Michael L. Smith, Ph.D.

Pracovní zařazení:
vědecký pracovník
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
221 183 262
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Monografie a kapitoly v monografiích
  • 2009. Občané v politice: Studie k participativní a přímé demokracii ve střední Evropě [Citizens in Politics: Studies on participatory and direct democracy in Central Europe]. Praha: Institute for Social and Economic Analysis (ISEA).
  • 2008. Vnímání a realita korupce v České republice. Nové výzkumy, metody a postupy (in Czech). Praha: Institute for Social and Economic Analysis (ISEA), September 2008.
  • 2007. Přímá demokracie v práxi: politika místních referend v České republice (in Czech). Praha: Institute for Social and Economic Analysis (ISEA) and the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. ISBN: 978-80-903316-3-1 and 978-80-7330-117-0
  • 2007. “Making Direct Democracy Work: Czech Local Referendums in Regional Comparison” in Pacal Delwit, Jean-Benoit Pilet, Herwig Reynaert, Kristof Steyvers (eds.), Towards DIY-Politics? Participatory and Direct Democracy at the Local Level in Europe. Brugge: Vanden Broele.
Články v odborných časopisech s recenzním řízením
Články v denním a týdenním tisku
  • "Who Bribes in the Czech Republic?" (article on the socio-economic determinants of bribery), Czech Business Weekly, April 28, 2008.
  • "Is Corruption a Strategy for Life Success in the Czech Republic?" (analysis of role of corruption in the perceptions of life success), Socioweb 7-8, 2008.
  • “Greens Take Root,” (on the rising popularity of the Czech Green Party) Transitions Online, May 22, 2006
  • “To Each According to His Birth,” (on inequalities in Czech education) Transitions Online, April 28, 2006
  • “Hranice, spravedlnost a životní prostředí: Vývoz odpadu za hranice jakožto problém environmentální spravedlnosti”, Socioweb 4, 2006 (www.socioweb.cz)
  • “The Changing Face of Czech Environmentalism,” Transitions Online, March 16, 2005
  • “Americky expert zjistoval: Kdo v referendu volil a proc” Rovnost (Brno, Czech Republic) October 18, 2004, page 4
  • “Slysili nas?” Respekt (Prague, Czech Republic) October 18, 2004
Jiné publikace
  • 2007. Corruption in the Czech Republic: Politicians and Managers’ Perceptions (with Donath-Burson-Marsteller, Factum Invenio, and The Fleet Sheet). The research report is available online http://www.dbm.cz/pfile/1Corruption_report_en.pdf.
  • “Factors of Change: Access to Information in Matters of Environmental Justice,” Environmental Justice Local Government Brief, (LGI-OSI, Budapest; Summer 2004)
Konferenční příspěvky
  • “What Determines Citizens’ Corruption Perceptions? Evidence from 15 Countries in the 2006 ISSP Role of Government Survey” presented at the 4th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Pisa, Italy, September 7-9, 2007.
  • (co-presenter with Petr Matějů) “The Perceived Value of Education and Educational Aspirations in the Czech Republic: Changes in the Determination of Educational Aspirations between 1989 and 2003” presented at the Spring Meeting of RC28 (Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility of the International Sociological Association), Brno, Czech Republic, May 24-27, 2007.
  • “Social Status, Inequality, and the Perception of Corruption in the Czech Republic,” presented as a seminar of the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, April 3, 2007.
  • “Is Direct Democracy Good for the Environment? A Re-examination of the Link from the Perspective of Central and Eastern Europe,” presented at the Symposium “When Voters Make Laws: How Direct Democracy is Reshaping American Cities,” University of Southern California April 6-7, 2007
  • “Making Direct Democracy Work: Czech Local Referendums in Regional Comparison,” presented at the 2nd Congress on Local Politics in Europe, Brussels, May 2006.
  • “Public Participation in Regional Development Decision-Making: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Participation in EIAs in the Czech Republic” presented at the ECPR Conference, Budapest Hungary, September 2005
  • “Environmental Governance through Direct Democracy: The Local Referendum Movement in Tábor, Czech Republic,” presented at the ECPR Conference, Marburg, Germany, September 2003
  • “Referendums and the Politics of Identity: The Impact of Direct Democracy on Minority Politics in California, Mexico and Canada,” paper presented at the Janey Conference on “Political Institutions and the Politics of Difference,” New School University, April 2003
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