@Article(AndCos:970117, title = {{V}{I}{R}{T}{U}{O}{U}{S}}, author = {Andris, P. and Costeira, J. P. and Dobrovodsk{\'{y}}, K. and Haindl, M. and Kittler, J. and Kurdel, P. and Santos-Victor, J. and Stoddart, A. J.}, journal = {ERCIM News}, year = {1997}, number = {31}, volume = {-}, pages = {25}, ident = {UTIA-B 970117} ) @InProceedings(Bakde:970041, title = {{D}ecentralized stabilization of input delayed systems under uncertainties}, author = {Bakule, L. and de la Sen, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First European Conference on Structural Control}, editor = {Baratta, A. and Rodellar, J.}, publisher = {World Scientific}, address = {Singapore}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, pages = {40-47}, ident = {UTIA-B 970041} ) @InProceedings(Bar:970216, title = {{S}olutions to a class of nonstandard nonlinear {H}_infinity control problems}, author = {Baramov, L.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, chapter= {4}, publisher = {IEEE Control Systems Society}, address = {San Diego}, month = {December}, year = {1997}, pages = {4629-4634}, ident = {UTIA-B 970216} ) @Article(BarKim:970185, title = {{N}onlinear {L}2-gain suboptimal control}, author = {Baramov, L. and Kimura, H.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1997}, number = {7}, volume = {33}, pages = {1247-1262}, ident = {UTIA-B 970185} ) @InProceedings(BelNov:970199, title = {{L}earning linguistic context for linguistic oriented fuzzy control}, author = {B{\v{e}}lohl{\'{a}}vek, R. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, booktitle = {FUZZ/IEEE '97. Proceedings}, publisher = {University of Barcelona}, address = {Barcelona}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {1167-1172}, ident = {UTIA-B 970199} ) @TechReport(Ber:970001, title = {{A} {M}ulti-{M}odel {M}ethods to {C}omplete {F}ault {D}iagnosis: {T}he {B}ayesian {W}ay. {A}n {I}ntroductory {T}reatment}, author = {Berec, L.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1897}, ident = {UTIA-B 970001} ) @PhDThesis(Ber:981242, title = {Model Structure Identification: Global and Local Views Bayesian Solution. Dr.Dissertation}, author = {Berec, L.}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 981242} ) @InProceedings(BerRoj:970145, title = {{C}ontrol period selection: {V}erification on coupled tanks}, author = {Berec, L. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J.}, booktitle = {European Control Conference}, editor = {Bastin, G. and Gevers, M.}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Brussels}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970145} ) @InProceedings(Boh:980140, title = {{N}\'{a}vrh adaptivn\'{\i}ho {L}{Q} regul\'{a}toru s dopl\v{n}kov\'{y}m korek\v{c}n\'{\i}m \v{c}lenem}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Conference Process Control '97}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {125-129}, ident = {UTIA-B 980140} ) @InProceedings(Boh:980142, title = {{S}mooth tuning of adaptive {L}{Q} controller from {P}{I}{D} to {L}{Q} properties}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Control and Management in Computer Integrated Systems}, editor = {Simek, K.}, publisher = {Silesian Technical University}, address = {Gliwice}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {15-21}, ident = {UTIA-B 980142} ) @InProceedings(BohFes:980141, title = {{E}xperience with the use of {L}{Q} adaptive controllers in selected loops in the power plant}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Fessl, J.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the International Workshop on Information Processing and Control in Power Generation}, publisher = {Start Engineering}, address = {Sofia}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, pages = {13-19}, ident = {UTIA-B 980141} ) @TechReport(BriRoj:970099, title = {{U}sing {A}{B}{E}{T} for {C}ontrolling a {R}eal {S}ystem: {A} {C}oncise {G}uide}, author = {Briechle, K. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1908}, ident = {UTIA-B 970099} ) @InProceedings(ColKuc:970080, title = {{M}odel matching for periodic systems}, author = {Colaneri, P. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Control Conference}, chapter= {6}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Piscataway}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {3143-3144}, ident = {UTIA-B 970080} ) @InProceedings(ColKuc:970090, title = {{M}odel matching with stability for periodic discrete-time systems}, author = {Colaneri, P. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems}, editor = {Koz{\'{a}}k, {\v{S}}. and Huba, M.}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {65-70}, ident = {UTIA-B 970090} ) @Article(ColKuc:970111, title = {{T}he model matching problem for periodic discrete-time systems}, author = {Colaneri, P. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = {1997}, number = {10}, volume = {42}, pages = {1472-1476}, ident = {UTIA-B 970111} ) @InProceedings(Cel:980078, title = {{L}ocal stabilization and controllability of a class of nontriangular nonlinear systems}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {IEEE Control Systems Society}, address = {Piscataway}, month = {December}, year = {1997}, pages = {1728-1733}, ident = {UTIA-B 980078} ) @TechReport(CelAra:970058, title = {{C}onstructive {N}onsmooth {S}tabilization of {T}riangular {S}ystems}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Aranda-Bricaire, E.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1907}, ident = {UTIA-B 970058} ) @InProceedings(CelAra:980079, title = {{C}onstructive nonsmooth stabilization of a class of nonlinear single-input systems}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Aranda-Bricaire, E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {IEEE Control Systems Society}, address = {Piscataway}, month = {December}, year = {1997}, pages = {1734-1736}, ident = {UTIA-B 980079} ) @Article(CelNij:970060, title = {{O}n the relation between local controllability and stabilizability for a class of nonlinear systems}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Nijmeijer, H.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, volume = {42}, pages = {90-94}, ident = {UTIA-B 970060} ) @InProceedings(Dar:970158, title = {{S}tochastic {P}redictability}, author = {Darbellay, G. A.}, booktitle = {European Conference on Signal Analysis and Prediction I}, editor = {Proch{\'{a}}zka, A. and Uhl{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}, J. and Sovka, P.}, publisher = {ICT Press}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {203-206}, ident = {UTIA-B 970158} ) @InProceedings(Dar:970178, title = {{T}he mutual information as a measure of statistical dependence. {A}bstract}, author = {Darbellay, G. A.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory 1997. Abstracts}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Piscataway}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {405}, ident = {UTIA-B 970178} ) @InProceedings(Dar:980217, title = {{A}n algorithm for estimating the degree of dependence between two random vectors. {A}bstract}, author = {Darbellay, G. A.}, booktitle = {International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Abstracts}, publisher = {EPFL}, address = {Lausanne}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {72}, ident = {UTIA-B 980217} ) @Article(DarFin:970160, title = {{C}ould nonlinear dynamics contribute to intra-day risk management?}, author = {Darbellay, G. A. and Finardi, M.}, journal = {European Journal of Finance}, year = {1997}, number = {4}, volume = {3}, pages = {311-324}, ident = {UTIA-B 970160} ) @Article(DarSla:970159, title = {{H}ow nonlinear is your time series? {A} new method and a case study}, author = {Darbellay, G. A. and Sl{\'{a}}ma, M.}, journal = {Neural Network World}, year = {1997}, number = {4/5}, pages = {483-493}, ident = {UTIA-B 970159} ) @InProceedings(deMar:970072, title = {{O}n the invariance of classes of shape generators}, author = {de Baets, B. and Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {Mainz}, address = {Aachen}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {10-14}, ident = {UTIA-B 970072} ) @InProceedings(deMar:970085, title = {{F}uzzy zeroes and indistinguishability of real numbers}, author = {de Baets, B. and Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Computational Intelligence. Theory and Applications. Proceedings}, editor = {Reusch, B.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {April}, year = {1997}, pages = {299-303}, ident = {UTIA-B 970085} ) @Article(deMar:970174, title = {{T}-partitions of the real line generated by idempotent shapes}, author = {de Baets, B. and Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {91}, pages = {177-184}, ident = {UTIA-B 970174} ) @InProceedings(Der:970151, title = {{S}hadow prices and equilibria in production, export, import and investment of an open economy}, author = {Derviz, A.}, booktitle = {Exchange Rate Movements and the Real Economy}, editor = {Karadeloglou, P. and Papazoglou, Ch.}, publisher = {Bank of Greece}, address = {Athens}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {45-66}, ident = {UTIA-B 970151} ) @InProceedings(Der:970152, title = {{S}hadow asset prices and equilibria under restriction on portfolio composition and adjustment speed}, author = {Derviz, A.}, booktitle = {Quantitative Methods in Finance 1997}, editor = {Chiarella, C. and Platen, E.}, publisher = {Westpac}, address = {Sydney}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {80-116}, ident = {UTIA-B 970152} ) @InProceedings(EldOzc:980077, title = {{A} note on diagonal decoupling}, author = {Eldem, V. and {\"{O}}zcaldiran, K. and Zagalak, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {IEEE Control Systems Society}, address = {Piscataway}, month = {December}, year = {1997}, pages = {1425-1430}, ident = {UTIA-B 980077} ) @TechReport(Fia:980001, title = {{A} {C}omputer {S}oftware for {G}raphical {P}rocessing of {M}usical {C}ompositions}, author = {Fialov{\'{a}}, L.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1904}, ident = {UTIA-B 980001} ) @TechReport(Fia:980002, title = {{N}umerick\'{a} anal\'{y}za notov\'{y}ch posloupnost\'{\i} {W}.{A}.{M}ozarta}, author = {Fialov{\'{a}}, L.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1905}, ident = {UTIA-B 980002} ) @TechReport(Fia:980003, title = {{N}umerick\'{a} anal\'{y}za notov\'{y}ch posloupnost\'{\i} {G}.{F}.