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About Journal.

GeoLines is a series of papers and monothematic volumes of conference abstracts published by the Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Re­pub­lic.

Only original papers will be accept­ed which have not been published previously nor currently submitted for publica­tion elsewhere. The papers are subject to two reviews.

Monothematic volumes of short abstracts (not reviewed) or ex­tended ab­stracts (reviewed) from specialized work­shops and con­ferences will be con­sid­ered as well. However, in case of extended abstracts, the con­ferences and workshops orga­nized and/or co-organized by the Insti­tute of Geo­logy will be preferred.

GeoLines publishes articles in English on primary research in many field of geology (geochemistry, geo­chronology, geophysics, petrology, stratig­ra­phy, palaeontology, environmental geochemistry).

Each GeoLines volume is thematically consistent, con­taining two-three papers on joint topic or, pre­ferably, one large paper or monograph.

More comprehensive systematic and re­gional de­scriptions of wider interest will be appre­ciated.

The journal accepts papers with­in their respective sectors of science with­out national limitations or preferen­ces



Volume 21 of the Geolines journal gives the basic characteristics of the individual sandstone districts of the Bohemian Paradise, accentuating the overwhelming diversity in features related to sandstone deposition, cementation, tectonic deformation and, finally, landform evolution. It is orientated at a universal geoscientist but its essentials should be understandable for everyone. For the very first time, presentation of these topics in the English language opens the discussion on geo-scientific and conservational issues in the Bohemian Paradise to a very wide public. Activities culminating with the completion of this volume take the credit for the inclusion of the Bohemian Paradise within the European Geoparks network of the UNESCO.

This volume not only summarizes the existing knowledge obtained from numerous older studies but also includes the latest results of ongoing or recently completed research projects. It will be surely followed by scientific papers dealing with the separate geological and geomorphological aspects in detail. Such papers should also coin terms for phenomena and processes newly reported in this issue. Some of the most interesting phenomena include sandstone ferruginization and silicification, and the origin of various microforms of sandstone relief.

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