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Academic Bulletin [Akademický bulletin] (ASCR)
Acta Comeniana (Philosophical Institute ASCR)
Acta Montana (Institute of Rock Structures and Mechanics ASCR)
Acta onomastica (Czech Language Institute ASCR)
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Academiae Scientiarum Bohemicae Brno (Institute of Ecology ASCR)
Acta Technica CSAV (Institute of Electrotechnology ASCR)
Aesthetics [Estetika] (Institute of the History of Art ASCR)
Annual Report (Hydro-Biological Institute ASCR)
Applications of Mathematics (Mathematical Institute ASCR)
Archaeological Monuments [Památky archeologické] (Archaeological Institute ASCR)
Archaeological Perspectives [Archeologické rozhledy] (Archaeological Institute ASCR)
Archív orientální – Oriental Archive (Oriental Institute ASCR)
Art [Umění] (Institute of the History of Art ASCR)
Attorney – Theoretical Journal for Questions of the State and Law [Právník – teoretický časopis pro otázky státu a práva] (Institute of the State and Law ASCR)
Bibliography of the Czech Linguistics [Bibliografie české lingvistiky] (Czech Language Institute ASCR)
Biologia Plantarum (Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR)
Biological Papers [Biologické listy] (Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR)
Books and History [Knihy a dějiny] (Library of the ASCR)
Bulletin of the Czechoslovak Seismological Stations (Geophysical Institute ASCR)
Bulletin of the Psychological Institute ASCR [Bulletin Psychologického ústavu AV ČR] (Psychological Institute ASCR)
Byzantinoslavica No. 1/2004 (Slavonic Institute ASCR)
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Contemporary History [Soudobé dějiny] (Institute of Contemporary History ASCR)
Cybernetics [Kybernetika] (Institute of Information Theory and Automation ASCR)
The Czech Historical Review [Český časopis historický] (Historical Institute ASCR)
Czech Literature [Česká literatura] (Institute of Czech Literature ASCR)
The Czech People [Český lid] (Institute of Ethnography and Folklore ASCR)
Czech Sociological Review (Sociological Institute ASCR)
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (Institute of Physics ASCR)
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics [Československý časopis pro fyziku] (Institute of Physics ASCR)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (Mathematical Institute ASCR)
Czechoslovak Psychology [Československá psychologie] (Psychological Institute ASCR)
Data and Facts [Data a fakta] (Sociological Institute ASCR)
Eirene – Studia Graeca et Latina (Institute of Classical Studies ASCR)
Engineering Mechanics / Inženýrská mechanika (Institute of the Physics of Materials ASCR, Institute of Hydromechanics ASCR, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ASCR, Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR)
European Journal of Entomology (Entomological Institute ASCR)
Folia Biologica (Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR)
Folia Geobotanica (Botanical Institute ASCR)
Folia Microbiologica (Institute of Microbiology ASCR)
Folia Parasitologica (Institute of Parasitology ASCR)
Folia philologica / Listy filologické (Institute of Classical Studies ASCR)
Folia Zoologica – International Journal of Vertebrate Zoology (Institute of Ecology ASCR)
Fontes Archaeologicae Moravicae (Archaeological Institute ASCR)
From the Logical Point of View (Philosophical Institute ASCR)
Geolines (Geological Institute ASCR)
Germanoslavica – Zeitschrift für slawische Studien (Institute of Slavonic Studies ASCR)
Historica. Historical Sciences in the Czech Republic (Historical Institute ASCR)
Historical Demography [Historická demografie] (Sociological Institute ASCR)
IIC Bulletin (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry ASCR)
Index Seminum et Plantarum (Botanical Institute ASCR)
Information [Informace] (Library of the ASCR)
Internationale Tagungen in Mikulčice (Archaeological Institute ASCR)
IT News (News of the Institute of Thermomechanics) (Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR)
Journal of Czech Geological Society (Geological Institute ASCR)
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics / Vodohospodársky časopis (Institute of Hydromechanics ASCR)
Journal of Modern Philology [Časopis pro moderní filologii] (Czech Language Institute ASCR)
Journal of Sociology [Sociologický časopis] (Sociological Institute ASCR)
Letters of the Archaeological Institute ASCR Brno [Spisy Archeologického ústavu AV ČR Brno] (Archaeological Institute ASCR)
Linguistica Pragensia (Czech Language Institute ASCR)
Live – Journal of Biological Research [Živa – časopis pro biologickou práci] (Academia, Publishing House of the ASCR)
Mathematica Bohemica (Mathematical Institute ASCR)
Metallic Materials / Kovové materiály (Institute of the Physics of Materials ASCR)
Modern History [Moderní dějiny] (Historical Institute ASCR)
Moravian Geographical Reports (Institute of Geonics ASCR)
Musical Science [Hudební věda] (Institute of Musical Science ASCR)
Neural Network World (Institute of Information and Computing Technology ASCR)
New Orient [Nový Orient] (Oriental Institute ASCR)
Our Language [Naše řeč] (Czech Language Institute ASCR)
Papers on the History of the Academy of Sciences [Práce z dějin Akademie věd] (Archive of the ASCR)
Philosophical Journal [Filosofický časopis] (Philosophical Institute ASCR)
Photosynthetica (Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR)
Physiological Research (Physiological Institute ASCR)
Precision Mechanics and Optics [Jemná mechanika a optika] (Institute of Physics ASCR)
Publications of the Astronomical Institute (Astronomical Institute ASCR)
Reports of the Czech Parasitology Society [Zprávy České parazitologické společnosti] (Institute of Parasitology ASCR)
Results of Geomagnetical Measurements (Institute of Geophysics ASCR)
Science, Technology, Society: the Theory of Science [Věda, technika, společnost (Teorie vědy)] (Philosophical Institute ASCR)
Scripta Astronomica (Astronomical Institute ASCR)
Slavia – Journal of Slavic Philology [Slavia – časopis pro slovanskou filologii] (Institute of Slavonic Studies ASCR)
Slavic Historical Studies [Slovanské historické studie] (Historical Institute ASCR)
Slavic Survey [Slovanský přehled](Historical Institute ASCR)
Slovo a slovesnost - A journal for the theory of language and language cultivation (Czech Language Institute ASCR) Studia geophysica et geodaetica (Institute of Geophysics ASCR)
Studies in Manuscripts [Studie o rukopisech] (Archive of the ASCR)
Studies of the Archaeological Institute ASCR Brno [Studie Archeologického ústavu AV ČR Brno] (Archaeological Institute ASCR Brno)
Survey of the Field Excavations [Přehled výzkumů] (Archaeological Institute ASCR)
Time and Latitude (Astronomical Institute ASCR)
Travaux géophysiques (formerly Geofysikální sborník – Geophysical Papers) (Institute of Geophysics ASCR)
Universe [Vesmír] (Office of the ASCR)