{H}\"{a}ndela}, author = {Fialov{\'{a}}, L.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1906}, ident = {UTIA-B 980003} ) @TechReport(Fid:970118, title = {{\v{R}}e\v{s}en\'{\i} \'{u}lohy optim\'{a}ln\'{\i}ho \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} s nediferenci\'{a}ln\'{\i}mi omezen\'{\i}mi a obecn\'{y}mi okrajov\'{y}mi podm\'{\i}nkami}, author = {Fidler, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1910}, ident = {UTIA-B 970118} ) @PhDThesis(Flu:981213, title = {Integr{\'{a}}ln{\'{\i}} invarianty pro popis a automatick{\'{e}} rozpozn{\'{a}}v{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} objekt{\accent23u}. Habilita{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} pr{\'{a}}ce}, author = {Flusser, J.}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 981213} ) @TechReport(FluSuk:970017, title = {{D}egraded {I}mage {A}nalysis: {A}n {I}nvariant {A}pproach}, author = {Flusser, J. and Suk, T.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1900}, ident = {UTIA-B 970017} ) @Article(FluSuk:970123, title = {{C}lassification of degraded signals by the method of invariants}, author = {Flusser, J. and Suk, T.}, journal = {Signal Processing}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {60}, pages = {243-249}, ident = {UTIA-B 970123} ) @InProceedings(FluSuk:970124, title = {{S}electing the best features in the case of decreasing robustness}, author = {Flusser, J. and Suk, T.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition}, editor = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Grim, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {49-54}, ident = {UTIA-B 970124} ) @TechReport(GaoKar:970019, title = {{D}ual {B}ayesian {A}daptive {C}ontrol of {A} {S}imple {S}tochastic {S}ystem}, author = {Gao, H. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1898}, ident = {UTIA-B 970019} ) @InProceedings(GaoKar:970142, title = {{P}erformance of feasible {M}arkov chain-based predictors for nonlinear systems}, author = {Gao, H. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Sl{\'{a}}ma, M.}, booktitle = {European Control Conference}, editor = {Bastin, G. and Gevers, M.}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Brussels}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970142} ) @InProceedings(GotNov:970071, title = {{O}n the consistency of fuzzy theories}, author = {Gottwald, S. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V. and Ram{\'{\i}}k, J. and Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A.}, publisher = {Academia}, address = {Prague}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {168-171}, ident = {UTIA-B 970071} ) @TechReport(Gri:970002, title = {{M}aximum-{L}ikelihood {S}tructuring of {P}robabilistic {N}eural {N}etworks}, author = {Grim, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1894}, ident = {UTIA-B 970002} ) @InProceedings(Gri:970035, title = {{M}ixture of experts architectures for neural networks as a special case of conditional expectation formula}, author = {Grim, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition}, editor = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Grim, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {55-60}, ident = {UTIA-B 970035} ) @InProceedings(GuyKar:970015, title = {{S}pline-based hybrid adaptive controller}, author = {Guy, T. V. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Modelling, Identification and Control. Proceedings}, editor = {Hamza, M. H.}, publisher = {IASTED Acta Press}, address = {Anaheim}, month = {February}, year = {1997}, pages = {118-122}, ident = {UTIA-B 970015} ) @TechReport(HaiHav:980202, title = {{T}exture {A}nalysis}, author = {Haindl, M. and Havl{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1938}, ident = {UTIA-B 980202} ) @TechReport(HaiHav:980203, title = {{P}rototype {I}mplementation of the {T}exture {A}nalysis {O}bjects}, author = {Haindl, M. and Havl{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1939}, ident = {UTIA-B 980203} ) @InProceedings(HaiSim:970039, title = {{A} scratch removal method}, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{S}}imberov{\'{a}}, S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition}, editor = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Grim, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {61-66}, ident = {UTIA-B 970039} ) @InCollection(HaiSim:980010, title = {{A} regression model contribution to astronomical image reconstruction}, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{S}}imberov{\'{a}}, S.}, booktitle = {Data Analysis in Astronomy}, editor = {Di Gesu, V. and Duff, M. J. B. and Heck, A.}, publisher = {World Scientific}, address = {Singapore}, year = {1997}, pages = {303-310}, ident = {UTIA-B 980010} ) @Article(HaiWie:970012, title = {{E}{R}{C}{I}{M} meetings in {P}rague}, author = {Haindl, M. and Wiedermann, J.}, journal = {ERCIM News}, year = {1997}, number = {28}, pages = {2-3}, ident = {UTIA-B 970012} ) @InProceedings(HaiZid:970005, title = {{A} range image segmentation method}, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{Z}}id, P.}, booktitle = {Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '97. Proceedings}, editor = {Pajdla, T.}, publisher = {Czech Pattern Recognition Society}, address = {Praha}, month = {February}, year = {1997}, pages = {69-76}, ident = {UTIA-B 970005} ) @InProceedings(HaiZid:970087, title = {{F}ast segmentation of range images}, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{Z}}id, P.}, booktitle = {Images Analysis and Processing}, editor = {Del Bimbo, A.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {295-302}, ident = {UTIA-B 970087} ) @InProceedings(HaiZid:970153, title = {{A} range image segmentation method}, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{Z}}id, P.}, booktitle = {Week of Doctoral Students 1997. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, editor = {{\v{S}}afr{\'{a}}nkov{\'{a}}, J.}, publisher = {MFF UK}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {115-121}, ident = {UTIA-B 970153} ) @TechReport(HaiZid:980205, title = {{S}cene {S}egmentation}, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{Z}}id, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1940}, ident = {UTIA-B 980205} ) @InProceedings(HalFlu:970209, title = {{E}stimation of profiles of sherds of archaeological pottery}, author = {Hal{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}, R. and Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '97. Proceedings}, editor = {Pajdla, T.}, publisher = {Czech Pattern Recognition Society}, address = {Praha}, month = {February}, year = {1997}, pages = {126-130}, ident = {UTIA-B 970209} ) @Article(HanTic:970059, title = {{F}requency rate estimation at high {S}{N}{R}}, author = {H{\"{a}}ndel, P. and Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing}, year = {1997}, number = {8}, volume = {45}, pages = {2101-2105}, ident = {UTIA-B 970059} ) @Article(HanTic:970122, title = {{A}symptotic noise gain of polynomial predictors}, author = {H{\"{a}}ndel, P. and Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P.}, journal = {Signal Processing}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {62}, pages = {247-250}, ident = {UTIA-B 970122} ) @InProceedings(HanTic:970047, title = {{P}erformance analysis of a constrained high order adaptive notch filter}, author = {H{\"{a}}ndel, P. and Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P. and Savaresi, S. M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1997 Finnish Signal Processing Symposium}, publisher = {TTKK}, address = {Pori}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, pages = {21-24}, ident = {UTIA-B 970047} ) @TechReport(HenSeb:970120, title = {{S}ymmetric {M}atrix {P}olynomial {E}quation: {I}nterpolation {R}esults}, author = {Henrion, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, institution = {LAAS-CNRS}, address = {Toulouse}, year = {1997}, number = {97040}, ident = {UTIA-B 970120} ) @InProceedings(HenSeb:970143, title = {{A}n efficient numerical method for the discrete time symmetric matrix polynomial equation}, author = {Henrion, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {European Control Conference}, editor = {Bastin, G. and Gevers, M.}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Brussels}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970143} ) @Article(HerKar:970050, title = {{B}ayesian estimation of effective half-life in dosimetric applications}, author = {He{\v{r}}mansk{\'{a}}, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, journal = {Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis}, year = {1997}, number = {4}, volume = {24}, pages = {467-482}, ident = {UTIA-B 970050} ) @InProceedings(HusSeb:970146, title = {{N}umerical operations among rational matrices: {S}tandard techniques and interpolation}, author = {Hu{\v{s}}ek, P. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and {\v{S}}techa, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems}, publisher = {FOCUS}, address = {Paphos}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970146} ) @InCollection(Hus:970166, title = {{L}1- {T}est procedures for detection of change}, author = {Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {L1- Statistical Procedures and Related Topics}, editor = {Dodge, Y.}, publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, address = {California}, year = {1997}, pages = {57-70}, ident = {UTIA-B 970166} ) @InCollection(Hus:970167, title = {{L}imit theorems for {M}-processes}, author = {Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Advances in Combinatorial Methods and Applications to Probability and Statistics}, editor = {Balakrishnan, N.}, publisher = {Birkh{\"{a}}user}, address = {Boston}, year = {1997}, pages = {522-534}, ident = {UTIA-B 970167} ) @Article(Jan:970022, title = {{A}symptotic results in parameter estimation for {G}ibbs random fields}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {33}, pages = {133-159}, ident = {UTIA-B 970022} ) @InProceedings(Jan:970038, title = {{A} {M}{C}{M}{C} solution to the knowledge integration problem}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {January}, year = {1997}, pages = {62-73}, ident = {UTIA-B 970038} ) @InProceedings(Jan:970044, title = {{A}proximace aposteriorn\'{\i}ch distribuc\'{\i}}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {ROBUST '96. Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} dev{\'{a}}t{\'{e}} letn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}MF}, editor = {Antoch, J. and Dohnal, G.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {73-84}, ident = {UTIA-B 970044} ) @InProceedings(JezPre:970196, title = {{U}se of delta distributions in space-time control systems}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Preisler, M.}, booktitle = {Dycomans Workshop 4. Control and Management in Computer Integrated Systems. Preprints}, editor = {Simek, K.}, publisher = {Institute of Automatic Control}, address = {Zakopane}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {41-44}, ident = {UTIA-B 970196} ) @InProceedings(Jir:970129, title = {{A}rtificial intelligence, the marginal problem and inconsistency}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems}, editor = {Bene{\v{s}}, V. and {\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'{a}}n, J.}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Dordrecht}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {223-234}, ident = {UTIA-B 970129} ) @InProceedings(Jir:970134, title = {{C}omposition of probability measures on finite spaces}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings}, editor = {Geiger, D. and Shenoy, P. P.}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, address = {San Francisco}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {274-281}, ident = {UTIA-B 970134} ) @Article(JirKus:970113, title = {{C}onstructing probabilistic models}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Kushmerick, N.}, journal = {International Journal of Medical Informatics}, year = {1997}, number = {6}, volume = {45}, pages = {9-18}, ident = {UTIA-B 970113} ) @InProceedings(Kad:970171, title = {{R}apid prototyping and parallel processing under {M}{A}{T}{L}{A}{B} 5}, author = {Kadlec, J.}, booktitle = {Tagungsband. 3. Zittauer Workshop Magnetlagertechnik}, editor = {Hampel, R. and Worlitz, F.}, publisher = {IPM}, address = {Zittau}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {101-104}, ident = {UTIA-B 970171} ) @InProceedings(Kad:970172, title = {{P}ara-{M}at parallel processing under {M}{A}{T}{L}{A}{B}}, author = {Kadlec, J.}, booktitle = {Simulationstechnik. Tagungsband}, editor = {Kuhn, A. and Wenzel, S.}, publisher = {Vieweg}, address = {Braunschweig}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, pages = {684-687}, ident = {UTIA-B 970172} ) @InProceedings(Kad:970186, title = {{P}arallel processing on {A}lphas under {M}{A}{T}{L}{A}{B} 5}, author = {Kadlec, J.}, booktitle = {SOFSEM '97: Theory and Practice of Informatics}, editor = {Pl{\'{a}}{\v{s}}il, F. and Jeffery, K. G.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, pages = {440-448}, ident = {UTIA-B 970186} ) @Article(KadGas:970170, title = {{A} parallel fixed-point predictive controller}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Gaston, F. M. F. and Irwin, G. W.}, journal = {International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing}, year = {1997}, number = {5}, volume = {11}, pages = {415-430}, ident = {UTIA-B 970170} ) @InProceedings(KadVia:970189, title = {{R}apid prototyping and parallel processing under {M}{A}{T}{L}{A}{B} 5}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Vialatte, C.}, booktitle = {MATLAB Conference 1997}, publisher = {Kimhua Technology}, address = {Seoul}, month = {October}, year = {1997}, pages = {120-125}, ident = {UTIA-B 970189} ) @InProceedings(Kan:970032, title = {{O}n an epsilon-solution of minimax problem in stochastic programming}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems}, editor = {Bene{\v{s}}, V. and {\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'{a}}n, J.}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Dordrecht}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {211-216}, ident = {UTIA-B 970032} ) @TechReport(Kan:970040, title = {{O}n {E}mpirical {E}stimates in {S}tochastic {P}rogramming {P}roblems with {P}robability {O}bjectives}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1902}, ident = {UTIA-B 970040} ) @InProceedings(Kan:970104, title = {{A} note on test of stability in economic input-output systems}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market}, editor = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {April}, year = {1997}, pages = {175-180}, ident = {UTIA-B 970104} ) @Article(Kan:970110, title = {{O}n estimates in time dependent stochastic optimization}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"{u}}r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik}, year = {1997}, number = {Supplement}, volume = {77}, pages = {587-588}, ident = {UTIA-B 970110} ) @InProceedings(Kan:970149, title = {Convexity, Lipschitz property and differentiability in two-stage stochastic nonlinear programming problems}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean. /WWW/}, editor = {Guddat, J.}, publisher = {Universidad Aut{\'{o}}noma}, address = {Puebla}, month = {October}, year = {1997}, pages = {http://www.emis.de/proceedings/3ICAOC/}, ident = {UTIA-B 970149} ) @InProceedings(Kan:970150, title = {{A} note on exponential rate convergence in stochastic programming problems. {A}bstract}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Abstracts}, publisher = {EPFL}, address = {Lausanne}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {142}, ident = {UTIA-B 970150} ) @InProceedings(Kan:970154, title = {{A} note on the relationship between {K}olmogorov metric and distribution sensitivity in stochastic programming. {A}bstract}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {International Conference on Optimization and Optimal Control. Abstracts}, publisher = {Pfalzakademie}, address = {Lambrecht}, month = {February}, year = {1997}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 970154} ) @InProceedings(Kan:970155, title = {{A} note on stability and estimates in multistage stochastic programming. {A}bstract}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Stochastische Modelle und Steuerung. 2. GAMM-Workshop. Abstracts}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"{a}}t}, address = {Dresden}, month = {March}, year = {1997}, pages = {9}, ident = {UTIA-B 970155} ) @Article(Kan:970182, title = {{O}n the stability in stochastic programming: the case of individual probability constraints}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1997}, number = {5}, volume = {33}, pages = {525-546}, ident = {UTIA-B 970182} ) @TechReport(Kan:980005, title = {{A} {N}ote on {C}ontamination in {S}tochastic {P}rogramming {P}roblems-{G}eneral {C}ase}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1915}, ident = {UTIA-B 980005} ) @InProceedings(KanSla:970063, title = {{R}isk-sensitive optimality criteria in multistage stochastic optimization}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Mathematical Methods in Economics}, editor = {Bauerov{\'{a}}, D. and Han{\v{c}}lov{\'{a}}, J. and Hrb{\'{a}}{\v{c}}, L. and Mo{\v{c}}ko{\v{r}}, J. and Ram{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}B}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {95-101}, ident = {UTIA-B 970063} ) @TechReport(KarBoh:970119, title = {{E}xperiments with an {A}daptive {N}etwork-{T}ype {L}{Q}{G} {C}ontrol {D}esign}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Nedoma, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1911}, ident = {UTIA-B 970119} ) @InCollection(KarNed:970137, title = {{S}tatistical decision making and neural networks}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Nedoma, P. and Berec, L.}, booktitle = {Dealing with Complexity. A Neural Networks Approach}, editor = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K. and K{\accent23u}rkov{\'{a}}, V.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, year = {1997}, pages = {29-46}, ident = {UTIA-B 970137} ) @Article(KarSam:970088, title = {{F}actor analysis of dynamic data: {N}ew algorithm finding a unique basis for factor space}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and {\v{S}}{\'{a}}mal, M. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Backfrieder, W. and Bergmann, H.}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, number = {5}, series = {Supplement}, volume = {38}, pages = {209}, ident = {UTIA-B 970088} ) @Book(KarWar:970138, title = {Dealing with Complexity. A Neural Networks Approach}, editor = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K. and K{\accent23u}rkov{\'{a}}, V..}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970138} ) @TechReport(Kha:970016, title = {{B}ayes {P}aradigm in {P}ractice - {E}xamples. {V}ersion 1}, author = {Khailova, N.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1901}, ident = {UTIA-B 970016} ) @InProceedings(KitSto:970100, title = {{V}irtuous: {A}utonomous acquisition of virtual reality models from real world scenes}, author = {Kittler, J. and Stoddart, A. J. and Santos-Victor, J. and Costeira, J. P. and Haindl, M. and Dobrovodsk{\'{y}}, K. and Andris, P. and Kurdel, P.}, booktitle = {International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region}, editor = {Ceccarelli, M.}, publisher = {Studio 22 Edizion}, address = {Cassino}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {487-492}, ident = {UTIA-B 970100} ) @InProceedings(KlaMar:980168, title = {{I}ndustrial controller {Z}{E}{P}{A}{D}{I}{G} 10 self-tuning and autotuning algorithms}, author = {Kl{\'{a}}n, P. and Mar{\v{s}}{\'{\i}}k, J. and Wilkie, J. and Gorez, R. and Smr{\v{c}}ek, F. and Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, L.}, booktitle = {European Control Conference}, editor = {Bastin, G. and Gevers, M.}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Brussels}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 980168} ) @InProceedings(KocOut:970027, title = {{A} nonsmooth approach to optimization problems with equilibrium constraints}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Outrata, J.}, booktitle = {Complementarity and Variational Problems}, editor = {Ferris, M. C. and Pang, J.-S.