichannel blind restoration of images with space-variant degradations, MFF UK, (Praha 2007) (2007)
  5. Šorel Michal: Multichannel Blind Restoration of Images with Space-Variant Degradations, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2006) Research Report 2006/28 (2006)
  6. Šorel Michal, Flusser Jan: Simultaneous recovery of scene structure and blind restoration of defocused images , Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2006. CVWW' 06, p. 40-45 , Eds: Chum O., Franc V., Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2006, (Telč, CZ, 06.02.2006-08.02.2006) (2006)
  7. Šorel Michal, Flusser Jan: Blind restoration of images blurred by complex camera motion and simultaneous recovery of 3D scene structure , Proceeding of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, p. 737-742, International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology 2005, (Athens, GR, 19.12.2005-21.12.2005) (2005)
  8. Šorel Michal, Šíma Jiří: Robust Implementation of Finite Automata by Recurrent RBF Networks , SOFSEM'2000: Theory and Practice of Informatics, p. 431-439 , Eds: Hlaváč V., Jeffery K.G., Wiedermann J., Springer, (Berlin 2000) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.1963 , SOFSEM'2000 /27./, (Milovy, CZ, 25.11.2000-01.12.2000) (2000)
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Last modification: 03.09.2008
Institute of Information Theory and Automation