@InProceedings(AlbKad:20010124, title = {{I}mplementation of {E}rror-{F}eedback {R}{L}{S} {L}attice on {V}irtex using logarithmic arithmetic}, author = {Albu, F. and Kadlec, J. and Fagan, A. and Coleman, J. N.}, booktitle = {Advances in Systems Science: Measurement, Circuits and Control. Proceedings}, editor = {Mastorakis, N. E. and Pecorelli-Peres, L. A.}, publisher = {WSES Press}, address = {Rethymno}, month = {July}, year = {2001}, pages = {517-521}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010124} ) @TechReport(AlbKad:20010204, title = {{A} {C}omparison of {F}{P}{G}{A} {I}mplementation of the {A} {P}riori {E}rror-{F}eedback {L}{S}{L} {A}lgorithm using {L}ogarithmic {A}rithmetic}, author = {Albu, F. and Kadlec, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A. and Coleman, J. N.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2035}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010204} ) @InProceedings(AlbKad:20010111, title = {{I}mplementation of ({N}ormalised) {R}{L}{S} {L}attice on {V}irtex}, author = {Albu, F. and Kadlec, J. and Softley, C. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A. and Coleman, J. N. and Fagan, A.}, booktitle = {Field-Programmable Logic and Applications. Proceedings}, editor = {Brebner, G. and Woods, R.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, pages = {91-100}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010111} ) @TechReport(AlbKad:20010198, title = {{I}mplementation of {N}ormalized {R}{L}{S} {L}attice on {V}irtex}, author = {Albu, F. and Kadlec, J. and Softley, C. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2040}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010198} ) @TechReport(And:20010067, title = {{I}nitiation {O}ptions in {E}stimation of {D}ynamic {M}ixtures}, author = {Andr{\'{y}}sek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2030}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010067} ) @Article(BakRod:20010133, title = {{C}ontrollability-observability of expanded composite systems}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J. and Rossell, J. M.}, journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications}, year = {2001}, number = {-}, volume = {332-334}, pages = {381-400}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010133} ) @InProceedings(BakRod:20010134, title = {{O}verlapping {L}{Q} control of discrete-time time-varying systems}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J. and Rossell, J. M.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 9th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications}, editor = {Filip, F. G. and Dumitrache, I. and Iliescu, S. S.}, publisher = {NIRDI}, address = {Bucharest}, month = {July}, year = {2001}, pages = {425-430}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010134} ) @InProceedings(BakRod:20010135, title = {{R}obust overlapping decentralized control of a platoon of vehicles}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J. and Rossell, J. M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the WSES International Conference on Simulation. SIM 2001}, editor = {Kluyev, V. and Mastorakis, N.}, publisher = {WSES Press}, address = {Qawra}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {1561-1566}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010135} ) @InProceedings(BakRod:20010148, title = {{M}atrices complementarias en el principio de inclusi\'{o}n para sistemas din\'{a}micos}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J. and Rossell, J. M.}, booktitle = {XVII CEDYA / VII CMA}, editor = {Ferragut, L. and Santos, A.}, publisher = {SEMA}, address = {Salamanca}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {747-754}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010148} ) @InCollection(BakRod:20010179, title = {{R}obust overlapping decentralized control of a platoon of vehicles}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J. and Rossell, J. M.}, booktitle = {Mathematics and Simulation with Biological, Economical and Musicoacoustical Applications}, editor = {D'Attellis, C. E. and Kluev, V. V. and Mastorakis, N. E.}, publisher = {WSES Press}, address = {New York}, year = {2001}, pages = {57-62}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010179} ) @Article(BakRod:20010132, title = {{P}reservation of controllability-observability in expanded systems}, author = {Bakule, L. and Rodellar, J. and Rossell, J. M. and Rubi{\'{o}}, P.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = {2001}, number = {7}, volume = {46}, pages = {1155-1162}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010132} ) @Article(BeiDev:20010115, title = {{L}arge deviations of divergence measures on partitions}, author = {Beirlant, J. and Devroye, L. and Gy{\"{o}}rfi, L. and Vajda , I.}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference}, year = {2001}, number = {1/2}, volume = {93}, pages = {1-16}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010115} ) @InProceedings(Bel:20010154, title = {{I}mplementation of {S}liding {M}ode {C}ontrol in {S}{I}{M}{U}{L}{I}{N}{K} 4.1 ({R}12.1)}, author = {Belda, K.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}sp{\v{e}}vk{\accent23u} 9.ro{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}ku konference MATLAB 2001}, editor = {Proch{\'{a}}zka, A. and Uhl{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}CHT}, address = {Praha}, month = {October}, year = {2001}, pages = {9-13}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010154} ) @InProceedings(Bel:20010189, title = {{T}he antibacklash task in the path control of redundant parallel robots (subtopic: preparation of real-time control)}, author = {Belda, K.}, booktitle = {The 2nd International PhD Student Workshop on Systems and Control - "Young Generation's Viewpoint". Proceedings}, publisher = {CAI}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {11-15}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010189} ) @InProceedings(BelBoh:20010007, title = {{S}tudy of control of planar redundant parallel robot}, author = {Belda, K. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification, and Control}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Hamza, M. H.}, publisher = {Acta Press}, address = {Calgary}, month = {February}, year = {2001}, pages = {694-699}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010007} ) @Article(BenHla:20010071, title = {{A}nisotropy estimation properties for microstructural models}, author = {Bene{\v{s}}, V. and Hlawiczkov{\'{a}}, M. and Gokhale, A. M . and Vander Voort, G. F.}, journal = {Materials Characterization}, year = {2001}, number = {2/3}, volume = {46}, pages = {93-98}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010071} ) @InProceedings(BenMes:20010158, title = {{P}seudo-arithmetical operations in the integral representation of aggregation operators}, author = {Benvenuti, P. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Uncertainty Modelling'2001}, editor = {Mesiar, R. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, publisher = {STU}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {109-110}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010158} ) @TechReport(BerHas:20010184, title = {{S}hape {O}ptimization in {C}ontact {P}roblems with {C}oulomb {F}riction}, author = {Beremlijski, P. and Haslinger, J. and Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Outrata, J.}, institution = {University of Erlangen}, address = {Erlangen}, year = {2001}, number = {282}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010184} ) @Article(BerVaj:20010118, title = {{N}onnegative piecewise linear histograms}, author = {Berlinet, A. