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7th International Stem Cell School in Regenerative Medicine 2009

Details of available support

The funding provided by the European Union will cover the registration fee, the hotel and living expenses and the round-trip travel expenses of a limited number of participants at the scientific conference and the practical course. Hotel accommodation will be arranged by the organizers, and all meals will be provided. Hotel accommodation will be provided from November 1st through 4th (4 nights) for the conference participants and from November 4th through 7th (4 nights) for the practical course participants. In addition, the selected participants will receive reimbursement of their travel costs to and from Prague following the completion of the School and upon receipt of the necessary documentation. The travel expenses are covered by the EU on the basis of real costs, up to the maximum amounts in the following table (based on the direct distance – as the crow flies – between the participant’s location and Prague):

< 500 km   Maximum contribution 250 EUR
500 – 1000 km   Maximum contribution 500 EUR
1000 – 1500 km   Maximum contribution 500 EUR
1500 – 2500 km   Maximum contribution 1000 EUR
2500 – 5000 km   Maximum contribution 1050 EUR
5000 – 10000 km   Maximum contribution 2000 EUR
> 10000 km   Maximum contribution 2500 EUR


Practical Courses

There will be 3 practical courses offered from November 5 to 7. If selected to attend the practical courses, successful applicants will be able to choose which practical course they wish to join.

  1. Biomaterials – growing cells on polymers and nanofibers, implanting biomaterials into models of brain and spinal cord injury
    Day 1: Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from the bone marrow, preparation of biomaterials (hydrogels and nanofibers) for cell seeding, cell culture techniques (harvesting, cell counting), seeding biomaterials with stem cells, monitoring cell adhesion
    Day 2: Checking cell viability and proliferation using the WST method, immunohistochemical staining, imaging cells using fluorescent and confocal microscopy
    Day 3: Experimental models of spinal cord injury (balloon compression lesion), implantation of seeded hydrogels, behavioral testing, histological evaluation, evaluation of isolated MSCs
  2. Imaging – labeling cells in vitro with superparamagnetic nanoparticles, in vivo imaging of labeled cells using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    Day 1: Isolation of MSCs from the bone marrow, cell labeling with magnetic nanoparticles, preparation of phantoms for in vitro imaging, staining for iron
    Day 2: Experimental models of brain and spinal cord injury (photochemical lesion, balloon compression lesion), cell transplantation into the brain and spinal cord
    Day 3: MR imaging, evaluation of isolated and labeled MSCs
  3. Patch-clamp recording and calcium imaging of stem cells
    Day 1: Experimental model of brain injury (ischemia - bilateral carotid occlusion), cell culture techniques specifically related to MSCs and ESCs, principles of the patch-clamp technique.
    Day 2: Calcium imaging techniqes in situ, simultaneous recording of calcium currents and calcium imaging of stem cells in situ.
    Day 3: Basics of immunohistochemical staining, Ca2+ imaging using fluorescent dyes in stem cells
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