Haindl Michal, Šimberová Stanislava:
Model-based restoration of short-exposure solar images
, Soft Computing Systems Design, Management and Applications, p. 697-706
, Eds: Abraham A., Ruiz-del-Solar J., Koppen M., IOS Press,
(Amsterdam 2002)
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems.
Haindl K., Haindl Michal:
Aeration at hydraulic structures
, Developments in Hydraulic Engineering - 2, p. 95-134
, Eds: Novak P., Gihodo,
(Tokyo 2001)
Grim Jiří, Hora Jan:
Minimum Information Loss Cluster Analysis for Cathegorical Data
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.2007, p. 233-247, International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining MLDM 2007 /5./,
(Leipzig, DE, 18.07.2007-20.07.2007) (2007)
Haindl Michal, Grim Jiří, Mikeš Stanislav:
Texture Defect Detection
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.2007, p. 987-994, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns,
(Vienna, AT, 27.08.2007-29.08.2007) (2007)
Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav, Scarpa G.:
Unsupervised Detection of Mammogram Regions of Interest
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.2007, p. 33-40, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems,
(Vietri sul Mare, IT, 12.09.2007-14.09.2007) (2007)
Grim Jiří:
EM cluster analysis for categorical data
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.44, 4109 (2006), p. 640-648, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2006 and SPR 2006,
(Hong Kong, CN, 17.08.2006-19.08.2006) (2006)
Haindl Michal, Hatka Martin:
Generalized Roller
, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, WSCG 2009
, Eds: Chen Min, Skala Vaclav, WSCG 2009,
(Plzeň, CZ, 02.02.2009-05.02.2009) (2009)
Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav, Vácha Pavel:
Illumination Invariant Unsupervised Segmenter
, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2009, ICIP 2009,
(Cairo, EG, 07.11.2009-11.11.2009) (2009)
Haindl Michal, Hatka Martin:
Near-Regular Texture Synthesis
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
, Eds: X. Jiang, N.Petkov , 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns,
(Muenster, DE, 02.09.2009-04.09.2009) (2009)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch:
Texture Editing Using Frequency Swap Strategy
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
, Eds: X. Jiang, N.Petkov , 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns,
(Muenster, DE, 02.09.2009-04.09.2009) (2009)
Vácha Pavel, Haindl Michal:
Illumination Invariants Based on Markov Random Fields
, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Tampa, US, 07.12.2008-11.12.2008) (2008)
Mikeš Stanislav, Haindl Michal, Holub Radek:
Navigation in Virtual Environment
, 2nd International Conference EVA
, Eds: R. Sablatnig and J. Hemsley and P. Krammerer and E. Zolda and J. Stockinger , 2nd International Conference EVA,
(Vienna, AT, 25.08.2008-28.08.2008) (2008)
Filip J., Chantler M.J., Haindl Michal:
On Optimal Resampling of View and Illumination Dependent Textures
, Fifth Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization
, Eds: Sarah H. Creem-Regehr and Karol Myszkowski , Fifth Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization,
(Los Angeles, US, 09.08.2008-10.08.2008) (2008)
Grim Jiří, Novovičová Jana, Somol Petr:
Structural Poisson Mixtures for Classification of Documents
, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Tampa, US, 07.12.2008-11.12.2008) (2008)
Grim Jiří, Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel, Míková I., Malec M.:
Texture Oriented Image Inpainting based on Local Statistical Model
, Proc. 10th IASTED Conf. on Signal & Image Processing, SIP 2008
, Eds: Cristea P., 10th IASTED Conf. on Signal & Image Processing, SIP 2008,
(Kailua-Kona, HI, US, 18.08.2008-20.08.2008) (2008)
Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav:
Texture Segmentation Benchmark
, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Tampa, US, 07.12.2008-11.12.2008) (2008)
Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav:
Unsupervised Mammograms Segmentation
, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Tampa, US, 07.12.2008-11.12.2008) (2008)
Scarpa G., Haindl Michal, Zerubia J.:
A Hierarchical Finite-State Model for Texture Segmentation
, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'07) /32./, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'07) /32./,
(Honolulu, US, 15.04.2007-20.04.2007) (2007)
Haindl Michal, Šimberová Stanislava:
Probabilistic suppression of astronomical degradations
, Proceedings of Abstracts of Modern Solar Facilities - Advanced Solar Science, p. 1-1, Modern solar facilities - advanced solar science,
(Göttingen, DE, 27.09.2006-29.09.2006) (2007)
Haindl Michal, Šimberová Stanislava:
Probabilistic suppression of astronomical image degradations
, Modern solar facilities - advanced solar science
, Eds: Kneer F., Puschmann K.G., Wittmann A.D., Modern solar facilities - advanced solar science,
(Göttingen, DE, 27.09.2006-29.09.2006) (2007)
Grim Jiří, Hora Jan:
Recurrent Bayesian Reasoning in Probabilistic Neural Networks
, Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2007
, Eds: Marques de Sá J., Alexandre L. A., Duch W., Mandic D., International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks /17./,
(Porto, PT, 09.09.2007-13.09.2007) (2007)
Haindl Michal, Somol Petr:
Statistical Analysis of Medical Images and Its Possible Impact on Medical Practice
