
Advisory System: Optimizing Support Tool for Decision Makers

Theory of dynamic advising has been converted into universal tool based on dynamic normal mixtures used as environment model and on fully probabilistic design used as constructor of advising strategies. The resulting system has been applied in such diverse field as operating of rolling mills and supporting of medical doctors curing cancer of thyroid gland. Other applications are addressed, too.

Urban Traffic Control: Feedback Control of Traffic in Cities

The only way to solve the problem of bad traffic situation in cities is the application of signal traffic control. Daily traffic course and the requirements of public transport preferences strongly need the application of some intelligent traffic system. Such a system should provide some efficient traffic control using on-line adaptive methods.

Nuclear Safety: Modeling of Consequences of Nuclear Accidents

Complex physical modeling, need for fast on-line computations on a large modeled time-spatial domain and sparse data are dominant characteristics of this important applied project.

Medicine: Support of Diagnostics and Treatment 

These applications while being important on their own help us to deal with problems relying on prior information, see  lymphoscintigraphy, and careful modeling, see nuclear. All of them including internal test modeling capabilities of mixtures especially in cases when the number of learning data is small.