New issue Czech Society 2/2005

In September 2005 new issue of the bulletin Czech Society 2/2005 was published by Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Bulletin is part of the project „Czech public opinion in the European context information and documentational centre“ with Programme for support of research and development AV ČR setting and it is published by Institute of Sociology. The bulletin presents articles based on results of Public opinion surveys. This new issue brings 8 articles grouped under the 3 following sections: Topical News, Theory, Context.

Public Opinion of Public Opinion Research ( Mgr. Gabriela Šamanová )

Death Penalty - Res Publica? ( PhDr. Daniel Kunštát, Ph.D. )

Value Orientation in Czech Society ( Ing. Jan Červenka )

What Is Important for Us in Our Life? ( Mgr. Naděžda Horáková )

Media as Object of Public Opinion Research ( Mgr. Gabriela Šamanová, Mgr. Markéta Škodová)

Phenomenon of Beer-patriotism in Czech Society ( Mgr. Jiří Vinopal )

Three Examples of Cooperation between Qualitative and Analytical Research. Lazarsfeld´ s research workshop ( Doc. PhDr. Hynek Jeřábek, CSc. )

Electoral Preference and How to Understand It ( PhDr. Tomáš Lebeda, Ph.D., Mgr. Jindřich Krejčí, Mgr.Yana Leontiyeva )

You can get free bulletin Czech Society 2/2005 in CVVM or you can read it in library in Institute of Sociology AV ČR.

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