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Statistics}, year = {2001}, number = {4}, volume = {35}, pages = {295-317}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010118} ) @Article(BocFeg:20010226, title = {{P}rognosis and optimization of homogeneous {M}arkov message handling networks}, author = {Bo{\v{c}}ek, P. and Feglar, T. and Jan{\v{z}}ura, M. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2001}, number = {6}, volume = {37}, pages = {625-646}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010226} ) @InProceedings(Boh:20010161, title = {{D}iscrete {L}{Q} controller synthesis for a set of plants}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Process Control'01}, publisher = {STU}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010161} ) @InProceedings(BohBel:20010052, title = {{T}he antibacklash task in the path control of redundant parallel robots}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Belda, K. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Process Control '01}, editor = {Mikle{\v{s}}, J. and Dvoran, J. and Fikar, M.}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010052} ) @InProceedings(BohBel:20010055, title = {{T}he direct kinematics for path control of redundant parallel robots}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Belda, K. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, M.}, booktitle = {Advances in Systems Science: Measurement, Circuits and Control}, editor = {Mastorakis, N. E. and Pecorelli-Peres, L. A.}, publisher = {WSES Press}, address = {Rethymno}, month = {July}, year = {2001}, pages = {253-258}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010055} ) @InProceedings(BohKar:20010160, title = {{Q}uadratic adaptive control of normal mixtures}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC'01}, editor = {Martins de Carvalho, J. L.}, publisher = {Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade}, address = {Porto}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010160} ) @Article(Buc:20010108, title = {{S}trojov\'{e} u\v{c}en\'{\i}}, author = {B{\accent23u}cha, J.}, journal = {Vesm{\'{\i}}r}, year = {2001}, number = {9}, volume = {80}, pages = {503-505}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010108} ) @Book(CalKol:20010170, title = {A Review of Aggregation Operators}, author = {Calvo, T. and Koles{\'{a}}rov{\'{a}}, A. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, publisher = {University of Alcala}, address = {Madrid}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010170} ) @InProceedings(CalMes:20010150, title = {{W}eighted triangular conorms}, author = {Calvo, T. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Valued Relations and Capacities in Decision Theory. Abstracts}, editor = {Klement, E. P. and Roubens, M.}, publisher = {Bildungszentrum St. Magdalena}, address = {Linz}, month = {February}, year = {2001}, pages = {23-26}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010150} ) @InProceedings(CalMes:20010156, title = {{W}eighted triangular norms-based aggregation operators}, author = {Calvo, T. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Uncertainty Modelling'2001}, editor = {Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, publisher = {STU}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {53-61}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010156} ) @Article(CalMes:20010159, title = {{G}eneralized medians}, author = {Calvo, T. and Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {124}, pages = {59-64}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010159} ) @InProceedings(CalMes:20010171, title = {{S}tability of aggregation operators}, author = {Calvo, T. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Proceedings}, publisher = {Montfort University Leicester}, address = {Leicester}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {475-478}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010171} ) @InProceedings(CasCel:20010083, title = {{R}obust regulation for nonlinear systems via an observer-based generalized immersion}, author = {Castillo-Toledo, B. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Prague}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010083} ) @TechReport(ColChe:20010023, title = {{A}rithmetic on the {E}uropean {L}ogarithmic {M}icroprocessor}, author = {Coleman, J. N. and Chester, E. I. and Softley, C. and Kadlec, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2012}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010023} ) @InProceedings(ColKad:20010196, title = {{E}xtended {P}recision {L}ogarithmic {A}rithmetic}, author = {Coleman, J. N. and Kadlec, J.}, booktitle = {Signal Systems and Computers 2000, 34th Asilomar Conference on Signal Systems and Computers. Proceedings}, publisher = {IEEE Signal Processing Society}, address = {Monterey}, month = {November}, year = {2001}, pages = {124-129}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010196} ) @TechReport(ColKad:20010205, title = {{T}he {E}uropean {L}ogarithmic {M}icroprocessor - a {Q}{R}{D} {R}{L}{S} {A}pplications}, author = {Coleman, J. N. and Kadlec, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Pohl, Z. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2038}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010205} ) @Article(CsiMat:20010073, title = {{C}onvex cores of measures on {R}^d}, author = {Csisz{\'{a}}r, I. and Mat{\'{u}}{\v{s}}, F.}, journal = {Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {38}, pages = {177-190}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010073} ) @InProceedings(CelRui:20010247, title = {{N}onlinear techniques for the real-time control of water storing plant}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Ruiz, J. and Torres, J. and Sapiens, A.}, booktitle = {Memoria Electro 2001}, publisher = {Instituto Technologico}, address = {Chihuaha}, month = {October}, year = {2001}, pages = {159-164}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010247} ) @Article(Der:20010131, title = {{E}quillibrium asset prices in a continuous time portfolio optimization model with decentralized dealership markets}, author = {Derviz, A.}, journal = {Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society}, year = {2001}, number = {13}, volume = {7}, pages = {43-72}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010131} ) @TechReport(DerKad:20010248, title = {{M}ethodological {P}roblems of {Q}uantitative {C}redit {R}isk {M}odeling in the {C}zech {E}conomy}, author = {Derviz, A. and Kadl{\v{c}}{\'{a}}kov{\'{a}}, N.}, institution = {{\v{C}}NB}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {39}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010248} ) @Article(EstCas:20020199, title = {{M}onte {C}arlo comparison of four normality tests using different entropy estimates}, author = {Esteban, M. D. and Castellanos, M. E. and Morales, D. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Communications in Statistics}, year = {2001}, number = {4}, series = {Simulations and Computations}, volume = {30}, pages = {761-785}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020199} ) @InProceedings(EttKar:20020038, title = {{E}mploying information hidden in industrial process data}, author = {Ettler, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Nagy, I.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium Intelligent Systems for Industry SOCO/ISFI}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {Paisley}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {1814-1817}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020038} ) @PhDThesis(Flu:20010113, title = {A Feature-Based Approach to Digital Image Registration. DrSc. Dissertation}, author = {Flusser, J.