Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
50 (2000), No. 1. |
O B S A H C O N T E N T |
D. ARNAUDON, L. FRAPPAT, É. RAGOUCY, J. AVAN, M. ROSSI, On eclliptic algebras and double Yangians. /5-10/
D. BĂLEANU, A. (Kalkanli) KARASU, N. MAKHALDIANI , About geometrization of the dynamics. . /17-22/
A.Z. BOROWIEC, G.A. VÁZQUEZ-COUTIŃ, Some topics in coalgebra calculus. /23-28/
R. COQUEREAUX, A.O. GARCÍA, Associated quantum vector bundles and symplectic structure on a quantum plane. /29-36/
E. DATE, S. ROAN, The algebraic structure of the Onsager algebra. . / 37-44/
A. DIMAKIS, F. MÜLLER-HOISSEN, Pseudo-Riemannian metrics in models based on noncommutative geometry. /45-51/
V.K. DOBREV, B.S. ZLATEV, Q-plane wave solutions of q-deformed equations with quantum conformal symmetry. /53-58/
L. FEHÉR, B.G. PUSZTAI On the classical r-matrix of the degenerate Calogero-Moser models. /59-64/
L. FRAPPAT, P. SORBA, A. SCIARRINO, A model of genetic code based on Uq®0(sl(2) Ĺ sl(2)). /65-70/
X. GOMEZ, Projective indecomposable modlues over the small quantum osp(1|2). /71-78/
M. HAVLÍČEK, A.U. KLIMYK, S. POŠTA, Central elements of the algebras U´q (som) and Uq (isom). /79-84/
N.Z. IORGOV, A.U. KLIMYK, Nonclassical type representations of the q-deformed algebra U´q (soa). /85-90/
M. IRAC-ASTAUD, C. QUESNE, Suq(2)-invariant harmonic oscillator. /91-96/
R. KERNER, Mathematical models of agglomeration and growth in physics of condensed matter. /97-103/
M. KLIMEK, Towards integrals of motion on noncommutative spaces-models on SL(N) quantum planes. /105-113/
P.P. KULISH, A.I. MUDROV, On twisting solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation. /115-122/
A.K. KWAŚNIEWSKI, Remarks on a representation of GLq(2;C) in terms of C(n)4. /123-127/
V.D. LYAKHOVSKY, M.A. DEL OLMO, Chains of twists and induced deformations. /129-134/
N.J. MAC KAY, Local conserved charges in principal chiral models. /135-137/
V. MAZORCHUK, L. TUROWSKA, On Gelfand/Zetlin modules over Uq(gln). /139-144/
R.J. MC DERMOTT, D. PARASHAR, Inhomogeneous multiparameter Jordanian quantum groups by contraction. /145-150/
M. MERTENS, Algebraic aspects of renormalization. /151-156/
D. PARASHAR, R.J. MC DERMOTT, Realisation of quantum GLp,q(2) and Jordanian GLh, h´ (2). /157-162/
E. RAGOUCY, Deformed oscillators algebra formulation of the nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy and of its symmetry. /163-168/
A. SCHÜLER, Differential algebras for quantum groups of type B, C, and D. /169-174/
D.L. SHKLYAROV, S.D. SINEL´SHCHIKOV, L.L. VAKSMAN, Q-analogues of some bounded symmetric domains. /175-180/
G. SIGURDSSON, S.D. SILVESTROV, Canonical involutions in three-dimensional generalised Lie algebras. /181-186/
L. ŠNOBL, Construction of quantum doubles from solutions of Yang-Baxter system. /187-192/
V. TARASOV, Hypergeometric solutions of the qKZ equation at level zero. /193-200/
M. TARLINI, Subgroups and homogeneous spaces of SLq(2, R). /201-206/
V. TERRAS, Factorizing Drinfel´d twists and functional Bethe ansatz. /207-212/
F. WAGNER, A.J. MACFARLANE, Quantum integrable systems and oscillator representations of cn. /213-218/
M. WELK, Differential calculus on quantum projective spaces. /219
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