Seznam publikací

Regulation of developmental pathways in cultured microspores of tobacco and snapdragon by medium pH
Regulation of metabolic pathways PVY-RNA biosynthesis in tobacco' Glycolytic Pathways
Role of plant growth regulators in stomatal limitation to photosynthesis during water stress
Screening microalgae for some potentially useful agricultural and pharmaceutical secondary metabolites
SETH1 and SETH2, two components of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor biosynthetic pathway, are required for pollen germination and tube growth in Arabidopsis
Sites of actin filament initiation and reorganization in cold-treated tobacco cells
Square-Planar Nickel(II) O,O‘-Dialkyldithiophosphato Complexes with Triphenylphosphine of the Type [NiX(S2P{OR}2)(PPh3)] (X = Cl, Br, I and NCS)
Structure, function and phylogenetic significance of trnH-psbA chloroplast spacer in Asteraceae
Synergic effects of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor olomoucine and androgen-antagonist bicalutamide on prostatic cancer cell lines
Syntheses and study on nickel(II) complexes with thiodiglycolic acid and nitrogen-donor ligands. X-ray structures of [Ni(bpy)(tdga)(H2O)] . 4H2O and [(en)Ni(µ-tdga)2Ni(en)] . 4H2O (tdgaH2=thiodiglycolic acid)
Synthesis, X-ray and Mössbauer study of iron(II) complexes with trithiocyanuric acid (ttcH3). The X-ray structures of [Fe(bpy)3](ttcH) • 2bpy • 7H2O and [Fe(phen)3](ttcH2)(ClO4) • 2CH3OH • 2H2O
The effect of water stress on photosynthetic pigments contents and gas exchange parameters
The influence of growth regulators on membrane permeability in cultures of winter wheat cells
The Rad17 homologue of Arabidopsis is involved in the regulation of DNA damage repair and homologous recombination
The Role of Cytokinins and Ethylene in Bean Cotyledon Senescence. The Effect of Free Radicals
The Transport of Auxins
TMV-RNA biosynthesis in the light-green and dark-green regions of tobacco leaves
Transcriptome analysis of developing haploid male gametophytes in Arabidopsis thaliana
Transformation of terpenes using a Picea abies suspension culture
Transient expression of heterologous model gene in plants using Potato virusX-based vector
Trichloroacetic Acid In Norway Spruce
Trichloroacetic acid in Norway spruce/soil-system. II. Distribution and degradation in the plant
Two Cytokinin Receptors of Arabidopsis thaliana, CRE1/AHK4 and AHK3, Differ in their Ligand Specificity in a Bacterial Assay
Ultrastructure and Dimensions of Chloroplasts in Leaves of Three Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines and their F1 Hybrids Grown Under Moderate Chilling Stress
Usefulness of embryogenic cell suspension cultures for the induction and selection of mutations in Musa spp
Viability, ultrastructure and cytokinin metabolism of free and immobilized tobacco chloroplasts
Vliv brassinosteroidů na změny hladin ethylenu, kyseliny abscisové a kyseliny indolyl-3-octové
Z-DNA, a new in situ marker for transcription
2,6,8,9-Tetrasubstituted Purines as New CDK1 Inhibitors