Our seminars take place in the library of the Main Building (Praha–Sporilov, see Contacts).
09.12.2009 10:00
Marek Abramowicz
Goteborg University, Sweden, and N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland
A few unsolved problems in accretion theory: stability, oscillations, limit cycles
takes place at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Praha-Troja), room T1
Marek Abramowicz
Goteborg University, Sweden, and N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland
A few unsolved problems in accretion theory: stability, oscillations, limit cycles
takes place at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Praha-Troja), room T1
We try hard to meet regularly to discuss ongoing research projects and recent astro-ph papers. If you would like to give a seminar in our group, please contact Vladimir Karas. Everybody is welcome.