}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010113} ) @InProceedings(FluZit:20010030, title = {{C}ombined invariants to convolution and rotation and their application to image registration}, author = {Flusser, J. and Zitov{\'{a}}, B.}, booktitle = {Advances in Pattern Recognition - ICAPR 2001. Proceedings}, editor = {Singh, S. and Murshed, N. and Kropatsch, W.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {March}, year = {2001}, pages = {359-368}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010030} ) @InProceedings(FluZit:20010038, title = {{R}egistrace obraz\accent23u aneb jak vyu\v{z}\'{\i}t v\'{\i}ce r\accent23uzn\'{y}ch sn\'{\i}mk\accent23u t\'{e}ho\v{z} objektu}, author = {Flusser, J. and Zitov{\'{a}}, B.}, booktitle = {Digit{\'{a}}ln{\'{\i}} zobrazov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} v biologii a medic{\'{\i}}n{\v{e}} 2001}, editor = {Weyda, F.}, publisher = {Entomologick{\'{y}} {\'{u}}stav AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {{\v{C}}esk{\'{e}} Bud{\v{e}}jovice}, month = {May}, year = {2001}, pages = {11-16}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010038} ) @TechReport(Geb:20010215, title = {{O}n {M}odeling \& {E}stimation {P}roblems with {A}{R}{M}{A}{X} {M}odel}, author = {Gebousk{\'{y}}, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2041}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010215} ) @InProceedings(Gri:20010074, title = {{T}he models of conditional independence: {F}inite mixtures of product components and their application. {A}bstract}, author = {Grim, J.}, booktitle = {Recent Developments in Mixture Modelling. Abstracts}, editor = {Boehning, D. and Seidel, W.}, publisher = {Universit{\"{a}}t der Bundeswehr}, address = {Hamburg}, month = {July}, year = {2001}, pages = {59}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010074} ) @TechReport(Gri:20010092, title = {{L}atent {S}tructure {A}nalysis for {C}ategorical {D}ata}, author = {Grim, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2019}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010092} ) @InProceedings(GriBoc:20010069, title = {{S}afe dissemination of census results by means of interactive probabilistic models}, author = {Grim, J. and Bo{\v{c}}ek, P. and Pudil, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ETK-NTTS 2001 Conference}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Nanopoulos, P. and Wilkinson, D.}, publisher = {European Communities}, address = {Rome}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {849-856}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010069} ) @InProceedings(GriHai:20010087, title = {{A} mixture-based colour texture model. {A}bstract}, author = {Grim, J. and Haindl, M.}, booktitle = {Recent Developments in Mixture Modelling. Abstracts}, editor = {Bohning, D. and Seidel, W.}, publisher = {Universit{\"{a}}t der Bundeswehr}, address = {Hamburg}, month = {July}, year = {2001}, pages = {58}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010087} ) @TechReport(GriHai:20010093, title = {{A} {M}onospectral {P}robabilistic {D}iscrete {M}ixture {T}exture {M}odel}, author = {Grim, J. and Haindl, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2018}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010093} ) @InProceedings(GriKit:20010068, title = {{I}nformation analysis of multiple classifier fusion}, author = {Grim, J. and Kittler, J. and Pudil, P. and Somol, P.}, booktitle = {Multiple Classifier Systems}, editor = {Kittler, J. and Roli, F.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {July}, year = {2001}, pages = {168-177}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010068} ) @InProceedings(GuyKar:20010037, title = {{O}n structure of local models for hybrid controllers}, author = {Guy, T. V. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings}, editor = {K{\accent23u}rkov{\'{a}}, V. and Neruda, R. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Steele, N. C.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wien}, month = {April}, year = {2001}, pages = {340-344}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010037} ) @InProceedings(GuyKar:20010181, title = {{M}odelling for adaptive control: {A} smoothness problem. {A}bstract}, author = {Guy, T. V. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {International Conference on Prediction and Decision Making under Uncertainties. PDMU 2001. Abstracts}, publisher = {UKR AN}, address = {Kiev}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {22}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010181} ) @InProceedings(GuyKar:20010227, title = {{P}ossible way of improving the quality of modelling for adaptive control}, author = {Guy, T. V. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Computer Aided Control System Design}, editor = {Gray, J. O.}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {179-185}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010227} ) @Article(GyoVaj:20010107, title = {{A} class of modified {P}earson and {N}eyman statistics}, author = {Gy{\"{o}}rfi, L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Statistics \& Decisions}, year = {2001}, number = {-}, volume = {19}, pages = {239-251}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010107} ) @PhDThesis(Hai:20020193, title = {Markovian Image Models. Habilitation Thesis}, author = {Haindl, M.}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020193} ) @TechReport(HaiFil:20010173, title = {{A} {F}ast {M}odel-{B}ased {R}estoration of {C}olour {M}ovie {S}cratches}, author = {Haindl, M. and Filip, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2031}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010173} ) @InCollection(HaiHai:20030058, title = {{A}eration at hydraulic structures}, author = {Haindl, K. and Haindl, M.}, booktitle = {Developments in Hydraulic Engineering - 2}, editor = {Novak, P.}, publisher = {Gihodo}, address = {Tokyo}, year = {2001}, pages = {95-134}, ident = {UTIA-B 20030058} ) @Article(HaiHav:20010005, title = {{C}olour texture modelling}, author = {Haindl, M. and Havl{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, V.}, journal = {ERCIM News}, year = {2001}, number = {44}, pages = {23-24}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010005} ) @Article(HaiKit:20010031, title = {{A}utonomous acquisition of virtual reality models from real world scenes}, author = {Haindl, M. and Kittler, J.}, journal = {Cultivate Interactive}, year = {2001}, number = {4}, pages = {30-38}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010031} ) @Article(HaiSla:20010006, title = {{I}mage-based acquisition of virtual gallery model}, author = {Haindl, M. and Slav{\'{\i}}k, P.}, journal = {ERCIM News}, year = {2001}, number = {44}, pages = {15}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010006} ) @TechReport(HeKar:20010228, title = {{M}ixture {E}stimation for {P}rocessing {D}ynamic {M}ultivariate {D}ata}, author = {He, L. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2024}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010228} ) @InProceedings(Hen:20010236, title = {{L}inear matrix inequalities for robust strictly positive real design}, author = {Henrion, D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Electronics, Control, Modelling, Measurement and Signals}, publisher = {ECMMS}, address = {Toulouse}, month = {May}, year = {2001}, pages = {1-11}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010236} ) @InProceedings(HenArz:20010235, title = {{R}obust stabilization of matrix polytopes with the cone complementarity linearization algorithm: {N}umerical issues}, author = {Henrion, D. and Arzelier, D. and Peaucelle, D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Process Control Conference'01}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {1-19}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010235} ) @Article(HenArz:20010015, title = {{A}n {L}{M}{I} condition for robust stability of polynomial matrix polytopes}, author = {Henrion, D. and Arzelier, D. and Peaucelle, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {37}, pages = {461-468}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010015} ) @Article(HenBac:20010234, title = {{D}-stability of polynomial matrices}, author = {Henrion, D. and Bachelier, O. