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Women Scholars and Institutions Print

Women Scholars and Institutions. Proceedings of the International Conference (Prague, June 8–11, 2003). Edited by: Soňa Štrbáňová – Ida H. Stamhuis and Kateřina Mojsejová. Výzkumné centrum pro dějiny vědy, Prague 2004, 2 Vol. (= Práce z dějin vědy / Studies in the history of sciences and humanities 13A-B), 864 s.


Soňa Štrbáňová, Ida H. Stamhuis and Kateřina Mojsejová
Introduction, p. 9

Commission Women in Science of the IUHPS/DHS
Our Member Joan Mason passed Away on March 20, 2004, p. 15

Ida H. Stamhuis
Historical Considerations on “Women Scholars and Institutions”, p. 17

Opening Session of the Conference

Ida H. Stamhuis
Welcome Speech on Behalf of the Commission “Women in Science” of the International
Union of History and Philosophy of Science/Division of History of Science (IUHPD/DHS)
and the Conference Organizers, p. 51

Antonín Kostlán
Welcome Speech on Behalf of the Research Centre for the History of Sciences and
Humanities, p. 53

Helena Illnerová
Speech on Behalf of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, p. 57

Dun Liu
Speech on Behalf of the IUHPS/DHS and the Organising Committee of the 22nd
International Congress of History of Science, Beijing 2005, p. 61

Efthymios Nicolaidis
Speech on Behalf of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science/Division
of History of Science (IUHPS/DHS), p. 63

Introductor Lecture

Soňa Štrbáňová
The Institutional Position of Czech Women in Bohemia, 1860-1938, p. 69

General Topics

Margaret W. Rossiter
American Scientific Societies and the Equal Rights Amendment, 1977-1982, p. 101

Brigitte Hertz – Ida H. Stamhuis
To be a Female Student of Science at a Calvinist University 1930-1960, p. 115

Annette Vogt
Women Scholars at German Universities – or Why did this Story Start so Late?, p. 159

Alena Míšková
Women in Science in the Czech Lands Before 1948 (Abstract), p. 187

Hana Barvíková – Martin Martinovský
Memberships of Women in the Leading Learned Institutions in the 20th Century, p. 189

Evelyna Tylińska
Ways of Academic Careers of Women at the Polish Territories at the End of the 19th
Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century, p. 221

Jadwiga Suchmiel
Academic Movement of Women at Lwow and Cracow Universities Until 1939, p. 235

Nina Semenova
Women in Russia’s Science in XIX-XX centuries (Abstract), p. 253

Sylvia Porubänová
Analysis of the Position and Status of Women in the Slovak Academy of Sciences, p. 255

Science – Technology – Medicine - Humanities

Helga Satzinger
Women’s Places in the New Laboratories of Genetic Research in Early 20th Century:
Gender, Work, and the Dynamics of Science, p. 265

Sybille Gerstengarbe
The Geneticist Paula Hertwig (1889 – 1983) – a Female Scientist Under Various Regimes,
p. 295

Éva K. Vámos
Women Chemists and Chemical Engineers at the State Food Research Institutes in Hungary,
p. 321

Elena Zaitseva
Historico-Scientific Investigations and Gender Approach. Women in Russian Science (by
the Example of Activities of Women-Chemists from the Moscow University) , p. 329

Dun Liu
Three Outstanding Female Physicists in Contemporary China, p. 357

Renate Tobies
Women and Men in Mathematics in Germany at the Beginning and in the End of the 20th
Century (Abstract), p. 373

Petr Svobodný
Women Docents and Professors at Medical Faculties in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1939, p. 375

Ingrid Arias
The Cancer Researcher Gisela Kaminer or the Invisible Women Behind, p. 401

Soňa Štrbáňová
Marjory Stephenson and the Medical Research Council – a New Managing Role for a
Woman Scholar, p. 415

Hana Mášová
Emilie Lukášová and Her Pioneering Activities in the Field of Infant Care, p. 451

Joan Rothschild
Design and Noise in the Gendered City: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives
(Abstract), p. 473

Martine Jaminon – Catherine Vercheval
Connection Between Some Discoveries of Women in Science and the Underlying Current
Technologies: an Exhibition at Liège, p. 475

Mária Palasik
Women at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), p. 489

Alena Mikovcová
Phenomenon “Woman“ at the Faculties of Forestry in the Czech Lands in the 20th Century,
p. 509

Hana Havlůjová
Czech Woman Scholar and Educational Institution in the First Half of the 20th Century: the
Case of PhDr. Ludmila Matiegková and the Secondary School for Girls in Prague –
Holešovice, p. 535

Donald L. Opitz
‘So Clever a Photographer’: Mary Countess of Rosse and Victorian Photographic Science,
p. 545

Tatiana Uliyankina
Alexandra L. Tolstoy – the Organizer and the President of the Tolstoy Foundation, p. 565

Women Pioneers in Radioactivity Research

Maria Rentetzi (Coordinator)
Introduction, p. 581

Astrid Schürmann
Promoting International Women’s Research in Radioactivity: Marie Curie and Her
Laboratory, p. 591

Maria Rentetzi
Gender and Radioactivity Research in Interwar Vienna: the Case of the Institute for Radium
Research, p. 611

Brigitte Bischof
The “Marie Curie Syndrome”; the Role of Mentors and Romanticism or Why Were there So
Many Women in Radioactivity Research in Vienna?, p. 639

Emilie Těšínská
Women in the Field of Radioactivity: the Case of the Czech Physical Chemist and
Radiobiologist Jarmila Petrová, p. 659

Annette Lykknes – Lise Kvittingen – Anne KristineBørresen
Struggles and Archievements Ellen Gleditsch (1879-1968): Norwegian Female
Radiochemist. p. 693

Gendered Knowledge and the Reshaping of the „Normal Science“

Marcela Linková (Coordinator)
Gendered Knowledge and the Reshaping of the the Normal Science. Introdactury “Notes“ to
the Section, p. 729

Etela Farkašová
Redefinition and Reconceptualisation: Feminist Projects in Epistemology (Contemporary
Feminist Discussions on Reason and Rationality), p. 735

Mariana Szapuová
Does Gender Matter? Some Reflections on the Role of Gender in Science, p. 749

Jiřina Šmejkalová
Feminist Critique of Progress and Modern Science in the Work of Anna Pammrová, p. 765

Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer
Addressing the Politics of Location. Strategies in Feminist Epistemology and their
Relevance to Research Undertaken from a Feminist Perspective, p. 783

Gerlinda Šmausová
Gender Deconstruction and Gender Mainstreaming: the Contemporaneity of the Non-
Contemporary (Abstract), p. 807

Tatiana Sedová
Is Objectivity of Science an Illusion? Towards Criticism of Feminist Philosophy of Science
and Epistemology (Abstract), p. 809

Present Situation of Women in Institutions – Lessons Learned by History (Round Table)

Introductory comments of:

Margaret W. Rossiter, p. 814
Dun Liu, p. 816
Raji Heyrovská, p. 817
Marcela Linková, p. 821
Donald Opitz, p. 824
Ida H. Stamhuis, p. 825
Annette Vogt, p. 827
Éva K. Vámos, p. 829
Petr Pavlík, p. 831
Information on the Authors, p. 833
List of Conference Participants, p. 847