@Article(AchKoc:960092, title = {{V}on der {M}athematik zum automatisierten {D}esign}, author = {Achtziger, W. and Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Zowe, J.}, journal = {FAU UniKurier}, year = {1996}, number = {94}, volume = {22}, pages = {23-25}, ident = {UTIA-B 960092} ) @InProceedings(AntHus:960206, title = {{T}ests and estimators for epidemic alternatives}, author = {Antoch, J. and Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT '94}, editor = {P{\'{a}}zman, A. and Witkovsk{\'{y}}, V.}, publisher = {Mathematical Institute}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {311-329}, ident = {UTIA-B 960206} ) @Article(AugRub:960147, title = {{C}ombining forecasts using constrained {M}-estimators}, author = {Augilar, L. Z. and Rubio, A. M. and V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, journal = {Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, pages = {61-72}, ident = {UTIA-B 960147} ) @Article(BakRod:960292, title = {{D}ecentralized control design of uncertain nominally linear symetric composite systems}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J.}, journal = {IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications}, year = {1996}, number = {6}, volume = {143}, pages = {530-536}, ident = {UTIA-B 960292} ) @PhDThesis(Bar:961244, title = {Nonlinear L2 Gain Suboptimal Control and Related Problems. Dr.Dissertation}, author = {Baramov, L.}, school = {University of Osaka}, address = {Osaka}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 961244} ) @InProceedings(Bar:960288, title = {{N}onlinear output-feedback {H}_infinity control}, author = {Baramov, L.}, booktitle = {Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control}, editor = {Sou{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Preisler, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {19}, ident = {UTIA-B 960288} ) @Article(BarKim:960199, title = {{N}onlinear local {J}-lossless conjugation and factorization}, author = {Baramov, L. and Kimura, H.}, journal = {International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control}, year = {1996}, number = {8}, volume = {6}, pages = {869-893}, ident = {UTIA-B 960199} ) @InProceedings(Ber:960129, title = {{O}n model structure identification}, author = {Berec, L.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {121-127}, ident = {UTIA-B 960129} ) @InProceedings(BerKar:960128, title = {{I}dentification of reality in {B}ayesian context}, author = {Berec, L. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {211-216}, ident = {UTIA-B 960128} ) @InProceedings(Boh:960237, title = {{O}n algorithmic problems related to multivariate adaptive {L}{Q}{G} controllers}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Symposium on Control, Optimization and Supervision}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {Ecole Centrale de Lille}, address = {Lille}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {310-314}, ident = {UTIA-B 960237} ) @Article(Cel:20000006, title = {{N}umerical algorithm for nonsmooth stabilization of triangular form systems}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {32}, pages = {261-274}, ident = {UTIA-B 20000006} ) @Article(CelNij:960093, title = {{E}quivalence of nonlinear systems to triangular form: {T}he singular case}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Nijmeijer, H.}, journal = {Systems \& Control Letters}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {27}, pages = {135-144}, ident = {UTIA-B 960093} ) @InProceedings(CelNij:960207, title = {{T}riangular forms, local controllability and stabilizability of single-input nonlinear systems}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Nijmeijer, H.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC}, chapter= {E}, editor = {Gertler, J. J. and Cruz, J. B. and Peshkin, M.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {San Francisco}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {227-232}, ident = {UTIA-B 960207} ) @TechReport(Dar:960283, title = {{O}n a {P}ossible {O}ptimal {P}roperty of {G}aussian {D}ensities with {R}espect to the {M}utual {I}nformation}, author = {Darbellay, G. A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1888}, ident = {UTIA-B 960283} ) @TechReport(Dar:970018, title = {{A}n {A}daptive {H}istogram {E}stimator for the {M}utual {I}nformation}, author = {Darbellay, G. A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1889}, ident = {UTIA-B 970018} ) @InProceedings(deMar:960144, title = {{A}ddition of {L}{R}-fuzzy intervals based on a continuous t-norm}, author = {de Baets, B. and Markov{\'{a}}, A.}, booktitle = {Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {University of Granada}, address = {Granada}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {353-358}, ident = {UTIA-B 960144} ) @InProceedings(deMes:960253, title = {{A} possibilistic analogon of {B}ayes' theorem}, author = {de Baets, B. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Soft Computing}, publisher = {Kazan State University}, address = {Kazan}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {101-106}, ident = {UTIA-B 960253} ) @InProceedings(deMes:960261, title = {{R}esidual implicators of continuous t-norms}, author = {de Baets, B. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {EUFIT '96. Proceedings}, editor = {Zimmermann, H. J.}, publisher = {ELITE}, address = {Aachen}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {27-31}, ident = {UTIA-B 960261} ) @InProceedings(deMes:960265, title = {{F}uzzy partitions and their entropy}, author = {de Baets, B. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings}, chapter= {3}, publisher = {University of Granada}, address = {Granada}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {1419-1424}, ident = {UTIA-B 960265} ) @InProceedings(deTsi:960262, title = {{O}n the surprising possibilistic nature of the algebraic product}, author = {de Baets, B. and Tsiporkova, E. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {EUFIT '96. Proceedings}, editor = {Zimmermann, H. J.}, publisher = {ELITE}, address = {Aachen}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {549-553}, ident = {UTIA-B 960262} ) @InProceedings(deEtx:960186, title = {{O}n the use of multirate sampling for finite spectrum assignment in linear systems with commensurate time delays}, author = {de la Sen, M. and Etxebarria, V. and Bakule, L.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control}, publisher = {APCA}, address = {Coimbra}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {399-404}, ident = {UTIA-B 960186} ) @TechReport(Der:960248, title = {{A} {S}hadow {A}sset {P}ricing {A}pproach to the {A}nalysis of {F}inancial {M}arkets' {E}quilibria in an {O}pen {E}conomy}, author = {Derviz, A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1886}, ident = {UTIA-B 960248} ) @Proceedings(DolFid:960057, title = {System Modelling and Optimization}, editor = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J..}, publisher = {Chapman \& Hall}, address = {London}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 960057} ) @Article(DolFid:960100, title = {{N}umerical solution of dynamic optimization problems using parametrization and {O}{P}{T}{I}{A} software}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J.}, journal = {Applied Mathematics and Computation}, year = {1996}, number = {2/3}, volume = {78}, pages = {111-121}, ident = {UTIA-B 960100} ) @InProceedings(EckJar:960238, title = {{E}xistence results for the static contact problem with {C}oulomb friction}, author = {Eck, C. and Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J.}, booktitle = {Systems with Coulomb Friction. Abstracts}, editor = {Klarbring, A. and Andersson, C. E.}, publisher = {University of Link{\"{o}}ping}, address = {Vadstena}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {42-43}, ident = {UTIA-B 960238} ) @InProceedings(EckJar:960241, title = {{E}xistence results for contact problems with {C}oulomb friction}, author = {Eck, C. and Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J.}, booktitle = {Conference on Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations. Abstracts}, editor = {Wendland, W. L. and S{\"{a}}ndig, A. M. and Bach, M.}, publisher = {University of Stuttgart}, address = {Stuttgart}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 960241} ) @InProceedings(FegVaj:960286, title = {{M}odels of information networks with security services}, author = {Feglar, T. and Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology}, chapter= {1}, editor = {P{\v{r}}ibyl, J.}, publisher = {Czech Technical University}, address = {Prague}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {177-182}, ident = {UTIA-B 960286} ) @InProceedings(FerAlb:960082, title = {{H}ierarchical feature selection: {A} decision tree based approach}, author = {Ferri, F. J. and Albert, J. and Gracia, I. and Pla, F. and Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J.