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, journal = {International Journal of Control}, year = {2001}, number = {8}, volume = {74}, pages = {845-856}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010234} ) @InProceedings(HenHro:20010233, title = {{S}ome algorithms used in the {P}olynomial {T}oolbox for {M}atlab}, author = {Henrion, D. and Hrom{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and {\v{S}}ebek, M .}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the NICONET Workshop on Numerical Control Software in Control Engineering}, publisher = {NICONET}, address = {Louvain-la-Neuve}, month = {January}, year = {2001}, pages = {71-76}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010233} ) @TechReport(HenJou:20010202, title = {{O}n {C}almness of a {C}lass of {M}ultifunctions}, author = {Henrion, R. and Jourani, A. and Outrata, J.}, institution = {WIAS}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2001}, number = {685}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010202} ) @InProceedings(HenKuc:20010076, title = {{P}olynomial matrices, {L}{M}{I}s and static output feedback} , author = {Henrion, D. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Prague}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010076} ) @Article(HenMei:20010077, title = {{R}ank-one {L}{M}{I}s and {L}yapunov's inequality}, author = {Henrion, D. and Meinsma, G.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = {2001}, number = {8}, volume = {46}, pages = {1285-1288}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010077} ) @Article(HenOut:20010050, title = {{A} subdifferential condition for calmness of multifunctions} , author = {Henrion, R. and Outrata, J.}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {258}, pages = {110-130}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010050} ) @InProceedings(HenPea:20010101, title = {{E}llipsoidal aproximation of the stability domain of polynomial}, author = {Henrion, D. and Peaucelle, D. and Arzelier, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Porto}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {384-389}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010101} ) @InProceedings(HenSug:20010075, title = {{R}ank-one {L}{M}{I} approach to robust stability of polynomial matrices}, author = {Henrion, D. and Sugimoto, K. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Prague}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010075} ) @Article(HenSeb:20010014, title = {{R}ank-one {L}{M}{I} approach to stability of 2-{D} polynomial matrices}, author = {Henrion, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and Bachelier, O.}, journal = {Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {12}, pages = {33-48}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010014} ) @InProceedings(HenSeb:20010102, title = {{O}n computing the {H}_infinity-norm of a polynomial matrix fraction}, author = {Henrion, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and Hrom{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, M .}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Porto}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010102} ) @InProceedings(HenSeb:20010100, title = {{L}{M}{I}s for robust stabilization of systems with ellipsoidal uncertainty}, author = {Henrion, D. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13rd International Conference on Process Control}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010100} ) @Article(HenTar:20010027, title = {{C}ontrol of linear systems subject to input constraints: a polynomial approach}, author = {Henrion, D. and Tarbouriech, S. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {2001}, number = {4}, volume = {37}, pages = {597-604}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010027} ) @InProceedings(HerKad:20010140, title = {{P}ipelined logarithmic 32bit {A}{L}{U} for {C}eloxica {D}{K}1}, author = {He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A. and Kadlec, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and L{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ko, M. and Pohl, Z.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}sp{\v{e}}vk{\accent23u} 9.ro{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}ku konference MATLAB 2001}, editor = {Proch{\'{a}}zka, A. and Uhl{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}CHT}, address = {Praha}, month = {October}, year = {2001}, pages = {72-80}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010140} ) @TechReport(HerKad:20010206, title = {{P}ipelined {L}ogarithmic 32bit {A}{L}{U} for {C}eloxica {D}{K}1}, author = {He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A. and Kadlec, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and L{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ko, M. and Softley, C.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2034}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010206} ) @Article(HerKar:20010049, title = {{Z}lep\v{s}en\'{\i} p\v{r}edpov\v{e}di l\'{e}\v{c}ebn\'{e} d\'{a}vky dvouf\'{a}zov\'{y}m modelem kinetiky p\v{r}i l\'{e}\v{c}b\v{e} karcinom\accent23u \v{s}t\'{\i}tn\'{e} \v{z}l\'{a}zy pomoc\'{\i} 131{I}}, author = {He{\v{r}}mansk{\'{a}}, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Jirsa, L. and {\v{S}}{\'{a}}mal, M. and Zemanov{\'{a}}, K. and K{\v{r}}enek, M. and Zim{\'{a}}k, J. and Vl{\v{c}}ek, P.}, journal = {Acta Radiobiologica}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {2}, pages = {28-29}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010049} ) @Article(HerKar:20010094, title = {{I}mproved prediction of therapeutic absorbed doses of radioiodine in the treatment of thyroid carcinoma}, author = {He{\v{r}}mansk{\'{a}}, J. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Zim{\'{a}}k, J. and Jirsa, L. and {\v{S}}{\'{a}}mal, M.}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, year = {2001}, number = {7}, volume = {42}, pages = {1084-1090}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010094} ) @Article(HlaGok:20010174, title = {{B}ias of a length density estimator based on vertical projections}, author = {Hlawiczkov{\'{a}}, M. and Gokhale, A. and Bene{\v{s}}, V.}, journal = {Journal of Microscopy}, year = {2001}, number = {3}, volume = {204}, pages = {226-231}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010174} ) @Article(HobVaj:20010054, title = {{O}n the {N}ewcomb-{B}enford law in models of statistical data}, author = {Hobza, T. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Revista Matem{\'{a}}tica Complutense}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {14}, pages = {1-13}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010054} ) @TechReport(HoeKoc:20010021, title = {{M}{O}{P}{E}{D} - {A}n {I}ntegrated {D}esigner {T}ool for {M}aterial {O}ptimization}, author = {Hoernlein, H. and Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Werner, R.