}, publisher = {SIAM}, address = {Philadelphia}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, pages = {148-164}, ident = {UTIA-B 970027} ) @TechReport(Kod:970202, title = {{A} {D}ynamic {M}odel of {I}nflation}, author = {Kodera, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1896}, ident = {UTIA-B 970202} ) @InProceedings(KodVos:970101, title = {{A} description of the capital market in the {C}zech {R}epublic (1995-1996)}, author = {Kodera, J. and Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market}, editor = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {April}, year = {1997}, pages = {1-22}, ident = {UTIA-B 970101} ) @InProceedings(Kra:980188, title = {{S}tate-space algorithm for the row-reduction of a polynomial matrix. {A}bstract}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {Benelux Meeting of Systems and Control. Abstracts}, publisher = {FUNDP}, address = {Houffalize}, month = {March}, year = {1997}, pages = {45}, ident = {UTIA-B 980188} ) @InProceedings(Kra:980189, title = {{R}ow-reduction without polynomial operations: {A}n algorithm}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, booktitle = {European Control Conference}, editor = {Bastin, G. and Gevers, M.}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Brussels}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 980189} ) @InProceedings(KraKwa:970217, title = {{A} state-space algorithm for the spectral factorization}, author = {Kraffer, F. and Kwakernaak, H.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, chapter= {4}, publisher = {IEEE Control Systems Society}, address = {Piscataway}, month = {December}, year = {1997}, pages = {4880-4881}, ident = {UTIA-B 970217} ) @InProceedings(KraKuc:970144, title = {{R}obust assignment of polynomial matrix polytopes}, author = {Kraus, F. J. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {European Control Conference}, editor = {Bastin, G. and Gevers, M.}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Brussels}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970144} ) @Article(KreBar:970074, title = {2{D} and 3{D} finite element pre- and post-processing in orthopaedy}, author = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, R. and Barto{\v{s}}, M. and Dvo{\v{r}}{\'{a}}k, J. and Nedoma, J. and Stehl{\'{\i}}k, J.}, journal = {International Journal of Medical Informatics}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, volume = {45}, pages = {83-89}, ident = {UTIA-B 970074} ) @InProceedings(KreSim:970065, title = {{H}alf-blind restoration of images corrupted by atmospheric turbulence}, author = {Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, R. and {\v{S}}imberov{\'{a}}, S. and Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Pattern Recognition and Information Processing}, editor = {Krasnoproshin, V. and Soldek, J. and Ablameyko, S. and Shmerko, V.}, publisher = {WUPS}, address = {Szczecin}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, pages = {384-387}, ident = {UTIA-B 970065} ) @TechReport(Kru:970066, title = {{D}i{P}erna-{M}ajda {M}easures and {U}niform {I}ntegrability}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M.}, institution = {University of Minnesota}, address = {Minneapolis}, year = {1997}, number = {1494}, ident = {UTIA-B 970066} ) @TechReport(Kru:970067, title = {{N}umerical {A}pproach to {D}ouble {W}ell {P}roblems}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M.}, institution = {University of Minnesota}, address = {Minneapolis}, year = {1997}, number = {1485}, ident = {UTIA-B 970067} ) @Article(KruRou:980171, title = {{O}n the measures of {D}i{P}erna and {M}ajda}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Mathematica Bohemica}, year = {1997}, number = {4}, volume = {122}, pages = {383-399}, ident = {UTIA-B 980171} ) @InProceedings(Kri:970130, title = {{I}nconsistent marginal problem on finite sets}, author = {K{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}, O.}, booktitle = {Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems}, editor = {Bene{\v{s}}, V. and {\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'{a}}n, J.}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Dordrecht}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {235-242}, ident = {UTIA-B 970130} ) @InProceedings(Kri:970157, title = {{N}\v{e}kter\'{e} aspekty terci\'{a}ln\'{\i}ho \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} {U} a {Q} v {E}{S} {\v{C}}{R}}, author = {K{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}, O.}, booktitle = {{\v{R}}{\'{\i}}zen{\'{\i}} nap{\v{e}}t{\'{\i}} a jalov{\'{y}}ch v{\'{y}}kon{\accent23u} v elektriza{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} soustav{\v{e}} {\v{C}}esk{\'{e}} republiky. 2. ro{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}k}, editor = {Beran, J.}, publisher = {EG{\'{U}}}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, pages = {67-71}, ident = {UTIA-B 970157} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:970013, title = {{C}ontrol system design via parametrization}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Computer Aided System Theory and Technology}, editor = {Moreno-D{\'{\i}}az, R. and Pichler, F. R.}, publisher = {Universidad de Las Palmas}, address = {Las Palmas}, month = {February}, year = {1997}, pages = {87-89}, ident = {UTIA-B 970013} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:970014, title = {{T}he {R}iccati equation of optimal control}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Modelling, Identification and Control. Proceedings}, editor = {Hamza, M. H.}, publisher = {IASTED Acta Press}, address = {Anaheim}, month = {February}, year = {1997}, pages = {1-2}, ident = {UTIA-B 970014} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:970024, title = {{R}obust regional pole placement}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Conference Process Control '97}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Mikle{\v{s}}, J. and M{\'{e}}sz{\'{a}}ros, A. and Krej{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}, S. and Dvoran, J.}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {116-122}, ident = {UTIA-B 970024} ) @Article(Kuc:970057, title = {{C}ontrol theory and forty years of {I}{F}{A}{C}: {A} personal view}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, journal = {IFAC Newsletter}, year = {1997}, number = {3}, pages = {4}, ident = {UTIA-B 970057} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:970089, title = {{A} bridge between state-space and transfer-function methods}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 4th Symposium on Advances in Control Education}, publisher = {Bogazici University}, address = {Istanbul}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {3-10}, ident = {UTIA-B 970089} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:970091, title = {{F}eedback realization of cascade compensators}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Domek, S. and Emirsajlow, Z. and Kaszynski, R.}, publisher = {WUPS}, address = {Szczecin}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {431-438}, ident = {UTIA-B 970091} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:970092, title = {{N}\'{a}vrh robustn\'{\i}ch regul\'{a}tor\accent23u metodou um\'{\i}st\v{e}n\'{\i} p\'{o}l\accent23u}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k stretnutia katedier a {\'{u}}stavov kybernetiky a automatiz{\'{a}}cie SR a {\v{C}}R}, editor = {Sarnovsk{\'{y}}, J.}, publisher = {Technick{\'{a}} univerzita}, address = {Ko{\v{s}}ice}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {173-185}, ident = {UTIA-B 970092} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:970097, title = {{L}inear systems: {T}ransfer functions, structure, and control}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the International Summer School on Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control}, editor = {Huba, M.}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {196-220}, ident = {UTIA-B 970097} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:970147, title = {{T}ransfer function equivalence of feedback/feedforward compensators}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems}, publisher = {FOCUS}, address = {Paphos}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970147} ) @Article(KucMar:970020, title = {{P}artial model matching: {P}arametrization of solutions}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V. and Mart{\'{\i}}nez, G. and Malabre, M.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1997}, number = {5}, volume = {33}, pages = {975-977}, ident = {UTIA-B 970020} ) @InProceedings(Kul:970131, title = {{A}pproximate fault detection and isolation using compressed data}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, booktitle = {Preprints of IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Patton, R. J. and Chen, J.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Hull}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {1009-1014}, ident = {UTIA-B 970131} ) @InProceedings(Kul:970133, title = {{S}ystem identification: {F}rom matching data to matching probabilities}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, booktitle = {European Control Conference}, editor = {Bastin, G. and Gevers, M.}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Brussels}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {131-160}, ident = {UTIA-B 970133} ) @InProceedings(KulTes:970132, title = {{O}n dual expression of prior information in {B}ayesian parameter estimation}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R. and Tesa{\v{r}}, L.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Sawaragi, Y. and Sagara, S.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Kitakyushu}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {451-456}, ident = {UTIA-B 970132} ) @Article(LiuCel:970165, title = {{F}eedback control of affine nonlinear singular control systems}, author = {Liu, X. P. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, journal = {International Journal of Control}, year = {1997}, number = {4}, volume = {68}, pages = {753-774}, ident = {UTIA-B 970165} ) @Article(LiuKuc:970084, title = {{S}trong decoupling of descriptor systems via proportional state feedback}, author = {Liu, X. P. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1997}, number = {4}, volume = {33}, pages = {371-386}, ident = {UTIA-B 970084} ) @InProceedings(Mar:970025, title = {{F}uzzy coalition forming}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress}, chapter= {3}, editor = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V. and Ram{\'{\i}}k, J. and Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A.