}, booktitle = {Intelligent Feature Selection: Statistical and Neural Approaches}, publisher = {University of Sussex}, address = {Brighton}, month = {April}, year = {1996}, pages = {7-8}, ident = {UTIA-B 960082} ) @TechReport(FidDol:960074, title = {{P}ou\v{z}it\'{\i} automatick\'{e}ho derivov\'{a}n\'{\i} v syst\'{e}mu {O}{P}{T}{I}{A}}, author = {Fidler, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1867}, ident = {UTIA-B 960074} ) @TechReport(FidDol:960115, title = {{R}ealizace syst\'{e}mu {O}{P}{T}{I}{A} v opera\v{c}n\'{\i}m syst\'{e}mu {W}{I}{N}{D}{O}{W}{S}}, author = {Fidler, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1875}, ident = {UTIA-B 960115} ) @TechReport(FidDol:960217, title = {{R}ealizace syst\'{e}mu {O}{P}{T}{I}{A} v opera\v{c}n\'{\i}m syst\'{e}mu {I}{R}{I}{X}}, author = {Fidler, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1884}, ident = {UTIA-B 960217} ) @InProceedings(FluSuk:960143, title = {{I}nvariants for recognition of degraded 1-{D} digital signals}, author = {Flusser, J. and Suk, T.}, booktitle = {International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Proceedings}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, address = {Los Alamitos}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {389-393}, ident = {UTIA-B 960143} ) @Article(FluSuk:960030, title = {{R}ecognition of images degraded by linear motion blur without restoration}, author = {Flusser, J. and Suk, T. and Saic, S.}, journal = {Computing}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, series = {Supplement}, volume = {11}, pages = {37-51}, ident = {UTIA-B 960030} ) @Article(FluSuk:960094, title = {{R}ecognition of blurred images by the method of moments}, author = {Flusser, J. and Suk, T. and Saic, S.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {5}, pages = {533-538}, ident = {UTIA-B 960094} ) @InProceedings(GacZar:960216, title = {{E}{M} estimation and control of two-dimensional systems}, author = {Gacon, D. M. and Zarrop, M. B. and Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the UKACC International Conference CONTROL '96}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {IEE}, address = {Exeter}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 960216} ) @InProceedings(GaoKar:960134, title = {{C}an {M}arkov chains supplement adaptive {A}{R} predictors?}, author = {Gao, H. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {229-233}, ident = {UTIA-B 960134} ) @InProceedings(Gri:960119, title = {{M}aximum-likelihood design of layered neural networks}, author = {Grim, J.}, booktitle = {International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Proceedings}, chapter= {4}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, address = {Los Alamitos}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {85-89}, ident = {UTIA-B 960119} ) @TechReport(Gri:960124, title = {{D}iscretization in {P}robabilistic {N}eural {N}etworks with {B}ounded {I}nformation {L}oss}, author = {Grim, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1878}, ident = {UTIA-B 960124} ) @InProceedings(Gri:960180, title = {{D}esign of multilayer neural networks by information preserving transforms}, author = {Grim, J.}, booktitle = {Third European Congress on Systems Science}, editor = {Pessa, E. and Penna, M. P. and Montesanto, A.}, publisher = {Edizioni Kappa}, address = {Roma}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {977-982}, ident = {UTIA-B 960180} ) @TechReport(Gri:960195, title = {{A}n {A}lternative {D}esign of {M}ixture of {E}xperts {A}rchitectures for {N}eural {N}etworks}, author = {Grim, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1883}, ident = {UTIA-B 960195} ) @Book(GriKuc:960126, title = {Polynomial Methods for Control System Design}, editor = {Grimble, M. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V..}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {London}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 960126} ) @InProceedings(GriBoc:960091, title = {{S}tatistical model of {P}rague households for interactive presentation of census data}, author = {Grim, J. and Bo{\v{c}}ek, P.}, booktitle = {SoftStat '95. Advances in Statistical Software 5}, editor = {Faulbaum, F. and Bandilla, W.}, publisher = {Lucius \& Lucius}, address = {Stuttgart}, month = {March}, year = {1996}, pages = {271-278}, ident = {UTIA-B 960091} ) @TechReport(GriVav:960110, title = {{P}robabilistic {K}nowledge-based {M}odels {D}efined by {F}inite {D}istribution {M}ixtures}, author = {Grim, J. and Vavru{\v{s}}ka, D.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1873}, ident = {UTIA-B 960110} ) @TechReport(GriVej:960071, title = {{A}n {I}nterative {I}nference {M}echanism for the {P}robabilistic {E}xpert {S}ystem {P}{E}{S}}, author = {Grim, J. and Vejvalkov{\'{a}}, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1866}, ident = {UTIA-B 960071} ) @InProceedings(Guy:960135, title = {{S}pline-based modelling of controlled systems}, author = {Guy, T. V.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {73-77}, ident = {UTIA-B 960135} ) @TechReport(Guy:960189, title = {{A}n {E}xample of {S}ystem {E}stimation for {M}{I}{M}{O} {A}{R}{X} {M}odel}, author = {Guy, T. V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1881}, ident = {UTIA-B 960189} ) @Article(GyoVaj:960228, title = {{M}inimum {K}olmogorov distance estimates of parameters and parametrized distributions}, author = {Gy{\"{o}}rfi, L. and Vajda, I. and van der Meulen, E. C.}, journal = {Metrika}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {43}, pages = {237-255}, ident = {UTIA-B 960228} ) @Article(GyoVaj:960275, title = {{M}inimum {K}olmogorov distances estimates for multivariate parametrized families}, author = {Gy{\"{o}}rfi, L. and Vajda, I. and van der Meulen, E. C.}, journal = {American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences}, year = {1996}, number = {1/2}, volume = {16}, pages = {167-191}, ident = {UTIA-B 960275} ) @Article(Hai:960056, title = {{A} new multimedia synchronization model}, author = {Haindl, M.}, journal = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, volume = {14}, pages = {73-83}, ident = {UTIA-B 960056} ) @Article(Hai:960077, title = {{H}{I}{T} {B}rowser}, author = {Haindl, M.}, journal = {ERCIM News}, year = {1996}, number = {25}, pages = {12}, ident = {UTIA-B 960077} ) @Article(Hai:960080, title = {{I}{A}{P}{R} on the {N}etwork!}, author = {Haindl, M.}, journal = {IAPR Newsletter}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, volume = {18}, pages = {5}, ident = {UTIA-B 960080} ) @TechReport(HaiSai:960052, title = {{A}utomatick\'{a} anal\'{y}za ko\v{z}n\'{\i}ch \'{u}tvar\accent23u}, author = {Haindl, M. and Saic, S.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1871}, ident = {UTIA-B 960052} ) @Article(HaiSim:960034, title = {{A} high - resolution radiospectrograph image reconstruction method. }, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{S}}imberov{\'{a}}, S.}, journal = {Astronomy \& Astrophysics}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, series = {Supplement Series}, volume = {115}, pages = {189-193}, ident = {UTIA-B 960034} ) @InProceedings(HaiSim:960118, title = {{A}daptive reconstruction method of multispectral images}, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{S}}imberov{\'{a}}, S.}, booktitle = {International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing}, chapter= {B3}, editor = {Kraus, K.}, publisher = {ISPRS}, address = {Vienna}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {809-814}, ident = {UTIA-B 960118} ) @InProceedings(HanTic:960113, title = {{F}requency rate estimation based on fourth order sample moments}, author = {H{\"{a}}ndel, P. and Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P.}, booktitle = {IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing. Proceedings}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Los Alamitos}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {391-394}, ident = {UTIA-B 960113} ) @InProceedings(HanTic:960178, title = {{M}atching of fourth order sample moments for frequency rate estimation}, author = {H{\"{a}}ndel, P. and Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P.}, booktitle = {NORSIG '96. Proceedings}, publisher = {TKK OFFSET}, address = {Espoo}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {311-314}, ident = {UTIA-B 960178} ) @TechReport(HenHeM:960104, title = {{A} {N}ote on {D}amped {A}lgebraic {R}iccati {E}quations}, author = {Hench, J. J. and He, C. and Mehrmann, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1872}, ident = {UTIA-B 960104} ) @TechReport(HenSeb:970121, title = {{A}n {E}fficient {N}umerical {M}ethod for the {D}iscrete {T}ime {S}ymmetric {M}atrix {P}olynomial {E}quation}, author = {Henrion, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, institution = {LAAS-CNRS}, address = {Toulouse}, year = {1996}, number = {96433}, ident = {UTIA-B 970121} ) @Book(HerBla:960236, title = {Syst{\'{e}}m JODNEW - bayesovsk{\'{e}} sledov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} diagnostiky a terapie nemoc{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}t{\'{\i}}tn{\'{e}} {\v{z}}l{\'{a}}zy pomoc{\'{\i}} 131 J. Pr{\accent23u}vodce verz{\'{\i}} 3.3}, author = {He{\v{r}}mansk{\'{a}}, J. and Bla{\v{z}}ek, T. and Havlasov{\'{a}}, H. and Jirsa, L. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Zim{\'{a}}k, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 960236} ) @InProceedings(HerBla:960282, title = {{M}odelov\'{a}n\'{\i} kinetiky 131 {J} p\v{r}i l\'{e}\v{c}b\v{e} nemoc\'{\i} \v{s}t\'{\i}tn\'{e} \v{z}l\'{a}zy}, author = {He{\v{r}}mansk{\'{a}}, J. and Bla{\v{z}}ek, T. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Guy, T. V. and Jirsa, L.