Anderle Milan, Čelikovský Sergej, Henrion D., Zikmund Jiří:
LMI based design for the Acrobot walking
, Preprints of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'09,
(Gifu, JP, 09.09.2009-12.09.2009) (2009)
Zikmund Jiří, Čelikovský Sergej, Moog C.H.:
Nonlinear Control Design for the Acrobot
, Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control, SSSC07,
(Foz do Iguassu, BR, 17.10.2007-19.10.2007) (2007)
Čelikovský Sergej, Lynnyk Volodymyr, Šebek M.:
Anti-synchronization chaos shift keying method based on generalized Lorenz system
, Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems. CHAOS '06, p. 333-338
, Eds: Djemai M., Kang W., Manamanni N., IFAC CHAOS '06,
(Reims, FR, 28.06.2006-30.06.2006) (2006)
Espejel-Rivera A., Ramos-Velasco L. E., Čelikovský Sergej:
Visual servoing for an underactuated manipulator
, Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1-6
, Eds: Horáček P., Šimandl M., Zítek P., IFAC,
(Prague 2005)
, IFAC World Congress /16./,
(Prague, CZ, 03.07.2005-08.07.2005) (2005)
Henrion D., Šebek M., Hurák Z., Čelikovský Sergej:
Fixed-order robust controller design with the Polynomial Toolbox 3.0
, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, p. 303-308, IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design 2004,
(Taipei, TW, 02.09.2004-04.09.2004) (2004)
Ramos-Velasco Luis Enrique, Čelikovský Sergej, Kučera V., Ruiz-León J. J.:
Almost output regulation of a class of nonlinear systems with nonautonomous exosystem
, Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automatico 2002, p. 1-7, CINVESTAV,
(Guadalajara 2002)
, Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automatico 2002,
(Guadalajara, MX, 04.12.2002-06.12.2002) (2002)
Čelikovský Sergej, Chen G.:
Hyperbolic-type generalized Lorenz system and its canonical form
, Preprints of the 15th Triennial World Congress of the IFAC
, Eds: Camacho E. F., Basanez L., de la Puente J. A., Pergamon,
(Oxford 2002)
, Triennial World Congress of the IFAC /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 21.07.2002-26.07.2002) (2002)
Loukianov A., Canedo J. M., Serrano O., Utkin V. I., Čelikovský Sergej:
Adaptive sliding mode block control of induction motors
, Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2001, p. 149-154, American Automatic Control Council,
(Arlington 2001)
, American Control Conference 2001,
(Arlington, US, 25.06.2001-27.06.2001) (2001)
Ruiz-León J. J., Sapiens A. J., Čelikovský Sergej, Torres-Munoz J. A.:
Decoupling with stability: Application to the real time control of the water storing plant
, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, p. 249-253
, Eds: Hamza E. D., IASTED,
(Banff 2001)
, IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications,
(Banff, CA, 27.06.2001-29.06.2001) (2001)
Čelikovský Sergej, Ruiz J., Torres J., Sapiens A.:
Nonlinear techniques for the real-time control of water storing plant
, Memoria Electro 2001, p. 159-164, Instituto Technologico,
(Chihuaha 2001)
, Congreso internacional academico de ingeneria electronica /23./,
(Chihuaha, MX, 22.10.2001-26.10.2001) (2001)
Sanchez E., Čelikovský Sergej, Gonzales J. M., Ramirez E.:
Wastewater treatment plant control by combining fuzzy logic and nonlinear estimation
, Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, p. 236-239, IEEE,
(Mexico City 2001)
, IEEE International Symposium on Inteligent Control '2001,
(Mexico City, MX, 05.09.2001-07.09.2001) (2001)
Ramos-Velasco Luis Enrique, Čelikovský Sergej, Kučera V.:
Nonlinear regulation for a helicopter model using error feedback
, UKACC International Conference on Control 2000, IEE,
(London 2000)
, UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000,
(Cambridge, GB, 04.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Ramos-Velasco Luis Enrique, Ruiz-León J. J., Čelikovský Sergej:
Nonlinear regulation of a rotary inverted pendulum
, UKACC International Conference on Control 2000, IEE,
(London 2000)
, UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000,
(Cambridge, GB, 04.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Čelikovský Sergej, Villanueva-Novelo C., Castillo-Toledo B.:
Robust output regulation of nonlinear systems via generalized immersion
, Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI/ISAS 2000, p. 96-101, IIIS,
(Orlando 2000)
, SCI/ISAS 2000,
(Orlando, US, 23.07.2000-26.07.2000) (2000)
Obregón-Pulido G., Castillo-Toledo B., Čelikovský Sergej:
Robust regulation for a class of dynamical systems
, Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 2000)
, ROCOND 2000 /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 21.06.2000-23.06.2000) (2000)
Ramos-Velasco Luis Enrique, Čelikovský Sergej, Kučera V.:
Robust regulation via sliding modes of a helicopter model
, Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 2000)
, ROCOND 2000 /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 21.06.2000-23.06.2000) (2000)
Ramos-Velasco Luis Enrique, Ruiz-León J. J., Čelikovský Sergej:
Robust regulation via sliding modes of a rotary inverted pendulum
, Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 2000)
, ROCOND 2000 /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 21.06.2000-23.06.2000) (2000)
Aranda-Bricaire E., Čelikovský Sergej, Navarro-Yah H. D.:
Computer algebra design of continuous stabilizers for singular triangular systems
, Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Decision & Control. CDC '99, p. 1629-1634, IEEE Control Systems Society,
