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Jméno Surnameikona řazení Position Department Room 26605-
Jan Schier research fellow ZS 275 2470
Kateřina Schindlerová research associate AS 479 2061
Michael Šebek Research fellow 374a 2314
Jiří Sedlář Ph.D. student ZOI 46 2451
Jan Seidler head of the department SI 114 2041
Jan Šindelář research associate SI 204 2440
Jan Šindelář Ph.D. student AS 480 2570
Petra Šindelářová deputy head of the department 364 2392
Karel Sladký research fellow E 208 2366
Martin Šmíd deputy head of the department E 223 2844
Václav Šmídl research associate AS 381 2420
Jindřich Smutný P 15 2294
Petr Somol research fellow RO 467 2205
Michal Šorel postdoc ZOI 48 2069
Miroslava Součková secretary 374 2385
Lubomír Soukup research associate ZOI 32 2551
Otakar Šprdlík Ph.D. student 371 2286
Filip Šroubek deputy head of the department ZOI 47 2527
Věra Strnadová librarian KN 162 2064
Milan Studený research fellow MTR 379 2304
Tomáš Suk research fellow ZOI 147 2231
Evgenia Suzdaleva postdoc AS 482 2280
Jana Švarcová secretary ZOI 145 2586
Hana Svobodová HS 171 2261
Jan M. Swart research fellow SI 112 2584
Jaroslav Sýkora Ph.D. student ZS 271 2502
Ludvík Tesař research associate AS 469 2583
Petr Tichavský research fellow SI 226 2292
Milan Tichý research fellow ZS 273a 2212
Jana Timková Ph.D. student SI
Pavel Vácha Ph.D. student RO 471 2365
Lukáš Vácha postdoc E 214 2432
Veronika Váchová secretary DAR DAR 111 2265
Igor Vajda research fellow SI 122 2204
Petr Vaníček head of department VS 63, 66 2233
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