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k abstrakt{\accent23u} XIX. dn{\accent23u} l{\'{e}}ka{\v{r}}sk{\'{e}} biofyziky}, publisher = {Masarykova univerzita}, address = {Brno}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {13-14}, ident = {UTIA-B 960282} ) @Article(HerKar:960235, title = {{B}iokinetics of 131 {I} in the human organism}, author = {He{\v{r}}mansk{\'{a}}, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Guy, T. V. and Jirsa, L.}, journal = {Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry}, year = {1996}, number = {2}, volume = {209}, pages = {347-353}, ident = {UTIA-B 960235} ) @InProceedings(HraDol:960250, title = {{A} mathematical model of {H}{I}{V} infection: {T}he role of {C}{D}8+ lymphocytes}, author = {Hraba, T. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, booktitle = {System Modelling and Optimization}, editor = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J.}, publisher = {Chapman \& Hall}, address = {London}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {325-330}, ident = {UTIA-B 960250} ) @Article(HraDol:960251, title = {{U}se of a mathematical model for effectivity estimation of {H}{I}{V} infection therapies}, author = {Hraba, T. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, journal = {Applied Mathematics and Computation}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, number = {2/3}, volume = {78}, pages = {156-161}, ident = {UTIA-B 960251} ) @Article(HraDol:960285, title = {{M}athematical modelling approach to {C}{D}4+ lymphocyte dynamics in {H}{I}{V} infection}, author = {Hraba, T. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, journal = {Emerging Infections Diseases}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, volume = {2}, pages = {297-303}, ident = {UTIA-B 960285} ) @Article(Hus:960191, title = {{E}stimation of a change in linear models}, author = {Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, journal = {Statistics \& Probability Letters}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, volume = {26}, pages = {13-24}, ident = {UTIA-B 960191} ) @InProceedings(Jan:960117, title = {{T}he pseudo-likelihood principle in statistical inference for large discrete stochastic systems}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {European Conference on Highly Structured Stochastic Systems. Proceedings}, publisher = {University of Aalborg}, address = {Rebild}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {78-82}, ident = {UTIA-B 960117} ) @InProceedings(Jan:960151, title = {{I}mage processing, {M}arkov chain approach}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings in Computational Statistics. COMPSTAT'96}, editor = {Prat, A. and Ripoll, E.}, publisher = {Physica Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {89-100}, ident = {UTIA-B 960151} ) @InProceedings(Jan:960158, title = {{M}aximum pseudo-likelihood estimators for multivariate discrete exponential distributions}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT'94}, editor = {P{\'{a}}zman, Andrej and Witkovsk{\'{y}}, Viktor}, publisher = {Mathematical Institute}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {195-201}, ident = {UTIA-B 960158} ) @InProceedings(Jan:970045, title = {{O}n identifiability conditions in parameter models of large stochastic systems}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Third European Congress on Systems Science}, editor = {Pessa, E. and Penna, M. and Montesanto, A.}, publisher = {Edizioni Kappa}, address = {Roma}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {997-1001}, ident = {UTIA-B 970045} ) @Article(JanKos:960116, title = {{M}inimum entropy of error estimation for discrete random variables}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M. and Koski, T. and Ot{\'{a}}hal, A.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, volume = {42}, pages = {1193-1201}, ident = {UTIA-B 960116} ) @TechReport(JarKoc:960076, title = {{I}nterior {P}oint {M}ethods for {M}echanical {D}esign {P}roblems}, author = {Jarre, F. and Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Zowe, J.}, institution = {Universit{\"{a}}t Erlangen}, address = {Erlangen}, year = {1996}, number = {173}, ident = {UTIA-B 960076} ) @Article(Jar:960098, title = {{R}egularity and optimal control of quasicoupled and coupled heating processes}, author = {Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J.}, journal = {Applications of Mathematics}, year = {1996}, number = {2}, volume = {41}, pages = {81-106}, ident = {UTIA-B 960098} ) @Article(Jar:960125, title = {{D}ynamic contact problems with given friction for viscoelastic bodies}, author = {Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J.}, journal = {Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {46}, pages = {475-487}, ident = {UTIA-B 960125} ) @Article(JarEck:960079, title = {{D}ynamic contact problems with friction in linear viscoelasticity}, author = {Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J. and Eck, C.}, journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{\'{e}}mie des Sciences}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, series = {S{\'{e}}rie 1/Probl{\'{e}}mes mathematiques de la m{\'{e}}canique}, volume = {322}, pages = {497-502}, ident = {UTIA-B 960079} ) @InProceedings(JarEck:960239, title = {{E}xistence of a solution to a viscoelastic case of dynamic contact problems with {C}oulomb friction}, author = {Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J. and Eck, C.}, booktitle = {Systems with Coulomb Friction. Abstracts}, editor = {Klarbring, A. and Andersson, C. E.}, publisher = {University of Link{\"{o}}ping}, address = {Vadstena}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {40-41}, ident = {UTIA-B 960239} ) @InProceedings(JarEck:960240, title = {{E}xistence theorem to a dynamic contact problem with friction}, author = {Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J. and Eck, C.}, booktitle = {Prague Mathematical Conference 1996. Abstracts}, editor = {Babu{\v{s}}ka, I. and Fiedler, M. and Kurzweil, J. and Pt{\'{a}}k, V.}, publisher = {ICARIS}, address = {Praha}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {56}, ident = {UTIA-B 960240} ) @InProceedings(JarEck:960242, title = {{D}ynamic contact problems with {C}oulomb friction for viscoelastic bodies. {E}xistence of solutions for a general body}, author = {Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J. and Eck, C.}, booktitle = {Conference on Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations. Abstracts}, editor = {Wendland, W. L. and S{\"{a}}ndig, A. M. and Bach, M.}, publisher = {University of Stuttgart}, address = {Stuttgart}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 960242} ) @Article(Jez:960084, title = {{R}ings of skew polynomials in algebraical approach to control theory}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, volume = {32}, pages = {63-80}, ident = {UTIA-B 960084} ) @Article(Jez:960086, title = {{N}on-commutative rings of fractions in algebraical approach to control theory}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, volume = {32}, pages = {81-94}, ident = {UTIA-B 960086} ) @InProceedings(Jez:960146, title = {{D}iscretization of delay-differential systems}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J.}, booktitle = {Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control}, editor = {Sou{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Preisler, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {35}, ident = {UTIA-B 960146} ) @InProceedings(Jir:960231, title = {{I}-projections in probabilistic network construction}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty in Complex Systems}, publisher = {Edizioni Kappa}, address = {Roma}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {17-20}, ident = {UTIA-B 960231} ) @Article(Kad:960210, title = {{T}ransputer implementation of block regularized filtering}, author = {Kadlec, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {32}, pages = {235-250}, ident = {UTIA-B 960210} ) @InProceedings(Kan:960058, title = {{A} note on objective functions in multistage stochastic nonlinear programming problems}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings}, editor = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J.