, International Conference Efficiency, Quality and Consumer Satisfaction in Healthcare and Welfare, p. 1-1, International Conference Efficiency, Quality and Consumer Satisfaction in Healthcare and Welfare,
(Praha, CZ, 07.03.2007-08.03.2007) (2007)
Haindl Michal, Šimberová Stanislava:
Validation of Classical and Blind Criteria for Image Quality Evaluation
, Proceedings of the Ninth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing
, Eds: R.J.P. de Figueiredo , The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing,
(Honolulu, US, 20.08.2007-22.08.2007) (2007)
Grim Jiří, Haindl Michal, Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel:
A subspace approach to texture modelling by using Gaussian mixtures
, Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2006, p. 235-238
, Eds: Haralic B., Ho T. K., International Conference on Pattern Recognition /18./,
(Hong-Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006) (2006)
Paclík P., Novovičová Jana, Duin R.P.W.:
A trainable similarity measure for image classification
, Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2006, p. 391-394
, Eds: Haralic B., Ho T. K., International Conference on Pattern Recognition /18./,
(Hong-Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006) (2006)
Filip Jiří, Haindl Michal, Chetverikov D.:
Fast Synthesis of Dynamic Colour Textures
, Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 25-28
, Eds: Tang Y.Y., Wang S.P., Yeung D.S., Yan H., Lorette G., ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Hong Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006) (2006)
Haindl Michal, Vácha Pavel:
Illumination Invariant Texture Retrieval
, Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 276-279
, Eds: Tang Y.Y., Wang S.P., Yeung D.S., Yan H., Lorette G., ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Hong Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006) (2006)
Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr, Haindl Michal:
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition
, MATEO - The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Industrial Controllers 2006
, Eds: Troblova , MATEO - The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Industrial Controllers 2006,
(Železná Ruda, CZ, 14.12.2006-16.12.2006) (2006)
Haindl Michal, Žid Pavel:
Multimodal Range Image Segmentation by Curve Grouping
, Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 9-12
, Eds: Tang Y.Y., Wang S.P., Yeung D.S., Yan H., Lorette G. , Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Hong Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006) (2006)
Haindl Michal, Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
Pattern Recognition Based on Multidimensional Models
, MATEO - The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Industrial Controllers 2006
, Eds: Troblova , MATEO - The European Network of Mechatronics Centres and Industrial Controllers 2006,
(Železná Ruda, CZ, 14.12.2006-16.12.2006) (2006)
, Haindl Michal, Scarpa G.:
Unsupervised Texture Segmentation by Spectral-Spatial-Independent
, Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 151-154
, Eds: Tang Y.Y., Wang S.P., Yeung D.S., Yan H., Lorette G., ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Hong Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006) (2006)
Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav:
Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multispectral Modelling Approach
, Proceedings of ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 203-206
, Eds: Tang Y.Y., Wang S.P., Yeung D.S., Yan H., Lorette G., ICPR 2006 - The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Hong Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006) (2006)
Haindl Michal, Grim Jiří, Pudil Pavel, Kudo M.:
A hybrid BTF model based on Gaussian mixtures
, Texture 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis, p. 95-100
, Eds: Chantler M., Drbohlav O., IEEE,
(Los Alamitos 2005)
, International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis /4./,
(Beijing, CN, 21.10.2005) (2005)
Haindl Michal, Hatka M.:
A roller - fast sampling-based texture synthesis algorithm
, International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. WSCG 2005. Proceedings, p. 80-83, University of West Bohemia,
(Plzen 2005)
, WSCG 2005 /13./,
(Plzen, CZ, 31.01.2005-04.02.2005) (2005)
Grim Jiří, Somol Petr, Haindl Michal, Pudil Pavel:
A statistical approach to local evalution of a single texture image
, Proceedings of the Sixtheenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, p. 171-176
, Eds: Nicolls F., Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa /16./,
(Langebaan, ZA, 23.11.2005-25.11.2005) (2005)
Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
An overview of feature selection techniques in statistical pattern recognition
, Proceedings of the Sixtheenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, p. 1-14
, Eds: Nicolls F., Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa /16./,
(Cape Town, ZA, 23.11.2005-25.11.2005) (2005)
Haindl Michal, Hatka M.:
BTF Roller
, Texture 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis, p. 89-94
, Eds: Chantler M., Drbohlav O., IEEE,
(Los Alamitos 2005)
, International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis /4./,
(Beijing, CN, 21.10.2005) (2005)
Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
Current feature selection techniques in pattern recognition
, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems, p. 53-68
, Eds: Kurzynski M., Puchala E., Wozniak M., Springer,
(Heidelberg 2005)
Advances in Soft Computing.