}, institution = {Universit{\"{a}}t Erlangen}, address = {Erlangen}, year = {2001}, number = {279}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010021} ) @Book(HorKra:20010053, title = {Z{\'{a}}kladn{\'{\i}} statistick{\'{e}} v{\'{y}}po{\v{c}}ty s podporou Microsoft Excel}, author = {Hor{\'{a}}lek, V. and Kr{\'{a}}l, J. and K{\v{r}}epela, J. and Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SJ}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010053} ) @InProceedings(HorKoc:20020092, title = {{F}ree material optimization: {R}eading the tea leaves}, author = {H{\"{o}}rnlein, H. R. E. M. and Ko{\v{c}}vara, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Max Planck Workshop on Engineering Design Optimization}, editor = {Bendsoe, M. P. and Olhoff, N. and Rasmussen, J.}, publisher = {Technical University}, address = {Lyngby}, month = {October}, year = {2001}, pages = {2-5}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020092} ) @Article(HorKoc:20020093, title = {{M}aterial optimization: bridging the gap between conceptual and preliminary design}, author = {H{\"{o}}rnlein, H. R. E. M. and Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Werner, R.}, journal = {Aerospace Science Technology}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {5}, pages = {541-554}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020093} ) @InProceedings(HroSeb:20010168, title = {{P}olynomial {T}oolbox ^{T}{M} for {M}atlab^{T}{M} and complex polynomials in communications}, author = {Hrom{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and Je{\v{z}}ek, J.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}sp{\v{e}}vk{\accent23u} 9.ro{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}ku konference MATLAB 2001}, editor = {Proch{\'{a}}zka, A. and Uhl{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}CHT}, address = {Praha}, month = {October}, year = {2001}, pages = {94-102}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010168} ) @InProceedings(HurSeb:20010109, title = {{S}imultaneous feedback stabilization: {A} survey}, author = {Hur{\'{a}}k, Z. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Kybernetika 2001}, publisher = {Vojensk{\'{a}} akademie}, address = {Brno}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010109} ) @Article(HurLac:20010070, title = {{O}n an estimation problem for type {I} censored spatial poisson processes}, author = {Hurt, J. and Lachout, P. and Pfeifer, D.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {37}, pages = {103-108}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010070} ) @Article(Hus:20010231, title = {{S}ome invariant test procedures for detection of structural changes; behavior under alternatives}, author = {Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2001}, number = {6}, volume = {37}, pages = {669-684}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010231} ) @Article(HusSla:20010182, title = {{P}ermutation tests for multiple changes}, author = {Hu{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Slab{\'{y}}, A.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2001}, number = {5}, volume = {37}, pages = {605-622}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010182} ) @TechReport(IgnKha:20010187, title = {{P}reliminary {I}nvestigations of the {S}ystem {D}{E}{S}{I}{G}{N}{E}{R} for {C}ontrol of {C}ontinuous {Y}east {C}ultivation}, author = {Ignatova, M. and Khailova, N.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2032}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010187} ) @InProceedings(Jan:20010146, title = {{A} parametric model for discrete-valued time series. {A}bstract}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Abstracts}, publisher = {University of Cambridge}, address = {Cambridge}, month = {July}, year = {2001}, pages = {13}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010146} ) @InProceedings(Jan:20010147, title = {{T}esting hypotheses for {G}ibbs random fields with an application to the {I}sing model}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd European Meeting of Statisticians}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {Instituto Nacional de Estat{\'{\i}}stica}, address = {Lisboa}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, pages = {119-120}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010147} ) @InProceedings(JanVrb:20010145, title = {{T}est existence vn\v{e}j\v{s}\'{\i}ho pole v {I}singov\v{e} modelu}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M. and Vrbensk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {ROBUST'2000. Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} jeden{\'{a}}ct{\'{e}} letn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}MF}, editor = {Antoch, J. and Dohnal, G.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {92-101}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010145} ) @InProceedings(JezHro:20010103, title = {{N}ew algorithm for spectral factorization and its practical application}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Hrom{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Porto}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010103} ) @InProceedings(JezHro:20010144, title = {{N}ew algorithm for spectral factorization and its application in signal processing}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Hrom{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and {\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER 2001}, editor = {Hazdra, P. and Lhotsk{\'{a}}, L.}, publisher = {FEL {\v{C}}VUT}, address = {Praha}, month = {May}, year = {2001}, pages = {127-128}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010144} ) @InProceedings(Jir:20010242, title = {{D}etection of independence relations from persegrams}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty}, editor = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Vejnarov{\'{a}}, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {52-62}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010242} ) @Proceedings(JirVej:20010243, title = {Proceedings of the 4th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty}, editor = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Vejnarov{\'{a}}, J..}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010243} ) @Article(JirVej:20010244, title = {{P}erfect sequences for belief networks representation}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Vejnarov{\'{a}}, J.}, journal = {Neural Network World}, year = {2001}, number = {6}, volume = {11}, pages = {611-626}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010244} ) @InProceedings(JirVej:20010251, title = {{P}erfect sequences for belief networks representation}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Vejnarov{\'{a}}, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Tools in Artificial Intelligence}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, address = {Los Alamitos}, month = {November}, year = {2001}, pages = {87-96}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010251} ) @InProceedings(JirQui:20010095, title = {{M}ixture analysis of nuclear medicine data: {M}edical decision support}, author = {Jirsa, L. and Quinn, A.}, booktitle = {Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2001. Proceedings}, editor = {Shorten, R. and Ward, T. and Lysaght, T.}, publisher = {NUI Maynooth}, address = {Maynooth}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {393-398}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010095} ) @InProceedings(Kad:20010110, title = {{S}tructure estimation for systems described by radial basis functions based on normalized {Q}{R} filtering}, author = {Kadlec, J.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Prague}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010110} ) @TechReport(Kad:20010123, title = {{R}eview and {C}lassification of {R}{L}{S} {A}rray {A}lgorithms for {L}{N}{S} {A}rithmetics}, author = {Kadlec, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2006}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010123} ) @TechReport(KadAlb:20010208, title = {{R}{L}{S} {L}attice for {V}irtex {F}{P}{G}{A} using 32-bit and 20-bit {L}ogarithmic {A}rithmetic}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Albu, F. and Softley, C. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2036}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010208} ) @TechReport(KadCol:20010130, title = {{E}xtended {P}recision {L}{N}{S} {A}rithmetic}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Coleman, J. N.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2008}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010130} ) @TechReport(KadHer:20010207, title = {32-bit {L}ogarithmic {A}{L}{U} for {H}andel-{C} 2.1 and {C}eloxica {D}{K}1}, author = {Kadlec, J. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A. and Softley, C. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and L{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ko, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2037}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010207} ) @TechReport(KadHer:20030141, title = {Opportunities in the European Union's IST Programme}, author = {Kadlec, J. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nkov{\'{a}}, D. and Rektorov{\'{a}}, A. and Drath, P. and Schoefield, M. and Martynovicz, P.}, month = {November}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20030141} ) @TechReport(KadHer:20030112, title = {Managing EC Research Project - Workshop and Brokerage}, author = {Kadlec, J. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nkov{\'{a}}, D. and Trojanowski, K. and Drath, P. and Schoefield, M. and Burak, R.}, month = {December}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20030112} ) @TechReport(KadKad:20030139, title = {Ideal-ist Workshop European IT Research Programme (IST) Successful Proposal Writing}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Kadlecov{\'{a}}, M. and Pleger, R. and Grabowiecki, T. and Zergoi, T. and Krekels, D.}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20030139} ) @InProceedings(KadMat:20010125, title = {{L}ogarithmic {A}{L}{U} 32-bit for {H}andel {C} 2.1 and {C}eloxica {D}{K}1}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A. and L{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ko, M. and Softley, C.}, booktitle = {Celoxica User Conference. Proceedings}, publisher = {Celoxica}, address = {Abington}, month = {April}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010125} ) @InProceedings(KadMat:20010114, title = {{F}{P}{G}{A} implementation of logarithmic unit core}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and L{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ko, M .}, booktitle = {Embedded Intelligence 2001}, publisher = {Design \& Elektronik}, address = {N{\"{u}}rnberg}, month = {February}, year = {2001}, pages = {547-554}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010114} ) @TechReport(KadMat:20010129, title = {{F}{P}{G}{A} {I}mplementation of {L}ogarithmic {U}nit {C}ore} , author = {Kadlec, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and L{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ko, M .}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2007}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010129} ) @TechReport(Kad:20010022, title = {{D}etermination of the {P}roblems of {P}articipation in {I}{S}{T} for the {N}{A}{S}}, editor = {Kadlecov{\'{a}}, M..}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2014}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010022} ) @InProceedings(Kan:20010019, title = {{A} note on multistage stochastic programming with individual probability constraints}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Operations Research. Proceedings 2000}, editor = {Fleischmann, B. and Lasch, R. and Derigs, U.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {91-96}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010019} ) @InProceedings(Kan:20010090, title = {{M}ultiobjective stochastic programming and empirical data}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2001}, editor = {Dlouh{\'{y}}, M.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {101-106}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010090} ) @TechReport(Kan:20010239, title = {{E}mpirical {E}stimates in {M}ultistage {S}tochastic {P}rogramming}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2021}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010239} ) @TechReport(Kan:20010240, title = {{A} {N}ote on {M}ultistage {S}tochastic {P}rograms: {M}arkov {D}ependence}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2020}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010240} ) @Article(KarKha:20010009, title = {{Q}uantification of prior information revised}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Khailova, N. and Nedoma, P. and B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, journal = {International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {15}, pages = {65-84}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010009} ) @InProceedings(KarNed:20010041, title = {{I}nitial description of multi-modal dynamic models}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Nedoma, P. and Nagy, I. and Vale{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings}, editor = {K{\accent23u}rkov{\'{a}}, V. and Neruda, R. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Steele, N. C.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wien}, month = {April}, year = {2001}, pages = {398-401}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010041} ) @InCollection(KerMar:20010085, title = {{G}enerated fuzzy quantities and their orderings}, author = {Kerre, E. E. and Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Information, Uncertainty and Fusion}, editor = {Bouchon-Meunier, B. and Yager, R. R. and Zadeh, L. A.}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {2001}, pages = {119-130}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010085} ) @InProceedings(KhaBoh:20010245, title = {{S}oftware tools for the prior tuning of an {L}{Q} controller}, author = {Khailova, N. and B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control 2001}, editor = {Hamza, M. H.}, publisher = {ACTA Press}, address = {Calgary}, month = {February}, year = {2001}, pages = {877-881}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010245} ) @InProceedings(KhaKar:20010246, title = {{H}ow to build-in prior information into adaptive controllers}, author = {Khailova, N. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop C\&I Eurodays: Young Generation Viewpoint}, publisher = {Hungarian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Budapest}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {20-25}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010246} ) @TechReport(KirKoc:20010183, title = {{A}ccurate {R}eanalysis of {S}tructures by a {P}reconditioned {C}onjugate {G}radient {M}ethod}, author = {Kirsch, U. and Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Zowe, J.}, institution = {University of Erlangen}, address = {Erlangen}, year = {2001}, number = {281}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010183} ) @InProceedings(KitPud:20010128, title = {{A}dvances in statistical feature selection}, author = {Kittler, J. and Pudil, P. and Somol, P.}, booktitle = {Advances in Pattern Recognition - ICAPR 2001. Proceedings}, editor = {Singh, S. and Murshed, N. and Kropatsch, W.