}, publisher = {Chapman \& Hall}, address = {London}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {582-589}, ident = {UTIA-B 960058} ) @InProceedings(Kan:960161, title = {{O}n an epsilon-solution of minimax problem of stochastic programming}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems. Book of Abstracts}, publisher = {MFF UK}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {16}, ident = {UTIA-B 960161} ) @InProceedings(Kan:960162, title = {{A} note on multifunctions in stochastic programming}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Stochastic Optimization. Numerical Methods and Technical Applications. Abstracts}, publisher = {Institute for Mathematics}, address = {Munich}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {23}, ident = {UTIA-B 960162} ) @InProceedings(Kan:960163, title = {{T}ime dependent stochastic optimization problems and statistical estimates}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control}, editor = {Sou{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Preisler, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {25-27}, ident = {UTIA-B 960163} ) @InProceedings(Kan:960164, title = {{A} note on estimates in time dependent stochastic optimization problems}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik}, publisher = {MFF UK}, address = {Praha}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {198}, ident = {UTIA-B 960164} ) @InProceedings(Kan:960173, title = {{O}n intermediate approaches to economic problems: {A}pplication to unemployment}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Mathematical Methods in Economics 1996}, publisher = {University of Economics}, address = {Prague}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {32-41}, ident = {UTIA-B 960173} ) @InProceedings(Kan:960247, title = {{A} note on contamination in stochastic programming - special cases}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Kvantitat{\'{\i}}vne met{\'{o}}dy v ekonomike. (Viackriteri{\'{a}}lna optimaliz{\'{a}}cia 8)}, publisher = {Ekonomick{\'{a}} univerzita}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {December}, year = {1996}, pages = {91-97}, ident = {UTIA-B 960247} ) @Article(Kan:960290, title = {{A} note on interval estimates in stochastic optimization}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, journal = {Bulletin {\v{C}}esk{\'{e}} ekonometrick{\'{e}} spole{\v{c}}nosti}, year = {1996}, number = {5}, pages = {63-79}, ident = {UTIA-B 960290} ) @Article(Kan:970112, title = {Review of {S}tochastic {P}rogramming by {A}. {P}r\'{e}kopa}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, journal = {Applications of Mathematics}, year = {1996}, number = {6}, volume = {41}, pages = {479-480}, ident = {UTIA-B 970112} ) @Article(Kar:960280, title = {{T}owards fully probabilistic control design}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1996}, number = {12}, volume = {32}, pages = {1719-1722}, ident = {UTIA-B 960280} ) @InProceedings(KarNed:960140, title = {{O}n a completion of probabilistic models}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Nedoma, P. and B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {59-64}, ident = {UTIA-B 960140} ) @InProceedings(KlaMar:960111, title = {{S}elf-tuning process controller {Z}{E}{P}{A}{D}{I}{N}{G} 10}, author = {Kl{\'{a}}n, P. and Mar{\v{s}}{\'{\i}}k, J. and Gorez, R. and Smr{\v{c}}ek, F. and Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, L. and Wilkie, J.}, booktitle = {Process Control. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {145-150}, ident = {UTIA-B 960111} ) @Article(KlaNov:960271, title = {{T}he relation between inference and interpolation in the framework of fuzzy systems}, author = {Klawonn, F. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, volume = {81}, pages = {331-354}, ident = {UTIA-B 960271} ) @InProceedings(KleJir:960212, title = {{L}earning {B}ayesian networks under the control of mutual information}, author = {Kleiter, G. D. and Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings. }, chapter= {2}, publisher = {University of Granada}, address = {Granada}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {985-990}, ident = {UTIA-B 960212} ) @Article(KleMes:960254, title = {{O}n the relationship of associative compensatory operators to triangular norms and conorms}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, journal = {International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {1996}, number = {2}, volume = {4}, pages = {129-144}, ident = {UTIA-B 960254} ) @InProceedings(KleMes:960260, title = {{A}dditive generators of t-norms which are not necessarily continuous}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, booktitle = {EUFIT '96. Proceedings}, editor = {Zimmermann, H. J.}, publisher = {ELITE}, address = {Aachen}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {70-73}, ident = {UTIA-B 960260} ) @TechReport(KliSai:960123, title = {{T}emporal {C}ontext {A}nalysis}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Saic, S. and Suk, T.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1879}, ident = {UTIA-B 960123} ) @InProceedings(KliSai:960205, title = {{C}ontext analysis along temporal axis}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Saic, S. and Suk, T.}, booktitle = {Intelligent Technologies}, editor = {Sarnovsk{\'{y}}, J.}, publisher = {Slovak Cybernetics Society}, address = {Herlany}, month = {November}, year = {1996}, pages = {163-171}, ident = {UTIA-B 960205} ) @InProceedings(KliSuk:960159, title = {{I}mage sequence analysis}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Suk, T.}, booktitle = {International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing}, chapter= {5}, editor = {Kraus, K. and Waldhausl, P.}, publisher = {ISPRS}, address = {Vienna}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {295-299}, ident = {UTIA-B 960159} ) @TechReport(KocOut:960062, title = {{A} {N}onsmooth {A}pproach to {O}ptimization {P}roblems with {E}quilibrium {C}onstraints}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Outrata, J.}, institution = {Institut f{\"{u}}r Angewandte Mathematik}, address = {Erlangen}, year = {1996}, number = {175}, ident = {UTIA-B 960062} ) @TechReport(KocZow:960075, title = {{H}ow {M}athematics {C}an {H}elp in {D}esign of {M}echanical {S}tructures}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Zowe, J.}, institution = {Universit{\"{a}}t Erlangen}, address = {Erlangen}, year = {1996}, number = {171}, ident = {UTIA-B 960075} ) @InProceedings(KocZow:960096, title = {{H}ow mathematics can help in design of mechanical structures}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Zowe, J.}, booktitle = {Numerical Analysis 1995}, editor = {Griffith, D. F. and Watson, G. A.}, publisher = {Longman}, address = {Harlow}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {76-93}, ident = {UTIA-B 960096} ) @InProceedings(KomMes:960266, title = {{G}enerated aggregation operation for knowledge-based systems}, author = {Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Third European Congress on Systems Science}, editor = {Pessa, E. and Penna, M. P.}, publisher = {Edizioni Kappa}, address = {Roma}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {519-524}, ident = {UTIA-B 960266} ) @Article(KozWon:960234, title = {{D}esign of transaction management protocols}, author = {Koz{\'{a}}k, P. and Wonham, W. M.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = {1996}, number = {9}, volume = {41}, pages = {1330-1334}, ident = {UTIA-B 960234} ) @InProceedings(Kra:960181, title = {{P}olynomial matrix to state-space conversion without polynomial reduction}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Chania}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {483-487}, ident = {UTIA-B 960181} ) @InProceedings(Kra:960183, title = {{P}olynomial matrix to state-space conversion by constant matrix operations. {A}bstract}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Book of Abstracts}, publisher = {Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control}, address = {Mierlo}, month = {March}, year = {1996}, pages = {151}, ident = {UTIA-B 960183} ) @InProceedings(Kra:960187, title = {{S}tate-space algorithms for polynomial matrix to state-space conversion}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {Robust and Adaptive Control of Integrated Systems. Proceedings}, publisher = {University of Strathclyde}, address = {Strathclyde}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {83-90}, ident = {UTIA-B 960187} ) @InProceedings(KraMan:960200, title = {{H}urwitz matrix for polynomial matrices}, author = {Kraus, F. J. and Mansour, M. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Centennial Hurwitz Conference on Stability Theory. Proceedings}, editor = {Jeltsch, R. and Mansour, M.}, publisher = {Birkh{\"{a}}user}, address = {Basel}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {67-74}, ident = {UTIA-B 960200} ) @Article(KruRou:960221, title = {{E}xplicit characterization of {L}p-{Y}oung measures}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, volume = {198}, pages = {830-843}, ident = {UTIA-B 960221} ) @InProceedings(Kri:960114, title = {{M}arginal problem on finite sets}, author = {K{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}, O.}, booktitle = {Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {University of Granada}, address = {Granada}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {763-768}, ident = {UTIA-B 960114} ) @InCollection(Kuc:960049, title = {{R}iccati equations and their solution}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {The Control Handbook}, editor = {Levine, W. S.}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {Boca Raton}, year = {1996}, pages = {595-606}, ident = {UTIA-B 960049} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:960059, title = {{A}lgebraic methods in control, theory and applications}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings}, editor = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J.}, publisher = {Chapman \& Hall}, address = {London}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {54-63}, ident = {UTIA-B 960059} ) @InCollection(Kuc:960061, title = {{A}lgebraic design methods}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {The Control Handbook}, editor = {Levine, W. S.