(Phoenix 1999)
, CDC '99 /38./,
(Phoenix, US, 07.12.1999-10.12.1999) (1999)
Čelikovský Sergej:
Introduction to stability of nonlinear systems
, Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control, p. 119-128, TEMPUS,
(Nantes 1998)
, International Summer School Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control,
(Nantes, FR, 13.07.1998-24.07.1998) (1998)
Aranda-Bricaire E., Čelikovský Sergej:
Nonsmooth stabilization of nonlinear systems
, Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control, p. 129-142, TEMPUS,
(Nantes 1998)
, International Summer School Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control,
(Nantes, FR, 13.07.1998-24.07.1998) (1998)
Čelikovský Sergej, Castro-Linares R.:
Passivity equivalence of SISO systems via continuous feedback
, Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 83-88, IFAC,
(Nantes 1998)
, IFAC Conference SSC'98,
(Nantes, FR, 08.07.1998-10.07.1998) (1998)
Čelikovský Sergej, Aranda-Bricaire E.:
Constructive nonsmooth stabilization of a class of nonlinear single-input systems
, Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1734-1736, IEEE Control Systems Society,
(Piscataway 1997)
, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /36./,
(San Diego, US, 10.12.1997-12.12.1997) (1997)
Vaněček Antonín, Novotná Dagmar, Čelikovský Sergej:
Stabilization on hyperchaotic attractor. Abstract
, EuroConference on Nonlinear Dynamics in Physics and Related Science, p. 35, EEC Contract,
(Montecatini 1997)
, Control of Chaos /3./,
(Montecatini Terme, IT, 16.05.1997-18.05.1997) (1997)
Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský Sergej:
Synthesis of chaos
, Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaotic and Complex Systems. Proceedings. Plenary Invited Lectures, p. 271-282
, Eds: Infeld E., Zelanzny R., Galkowski A., University Press,
(Cambridge 1997)
, International Conference NDCCS,
(Zakopané, PL, 07.11.1995-12.11.1995) (1997)
Liu Xiaoping P., Čelikovský Sergej, Vaněček Antonín:
Noninteracting control of nonlinear singular systems
, Control '96. Proceedings, p. 1242-1247, IEE,
(London 1996)
IEE Publication.
, Control '96,
(Exeter, GB, 02.09.1996-05.09.1996) (1996)
Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský Sergej:
Root locus of chaotic attractors
, Control '96. Proceedings, p. 1220-1225, IEE,
(London 1996)
IEE Publication.
, Control '96,
(Exeter, GB, 02.09.1996-05.09.1996) (1996)
Simoes C., Čelikovský Sergej, Nijmeijer H.:
Zero dynamics and output tracking for singular discrete-time nonlinear systems
, Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 535-540, APCA,
(Porto 1996)
, Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control /2./,
(Porto, PT, 11.09.1996-13.09.1996) (1996)
Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský Sergej:
Chaos as the control goal: A survey
, 17th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization. Collection of Abstracts, p. 270-273
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1995)
, IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./,
(Praha, CZ, 10.07.1995-14.07.1995) (1995)
Čelikovský Sergej:
Numerical algorithm for nonsmooth stabilization based on topological linearization
, Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP WG-7.6 Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. 150-159
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1995)
, IFIP Working Group 7.6. /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 24.05.1994-26.05.1994) (1995)
Čelikovský Sergej:
Global state linearization of multi-input bilinear systems
, Proceedings of the First Asian Control Conference, p. 133-136, Waseda University,
(Tokyo 1994)
, ASCC '94. Asian Control Conference /1./,
(Tokyo, JP, 27.07.1994-30.07.1994) (1994)
Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský Sergej:
Homotopy based computation of the frequency response for nonlinear Lur'e system
, Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Abstracts, p. 162-164
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1994)
, Working Conference of the IFIP WG-7.6 /3./,
(Prague, CZ, 24.05.1994-26.05.1994) (1994)
Čelikovský Sergej, Vaněček Antonín:
Bilinear Systems as the Strongly Nonlinear Systems
, 2nd IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 264-267
, Eds: Strejc V., Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
, 2nd IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Čelikovský Sergej:
Exact Linearization of Nonlinear Systems - Global Aspects
, International Summer School '92 on Modern Control Theory, p. 139-146, ČVUTÚTIA,
(Praha 1992)
, International Summer School '92 on Modern Control Theory,
(Praha, CS, 01.09.1992-04.09.1992) (1992)
Čelikovský Sergej:
On the Relation Between Local and Global Linearization of Bilinear Systems
, 2nd IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 172-175
, Eds: Strejc V., Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
, 2nd IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Čelikovský Sergej, Doležal Jaroslav, Hraba Tomáš:
Lymphocyte Population Dynamics: Model-Based Qualitative Analysis
, Selected Topics on Mathematical Models in Immunology and Medicine, p. 15-24, Int.Inst. for Applied Systems Analysis,
(Laxemburg 1990)
Collaborative paper CP-90-007
, Selected Topics on Mathematical Models in Immunology and Medicine,
(Kijev, SU, 29.08.1989-07.09.1989) (1990)