}, publisher = {Academia}, address = {Prague}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {70-73}, ident = {UTIA-B 970025} ) @InProceedings(Mar:970048, title = {{F}uzzification possibilities in the capital market model}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market}, editor = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {April}, year = {1997}, pages = {151-157}, ident = {UTIA-B 970048} ) @InProceedings(Mar:970095, title = {{I}nternet ve v\v{e}d\v{e} jako model rovnov\'{a}hy}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {RUFIS '97. {\'{U}}loha univerzit v budouc{\'{\i}} informa{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} spole{\v{c}}nosti}, editor = {Hlavi{\v{c}}ka, J. and Kv{\v{e}}to{\v{n}}, K.}, publisher = {{\v{C}}VUT}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {131-136}, ident = {UTIA-B 970095} ) @Article(Mar:970106, title = {{W}eak arithmetics of fuzzy numbers}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {91}, pages = {143-153}, ident = {UTIA-B 970106} ) @InProceedings(Mar:970180, title = {{K}ritick\'{a} cesta s v\'{a}gn\'{\i}mi \v{c}innostmi}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Multidisciplin{\'{a}}rn{\'{\i}} p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}stupy k podpo{\v{r}}e rozhodov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} v ekonomii a managementu. Workshop '97 grantu VS 96063}, editor = {Ple{\v{s}}ingr, J.}, publisher = {Fakulta managementu JU}, address = {Jind{\v{r}}ich{\accent23u}v Hradec}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, pages = {5-14}, ident = {UTIA-B 970180} ) @Article(Mar:980112, title = {{V}erbal quantitative information in economic reality}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Acta Oeconomica Pragensia}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, series = {Informace, ekonomie a spole{\v{c}}nost}, volume = {5}, pages = {121-134}, ident = {UTIA-B 980112} ) @InCollection(Mar:990109, title = {{U}m\v{e}l\'{a} inteligence se dob\v{r}e prod\'{a}v\'{a}}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Mana{\v{z}}ersk{\'{e}} rozhledy 97. Sborn{\'{\i}}k odborn{\'{y}}ch {\v{c}}l{\'{a}}nk{\accent23u}}, publisher = {Fakulta managementu JU}, address = {Jind{\v{r}}ich{\accent23u}v Hradec}, year = {1997}, pages = {22-28}, ident = {UTIA-B 990109} ) @InCollection(Mar:990111, title = {{M}etoda kritick\'{e} cesty v re\'{a}ln\'{y}ch podm\'{\i}nk\'{a}ch}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Mana{\v{z}}ersk{\'{e}} rozhledy 97. Sborn{\'{\i}}k odborn{\'{y}}ch {\v{c}}l{\'{a}}nk{\accent23u}}, publisher = {Fakulta managementu JU}, address = {Jind{\v{r}}ich{\accent23u}v Hradec}, year = {1997}, pages = {54-64}, ident = {UTIA-B 990111} ) @Proceedings(MarMes:970026, title = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. Vol.1-4}, editor = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V. and Ram{\'{\i}}k, J. and Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A..}, publisher = {Academia}, address = {Prague}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970026} ) @Article(Mat:990062, title = {{N}otebook for the blind}, author = {Matul{\'{\i}}k, R.}, journal = {ERCIM News}, year = {1997}, number = {28}, pages = {19}, ident = {UTIA-B 990062} ) @Article(Mat:990064, title = {{G}{I}{N} - z\'{a}pisn\'{\i}k pro nevidom\'{e}}, author = {Matul{\'{\i}}k, R.}, journal = {Computerworld}, year = {1997}, number = {10}, volume = {8}, pages = {45}, ident = {UTIA-B 990064} ) @TechReport(MenMor:970021, title = {{A}bout {P}arametric {E}stimation and {T}esting {B}ased on {S}ample {Q}uantiles}, author = {Men{\'{e}}ndez, M. L. and Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1899}, ident = {UTIA-B 970021} ) @Article(MenMor:970115, title = {{T}esting in stationary models based on divergences of observed and theoretical frequencies}, author = {Men{\'{e}}ndez, M. L. and Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1997}, number = {5}, volume = {33}, pages = {465-475}, ident = {UTIA-B 970115} ) @InProceedings(Mes:970069, title = {k-{O}rder {P}an-discrete fuzzy measures}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V. and Ram{\'{\i}}k, J. and Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A.}, publisher = {Academia}, address = {Prague}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {488-490}, ident = {UTIA-B 970069} ) @InProceedings(Mes:970075, title = {{U}niversal triangular conorms}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {Mainz}, address = {Aachen}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {44-47}, ident = {UTIA-B 970075} ) @Proceedings(Mes:970086, title = {Advanced Control: Fuzzy, Neural, Genetic. Preprints of the International Summer School}, editor = {Mesiar, R..}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970086} ) @Article(Mes:970169, title = {{P}ossibility measures, integration and fuzzy possibility measures}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {92}, pages = {191-196}, ident = {UTIA-B 970169} ) @Article(Mes:970175, title = {{T}riangular-norm-based addition of fuzzy intervals}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1997}, volume = {91}, pages = {231-237}, ident = {UTIA-B 970175} ) @Article(Mes:970176, title = {{S}hape preserving additions of fuzzy intervals}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1997}, volume = {86}, pages = {73-78}, ident = {UTIA-B 970176} ) @Article(MesFul:970204, title = {{F}uzzy {S}ets and {S}ystems. {S}pecial {I}ssue: {F}uzzy {A}rithmetic}, editor = {Mesiar, R. and Full{\'{e}}r, R..}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {91}, pages = {135-269}, ident = {UTIA-B 970204} ) @Proceedings(MesKal:970188, title = {Proceedings of the Fuzzy Sets, Quantum Structures and Related Topics and Mathematics and Music}, editor = {Mesiar, R. and Kalina, M. and Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A. and N{\'{a}}n{\'{a}}siov{\'{a}}, O. and Halu{\v{s}}ka, J..}, publisher = {STU}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {April}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970188} ) @Article(MesKle:970203, title = {{F}uzzy {S}ets and {S}ystems. {S}pecial {I}ssue: {F}uzzy {M}easures and {I}ntegrals}, editor = {Mesiar, R. and Klement, E. and Weber, S. and Grabisch, M..}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {92}, pages = {137-260}, ident = {UTIA-B 970203} ) @InProceedings(MesKom:970187, title = {{T}riangular norm-based aggregation of evidence under fuzziness}, author = {Mesiar, R. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Aggregation and Fusion of Imperfect Information}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, year = {1997}, pages = {11-35}, ident = {UTIA-B 970187} ) @InProceedings(MesNov:970068, title = {{O}n fitting operations}, author = {Mesiar, R. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V. and Ram{\'{\i}}k, J. and Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A.}, publisher = {Academia}, address = {Prague}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {286-290}, ident = {UTIA-B 970068} ) @Article(MesPap:970177, title = {{O}n additivity and pseudo-additivity of a pseudo-additive measure based integral}, author = {Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, journal = {The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {5}, pages = {351-364}, ident = {UTIA-B 970177} ) @Article(MesRie:970205, title = {{T}atra {M}ountains {M}athematical {P}ublications. {S}pecial {V}olume: {F}uzzy {S}tructures}, editor = {Mesiar, R. and Rie{\v{c}}an, B..}, journal = {Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, volume = {13}, pages = {1-248}, ident = {UTIA-B 970205} ) @InProceedings(Mic:970163, title = {{D}etecting changes in econometric models}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Mathematical Methods in Economics}, editor = {Bauerov{\'{a}}, D. and Han{\v{c}}lov{\'{a}}, J. and Hrb{\'{a}}{\v{c}}, L. and Mo{\v{c}}ko{\v{r}}, J. and Ram{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}B}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {130-134}, ident = {UTIA-B 970163} ) @Article(MorPar:970114, title = {{S}ome new statistics for testing hypotheses in parametric models}, author = {Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, volume = {62}, pages = {137-168}, ident = {UTIA-B 970114} ) @InProceedings(NedKar:970191, title = {{A}{B}{E}{T}: {M}{A}{T}{L}{A}{B} toolbox for prior design of {L}{Q}{G} adaptive controllers}, author = {Nedoma, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Sawaragi, Y. and Sagara, S.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Kitakyushu}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {91-93}, ident = {UTIA-B 970191} ) @TechReport(NedKar:980004, title = {{A}{B}{E}{T}97. {A}daptive {B}ayesian {E}stimation {T}oolbox for {M}{A}{T}{L}{A}{B}}, author = {Nedoma, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and B{\accent23u}cha, J. and Roj{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, J. and Berec, L.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1914}, ident = {UTIA-B 980004} ) @TechReport(NedKar:970168, title = {{P}redictive {C}apabilities of {B}ayesian {M}odels under {S}parce {I}nformative {D}ata with {A}pplication to {D}etection of {T}rends in {B}ackground {D}ose {R}ate {M}easurements}, author = {Nedoma, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Pecha, P. and Ku{\v{c}}a, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1913}, ident = {UTIA-B 970168} ) @InProceedings(Nov:970200, title = {{E}valuating linguistic expressions and their role in the design of the fuzzy control strategy}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy Logic and Applications}, editor = {Steele, N.}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {Z{\"{u}}rich}, month = {February}, year = {1997}, pages = {89-94}, ident = {UTIA-B 970200} ) @InProceedings(NovKar:970141, title = {{N}ew approach to control design for {M}arkov chains}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}kov{\'{a}}, E. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {European Control Conference}, editor = {Bastin, G. and Gevers, M.}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Brussels}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970141} ) @InProceedings(NovPer:970076, title = {{O}n model theory in fuzzy logic in broader sense}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V. and Perfilieva, I.}, booktitle = {European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {Mainz}, address = {Aachen}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {142-147}, ident = {UTIA-B 970076} ) @InProceedings(NovPer:970198, title = {{O}n logical and algebraic foundations of approximate reasoning}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V. and Perfilieva, I.