, CORES'05 /4./,
(Rydzyna, PL, 22.05.2005-25.05.2005) (2005)
Filip Jiří, Haindl Michal:
Efficient image-based Bidirectional Texture Function model
, Texture 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Texture Analysis, p. 7-12
, Eds: Chantler M., Drbohlav O., IEEE,
(Los Alamitos 2005)
, International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis /4./,
(Beijing, CN, 21.10.2005) (2005)
Novovičová Jana, Malík Antonín:
Information-theoretic feature selection algorithms for text classification
, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, p. 3272-3277, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society,
(Los Alamitos 2005)
, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
(Montreal, CA, 31.07.2005-04.08.2005) (2005)
Somol Petr, Haindl Michal:
Novel path search algorithm for image stitching and advanced texture tiling
, WSCG'2005. 13th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2005. Proceedings, p. 155-162
, Eds: Skála V., Západočeská univerzita,
(Plzeň 2005)
, WSCG 2005 /13./,
(Plzeň, CZ, 31.01.2005-04.02.2005) (2005)
Vácha Pavel:
Texture similarity measure
, WDS'05 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, p. 47-52
, Eds: Šafránková J., MATFYZPRESS,
(Praha 2005)
, Annual Conference of Doctoral Students /14./,
(Praha, CZ, 07.06.2005-10.06.2005) (2005)
Meseth J., Degener P., Klein R., Haindl Michal, Filip Jiří, Somol Petr:
Texture Synthesis on Surfaces, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 2005)
Research Report 2141 (2005)
Haindl Michal, Filip Jiří:
A fast probabilistic Bidirectional Texture Function model
, Image Analysis and Recognition, p. 298-305, International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition,
(Porto, PT, 29.09.2004-01.10.2004) (2004)
Haindl Michal, Grim Jiří, Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel, Kudo M.:
A Gaussian mixture-based colour texture model
, Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 177-180, International Conference on Pattern Recognition /17./,
(Cambridge, GB, 23.08.2004-26.08.2004) (2004)
Haindl Michal, Filip Jiří, Somol Petr:
Advances in BTF Modelling, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 2004)
Research Report 2119 (2004)
Haindl Michal, Filip Jiří, Arnold M.:
BTF image space utmost compression and modelling method
, Proceedings of the 17th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 194-197, International Conference on Pattern Recognition /17./,
(Cambridge, GB, 23.08.2004-26.08.2004) (2004)
Novovičová Jana, Malík Antonín, Pudil Pavel:
Feature selection using improved mutual information for text classification
, Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2004 and SPR 2004. Proceedings, p. 1010-1017, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2004 and SPR 2004,
(Lisbon, PT, 18.08.2004-20.08.2004) (2004)
Grim Jiří, Hora J., Boček Pavel, Somol Petr, Pudil P.:
Information analysis of census data by using statistical models
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistics - Investment in the Future, p. 1-7
, Eds: Krovák J., Statistics - Investment in the Future,
(Prague, CZ, 06.09.2004-07.09.2004) (2004)
Haindl Michal, Mikeš Stanislav:
Model-based texture segmentation
, Image Analysis and Recognition. Proceedings, p. 306-313, International Conference ICIAR 2004,
(Porto, PT, 29.09.2004-01.10.2004) (2004)
Novovičová Jana, Malík Antonín:
Application of finite mixtures to text document classification
, Znalosti 2003. Sborník příspěvků 2. ročníku konference, p. 23-32
, Eds: Svátek V., VŠB,
(Ostrava 2003)
, Znalosti 2003 /2./,
(Ostrava, CZ, 19.02.2003-21.02.2003) (2003)
Novovičová Jana, Malík Antonín:
Application of multinomial mixture model to text classification
, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, p. 646-653
, Eds: Perales F. J., Campilho A. J. C., Springer,
(Berlin 2003)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. IbPRIA 2003 /1./,
(Puerto de Andratx, ES, 04.06.2003-06.06.2003) (2003)
Haindl Michal, Filip Jiří, Somol Petr, Meseth J.:
BTF Parametric Database, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 2003)
Research Report 2090 (2003)
Haindl Michal, Filip Jiří:
Fast BTF texture modelling
, Texture 2003. Proceedings, p. 47-52
, Eds: Chantler M., IEEE Press,
(Edinburgh 2003)
, International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis /3./,
(Nice, FR, 17.10.2003) (2003)
Malík Antonín:
Mixture models for learning text document classifiers. Abstract
, Proceedings of the 4th International PhD Workshop Information Technologies & Control. Young Generation Viewpoint, p. 6
, Eds: Belda K., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 2003)
, International PhD Workshop Information Technologies & Control /4./,
(Libverda, CZ, 16.09.2003-20.09.2003) (2003)
Mikeš Stanislav, Haindl Michal:
Multispectral texture segmentation
, WDS '03 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, p. 221-225
, Eds: Šafránková J., MFF UK,
(Praha 2003)