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {March}, year = {2001}, pages = {425-434}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010128} ) @InProceedings(KleMes:20010153, title = {({S},{U})-integral based aggregation operators}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, booktitle = {Valued Relations and Capacities in Decision Theory. Abstracts}, editor = {Klement, E. P. and Roubens, M.}, publisher = {Bildungszentrum St. Magdalena}, address = {Linz}, month = {February}, year = {2001}, pages = {29-32}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010153} ) @Article(KleMes:20020163, title = {{U}niform approximation of associative copulas by strict and non-strict copulas}, author = {Klement, E. P. and Mesiar, R. and Pap, E.}, journal = {Illinois Journal of Mathematics}, year = {2001}, number = {4}, volume = {45}, pages = {1393-1400}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020163} ) @InProceedings(Kli:20010212, title = {{I}nforma\v{c}n\'{\i} technologie a spole\v{c}nost}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k konference INFORMATIKA}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {MZLU}, address = {Brno}, month = {January}, year = {2001}, pages = {43-47}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010212} ) @Book(Kli:20010213, title = {Geografick{\'{e}} informa{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} syst{\'{e}}my a zpracov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} obraz{\accent23u}}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, publisher = {PEF {\v{C}}ZU}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010213} ) @InProceedings(Kli:20010230, title = {{F}ourierova transformace a zpracov\'{a}n\'{\i} obrazu}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {Semin{\'{a}}{\v{r}} k VZ Zpracov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} dat a matematick{\'{e}} modelov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} v zem{\v{e}}d{\v{e}}lstv{\'{\i}}}, editor = {Vostrovsk{\'{y}}, V.}, publisher = {PEF {\v{C}}ZU}, address = {Praha}, month = {December}, year = {2001}, pages = {55}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010230} ) @InProceedings(KliOce:20010163, title = {{G}{I}{S} and spatial data network}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E.}, booktitle = {Globalisation versus Regionalism}, editor = {Tich{\'{a}}, I.}, publisher = {Czech University of Agriculture}, address = {Prague}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {1-94}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010163} ) @InProceedings(KliOce:20010164, title = {{S}patial data and context information}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E.}, booktitle = {Space without Frontiers}, publisher = {Cartography Brasil}, address = {Porto Alegre}, month = {October}, year = {2001}, pages = {22-25}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010164} ) @InCollection(KniKun:20020150, title = {{E}ffect of old and new rubber liners on teats evaluated by thermographic method}, author = {Kn{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}kov{\'{a}}, I. and Kunc, P. and Koubkov{\'{a}}, M. and Flusser, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, O.}, booktitle = {Physiological and Technical Aspects of Machine Milking}, editor = {Rosati, A. and Mihina, S. and Mosconi, C.}, publisher = {ICAR}, address = {Rome}, year = {2001}, pages = {213-217}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020150} ) @TechReport(KocBou:20010001, title = {{O}n the {I}nclusion {P}roblem}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}ka, T. and Bouckaert, R. R. and Studen{\'{y}}, M.} , institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2010}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010001} ) @InProceedings(KocBou:20010214, title = {{O}n characterizing inclusion of {B}ayesian networks}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}ka, T. and Bouckaert, R. R. and Studen{\'{y}}, M.} , booktitle = {Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceeding of the 17th Conference}, editor = {Breese, J. and Koller, D.}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, address = {San Francisco}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, pages = {261-268}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010214} ) @InProceedings(KocHor:20010185, title = {{M}{O}{P}{E}{D} - {A}n integrated designer tool for material optimization}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and H{\"{o}}rnlein, H. R. E. M.}, booktitle = {CEAS Conference on Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design and Optimization}, editor = {Hoenlinger, H.}, publisher = {DGLR}, address = {Bonn}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {87-96}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010185} ) @TechReport(KocSti:20010222, title = {{P}{E}{N}{N}{O}{N} - {A} {G}eneralized {A}ugmented {L}agrangian {M}ethod for {S}emidefinite {P}rogramming}, author = {Ko{\v{c}}vara, M. and Stingl, M.}, institution = {Universit{\"{a}}t Erlangen}, address = {Erlangen}, year = {2001}, number = {286}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010222} ) @Article(KodPan:20010197, title = {{C}apital yields assessment trough cross section production function}, author = {Kodera, J. and P{\'{a}}nkov{\'{a}}, V.}, journal = {Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society}, year = {2001}, number = {14}, volume = {8}, pages = {79-87}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010197} ) @InProceedings(KomKom:20010155, title = {{T}rends in modelling of trends}, author = {Komorn{\'{\i}}k, J. and Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k konferencie PRASTAN 2000}, editor = {Kalina, M.}, publisher = {STU SF}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {2001}, pages = {25-34}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010155} ) @Article(Kom:20010151, title = {{A}ggregation operators and additive generators}, author = {Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M.}, journal = {International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {9}, pages = {205-215}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010151} ) @InProceedings(KomKom:20010157, title = {{M}odelling common trends in geodesy}, author = {Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Komorn{\'{\i}}k, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Uncertainty Modelling'2001}, editor = {Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, publisher = {STU}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {142-146}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010157} ) @InProceedings(KomKom:20010176, title = {{M}odels of some {S}lovak economic time series}, author = {Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Komorn{\'{\i}}k, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference "Global Business and Economics"}, publisher = {FM UK}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {November}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010176} ) @TechReport(Kra:20010200, title = {{E}stimation of {M}ixtures with {M}arkov {F}actors}, author = {Krac{\'{\i}}k, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2029}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010200} ) @TechReport(Kra:20010252, title = {{O}perations on {P}olynomial {M}atrices in {L}inear {T}ime-{I}nvariant {S}ystems and {C}ontrol. {P}art {I}: {B}asic {N}eeds}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, institution = {IRCCyN}, address = {Nantes}, year = {2001}, number = {RI01.005}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010252} ) @TechReport(Kra:20010253, title = {{O}perations on {P}olynomial {M}atrices in {L}inear {T}ime-{I}nvariant {S}ystems and {C}ontrol. {P}art {I}{I}: {A}vailable {M}ethods}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, institution = {IRCCyN}, address = {Nantes}, year = {2001}, number = {RI01.006}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010253} ) @TechReport(Kra:20010254, title = {{R}eliable {C}omputation of {P}roper {C}ompensators in {C}ompensator {D}esign {E}quation}, author = {Kraffer, F.