Institute of Information Theory and Automation


A series of Workshops on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES) was held in the Czech Republic in 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000, and 2003. Like the previous meetings the forthcoming Workshop will foster creative intellectual activities and the exchange of ideas in an informal atmosphere. Therefore we will keep the number of participants limited (about 40). Contributions belonging to the various fields of uncertainty processing are invited.

The European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) is a biennial workshop that brings together researchers interested in all aspects of graphical models for probabilistic reasoning, decision making, and learning. PGM'06 is the third edition of the workshop. For more information see the PGM'06 homepage.

The 16th IFAC World Congress 2005 in Prague was co-organized by the Department of Control Theory. The congress is held every three years and is considered the flagship event of the IFAC Federation. The 16th IFAC World Congress took place in the Prague Congress Center between July 3rd and July 8th, 2005. With an attendance of almost two and half thousand participants from 63 countries, this was definitely the largest and most successful event in automatic control ever.

Institute of Information Theory and Automation