, Week of Doctoral Students 2003. WDS'03,
(Praha, CZ, 10.06.2003-13.06.2003) (2003)
Grim Jiří, Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel, Just P.:
Probabilistic neural network playing a simple game
, Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, p. 132-138
, Eds: Marinai S., Gori M., University of Florence,
(Florence 2003)
, IAPR TC3 Workshop 2003 /1./,
(Florence, IT, 12.09.2003-13.09.2003) (2003)
Grim Jiří, Haindl Michal:
A discrete mixtures colour texture model
, Texture 2002. The 2nd International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis, p. 59-62
, Eds: Chantler M., HeriotWatt University,
(Glasgow 2002)
, Textures 2002,
(Copenhagen, DK, 01.06.2002) (2002)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch:
A multiscale colour texture model
, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 255-258
, Eds: Kasturi R., Laurendeau D., Suen C., IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2002)
, International Conference on Pattern Recognition /16./,
(Québec City, CA, 11.08.2002-15.08.2002) (2002)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch:
A simple multispectral multiresolution Markov texture model
, Texture 2002. The 2nd International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis, p. 63-66
, Eds: Chantler M., HeriotWatt University,
(Glasgow 2002)
, Texture 2002,
(Copenhagen, DK, 01.06.2002) (2002)
Grim Jiří, Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
Boosting in probabilistic neural networks
, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 136-139
, Eds: Kasturi R., Laurendeau D., Suen C., IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2002)
, International Conference on Pattern Recognition /16./,
(Québec City, CA, 11.08.2002-15.08.2002) (2002)
Haindl Michal, Filip Jiří:
Fast restoration of colour movie scratches
, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 269-272
, Eds: Kasturi R., Laurendeau D., Suen C., IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2002)
, International Conference on Pattern Recognition /16./,
(Québec City, CA, 11.08.2002-15.08.2002) (2002)
Haindl Michal, Lauschmann H.:
Model-based fatigue fractographs texture analysis
, Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, p. 842-849
, Eds: Caelli T., Amin A., Duin R. P. W., Springer,
(Berlin 2002)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2002 and SPR 2002,
(Windsor, CA, 06.08.2002-09.08.2002) (2002)
Haindl Michal:
Recursive model-based colour image restoration
, Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, p. 617-626
, Eds: Caelli T., Amin A., Duin R. P. W., Springer,
(Berlin 2002)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2002 and SPR 2002,
(Windsor, CA, 06.08.2002-09.08.2002) (2002)
Grim Jiří, Haindl Michal:
A mixture-based colour texture model. Abstract
, Recent Developments in Mixture Modelling. Abstracts, p. 58
, Eds: Bohning D., Seidel W., Universität der Bundeswehr,
(Hamburg 2001)
, Mixtures 2001,
(Hamburg, DE, 23.07.2001-28.07.2001) (2001)
Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel:
Feature selection toolbox as a multi-purpose tool in pattern recognition
, Pattern Recognition in Information Systems. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, p. 91-102
, Eds: Fred A., Jain A. K., ICEIS Press,
(Setúbal 2001)
, PRIS 2001 /1./,
(Setúbal, PT, 06.07.2001-07.07.2001) (2001)
Grim Jiří, Kittler J., Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
Information analysis of multiple classifier fusion
, Multiple Classifier Systems, p. 168-177
, Eds: Kittler J., Roli F., Springer,
(Berlin 2001)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Multiple Classifier Systems. MCS 2001,
(Cambridge, GB, 02.07.2001-04.07.2001) (2001)
Paclík P., Novovičová Jana:
Number of components and initialization in Gaussian mixture model for pattern recognition
, Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings, p. 406-409
, Eds: Kůrková J., Neruda R., Kárný M., Steele N. C., Springer,
(Wien 2001)
, International Conference on Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms /5./,
(Prague, CZ, 22.04.2001-25.04.2001) (2001)
Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
Recent advances in methodology of feature selection for statistical pattern recognition
, Computer Data Analysis and Modeling. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, p. 163-171
, Eds: Aivazian S., Kharin Y., Rieder H., Belarussian State University,
(Minsk 2001)
, Computer Data Analysis and Modeling,
(Minsk, BY, 10.09.2001-14.09.2001) (2001)
Grim Jiří, Boček Pavel, Pudil Pavel:
Safe dissemination of census results by means of interactive probabilistic models
, Proceedings of the ETK-NTTS 2001 Conference, p. 849-856
, Eds: Nanopoulos P., Wilkinson D., European Communities,
(Rome 2001)
, Exchange of Technology and Know-How and New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics,
(Hersonissos, GR, 18.06.2001-22.06.2001) (2001)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch:
