
Mixtools is a toolbox designed for learning, prediction and control design with probability mixtures. The toolbox functions cover:

  • Initialization of mixture estimation.
  • Approximate mixture parameter estimation.
  • Prediction with mixtures.
  • Design of advisory systems
  • Visualization.

The toolbox functions offers the possibility of processing with high-dimensional data records, dynamic mixture components and extensive sets of learning data.

Mixtools guide
Learning and design with normal mixtures
(examples implemented in Mixtools)
Download the examples
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Support of grants

The toolbox has been developed under support of the following grants:

  • Dynamic clustering: theory, algorithms and software, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic CR No. 102/03/0049, 2002-2005
  • Dynamic clustering for control of complex processes, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic No. S1075351, 2002-2005

Local SVN repository (accessible with password only):