Archive Resources and Collections

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The archive contains an extensive assortment of both written and unwritten materials accumulated from the systematic research and acquisition activities of the Institute, and also from legacies and bequests. The collections consist mainly of memoirs, papers from various organizations, clubs and political parties, newspaper cuttings, photographs, film, video-recordings, and the like. The archival inventory is available online at the website of the Institute of Contemporary History.

Jiří Hoppe (tel. 257 286 368)


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu Akademie věd v ohrožení

Current events in picture

Ministr obrany Martin Barták udělil 10. listopadu 2009 Stanislavu Kokoškovi Čestnou pamětní medaili k 90. výročí vzniku Československé republiky.