A multiresolution causal colour texture model
, Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, p. 114-122
, Eds: Ferri F. J., Inesta J. M., Amin A., Pudil P., Springer,
(Berlin 2000)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2000 and SPR 2000,
(Alicante, ES, 30.08.2000-01.09.2000) (2000)
Ferri F. J., Inesta J. M., Amin A., Pudil Pavel:
Advances in Pattern Recognition, Springer,
(Berlin 2000)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2000 and SPR 2000,
(Alicante, ES, 30.08.2000-01.09.2000) (2000)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch, Žid Pavel:
Automatic acquisition of planar-faced virtual models
, Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 987-990
, Eds: Sanfeliu A., Villanueva J. J., Vanrell M., J.O. Eklundh, IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2000)
, IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 03.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Grim Jiří, Kittler J., Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
Combining multiple classifiers in probabilistic neural networks
, Multiple Classifier Systems, p. 157-166
, Eds: Kittler J., Roli F., Springer,
(Berlin 2000)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, First International Workshop MCS 2000,
(Cagliari, IT, 21.06.2000-23.06.2000) (2000)
Kudo M., Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel, Shimbo M., Sklansky J.:
Comparison of classifier-specific feature selection algorithms
, Advances in Pattern Recognition, p. 677-686
, Eds: Ferri J., Inesta M. J., Amin A., Pudil P., Springer,
(Berlin 2000)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2000 and SPR 2000,
(Alicante, ES, 30.08.2000-01.09.2000) (2000)
Mayer H., Somol Petr:
Conventional and evolutionary feature selection of SAR data using a filter approach
, Proceedings of SCI 2000. The 4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, p. 427-433, IIIS,
(Orlando 2000)
, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics /4./,
(Orlando, US, 23.07.2000-26.07.2000) (2000)
Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel, Ferri F. J., Kittler J.:
Fast Branch & Bound algorithm in feature selection
, Proceedings of SCI 2000. The 4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, p. 646-651
, Eds: Sanchez B., Pineda M. J., Wolfmann J., IIIS,
(Orlando 2000)
, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics /4./,
(Orlando, US, 23.07.2000-26.07.2000) (2000)
Mayer H., Somol Petr, Huber R., Pudil Pavel:
Improving statistical measures of feature subsets by conventional and evolutionary approaches
, Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, p. 77-86
, Eds: Ferri J. F., Inesta M. J., Amin A., Pudil P., Springer,
(Berlin 2000)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2000 and SPR 2000,
(Alicante, ES, 30.08.2000-01.09.2000) (2000)
Grim Jiří, Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
Multivariate structural Bernoulli mixtures for recognition of handwritten numerals
, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 585-589
, Eds: Sanfeliu A., Villanueva J. J., Vanrell M., IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2000)
, International Conference on Pattern Recognition /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 03.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel:
Oscillating search algorithms for feature selection
, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 406-409
, Eds: Sanfeliu A., Villanueva J. J., Vanrell M., IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2000)
, International Conference on Pattern Recognition /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 03.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Haindl Michal:
Recursive model-based image restoration
, Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 346-349
, Eds: Sanfeliu A., Villanueva J. J., Vanrell M., T. Huang, IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2000)
, IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 03.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Haindl Michal:
Recursive square-root filters
, Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 1018-1021
, Eds: Sanfeliu A., Villanueva J. J., Vanrell M., IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2000)
, IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 03.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Paclík P., Novovičová Jana:
Road sign classification without color information
, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI), p. 84-90, Technische Universiteit,
(Delft 2000)
, Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging /6./,
(Lommel, BE, 14.06.2000-16.06.2000) (2000)
Haindl Michal:
Texture modelling
, Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, p. 634-639
, Eds: Sanchez B., Pineda J. M., Wolfmann J., Bellahsene Z., Ferri F., International Institute of Informatics and Systemics,
(Orlando 2000)
Computer Science and Engineering.
, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics,
(Orlando, US, 23.07.2000-26.07.2000) (2000)
Haindl Michal, Kment Š., Slavík P.:
Virtual information systems
, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media '2000, p. 22-27
, Eds: Skála V., University of West Bohemia,
(Plzeň 2000)
, WSCG '2000. /8./,
(Plzeň, CZ, 07.02.2000-10.02.2000) (2000)
Grim Jiří:
A sequential modification of EM algorithm
, Classification in the Information Age. Proceedings, p. 163-170
, Eds: Gaul W., Locarek-Junge H., Springer,
(Berlin 1999)
Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization.
, Annual GfKl Conference /22./,
(Dresden, DE, 04.03.1998-06.03.1998) (1999)
Haindl Michal:
Image Restoration, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1999)
Research Report 1967 (1999)
Grim Jiří, Pudil Pavel:
Interactive presentation of socio-economic databases by means of probabilistic models
, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics '99, p. 103-108
, Eds: Plešingr J., VŠE,
(Praha 1999)
, Mathematical Methods in Economics '99 /17./,
(Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 14.09.1999-16.09.1999) (1999)
Pudil Pavel, Novovičová Jana, Somol Petr:
Knowledge based feature selection in statistical pattern recognition
, International Symposium on Pattern Recognition. "In Memoriam Pierre Devijver", p. 129-134
, Eds: Perneel Ch., Royal Military Academy,
(Brussels 1999)
, International Symposium on Pattern Recognition,
(Brussels, BE, 12.02.1999) (1999)
Pudil Pavel, Fuka K., Beránek K., Dvořák P.:
Potential of artificial intelligence based feature selection methods in regression models
, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications 1999, p. 159-163
, Eds: Verna B., Selvaraj H., de Carvalho A., Yao X., IEEE Computer Society Press,
(Los Alamitos 1999)
, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications /3./,
(Delhi, IN, 23.09.1999-26.09.1999) (1999)
Paclík Pavel, Novovičová Jana, Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
Road sign classification using the Laplace kernel classifier
, Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, p. 275-282
, Eds: Bjarne K. E., Peter J., Pattern Recognition Society Denmark,
(Lyngby 1999)
, SCIA '99 /11./,
(Kangerlussuaq, GL, 07.06.1999-11.06.1999) (1999)
Haindl Michal, Žid Pavel:
Scene Segmentation III, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1999)
Research Report 1966 (1999)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch, Žid Pavel:
Shape and Texture Data Fusion II, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1999)
Research Report 1958 (1999)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch:
Texture Mapping II, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1999)
Research Report 1962 (1999)
Haindl Michal:
Texture segmentation using recursive Markov random field parameter estimation
, Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, p. 771-776
, Eds: Bjarne K. E., Peter J., Pattern Recognition Society of Denmark,
(Lyngby 1999)
, SCIA '99 /11./,
(Kangerlussuaq, GL, 07.06.1999-11.06.1999) (1999)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch:
Texture Synthesis II, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1999)
Research Report 1965 (1999)
Pudil Pavel, Fuka K., Beránek K., Dvořák P.:
Use of floating search methods in regression models
, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics '99, p. 219-224
, Eds: Plešingr J., VŠE,
(Praha 1999)
, Mathematical Methods in Economics '99 /17./,
(Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 14.09.1999-16.09.1999) (1999)
Amin A., Dori D., Pudil Pavel, Freeman H.:
Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, Springer,
(Berlin 1998)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98,
(Sydney, AU, 11.08.1998-13.08.1998) (1998)
Novovičová Jana:
Approximation of Bayes classifier using t-mixtures
, Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, p. 247-252
, Eds: Rojíček J., Valečková M., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1998)
, CMP'98 /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 07.09.1998-09.09.1998) (1998)