}, booktitle = {FUZZ/IEEE '97. Proceedings}, publisher = {University of Barcelona}, address = {Barcelona}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {693-698}, ident = {UTIA-B 970198} ) @Article(NovZor:970197, title = {{A} simple procedure for pattern pre-recognition based on fuzzy logic analysis}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, V. and Zorat, A. and Fedrizzi, M.}, journal = {International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, volume = {5}, pages = {31-45}, ident = {UTIA-B 970197} ) @InCollection(NovPud:970062, title = {{F}eature selection and classification by modified model with latent structure}, author = {Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Pudil, P.}, booktitle = {Dealing with Complexity. A Neural Networks Approach}, editor = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Warwick, K. and K{\accent23u}rkov{\'{a}}, V.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {London}, year = {1997}, pages = {126-138}, ident = {UTIA-B 970062} ) @TechReport(Out:970004, title = {{O}ptimality {C}onditions for a {C}lass of {M}athematical {P}rograms with {E}quilibrium {C}onstraints}, author = {Outrata, J.}, institution = {Institut f{\"{u}}r Angewandte Mathematik}, address = {Erlangen}, year = {1997}, number = {212}, ident = {UTIA-B 970004} ) @InProceedings(Out:970094, title = {{O}n a special class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints}, author = {Outrata, J.}, booktitle = {Recent Advances in Optimization}, editor = {Gritzmann, P. and Horst, R. and Sachs, E. and Tichatschke, R.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {246-260}, ident = {UTIA-B 970094} ) @InProceedings(OutKoc:970033, title = {{O}n exterior penalties in equilibrium problems}, author = {Outrata, J. and Ko{\v{c}}vara, M.}, booktitle = {Operations Research. Proceedings 1996}, editor = {Zimmermann, U. and Derigs, U. and Gaul, W. and M{\"{o}}hring, R. H. and Schuster, K.-P.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {37-42}, ident = {UTIA-B 970033} ) @Article(ParVaj:970051, title = {{A}bout distances of discrete distributions satisfying the data processing theorem of information theory}, author = {Pardo, M. C. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, year = {1997}, number = {4}, volume = {43}, pages = {1288-1293}, ident = {UTIA-B 970051} ) @InProceedings(PecPec:970164, title = {{A}pplication of {P}{C}-{C}{O}{S}{Y}{M}{A} code such a verification tool used in stage of {N}{P}{P} design}, author = {Pechov{\'{a}}, E. and Pecha, P. and Nedoma, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th COSYMA Users Group Meeting}, editor = {van Dort, A. M.}, publisher = {KEMA}, address = {Arnhem}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {1-23}, ident = {UTIA-B 970164} ) @Article(PicLaf:970055, title = {{F}eedback realization of nonsingular precompensators for linear systems with delays}, author = {Picard, P. and Lafay, J. F. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = {1997}, number = {6}, volume = {42}, pages = {848-852}, ident = {UTIA-B 970055} ) @InProceedings(Pik:970083, title = {{I}ncorrect observations in failure diagnosis of discrete event systems}, author = {Pik, J.}, booktitle = {Intelligent Manufacturing Systems '97. Preprints}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Seoul}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {203-206}, ident = {UTIA-B 970083} ) @InProceedings(Pik:970093, title = {{T}ransformation of structural patterns or discrete events? {A}n application of structural methods in discrete event systems}, author = {Pik, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition}, editor = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Grim, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {119-124}, ident = {UTIA-B 970093} ) @InProceedings(Pik:970096, title = {{A} hierarchical event structure: {A}n application of the selectivity principle in discrete event systems}, author = {Pik, J.}, booktitle = {The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Weingartner, P. and Schurz, G. and Dorn, G.}, publisher = {The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society}, address = {Kirchberg}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {770-775}, ident = {UTIA-B 970096} ) @InProceedings(Pik:970140, title = {{E}vent uncertainty in failure diagnosis of discrete event systems}, author = {Pik, J.}, booktitle = {Advances in Intelligent Systems}, editor = {Morabito, F. G.}, publisher = {IOS Press}, address = {Amsterdam}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {414-417}, ident = {UTIA-B 970140} ) @InProceedings(Pre:980008, title = {2-{D} space-time control systems}, author = {Preisler, M.}, booktitle = {Life Cycle Approaches to Production Systems. Management, Control, Supervision. Proceedings}, publisher = {University of Patras}, address = {Rion}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {492-499}, ident = {UTIA-B 980008} ) @InProceedings(PudFuk:970214, title = {{V}ize a koncepce v\'{y}stupu z projektu "{M}ultidisciplin\'{a}rn\'{\i} p\v{r}\'{\i}stupy k podpo\v{r}e rozhodov\'{a}n\'{\i} v ekonomii a managementu"}, author = {Pudil, P. and Fuka, K. and Ple{\v{s}}ingr, J. and Somol, P. and Vr{\v{n}}ata, R.}, booktitle = {Multidisciplin{\'{a}}rn{\'{\i}} p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}stupy k podpo{\v{r}}e rozhodov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} v ekonomii a managementu. Workshop '97 - Grant VS 96063}, editor = {Ple{\v{s}}ingr, J.}, publisher = {FM JU}, address = {Jind{\v{r}}ich{\accent23u}v Hradec}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, pages = {41-49}, ident = {UTIA-B 970214} ) @Article(PudHai:970116, title = {{S}tatistical techniques in pattern recognition}, author = {Pudil, P. and Haindl, M.}, journal = {ERCIM News}, year = {1997}, number = {31}, volume = {-}, pages = {57}, ident = {UTIA-B 970116} ) @Proceedings(PudNov:980157, title = {Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition}, editor = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Grim, J..}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 980157} ) @InProceedings(PudNov:970036, title = {{C}onceptual base of feature selection consulting system}, author = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Somol, P. and Vr{\v{n}}ata, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition}, editor = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Grim, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {125-134}, ident = {UTIA-B 970036} ) @InProceedings(PudNov:970183, title = {{U}ser oriented approach to feature selection in statistical pattern recognition}, author = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Somol, P. and Vr{\v{n}}ata, R.}, booktitle = {Multidisciplin{\'{a}}rn{\'{\i}} p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}stupy k podpo{\v{r}}e rozhodov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} v ekonomii a managementu. Workshop '97 grantu VS 96063}, editor = {Ple{\v{s}}ingr, J.}, publisher = {Fakulta managementu JU}, address = {Jind{\v{r}}ich{\accent23u}v Hradec}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, pages = {15-26}, ident = {UTIA-B 970183} ) @InProceedings(PudRih:970212, title = {{P}articipativn\'{\i} rozhodov\'{a}n\'{\i} z hlediska chov\'{a}n\'{\i} mana\v{z}\'{e}r\accent23u a distribuce informac\'{\i}. {V}ybran\'{e} v\'{y}sledky mezin\'{a}rodn\'{\i} studie}, author = {Pudil, P. and {\v{R}}{\'{\i}}hov{\'{a}}, Z.}, booktitle = {Mana{\v{z}}ersk{\'{e}} rozhledy '96. Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} FM JU}, publisher = {FM JU}, address = {Jind{\v{r}}ich{\accent23u}v Hradec}, year = {1997}, pages = {33-34}, ident = {UTIA-B 970212} ) @InProceedings(PudRih:970215, title = {{P}otential of floating search methods for managing redundant information}, author = {Pudil, P. and {\v{R}}{\'{\i}}hov{\'{a}}, Z.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks}, editor = {Chroust, G. and Dou{\v{c}}ek, P.}, publisher = {R.Oldenbourg}, address = {M{\"{u}}nchen}, month = {October}, year = {1997}, pages = {72-81}, ident = {UTIA-B 970215} ) @Article(Rou:970192, title = {{N}onconcentrating generalized {Y}oung functionals}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, volume = {38}, pages = {91-99}, ident = {UTIA-B 970192} ) @Book(Rou:970193, title = {Relaxation in Optimization Theory and Variational Calculus}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970193} ) @Article(RouSch:980186, title = {{E}xistence of solutions of certain nonconvex optimal control problems governed by nonlinear integral equations}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T. and Schmidt, W. H.}, journal = {Optimization}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, volume = {42}, pages = {91-109}, ident = {UTIA-B 980186} ) @Article(RubVis:980195, title = {{E}stimating the contamination level of data in the framework of linear regression analysis}, author = {Rubio, A. M. and V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, journal = {Q{\"{u}}estii{\'{o}}}, year = {1997}, number = {1/2}, volume = {21}, pages = {9-36}, ident = {UTIA-B 980195} ) @Article(RukVaj:980102, title = {{C}hange-point estimation as a nonlinear regression problem}, author = {Rukhin, A. L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Statistics}, year = {1997}, number = {-}, volume = {30}, pages = {181-200}, ident = {UTIA-B 980102} ) @InProceedings(RihPud:970211, title = {{M}ana\v{z}\'{e}rsk\'{e} chov\'{a}n\'{\i} z hlediska participativn\'{\i}ho rozhodov\'{a}n\'{\i}. {V}ybran\'{e} v\'{y}sledky mezin\'{a}rodn\'{\i} studie}, author = {{\v{R}}{\'{\i}}hov{\'{a}}, Z. and Pudil, P.}, booktitle = {Syst{\'{e}}mov{\'{e}} p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}stupy '96. Sborn{\'{\i}}k}, editor = {Rosick{\'{y}}, A. and Mildeov{\'{a}}, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, pages = {105-112}, ident = {UTIA-B 970211} ) @Article(RihPud:970213, title = {{\v{S}}\'{\i}\v{r}en\'{\i} a vyu\v{z}\'{\i}v\'{a}n\'{\i} informac\'{\i} z hlediska participativn\'{\i}ho rozhodov\'{a}n\'{\i}}, author = {{\v{R}}{\'{\i}}hov{\'{a}}, Z. and Pudil, P.