}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {Boca Raton}, year = {1996}, pages = {689-700}, ident = {UTIA-B 960061} ) @InCollection(Kuc:960127, title = {{A} tutorial on {H}2 control theory: {T}he continuous-time case}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Polynomial Methods for Control System Design}, editor = {Grimble, M. J. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {London}, year = {1996}, pages = {1-55}, ident = {UTIA-B 960127} ) @InProceedings(KucMar:960107, title = {{P}artial model matching: {P}arametrization of solutions}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V. and Mart{\'{\i}}nez Garc{\'{\i}}a, J. C. and Malabre, M.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC}, chapter= {D}, editor = {Gertler, J. J. and Cruz, J. B. and Peshkin, M.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {San Francisco}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {217-222}, ident = {UTIA-B 960107} ) @Article(KucWer:960284, title = {{P}artial model matching by static state feedback}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V. and Werner, H.}, journal = {European Journal of Control}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, volume = {2}, pages = {286-290}, ident = {UTIA-B 960284} ) @PhDThesis(Kul:961103, title = {Recursive Nonlinear Estimation: A Geometric Approach. Doktorsk{\'{a}} diserta{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} pr{\'{a}}ce}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, school = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 961103} ) @InProceedings(Kul:960132, title = {{R}ecursive nonlinear estimation of non-linear/non-{G}aussian dynamic models}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {171-182}, ident = {UTIA-B 960132} ) @Book(Kul:960213, title = {Recursive Nonlinear Estimation. A Geometric Approach}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {London}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 960213} ) @Article(KulKra:960215, title = {{O}n duality of regularized exponential and linear forgetting}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R. and Kraus, F. J.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1996}, number = {10}, volume = {32}, pages = {1403-1415}, ident = {UTIA-B 960215} ) @InProceedings(KulKra:960218, title = {{O}n duality of exponential and linear forgetting}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R. and Kraus, F. J.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC}, chapter= {K}, editor = {Gertler, J. J. and Cruz, J. B. and Peshkin, M.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {San Francisco}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {403-408}, ident = {UTIA-B 960218} ) @TechReport(KusVaj:960276, title = {{A} {C}omparative {S}tudy of {N}onparametric {D}ensity {E}stimates}, author = {K{\accent23u}s, V. and Vajda, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1892}, ident = {UTIA-B 960276} ) @TechReport(KusVaj:960278, title = {{A}symptotic {F}ormulas and {D}ensity {E}stimates for {C}all {A}dmission {C}ontrol}, author = {K{\accent23u}s, V. and Vajda, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1891}, ident = {UTIA-B 960278} ) @InProceedings(KwaKra:960182, title = {{S}tate-space algorithms for polynomial matrix computations}, author = {Kwakernaak, H. and Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Chania}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {468-472}, ident = {UTIA-B 960182} ) @Article(Lac:960170, title = {{W}eak convergence in {H}offmann-{J}orgensen sense}, author = {Lachout, P.}, journal = {Acta Universitatis Carolinae}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, series = {Mathematica et Physica}, volume = {37}, pages = {3-10}, ident = {UTIA-B 960170} ) @InProceedings(Lac:960185, title = {{A} note on the goodness-of-fit test in general regression model}, author = {Lachout, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT '94}, editor = {P{\'{a}}zman, A. and Witkovsk{\'{y}}, V.}, publisher = {Mathematical Institute}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {203-207}, ident = {UTIA-B 960185} ) @Article(Lac:960190, title = {{P}eriodic transformations of the sample average reciprocal value}, author = {Lachout, P.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {5}, volume = {32}, pages = {511-520}, ident = {UTIA-B 960190} ) @TechReport(LacPau:960168, title = {{O}n the {S}econd-{O}rder {A}symptotic {D}istribution of {M}-{E}stimators}, author = {Lachout, P. and Paulauskas, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1880}, ident = {UTIA-B 960168} ) @InProceedings(LinPic:960145, title = {{B}ayesian analysis for likelihood-based nonparametric regression}, author = {Linka, A. and Picek, J. and Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings in Computational Statistics}, editor = {Prat, A. and Ripoll, E.}, publisher = {Physica Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {343-348}, ident = {UTIA-B 960145} ) @TechReport(LiuCel:960041, title = {{F}eedback {C}ontrol of {A}ffine {N}onlinear {S}ingular {C}ontrol {S}ystems}, author = {Liu, X. P. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1863}, ident = {UTIA-B 960041} ) @InProceedings(LiuCel:970007, title = {{N}oninteracting control of nonlinear singular systems}, author = {Liu, X. P. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Van{\v{e}}{\v{c}}ek, A.}, booktitle = {Control '96. Proceedings}, publisher = {IEE}, address = {London}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {1242-1247}, ident = {UTIA-B 970007} ) @InProceedings(Mar:960160, title = {{H}ow much is "many" minus "several"?}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {International Panel Conference on Soft and Intelligent Computing. Proceedings}, publisher = {Technical University}, address = {Budapest}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {187-192}, ident = {UTIA-B 960160} ) @Article(Mar:960175, title = {{F}uzzy zero, algebraic equivalence: yes or no?}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, volume = {32}, pages = {343-351}, ident = {UTIA-B 960175} ) @InProceedings(MarMes:960112, title = {{P}rocessing of sources of fuzzy quantities}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {University of Granada}, address = {Granada}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {359-363}, ident = {UTIA-B 960112} ) @Article(MarMes:970008, title = {{C}omposition of shape generators}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, volume = {4}, pages = {37-45}, ident = {UTIA-B 970008} ) @Article(Mar:960259, title = {{P}seudo-linear algebra}, author = {Markov{\'{a}}, A.}, journal = {The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, volume = {4}, pages = {79-84}, ident = {UTIA-B 960259} ) @Article(Mat:970108, title = {{O}n two-block-factor sequences and one-dependence}, author = {Mat{\'{u}}{\v{s}}, F.}, journal = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, volume = {124}, pages = {1237-1242}, ident = {UTIA-B 970108} ) @Article(MenMor:970052, title = {{A}bout divergence-based goodness-of-fit tests in the {D}irichlet-multinomial model}, author = {Men{\'{e}}ndez, M. L. and Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods}, year = {1996}, number = {5}, volume = {25}, pages = {1119-1133}, ident = {UTIA-B 970052} ) @Article(Mes:960255, title = {{A} note to the {T}-sum of {L}-{R} fuzzy numbers}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, volume = {79}, pages = {259-261}, ident = {UTIA-B 960255} ) @InProceedings(Mes:960264, title = {{L}{R}-fuzzy numbers}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Processings}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {University of Granada}, address = {Granada}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {337-342}, ident = {UTIA-B 960264} ) @Article(MesNav:960258, title = {{T}s-tribes and {T}s-measures}, author = {Mesiar, R. and Navara, M.}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, volume = {201}, pages = {91-102}, ident = {UTIA-B 960258} ) @Article(MesNov:960257, title = {{O}pen problems from the 2nd {I}nternational {C}onference on {F}uzzy {S}ets {T}heory and {I}ts {A}pplications}, author = {Mesiar, R. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, volume = {81}, pages = {185-190}, ident = {UTIA-B 960257} ) @TechReport(Mic:960072, title = {{T}he {R}\'{e}nyi's {D}istances of {G}aussian {M}easures}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1868}, ident = {UTIA-B 960072} ) @Article(Mic:960120, title = {{R}obust methods in exponential smoothing}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {32}, pages = {289-306}, ident = {UTIA-B 960120} ) @InProceedings(Mic:960152, title = {{A}symptotic rate of {R}\'{e}nyi's distances}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, booktitle = {World Congress of the Bernoulli Society. Abstracts}, editor = {Pflug, G.}, publisher = {Bernoulli Society}, address = {Vienna}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {324}, ident = {UTIA-B 960152} ) @InProceedings(Mic:960197, title = {{G}{A}{R}{C}{H} models and conditional {G}aussian sequences}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, booktitle = {Mathematical Methods in Economics 1996}, publisher = {University of Economics}, address = {Prague}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {50-52}, ident = {UTIA-B 960197} ) @InProceedings(Mic:960204, title = {{U}sing random signals in neural networks reduction of dimensionality}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, booktitle = {Third European Congress on Systems Science}, editor = {Pessa, E. and Penna, M. P. and Montesanto, A.