Institute of Information Theory and Automation

Model Selection Day

Model Selection Day

Organized by Milan Studený and František Matúš

September 16, 2009 (Wednesday) Room #3

Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Pod vodárenskou věží 4, CZ-18208, Prague 8, Czech Republic

Joe Whittaker, Lancaster University, UK
A survey of some issues that arise in statistical model selection
Raymond Hemmecke, University of Darmstadt Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Polytopes of Bayesian network structures
Nihat Ay, Max Planck Institute Leipzig, Germany & External Professor at Santa Fe Institute, USA
Maximizing the multi-information of stochastic processes
František Matúš, Institute of Information Th. and Automation
Limiting in closures of exponential families

Please, register at studeny@utia.cas.czwith the subject "MSD in Prague".

For the abstracts and previous events in the series see

Responsible for information: MTR
Last modification: 07.10.2009
Institute of Information Theory and Automation