Grim Jiří:
Discretization of probabilistic neural networks with bounded information loss
, Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, p. 205-210
, Eds: Rojíček J., Valečková M., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1998)
, CMP'98 /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 07.09.1998-09.09.1998) (1998)
Haindl Michal, Žid Pavel:
Fast segmentation of plannar surfaces in range images
, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 985-987
, Eds: Jain A. K., Venkatesh S., Lovell B. C., IEEE,
(Los Alamitos 1998)
, ICPR '98 /14./,
(Brisbane, AU, 16.08.1998-20.08.1998) (1998)
Pudil Pavel, Novovičová Jana, Somol Petr, Vrňata Radislav:
Feature selection expert - user oriented approach. Methodology and concept of the system
, Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, p. 573-582
, Eds: Amin A., Dori D., Pudil P., Freeman H., Springer,
(Berlin 1998)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98,
(Sydney, AU, 11.08.1998-13.08.1998) (1998)
Grim Jiří, Novovičová Jana, Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr, Ferri F. J.:
Initializing normal mixtures of densities
, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 886-890
, Eds: Jain A. K., Venkatesh S., Lovell B. C., IEEE,
(Los Alamitos 1998)
, ICPR '98 /14./,
(Brisbane, AU, 16.08.1998-20.08.1998) (1998)
Pudil Pavel:
Management znalostí
, Systémy na podporu rozhodování ve zdravotnictví, p. -, FM VŠE,
(Jindřichův Hradec 1998)
, Systémy na podporu rozhodování ve zdravotnictví,
(Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 02.06.1998) (1998)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch:
Multiresolution colour texture synthesis
, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, p. 297-302
, Eds: Dobrovodský K., ASCO Art,
(Bratislava 1998)
, Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region /7./,
(Smolenice, SK, 26.06.1998-28.06.1998) (1998)
Grim Jiří, Pudil Pavel:
On virtually binary nature of probabilistic neural networks
, Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, p. 765-774
, Eds: Amin A., Dori D., Pudil P., Freeman H., Springer,
(Berlin 1998)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98,
(Sydney, AU, 11.08.1998-13.08.1998) (1998)
Haindl Michal, Žid Pavel:
Range image segmentation by curve grouping
, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, p. 339-344
, Eds: Dobrovodský K., ASCO Art,
(Bratislava 1998)
, Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region /7./,
(Smolenice, SK, 26.06.1998-28.06.1998) (1998)
Haindl Michal, Žid Pavel:
Scene Segmentation II, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1998)
Research Report 1944 (1998)
Haindl Michal, Žid Pavel:
A range image segmentation method
, Week of Doctoral Students 1997. Proceedings, p. 115-121
, Eds: Šafránková J., MFF UK,
(Praha 1997)
, WDS '97,
(Praha, CZ, 24.06.1997-27.06.1997) (1997)
Haindl Michal, Šimberová Stanislava:
A scratch removal method
, Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, p. 61-66
, Eds: Pudil P., Novovičová J., Grim J., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1997)
, STIPR '97 /1./,
(Prague, CZ, 09.06.1997-11.06.1997) (1997)
Vajda Igor, Grim Jiří:
About the maximum information and maximum likelihood principles in neural networks
, Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, p. 189-197
, Eds: Pudil P., Novovičová J., Grim J., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1997)
, STIPR '97 /1./,
(Prague, CZ, 09.06.1997-11.06.1997) (1997)
Pudil Pavel, Novovičová Jana, Somol Petr, Vrňata Radislav:
Conceptual base of feature selection consulting system
, Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, p. 125-134
, Eds: Pudil P., Novovičová J., Grim J., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1997)
, STIPR '97 /1./,
(Prague, CZ, 09.06.1997-11.06.1997) (1997)
Haindl Michal, Žid Pavel:
Fast segmentation of range images
, Images Analysis and Processing, p. 295-302
, Eds: Del Bimbo A., Springer,
(Berlin 1997)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing,