}, publisher = {Edizioni Kappa}, address = {Roma}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {983-987}, ident = {UTIA-B 960204} ) @TechReport(MorPar:960095, title = {{A}bout the {B}ehaviour of {R}\'{e}nyi's {D}ivergence {S}tatistics under {N}ull {C}omposite {H}ypotheses}, author = {Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1870}, ident = {UTIA-B 960095} ) @Article(MorPar:960224, title = {{U}ncertainty of discrete stochastic systems: {G}eneral theory and statistical inference}, author = {Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}, year = {1996}, number = {6}, series = {Part A: Systems and Humans}, volume = {26}, pages = {681-697}, ident = {UTIA-B 960224} ) @Article(MorPar:960230, title = {{D}ivergence between various estimates of quantized information sources}, author = {Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, volume = {32}, pages = {395-407}, ident = {UTIA-B 960230} ) @Book(Ned:960044, title = {ALIEN: Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB ver. 4}, author = {Nedoma, P.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 960044} ) @InProceedings(NedKad:960139, title = {{E}xtension of {M}{A}{T}{L}{A}{B} parallel accelerator}, author = {Nedoma, P. and Kadlec, J.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {155-160}, ident = {UTIA-B 960139} ) @Book(NedKar:960165, title = {ABET: Adaptive Bayesian Estimation Toolbox for MATLAB}, author = {Nedoma, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 960165} ) @InProceedings(NedKar:960166, title = {{P}roject {D}{E}{S}{I}{G}{N}{E}{R}}, author = {Nedoma, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Adaptive and Predictive Control. Proceedings of the Spring School}, publisher = {Oxford University}, address = {Oxford}, month = {March}, year = {1996}, pages = {91-93}, ident = {UTIA-B 960166} ) @InProceedings(NedKar:960177, title = {{D}{E}{S}{I}{G}{N}{E}{R}: {P}reliminary tunning of adaptive controllers}, author = {Nedoma, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Process Control. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {University of Pardubice}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {225-228}, ident = {UTIA-B 960177} ) @InProceedings(Nov:960269, title = {{A} transparent model of linguistic trichotomy and hedges}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, booktitle = {EUFIT '96. Proceedings}, editor = {Zimmermann, H. J.}, publisher = {ELITE}, address = {Aachen}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {35-39}, ident = {UTIA-B 960269} ) @Article(Nov:960270, title = {{P}aradigm, formal properties and limits of fuzzy logic}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, journal = {International Journal of General Systems}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, volume = {24}, pages = {377-405}, ident = {UTIA-B 960270} ) @InProceedings(Nov:960272, title = {{O}pen theories in fuzzy logic in narrow sense}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, booktitle = {Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {University of Granada}, address = {Granada}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {1003-1007}, ident = {UTIA-B 960272} ) @InProceedings(Nov:960273, title = {{A} horizon shifting model of linguistic hedges for approximate reasoning}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New Orleans}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {423-427}, ident = {UTIA-B 960273} ) @InProceedings(Nov:960274, title = {{I}s crucial role in soft computing played by words?}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, booktitle = {International Panel Conference on Soft and Intelligent Computing. Proceedings}, publisher = {Technical University}, address = {Budapest}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {223-228}, ident = {UTIA-B 960274} ) @Article(Nov:960105, title = {Review of {T}he {S}tatistical {A}nalysis of {T}ime {S}eries by {T}. {W}. {A}nderson}, author = {Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J.}, journal = {IAPR Newsletter}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {18}, pages = {5}, ident = {UTIA-B 960105} ) @Article(NovPud:960025, title = {{D}ivergence based feature selection for multimodal class densities}, author = {Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Pudil, P. and Kittler, J.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, volume = {18}, pages = {218-223}, ident = {UTIA-B 960025} ) @InProceedings(NovPud:960130, title = {{F}eature selection in statistical pattern recognition via modified model with latent structure}, author = {Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Pudil, P. and Somol, P.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {217-222}, ident = {UTIA-B 960130} ) @InProceedings(Ota:960157, title = {{W}eight coefficients of maximum pseudo-likelihood estimators for systems of binary random variables with pair interactions}, author = {Ot{\'{a}}hal, A.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT'94}, editor = {P{\'{a}}zman, Andrej and Witkovsk{\'{y}}, Viktor}, publisher = {Mathematical Institute}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {209-214}, ident = {UTIA-B 960157} ) @InProceedings(Out:960060, title = {{S}emismoothness in parametrized quasi-variational inequalities}, author = {Outrata, J.}, booktitle = {System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings}, editor = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J.}, publisher = {Chapman \& Hall}, address = {London}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {203-210}, ident = {UTIA-B 960060} ) @InProceedings(Out:960087, title = {{N}onsmooth approaches in computing of equilibria}, author = {Outrata, J.}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 1995}, editor = {Kleinschmidt, P. and Bachem, A. and Derigs, U.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {36-41}, ident = {UTIA-B 960087} ) @Article(Out:960202, title = {{S}olution behaviour for parameter-dependent quasi-variational inequalities}, author = {Outrata, J.}, journal = {RAIRO - Recherche Op{\'{e}}rationnelle}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, volume = {30}, pages = {399-415}, ident = {UTIA-B 960202} ) @InProceedings(PadTic:960179, title = {{E}xtension of a hyperstable adaptive line enhancer for tracking of multiple cisoids}, author = {Padmanabhan, M. and Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P.}, booktitle = {Signal Processing VIII: Theories and Applications}, editor = {Sicuranza, S. L. and Ramponi, G.}, publisher = {EA Signal Processing }, address = {Trieste}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {1271-1274}, ident = {UTIA-B 960179} ) @Article(PapHad:960256, title = {{A} fixed point theorem in probabilistic metric spaces and an application}, author = {Pap, E. and Had{\v{z}}i{\v{c}}, O. and Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, volume = {202}, pages = {433-449}, ident = {UTIA-B 960256} ) @InProceedings(PicLaf:960106, title = {{M}odel matching for linear systems with delays}, author = {Picard, P. and Lafay, J. F. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC}, chapter= {D}, editor = {Gertler, J. J. and Cruz, J. B. and Peshkin, M.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {San Francisco}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {183-188}, ident = {UTIA-B 960106} ) @InProceedings(Pik:960148, title = {{A}n event deformation model and its application}, author = {Pik, J.}, booktitle = {Discrete Event Systems. WODES'96}, editor = {Spathopoulos, M. P. and Smedinga, R. and Koz{\'{a}}k, P.}, publisher = {IEE}, address = {London}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {352-355}, ident = {UTIA-B 960148} ) @InProceedings(Pik:960150, title = {{A}nalysis and forecasting of natural discrete event processes based on the rho-bar distance of event sequences}, author = {Pik, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings in Computational Statistics. COMPSTAT'96}, editor = {Prat, A. and Ripoll, E.}, publisher = {Physica Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {93-94}, ident = {UTIA-B 960150} ) @InProceedings(Pre:960203, title = {2-{D} control systems, a new approach}, author = {Preisler, M.}, booktitle = {Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control}, editor = {Sou{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Preisler, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {13}, ident = {UTIA-B 960203} ) @InProceedings(PudNov:960081, title = {{N}ew tools for knowledge guided approach to feature selection in statistical pattern recognition}, author = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Ferri, F. J.}, booktitle = {Intelligent Feature Selection: Statistical and Neural Approaches}, publisher = {University of Sussex}, address = {Brighton}, month = {April}, year = {1996}, pages = {1-4}, ident = {UTIA-B 960081} ) @InProceedings(PudRih:960263, title = {{P}otential of floating search methods for managing redundant information}, author = {Pudil, P. and {\v{R}}{\'{\i}}hov{\'{a}}, Z.