}, journal = {Acta Oeconomica Pragensia}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, series = {Informace, ekonomie a spole{\v{c}}nost}, volume = {5}, pages = {93-101}, ident = {UTIA-B 970213} ) @Article(Sch:970107, title = {{E}stimation of transport delay using parallel recursive modified {G}ram-{S}chmidt algorithm}, author = {Schier, J.}, journal = {International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing}, year = {1997}, number = {5}, volume = {11}, pages = {431-442}, ident = {UTIA-B 970107} ) @TechReport(Sch:970003, title = {{I}dentifikacija statisti\v{c}eskich parametrov v odnoj modeli uslovnoj nezavisimosti}, author = {Schlesinger, M. I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1895}, ident = {UTIA-B 970003} ) @Article(Sla:970109, title = {{O}vertaking optimality in dynamic nonnegative systems}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"{u}}r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik}, year = {1997}, number = {Supplement}, volume = {77}, pages = {675-676}, ident = {UTIA-B 970109} ) @InProceedings(Sla:970148, title = {On composite stability of time-varying discrete interval systems}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean. /WWW/}, editor = {Guddat, J.}, publisher = {Universidad Aut{\'{o}}noma}, address = {Puebla}, month = {October}, year = {1997}, pages = {http://www.emis.de/proceedings/31CAOC/}, ident = {UTIA-B 970148} ) @InProceedings(Sla:970156, title = {{P}erturbations and error bounds for dynamic nonnegative systems. {A}bstract}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Stochastische Modelle und Steuerung. 2. GAMM-Workshop. Abstracts}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"{a}}t}, address = {Dresden}, month = {March}, year = {1997}, pages = {19}, ident = {UTIA-B 970156} ) @InProceedings(SmiVol:970077, title = {{D}ynamics approximation and change point retrieval from a neural networks model}, author = {Smid, J. and Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Mathematics of Neural Networks. Models, Algorithms and Applications}, editor = {Ellacott, S. W. and Mason, J. C. and Anderson, I. J.}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Boston}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {333-338}, ident = {UTIA-B 970077} ) @InProceedings(SmiVol:970079, title = {{A}n incremental construction of a nonparametric regression model}, author = {Smid, J. and Volf, P.}, booktitle = {International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, address = {Fort Lauderdale}, month = {January}, year = {1997}, pages = {466-472}, ident = {UTIA-B 970079} ) @InProceedings(SmiVol:970081, title = {{B}ayesian learning algorithm based on the {M}{C}{M}{C} method}, author = {Smid, J. and Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing}, editor = {Hamza, M. H.}, publisher = {IASTED Acta Press}, address = {Calgary}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {164-167}, ident = {UTIA-B 970081} ) @InProceedings(SmiVol:970179, title = {{M}odeling and change point detection for satellite instrumentation calibration coefficient time series: {A}n example based on {L}andsat-5 {T}hematic {M}apper data}, author = {Smid, J. and Volf, P. and Markham, B. and Seiferth, J.}, booktitle = {Earth Observing Systems. The SPIE paper 3117}, publisher = {S.P.I.E.}, address = {San Diego}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {197-205}, ident = {UTIA-B 970179} ) @InProceedings(SmiVol:970043, title = {{M}onte {C}arlo approach to {B}ayesian regression modeling}, author = {Smid, J. and Volf, P. and Rao, G.}, booktitle = {Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing}, editor = {Warwick, K. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, publisher = {Birkh{\"{a}}user}, address = {Boston}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {169-180}, ident = {UTIA-B 970043} ) @InProceedings(SmiVol:970139, title = {{H}{S}{T} battery voltage-current modeling}, author = {Smid, J. and Volf, P. and Rao, G.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference}, publisher = {AICE}, address = {New York}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {201-206}, ident = {UTIA-B 970139} ) @InProceedings(Som:970184, title = {{D}ifferent approaches to initialization of the {E}{M} algorithm for use in {G}aussian mixture modelling methods}, author = {Somol, P.}, booktitle = {Multidisciplin{\'{a}}rn{\'{\i}} p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}stupy k podpo{\v{r}}e rozhodov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} v ekonomii a managementu. Workshop '97 grantu VS 96063}, editor = {Ple{\v{s}}ingr, J.}, publisher = {Fakulta managementu JU}, address = {Jind{\v{r}}ich{\accent23u}v Hradec}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, pages = {85-91}, ident = {UTIA-B 970184} ) @InProceedings(Sou:970206, title = {{I}nfluence of geometric transformations to the positional accuracy of maps}, author = {Soukup, L.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th ICA/ACI International Cartographic Conference}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Ottoson, L.}, publisher = {Swedish Cartographic Society}, address = {G{\"{a}}vle}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {761-767}, ident = {UTIA-B 970206} ) @InProceedings(Sou:970207, title = {{P}robability distribution for exact nonlinear estimation}, author = {Soukup, L.}, booktitle = {Measurement '97. Proceedings}, editor = {Frollo, I. and Pla{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, A.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}stav merania SAV}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {}, year = {1997}, pages = {31-34}, ident = {UTIA-B 970207} ) @InProceedings(Sou:970208, title = {{P}robability distribution of transformed random variables with application to nonlinear feature extraction}, author = {Soukup, L.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition}, editor = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Grim, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {159-164}, ident = {UTIA-B 970208} ) @InProceedings(Stu:970011, title = {{O}n marginalization, collapsibility and precollapsibility}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems}, editor = {Bene{\v{s}}, V. and {\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'{a}}n, J.}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Dordrecht}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {191-198}, ident = {UTIA-B 970011} ) @Article(Stu:970053, title = {{S}emigraphoids and structures of probabilistic conditional independence}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, volume = {21}, pages = {71-98}, ident = {UTIA-B 970053} ) @Article(Stu:970054, title = {{A} recovery algorithm for chain graphs}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning}, year = {1997}, number = {213}, volume = {17}, pages = {265-293}, ident = {UTIA-B 970054} ) @InProceedings(Stu:970078, title = {{C}omparison of graphical approaches to description of conditional independence structures}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {January}, year = {1997}, pages = {156-172}, ident = {UTIA-B 970078} ) @InProceedings(Stu:970070, title = {{P}seudo-convolutions and their idempotents}, author = {Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress}, chapter= {1}, editor = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R. and Nov{\'{a}}k, V. and Ram{\'{\i}}k, J. and Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A.}, publisher = {Academia}, address = {Prague}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {484-487}, ident = {UTIA-B 970070} ) @InProceedings(Stu:970073, title = {{T}-sum - idempotents}, author = {Stup{\v{n}}anov{\'{a}}, A.}, booktitle = {European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {Mainz}, address = {Aachen}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {24-28}, ident = {UTIA-B 970073} ) @InProceedings(SukFlu:970061, title = {{P}oint projective and permutation invariants}, author = {Suk, T. and Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns}, editor = {Sommer, G. and Danilidis, K. and Pauli, J.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {74-81}, ident = {UTIA-B 970061} ) @InProceedings(Seb:970125, title = {{S}oftware package for polynomial matrix operations in control}, author = {{\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems}, editor = {Koz{\'{a}}k, {\v{S}}. and Huba, M.}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {32-36}, ident = {UTIA-B 970125} ) @InProceedings(Seb:970128, title = {{N}umerical methods for polynomial matrices}, author = {{\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the International Summer School on Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control}, editor = {Huba, M.}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {August}, year = {1997}, pages = {221-224}, ident = {UTIA-B 970128} ) @InProceedings(SebPej:970127, title = {{P}olynomial {M}atrix {O}perations in {M}{A}{T}{L}{A}{B}}, author = {{\v{S}}ebek, M. and Pejchov{\'{a}}, S. and Strijbos, R. C. W. and Henrion, D.}, booktitle = {Computer Aided System Theory and Technology}, editor = {Moreno-D{\'{\i}}az, R. and Pichler, F. R.}, publisher = {Universidad de Las Palmas}, address = {Las Palmas}, month = {February}, year = {1997}, pages = {139-141}, ident = {UTIA-B 970127} ) @InProceedings(SebStr:970126, title = {{P}olynomial control toolbox: {A} new aid for teaching linear systems in {M}atlab}, author = {{\v{S}}ebek, M. and Strijbos, R. C. W. and Kwakernaak, H.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 4th Symposium on Advances in Control Education}, publisher = {Bogazici University}, address = {Istanbul}, month = {July}, year = {1997}, pages = {91-95}, ident = {UTIA-B 970126} ) @TechReport(SinKar:980018, title = {{D}ynamic {D}ecision {M}aking {U}nder {U}ncertainty {A}llows {E}xplicit {S}olution}, author = {{\v{S}}indel{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1916}, ident = {UTIA-B 980018} ) @Article(Spi:970218, title = {{A} bivariate integral control mechanism model of household consumption}, author = {{\v{S}}pit{\'{a}}lsk{\'{y}}, J.}, journal = {Bulletin {\v{C}}esk{\'{e}} ekonometrick{\'{e}} spole{\v{c}}nosti}, year = {1997}, number = {7}, pages = {3-18}, ident = {UTIA-B 970218} ) @TechReport(TesBer:970098, title = {{E}xtensive {C}omparison of {S}ome {F}ault {D}etection and {I}solation {M}ethods}, author = {Tesa{\v{r}}, L. and Berec, L.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1909}, ident = {UTIA-B 970098} ) @Article(TicHan:970029, title = {{R}ecursive estimation of frequencies and frequency rates of multiple cisoids in noise}, author = {Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P. and H{\"{a}}ndel, P.