(Florence, IT, 17.09.1997-19.09.1997) (1997)
Haindl Michal, Žid Pavel:
Scene Segmentation, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1997)
Research Report 1940 (1997)
Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch:
Texture Analysis, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1997)
Research Report 1938 (1997)
Pudil Pavel, Novovičová Jana, Somol Petr, Vrňata Radislav:
User oriented approach to feature selection in statistical pattern recognition
, Multidisciplinární přístupy k podpoře rozhodování v ekonomii a managementu. Workshop '97 grantu VS 96063, p. 15-26
, Eds: Plešingr J., Fakulta managementu JU,
(Jindřichův Hradec 1997)
, Workshop '97 - Grant VS 96063,
(Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 12.11.1997-13.11.1997) (1997)
Kittler J., Stoddart A. J., Santos-Victor J., Costeira J. P., Haindl Michal, Dobrovodský K., Andris P., Kurdel P.:
Virtuous: Autonomous acquisition of virtual reality models from real world scenes
, International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, p. 487-492
, Eds: Ceccarelli M., Studio 22 Edizion,
(Cassino 1997)
, RAAD '97 /6./,
(Cassino, IT, 26.06.1997-28.06.1997) (1997)
Haindl Michal, Šimberová Stanislava:
Adaptive reconstruction method of multispectral images
, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, p. 809-814
, Eds: Kraus K., ISPRS,
(Vienna 1996)
, Congress of ISPRS /18./,
(Vienna, AU, 09.07.1996-19.07.1996) (1996)
Grim Jiří:
Design of multilayer neural networks by information preserving transforms
, Third European Congress on Systems Science, p. 977-982
, Eds: Pessa E., Penna M. P., Montesanto A., Edizioni Kappa,
(Roma 1996)
, European Congress on Systems Science /3./,
(Rome, IT, 01.10.1996-04.10.1996) (1996)
Novovičová Jana, Pudil Pavel, Somol Petr:
Feature selection in statistical pattern recognition via modified model with latent structure
, Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96, p. 217-222
, Eds: Berec L., Rojíček J., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1996)
, European IEEE Workshop CMP'96 /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 28.08.1996-30.08.1996) (1996)
Ferri F. J., Albert J., Gracia I., Pla F., Pudil Pavel, Novovičová Jana:
Hierarchical feature selection: A decision tree based approach
, Intelligent Feature Selection: Statistical and Neural Approaches, p. 7-8, University of Sussex,
(Brighton 1996)
, AISB '96 Workshop and Tutorial Programme,
(Brighton, GB, 01.04.1996) (1996)
Grim Jiří:
Maximum-likelihood design of layered neural networks
, International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, p. 85-89, IEEE Computer Society Press,
(Los Alamitos 1996)
, Conference on Pattern Recognition /13./,
(Vienna, AT, 25.08.1996-29.08.1996) (1996)
Grim Jiří, Boček Pavel:
Statistical model of Prague households for interactive presentation of census data
, SoftStat '95. Advances in Statistical Software 5, p. 271-278
, Eds: Faulbaum F., Bandilla W., Lucius & Lucius,
(Stuttgart 1996)
, Conference on the Scientific Use of Statistical Software /8./,
(Heidelberg, DE, 26.03.1995-30.03.1995) (1996)
Novovičová Jana, Pudil Pavel, Kittler J.:
Feature selection based on divergence for empirical class densities
, Proceedings of the 9th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, p. 989-996
, Eds: Borgefors G., SSAB,
(Uppsala 1995)
, Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis /9./,
(Uppsala, SE, 06.06.1995-09.06.1995) (1995)
Jeníček T., Vostrý Zdeněk, Záworka Jiří:
Future SIMONE developments in optimum control
, Proceedings of the SIMONE Congress '95, p. 82-93, LIWACOM,
(Essen 1995)
, SIMONE Congress '95,
(Espoo, FI, 24.05.1995-26.05.1995) (1995)
Vostrý Zdeněk, Záworka Jiří:
Heat dynamics in gas transport
, Proceedings of the SIMONE Congress '95, p. 64-75, LIWACOM,
(Essen 1995)
, SIMONE Congress '95,
(Espoo, FI, 24.05.1995-26.05.1995) (1995)
Vostrý Zdeněk, Jeníček T.:
State reconstruction for gas networks
, Proceedings of the SIMONE Congress '95, p. 18-33, LIWACOM,
(Essen 1995)
, SIMONE Congress '95,
(Espoo, FI, 24.05.1995-26.05.1995) (1995)