Institute of Information Theory and Automation

Pattern Recognition Department

logo PRD Head of the Department:
Michal Haindl

Deputy head of the Department:
Jiří Grim

Jana Krejčová

phone: +420 266 052 505
staff: people, Ph.D. students
List of publications, courses, projects

The scope of the activities of the Department of Pattern Recognition covers statistical pattern recognition, with emphasis being put on model-based pattern recognition and the application of finite mixtures, modeling of random fields for scene interpretation, probabilistic neural networks, statistical feature selection and applications in economics, the car industry, architecture, medicine, and text-document classification and processing. In all these areas, the group members enjoy an international reputation manifested by scientific awards and memberships in the governing bodies of international organizations.


Recent news:

President of the International Association for Pattern Recognition IAPR prof. Rangachar Kasturi presents at Cambridge to Dr. Michal Haindl the IAPR Fellow award for contributions to the theory and practice of model-based pattern recognition.

The IAPR Fellow award is conferred on persons to acknowledge their distinguished contributions to the field of pattern recognition and to IAPR activities.

The president of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prof. H. Illnerova, has presented the Bernard Bolzano 2003 Medal to Prof. Rudolf Hanka for contributions in the mathematical sciences.

The Bernard Bolzano Honorary? Medal for Merits in the Mathematical Sciences is awarded by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic to distinguished scientists who have considerably contributed to the development of the whole field and who have fruitfully collaborated with researchers in the Czech Republic.

President of the International Association for Pattern Recognition IAPR prof. Horst Bunke presented to prof. Pavel Pudil the IAPR Fellow award for contributions to statistical pattern recognition.

The IAPR Fellow award is conferred on persons to acknowledge their distinguished contributions to the field of pattern recognition and to IAPR activities.

Responsible for information: RO
Last modification: 07.10.2009
Institute of Information Theory and Automation