}, journal = {Signal Processing}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {58}, pages = {117-129}, ident = {UTIA-B 970029} ) @InProceedings(TicHan:970046, title = {{R}ecursive estimation of linearly or harmonically modulated frequencies of multiple cisoids in noise}, author = {Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P. and H{\"{a}}ndel, P.}, booktitle = {International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing}, publisher = {ICASSP Committee}, address = {M{\"{u}}nchen}, month = {April}, year = {1997}, pages = {1925-1928}, ident = {UTIA-B 970046} ) @InProceedings(TicMur:970030, title = {{P}osterior {C}-{R} bounds for performance of adaptive parameter estimation}, author = {Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P. and Muravchik, C. and Nehorai, A.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First European Conference on Signal Analysis and Prediction}, editor = {Proch{\'{a}}zka, A. and Uhl{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}, J. and Sovka, P.}, publisher = {ICT Press}, address = {Prague}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {153-156}, ident = {UTIA-B 970030} ) @Article(TicNeh:970031, title = {{C}omparative study of four adaptive frequency trackers}, author = {Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P. and Nehorai, A.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing}, year = {1997}, number = {6}, volume = {45}, pages = {1473-1484}, ident = {UTIA-B 970031} ) @TechReport(TumSin:980019, title = {{M}anu\'{a}l k syst\'{e}mu {P}yrostatika postupn\'{e}ho z\'{a}\v{z}ehu. {V}erze 2.1}, author = {T{\accent23u}ma, J. and {\v{S}}indel{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1917}, ident = {UTIA-B 980019} ) @InProceedings(VajGri:970190, title = {{A}bout the maximum information and maximum likelihood principles in neural networks}, author = {Vajda, I. and Grim, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition}, editor = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Grim, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {189-197}, ident = {UTIA-B 970190} ) @Article(VajJan:970195, title = {{O}n asymptotically optimal estimates for general observations}, author = {Vajda, I. and Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, journal = {Stochastic Processes and their Applications}, year = {1997}, number = {1}, volume = {72}, pages = {27-45}, ident = {UTIA-B 970195} ) @Article(VajVes:970162, title = {{P}erceptron approximations to {B}ayesian descrimination and classification of random signals}, author = {Vajda, I. and Vesel{\'{y}}, A.}, journal = {Neural Network World}, year = {1997}, number = {4}, volume = {3}, pages = {305-323}, ident = {UTIA-B 970162} ) @InProceedings(ValKar:970023, title = {{E}stimation of radon dynamics in dwellings}, author = {Vale{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Thomas, J.}, booktitle = {Protection against Radon at Home and at Work}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {{\v{C}}VUT}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1997}, pages = {267-270}, ident = {UTIA-B 970023} ) @InProceedings(vanSla:970034, title = {{O}n uniformization for reducible nonnegative dynamic systems}, author = {van Dijk, N. M. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Operations Research. Proceedings 1996}, editor = {Zimmermann, U. and Derigs, U. and Gaul, W. and M{\"{o}}hring, R. H. and Schuster, K.-P.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {163-168}, ident = {UTIA-B 970034} ) @InProceedings(vanSla:970049, title = {{S}ensitivity analysis for interactions in industrial and capital markets}, author = {van Dijk, N. M. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market}, editor = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {April}, year = {1997}, pages = {159-174}, ident = {UTIA-B 970049} ) @TechReport(vanSla:20000077, title = {{O}n {A}pproximative {E}xpressions for {C}umulative {R}ewards of {T}ime-{I}nhomogeneous {N}onnegative {S}ystems}, author = {van Dijk, N. M. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1903}, ident = {UTIA-B 20000077} ) @InProceedings(VanCel:960209, title = {{S}ynthesis of chaos}, author = {Van{\v{e}}{\v{c}}ek, A. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, booktitle = {Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaotic and Complex Systems. Proceedings. Plenary Invited Lectures}, editor = {Infeld, E. and Zelanzny, R. and Galkowski, A.}, publisher = {University Press}, address = {Cambridge}, month = {November}, year = {1997}, pages = {271-282}, ident = {UTIA-B 960209} ) @InProceedings(VanNov:980139, title = {{S}tabilization on hyperchaotic attractor. {A}bstract}, author = {Van{\v{e}}{\v{c}}ek, A. and Novotn{\'{a}}, D. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, booktitle = {EuroConference on Nonlinear Dynamics in Physics and Related Science}, publisher = {EEC Contract}, address = {Montecatini}, month = {May}, year = {1997}, pages = {35}, ident = {UTIA-B 980139} ) @TechReport(Vce:970181, title = {{C}hoice {F}uzzy {F}unctions and their {N}on-{D}eterministic {P}roperties}, author = {V{\v{c}}ela{\v{r}}, F.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, number = {1912}, ident = {UTIA-B 970181} ) @InProceedings(Vej:970135, title = {{A} note on the marginal problem with inequality constrains and its "maximum entropy solution"}, author = {Vejnarov{\'{a}}, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {January}, year = {1997}, pages = {173-183}, ident = {UTIA-B 970135} ) @InProceedings(Vej:970136, title = {{M}easures of uncertainty and independence concept in different calculi}, author = {Vejnarov{\'{a}}, J.}, booktitle = {Progress in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings}, editor = {Costa, E. and Cardoso, A.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {October}, year = {1997}, pages = {155-166}, ident = {UTIA-B 970136} ) @InCollection(Vis:970037, title = {{C}ontamination level and sensitivity of robust tests}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Handbook of Statistics}, chapter= {15}, editor = {Maddala, G. S. and Rao, C. R.}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, year = {1997}, pages = {633-643}, ident = {UTIA-B 970037} ) @InProceedings(Vis:970201, title = {{C}ombining forecasts by their decomposition}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Mathematical Methods in Economics}, editor = {Bauerov{\'{a}}, D. and Han{\v{c}}lov{\'{a}}, J. and Hrb{\'{a}}{\v{c}}, L. and Mo{\v{c}}ko{\v{r}}, J. and Ram{\'{\i}}k, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}B}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {188-193}, ident = {UTIA-B 970201} ) @Article(Vis:980007, title = {{D}iagnostics of regression subsample stability}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, journal = {Probability and Mathematical Statistics}, year = {1997}, number = {2}, volume = {17}, pages = {231-257}, ident = {UTIA-B 980007} ) @InProceedings(Vol:970010, title = {{B}ayesovsk\'{y} odhad parametr\accent23u modelu metodami {M}{C}{M}{C} s aplikac\'{\i} na modelov\'{a}n\'{\i} regresn\'{\i}ch k\v{r}ivek}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {ROBUST '96. Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} dev{\'{a}}t{\'{e}} letn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}MF}, editor = {Antoch, J. and Dohnal, G.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {1997}, pages = {273-283}, ident = {UTIA-B 970010} ) @InProceedings(Vom:970009, title = {{S}tatistical methods for probabilistic model parameter estimation from incomplete data and their application to the marginal problem}, author = {Vomlel, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {January}, year = {1997}, pages = {184-193}, ident = {UTIA-B 970009} ) @InCollection(Vos:960233, title = {{P}hillips curve and market situations}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {The Privatization Process in East-Central Europe}, editor = {Mejst{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}k, M.}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Amsterdam}, year = {1997}, pages = {279-305}, ident = {UTIA-B 960233} ) @InCollection(Vos:970064, title = {{V}\'{y}konnost transformuj\'{\i}c\'{\i}ch se ekonomik: {S}ubstitu\v{c}n\'{\i} vztah output-inflace}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {{\v{C}}esk{\'{a}} republika a ekonomick{\'{e}} transformace ve st{\v{r}}edn{\'{\i}} a v{\'{y}}chodn{\'{\i}} Evrop{\v{e}}}, editor = {{\v{S}}vejnar, J.}, publisher = {Academia}, address = {Praha}, year = {1997}, pages = {127-132}, ident = {UTIA-B 970064} ) @InProceedings(Vos:970102, title = {{C}{A}{P}{M} and the selected european capital markets}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market}, editor = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {April}, year = {1997}, pages = {23-52}, ident = {UTIA-B 970102} ) @Proceedings(Vos:970103, title = {Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market}, editor = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M..}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, month = {April}, year = {1997}, ident = {UTIA-B 970103} ) @Article(Zag:970210, title = {Review of {D}iscrete-time {C}ontrol {S}ystems by {K}. {O}gata}, author = {Zagalak, P.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1997}, number = {12}, volume = {33}, pages = {2281-2282}, ident = {UTIA-B 970210} ) @TechReport(ZitKau:990030, title = {{I}mplementation of a {M}ammogram {E}nhancement {A}lgorithm}, author = {Zitov{\'{a}}, B. and Kautsky, J.}, institution = {Flinders University of South Australia}, address = {Adelaide}, year = {1997}, number = {1997/2}, ident = {UTIA-B 990030} ) @TechReport(ZitTur:990029, title = {{M}ammogram {P}roject {B}reast {P}air {S}imilarities}, author = {Zitov{\'{a}}, B. and Turcajov{\'{a}}, R.}, institution = {Flinders University of South Australia}, address = {Adelaide}, year = {1997}, number = {1997/1}, ident = {UTIA-B 990029} ) @Article(ZvaStu:970056, title = {{I}nformation theoretical approach to constitution and reduction of medical data}, author = {Zv{\'{a}}rov{\'{a}}, J. and Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, journal = {International Journal of Medical Informatics}, year = {1997}, number = {1/2}, volume = {45}, pages = {65-74}, ident = {UTIA-B 970056} )