}, booktitle = {IDIMT '96. 4th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks. Proceedings}, editor = {Chroust, G. and Doucek, P.}, publisher = {R.Oldenbourg}, address = {M{\"{u}}nchen}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {72-81}, ident = {UTIA-B 960263} ) @InProceedings(Roj:960136, title = {{P}robabilistic modelling of unknown parameters and preliminary evaluation of the control quality}, author = {Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {79-84}, ident = {UTIA-B 960136} ) @InCollection(Rou:960225, title = {{R}elaxation of optimal control problems coercive in {L}p-spaces}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, booktitle = {Modelling and Optimization of Distributed Parameter Systems}, editor = {Malanowski, K. and Namorski, Z. and Peszynska, M.}, publisher = {Chapman \& Hall}, address = {London}, year = {1996}, pages = {270-277}, ident = {UTIA-B 960225} ) @InProceedings(Rou:970194, title = {{M}odelling of microstructure in non-quasiconvex variational problems}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, booktitle = {Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications}, editor = {Niezg{\'{o}}dka, M. and Strzelecki, P.}, publisher = {Longmann}, address = {Harlow}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {264-270}, ident = {UTIA-B 970194} ) @Article(Rou:980181, title = {{N}umerical approximation of relaxed variational problems}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Journal of Convex Analysis}, year = {1996}, number = {2}, volume = {3}, pages = {1-19}, ident = {UTIA-B 980181} ) @Article(RubVis:960167, title = {{A} note on asymptotic linearity of {M}-statistics in nonlinear models}, author = {Rubio, A. M. and V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, volume = {32}, pages = {353-374}, ident = {UTIA-B 960167} ) @PhDThesis(Rui:961078, title = {Decoupling of Linear Systems. Doctoral Thesis}, author = {Ruiz-Le{\'{o}}n, J. J.}, school = {Czech Technical University}, address = {Prague}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 961078} ) @Article(RuiZag:960192, title = {{O}n the {M}organ problem with stability}, author = {Ruiz-Le{\'{o}}n, J. J. and Zagalak, P. and Eldem, V.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {5}, volume = {32}, pages = {425-441}, ident = {UTIA-B 960192} ) @Article(RukVaj:970082, title = {{T}he error probability, entropy, and equivocation when the number of input messages increases}, author = {Rukhin, A. L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, year = {1996}, number = {6}, volume = {42}, pages = {2228-2231}, ident = {UTIA-B 970082} ) @Article(Sch:960211, title = {{I}nverse updated systolic {R}{L}{S} algorithm with regularized exponential forgetting}, author = {Schier, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {32}, pages = {209-234}, ident = {UTIA-B 960211} ) @InProceedings(SchAgt:960137, title = {{O}bject tracking and tracing for multi-static {F}{M}-{C}{W} radar - incremental approach}, author = {Schier, J. and Agterkamp, H. J. and van Gemund, A. J. C. and Reijns, G. L. and Lin, H. X.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {151-154}, ident = {UTIA-B 960137} ) @TechReport(Schvan:960214, title = {{P}{T}{T} and {O}{T}{T} {E}nhancement - {F}inal {R}eport}, author = {Schier, J. and van Gemund, A. J. C.}, institution = {University of Technology}, address = {Delft}, year = {1996}, number = {1-68340-44(1996)10}, ident = {UTIA-B 960214} ) @InProceedings(SimCel:970042, title = {{Z}ero dynamics and output tracking for singular discrete-time nonlinear systems}, author = {Simoes, C. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Nijmeijer, H.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control}, publisher = {APCA}, address = {Porto}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {535-540}, ident = {UTIA-B 970042} ) @InProceedings(Sla:960070, title = {{S}tability analysis of time-varying discrete interval systems}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings}, editor = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J.}, publisher = {Chapman \& Hall}, address = {London}, month = {July}, year = {1996}, pages = {179-186}, ident = {UTIA-B 960070} ) @InProceedings(Sla:960176, title = {{A} note on perturbation formulas for finite {M}arkov chains}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Mathematical Methods in Economics 1996}, publisher = {University of Economics}, address = {Prague}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {77-83}, ident = {UTIA-B 960176} ) @InProceedings(SlaVos:960246, title = {{R}obust stability in {W}alrasian equilibrium model}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K. and Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Kvantitat{\'{\i}}vne met{\'{o}}dy v ekonomike. (Viackriteri{\'{a}}lna optimaliz{\'{a}}cia 8)}, publisher = {Ekonomick{\'{a}} univerzita}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {December}, year = {1996}, pages = {143-150}, ident = {UTIA-B 960246} ) @Article(SlaVos:960291, title = {{T}he speed of adjustment and robust stability of macroeconomic systems}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K. and Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, journal = {Bulletin {\v{C}}esk{\'{e}} ekonometrick{\'{e}} spole{\v{c}}nosti}, year = {1996}, number = {5}, pages = {89-100}, ident = {UTIA-B 960291} ) @InProceedings(SmiVol:960153, title = {{M}onte {C}arlo approach to {B}ayesian regression modeling}, author = {Smid, J. and Volf, P. and Rao, G.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {205-210}, ident = {UTIA-B 960153} ) @TechReport(SodJez:960141, title = {{A}n {E}fficient and {V}ersatile {A}lgorithm for {C}omputing the {C}ovariance {F}unction of an {A}{R}{M}{A} {P}rocess}, author = {S{\"{o}}derstr{\"{o}}m, T. and Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, institution = {Uppsala University}, address = {Uppsala}, year = {1996}, number = {UPTEC 96108R}, ident = {UTIA-B 960141} ) @Proceedings(SouJez:960287, title = {Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control}, editor = {Sou{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Preisler, M..}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 960287} ) @TechReport(Sou:960121, title = {{P}robability {D}istribution of an {A}pproximated {F}unction with {U}ncertain {A}rgument}, author = {Soukup, L.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1877}, ident = {UTIA-B 960121} ) @InProceedings(Sou:960138, title = {{P}robability distribution of approximation}, author = {Soukup, L.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {141-144}, ident = {UTIA-B 960138} ) @TechReport(Stu:960109, title = {{O}n {R}ecovery {A}lgorithm for {C}hain {G}raphs}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1874}, ident = {UTIA-B 960109} ) @InProceedings(Stu:960142, title = {{O}n stochastic conditional independence structures}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {European Conference on Higly Structured Stochastic Systems. Proceedings}, publisher = {University of Aalborg}, address = {Rebild}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {165-169}, ident = {UTIA-B 960142} ) @InProceedings(Stu:960149, title = {{O}n separation criterion and recovery algorithm for chain graphs}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings}, editor = {Horvik, E. and Jensen, F.}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publ.}, address = {San Francisco}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {509-516}, ident = {UTIA-B 960149} ) @InProceedings(Stu:960267, title = {{T}riangular norm-based arithmetics of fuzzy quantities}, author = {Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A.}, booktitle = {Third European Congress on Systems Science}, editor = {Pessa, E. and Penna, M. P. and Montesanto, A.}, publisher = {Edizioni Kappa}, address = {Roma}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {525-529}, ident = {UTIA-B 960267} ) @Article(Stu:970173, title = {{O}n the double g-integral}, author = {Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A.}, journal = {Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics}, year = {1996}, number = {2}, volume = {26}, pages = {161-171}, ident = {UTIA-B 970173} ) @Article(SukFlu:960085, title = {{V}ertex-based features for recognition of projectively deformed polygons}, author = {Suk, T. and Flusser, J.}, journal = {Pattern Recognition}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {29}, pages = {361-367}, ident = {UTIA-B 960085} ) @InProceedings(SukFlu:970028, title = {{S}earch of the correspondence between the control points for registration of the projectively deformed images}, author = {Suk, T. and Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing}, editor = {Desachy, J.}, publisher = {SPIE}, address = {Taormina}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {28-37}, ident = {UTIA-B 970028} ) @Article(SyrZag:990233, title = {{A} computational method for reduced-order observers in linear systems}, author = {Syrmos, V. L. and Zagalak, P.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {1}, volume = {32}, pages = {95-100}, ident = {UTIA-B 990233} ) @InProceedings(SebKra:960208, title = {{R}obust stability of polynomial matrices}, author = {{\v{S}}ebek, M. and Kraus, F. J.