PROM2009 workshop; Prague, October 26 -- 30, 2009

 General info   Conference site   Accommodation   Program and Schedule 
 List of participants   Conference dinner   Local info   Presentations 

*   NEWS   *

               Files of the presentations presented on the workshop can be downloaded from the webpage
                accessible through a menu item Presentations

*   NEWS   *

General info

The main topic of the PROM2009 Workshop is The Prominence Research: Observations and Models. The PROM2009 Workshop will be hosted this year by the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Ondrejov. It will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, during October 26 - 29, 2009. The site of the Workshop will be the historical neo-renaissance Villa Lanna near the centre of Prague owned by the Academy of Sciences.

PROM workshops are intended for informal presentations and discussion of current research on prominences/filaments and their immediate environment. There will be a few invited talks but most of the program is established by the talks and discussions given by participants. Three different kinds of presentations are possible: (1) a Power Point type presentation of a particular research topic, (2) a talking point discussion in which a person has two or three slides prepared to illustrate questions that the presenter would like to ask fellow researchers, and (3) a topical discussion suggested and/or led by a participant. Because the PROM workshops are usually small, we expect to be able to allow about 30 minutes per presentation.

Besides the conference capacities, Villa Lanna also provides an opportunity for accommodation. We have reserved the whole capacity of the Villa which is available for participants. Those participants, who would like to stay in the Villa, should contact the local organizers for the reservation. These rooms are available only from October 24 till October 29, 2009. Of course, there are plenty of hotels in Prague for those wishing to stay elsewhere. We could provide some advice, however, reservations should be made by participants directly with the hotel of their choice.

The breakfast for overnight guests will be served in the Villa Lanna and it is included in the price of the rooms. Moreover, Villa Lanna will provide lunch for all participants in form of a warm buffet. The lunch at the Villa as well as coffee breaks will be for free. There is a number of restaurants in the vicinity of the Villa for those preferring other kinds of lunch.

Deadline for registration: July 31, 2009

After this date we cannot guarantee the reservation of the room in the Villa Lanna. For registration, please contact the organizers of the Workshop.

S.F. Martin (Helio Research, USA), P. Heinzel (Astro. Inst. AS CR)
LOC: A. Berlicki, S. Gunár (chair), P. Heinzel and P. Schwartz
e-mail: prom2009 (at)

Send an e-mail to the workshop organizers.

 General info   Conference site   Accommodation   Program and Schedule 
 List of participants   Conference dinner   Local info   Presentations 

©P. Schwartz
Last modification: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 15:09:01 +0100