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General information

Dear Colleague,

 Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Technical University in Prague (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering),
Charles University in Prague (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics) and Université de Toulon et du Var organize the 2nd Czech-French conference on

M A T H E M A T I C A L   F L U I D  M E C H A N I C S
Recent results and open questions

(MFM 2)

The conference will be held in the castle Trest in south Moravia, (, Czech Republic

July 6 (Saturday) - July 11 (Thursday), 2002.

The scientific programme will start on Sunday, July 7. The aim of the conference is to emphasize the importance of the Czech-French cooperation in mathematical theory as well as numerical methods applied to the mechanics of fluids. This cooperation has been significantly extended especially in the last decade and resulted into the 1st French-Czech conference in Marseille in March 2000.
The conference is proposed to be mainly French-Czech, but similarly to the conference in Marseille, we are also inviting a number of scientists and recognized specialists from other countries. The programme will consist of 30 minutes talks and a poster session. Titles of contributions are required, abstracts recommended. During the conference a decision will be made about publishing Proceedings of the conference according to the interest of the participants.
This page will be regularly updated and you will find here all necessary information in due time. Please feel free to contact us in case of any doubts or hesitation.
We are looking forward to welcome you in the Czech Republic.

Organizing committee:

Contact address:

Ivan Straskraba
Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Zitna 25
115 67 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 2 22090739 (since May 20, 2002)
Fax:  +420 2 22211638

Last updated: June 27, 2002 from Pavel Havránek