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC}, chapter= {H}, editor = {Gertler, J. J. and Cruz, J. B. and Peshkin, M.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {San Francisco}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {2988-2989}, ident = {UTIA-B 960208} ) @InProceedings(SebPej:960201, title = {{N}umerical methods for zeros and determinant of polynomial matrix}, author = {{\v{S}}ebek, M. and Pejchov{\'{a}}, S. and Henrion, D. and Kwakernaak, H.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Chania}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {473-477}, ident = {UTIA-B 960201} ) @InProceedings(SebStr:960193, title = {{P}olynomial control toolbox}, author = {{\v{S}}ebek, M. and Strijbos, R. C. W.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Chania}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {488-491}, ident = {UTIA-B 960193} ) @TechReport(Spi:960232, title = {{A} {B}ivariate {I}ntegral {C}ontrol {M}echanism {M}odel of {H}ousehold {C}onsumption}, author = {{\v{S}}pit{\'{a}}lsk{\'{y}}, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1885}, ident = {UTIA-B 960232} ) @InProceedings(Tes:960131, title = {{P}rocessing of prior information as function of data}, author = {Tesa{\v{r}}, L.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {145-149}, ident = {UTIA-B 960131} ) @TechReport(TicNeh:960122, title = {{C}omparative {S}tudy of {F}our {A}daptive {F}requency {T}rackers - {R}evised}, author = {Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P. and Nehorai, A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1865}, ident = {UTIA-B 960122} ) @InProceedings(Vaj:960229, title = {{P}erceptron approximations to {B}ayesian decisions about random processes}, author = {Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {Third European Congress on Systems Science}, editor = {Pessa, E. and Penna, M. P.}, publisher = {Edizioni Kappa}, address = {Roma}, month = {October}, year = {1996}, pages = {989-992}, ident = {UTIA-B 960229} ) @InProceedings(Vaj:970161, title = {{A}bout perceptron realizations of {B}ayesian decisions}, author = {Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, month = {June}, year = {1996}, pages = {253-257}, ident = {UTIA-B 970161} ) @TechReport(VajGri:960033, title = {{O}n {I}nformation {T}heoretic {O}ptimality of {R}adial {B}asis {F}unction {N}eural {N}etworks}, author = {Vajda, I. and Grim, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1864}, ident = {UTIA-B 960033} ) @TechReport(VajGri:960245, title = {{A}bout {O}ptimality of {P}robabilistic {B}asic {F}unction {N}eural {N}etworks}, author = {Vajda, I. and Grim, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1887}, ident = {UTIA-B 960245} ) @TechReport(VajKus:960277, title = {{A}daptive {D}ensity {E}stimates for {A}{T}{M} {N}etworks}, author = {Vajda, I. and K{\accent23u}s, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1893}, ident = {UTIA-B 960277} ) @InProceedings(ValKar:960133, title = {{E}stimation of {M}arkov chains with reduced parametrisation}, author = {Vale{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96}, editor = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {135-140}, ident = {UTIA-B 960133} ) @TechReport(ValKar:960188, title = {{E}stimation of {R}adon {I}nlet and {O}utlet}, author = {Vale{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1882}, ident = {UTIA-B 960188} ) @InProceedings(vanVaj:960227, title = {{N}onparametric density estimates consistent in x2-divergence}, author = {van der Meulen, E. C. and Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {World Congress of the Bernoulli Society. Abstracts}, editor = {Pflug, G.}, publisher = {Bernoulli Society}, address = {Vienna}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {464}, ident = {UTIA-B 960227} ) @InProceedings(vanSla:960069, title = {{C}ontinuous-time dynamic reward structures}, author = {van Dijk, N. M. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 1995}, editor = {Kleinschmidt, P. and Bachem, A. and Derigs, U.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {96-101}, ident = {UTIA-B 960069} ) @InProceedings(vanSla:960184, title = {{O}n uniformization for reducible nonnegative dynamic systems. {A}bstract}, author = {van Dijk, N. M. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Symposium {\"{u}}ber Operations Research}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"{a}}t}, address = {Braunschweig}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {89}, ident = {UTIA-B 960184} ) @TechReport(vanSla:960279, title = {{M}onotonicity and {C}omparison {R}esults for {N}onnegative {D}ynamic {S}ystems}, author = {van Dijk, N. M. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1890}, ident = {UTIA-B 960279} ) @Book(VanCel:960036, title = {Control Systems: From Linear Analysis to Synthesis of Chaos}, author = {Van{\v{e}}{\v{c}}ek, A. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, publisher = {Prentice-Hall}, address = {London}, year = {1996}, ident = {UTIA-B 960036} ) @InProceedings(VanCel:970006, title = {{R}oot locus of chaotic attractors}, author = {Van{\v{e}}{\v{c}}ek, A. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, booktitle = {Control '96. Proceedings}, publisher = {IEE}, address = {London}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {1220-1225}, ident = {UTIA-B 970006} ) @Article(VanCel:980138, title = {Nejistota o{\v{c}}ima v{\v{e}}dy - a ve v{\v{e}}d{\v{e}}}, author = {Van{\v{e}}{\v{c}}ek, A. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, journal = {Technick{\'{y}} magaz{\'{\i}}n}, year = {1996}, number = {11}, volume = {39}, pages = {22-25}, ident = {UTIA-B 980138} ) @Article(Vis:960099, title = {{O}n high breakdown point estimation}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, journal = {Computational Statistics}, year = {1996}, number = {-}, volume = {11}, pages = {137-146}, ident = {UTIA-B 960099} ) @InProceedings(Vis:960156, title = {{O}n the heuristics of statistical results}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT'94}, editor = {P{\'{a}}zman, Andrej and Witkovsk{\'{y}}, Viktor}, publisher = {Mathematical Institute}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {349-357}, ident = {UTIA-B 960156} ) @Article(Vis:960172, title = {{S}ensitivity analysis of {M}-estimates}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, journal = {Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, year = {1996}, number = {3}, volume = {48}, pages = {469-495}, ident = {UTIA-B 960172} ) @TechReport(Vol:960073, title = {{S}imulation {T}echniques in {B}ayesian {S}tatistical {D}ata {A}nalysis}, author = {Volf, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1869}, ident = {UTIA-B 960073} ) @InProceedings(Vol:960083, title = {{S}imulation techniques in {B}ayesian statistical data analysis}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Modelling and System Simulation. Proceedings}, editor = {Stefan, J.}, publisher = {MARQ}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {April}, year = {1996}, pages = {45-50}, ident = {UTIA-B 960083} ) @InProceedings(Vol:960155, title = {{M}ethods of regression diagnostics for hazard-based models}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT'94}, editor = {P{\'{a}}zman, A. and Witkovsk{\'{y}}, V.}, publisher = {Mathematical Institute}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {1996}, pages = {247-254}, ident = {UTIA-B 960155} ) @Article(Vol:960196, title = {{A}nalysis of generalized residuals in hazard regression models}, author = {Volf, P.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1996}, number = {5}, volume = {32}, pages = {501-510}, ident = {UTIA-B 960196} ) @InProceedings(Vol:960198, title = {{O} statistick\'{y}ch metod\'{a}ch pro klasifikaci}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Anal{\'{y}}za dat '96}, editor = {Kupka, K.}, publisher = {TriloByte}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {November}, year = {1996}, pages = {84-92}, ident = {UTIA-B 960198} ) @Article(Vos:960171, title = {{D}isequilibrium model applied to the {C}zech {E}conomy}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, journal = {Bulletin {\v{C}}esk{\'{e}} ekonometrick{\'{e}} spole{\v{c}}nosti}, year = {1996}, number = {4}, pages = {73-95}, ident = {UTIA-B 960171} ) @InProceedings(Vos:960174, title = {{D}isequilibrium model for the {C}zech {E}conomy}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Mathematical Methods in Economics 1996}, publisher = {University of Economics}, address = {Prague}, month = {September}, year = {1996}, pages = {84-97}, ident = {UTIA-B 960174} ) @TechReport(Vos:960219, title = {{M}ulti-{M}arket {D}isequilibrium {M}odels}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1855}, ident = {UTIA-B 960219} ) @InProceedings(Zag:960289, title = {{O}n pole structure assignment}, author = {Zagalak, P.}, booktitle = {Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control}, editor = {Sou{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Preisler, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1996}, pages = {37}, ident = {UTIA-B 960289} ) @TechReport(ZitFlu:960154, title = {{R}ecognition of {N}avigation {M}arks by {R}obot {V}ision {S}ystem}, author = {Zitov{\'{a}}, B. and Flusser, J. and Suk, T.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1996}, number = {1876}, ident = {UTIA-B 960154} )