Sekce fotoniky

Vedoucí: Doc. Ing. Jiří Homola, CSc., DSc.

The photonics research encompasses development of photonic materials, structures and devices for optical communications and sensors. Main research directions in guided-wave photonics include research and development of active as well as passive fiber and planar waveguide components for optical communications, and development of special structures for optical sensors. Material research for fiber optics focuses on development of methodological approaches based on the MCVD and sol-gel methods and their application for the fabrication of special optical fibers. The diffractive optics research concentrates on theoretical analysis, development and characterization of holographic diffractive structures for beam shaping, imaging and sensing Optical sensor research is focused on evanescent-wave fiber optic sensors for detection of chemicals and surface plasmon resonance sensors for detection of biological substances and analysis of biomolecules and their interactions.

Oddělení vlnovodné fotoniky
Vedoucí: Ing. Jiří Kaňka, CSc.
Oddělení optických senzorů
Vedoucí: Doc. Ing. Jiří Homola, CSc., DSc.
Oddělení technologie optických vláken
Vedoucí: Dr. Ing. Ivan Kašík