}, institution = {IRCCyN}, address = {Nantes}, year = {2001}, number = {RI01.007}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010254} ) @InProceedings(KraZag:20010078, title = {{M}atrix {D}iophantine equations: {T}owards a reliable solution for proper feedback compensators}, author = {Kraffer, F. and Zagalak, P.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Prague}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010078} ) @TechReport(Kru:20010217, title = {{Q}uasiconvex {E}xtreme {P}oints of {C}onvex {S}ets}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M.}, institution = {Center of Advanced European Studies and Research}, address = {Bonn}, year = {2001}, number = {14/2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010217} ) @TechReport(Kru:20010218, title = {{M}aximum {P}rinciple {B}ased {A}lgorithm for {H}ysteresis in {M}icromagnetics}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M.}, institution = {Center of Advanced European Studies and Research}, address = {Bonn}, year = {2001}, number = {8/2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010218} ) @Article(KruPro:20010219, title = {{Y}oung measure approximation in micromagnetics}, author = {Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M. and Prohl, A.}, journal = {Numerische Mathematik}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {90}, pages = {291-307}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010219} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:20010238, title = {{P}ole placement and {H}2 control}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {DYCOMANS Workshop}, publisher = {TU Bucharest}, address = {Bucharest}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {1-4}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010238} ) @InCollection(KunKni:20020151, title = {{E}ffect of postmilking teat disinfecting on teat skin temperature status}, author = {Kunc, P. and Kn{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}kov{\'{a}}, I. and Koubkov{\'{a}}, M. and Flusser, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, O.}, booktitle = {Physiological and Technical Aspects of Machine Milking}, editor = {Rosati, A. and Mihina, S. and Mosconi, C.}, publisher = {ICAR}, address = {Rome}, year = {2001}, pages = {219-223}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020151} ) @Proceedings(KurSte:20010249, title = {Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms}, editor = {K{\accent23u}rkov{\'{a}}, V. and Steele, N. and Neruda, R. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M..}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wien}, month = {April}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010249} ) @InProceedings(Lac:20010122, title = {{P}arameter estimation based on estimated data}, author = {Lachout, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2001}, editor = {Dlouh{\'{y}}, M.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {119-123}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010122} ) @Article(Lac:20010232, title = {{L}inear transformations of {W}iener process that born {W}iener process, {B}rownian bridge or {O}rnstein-{U}hlenbeck process} , author = {Lachout, P.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2001}, number = {6}, volume = {37}, pages = {647-667}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010232} ) @InProceedings(LicMat:20010142, title = {{U}tilization of {M}atlab for the logarithmic processor development}, author = {L{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ko, M. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Pohl, Z.} , booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}sp{\v{e}}vk{\accent23u} 9.ro{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}ku konference MATLAB 2001}, editor = {Proch{\'{a}}zka, A. and Uhl{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}CHT}, address = {Praha}, month = {October}, year = {2001}, pages = {222-225}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010142} ) @InProceedings(LicPoh:20010141, title = {{T}uning and implementation of {D}{S}{P} algorithms on {F}{P}{G}{A}}, author = {L{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ko, M. and Pohl, Z. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}sp{\v{e}}vk{\accent23u} 9.ro{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}ku konference MATLAB 2001}, editor = {Proch{\'{a}}zka, A. and Uhl{\'{\i}}{\v{r}}, J.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}CHT}, address = {Praha}, month = {October}, year = {2001}, pages = {226-230}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010141} ) @TechReport(LieVaj:20010061, title = {{F}irst {O}rder {T}heory of {M}-estimators in {G}eneral {M}odels with {I}ndependent {O}bservations}, author = {Liese, F. and Vajda, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2017}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010061} ) @InProceedings(LinVol:20010063, title = {{S}tatistick\'{e} metody pro hodnocen\'{\i} homogenity textiln\'{\i}ch materi\'{a}l\accent23u}, author = {Linka, A. and Volf, P.}, booktitle = {ROBUST'2000. Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} jeden{\'{a}}ct{\'{e}} letn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}MF}, editor = {Antoch, J. and Dohnal, G.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {164-175}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010063} ) @InProceedings(LoiZag:20010079, title = {{S}ome remarks on matrix completion problems}, author = {Loiseau, J. J. and Zagalak, P. and Mondie, S.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Prague}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010079} ) @InProceedings(LouCan:20010080, title = {{A}daptive sliding mode block control of induction motors}, author = {Loukianov, A. and Canedo, J. M. and Serrano, O. and Utkin, V. I. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2001}, publisher = {American Automatic Control Council}, address = {Arlington}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {149-154}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010080} ) @TechReport(LukSai:20010209, title = {{V}yu\v{z}it\'{\i} {M}aarov\'{y}ch filtr\accent23u a spektr\'{a}ln\'{\i} anal\'{y}zy p\v{r}i detekci zm\v{e}n}, author = {Luk{\'{a}}{\v{s}}, J. and Saic, S.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2026}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010209} ) @TechReport(LukSai:20010211, title = {{T}eoretick\'{e} prost\v{r}edky a experiment\'{a}ln\'{\i} v\'{y}sledky p\v{r}i detekov\'{a}n\'{\i} dodate\v{c}n\'{y}ch manipulac\'{\i} s digit\'{a}ln\'{\i}mi obrazy}, author = {Luk{\'{a}}{\v{s}}, J. and Saic, S.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2027}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010211} ) @Article(MarOce:20010167, title = {{\v{C}}\'{\i}slicov\'{e} spracovanie obrazov v biomedic\'{\i}ne pomocou volne dostupn\'{y}ch programov}, author = {Marcin, J. and Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E. and Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Zolotov{\'{a}}, I. and Tomori, Z.}, journal = {L{\'{e}}ka{\v{r}} a technika}, year = {2001}, number = {4}, volume = {32}, pages = {105-109}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010167} ) @InProceedings(Mar:20010002, title = {{J}e dobr\'{e} zn\'{a}t fuzzy mno\v{z}iny}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k konferencie PRASTAN 2000}, editor = {Kalina, M.}, publisher = {STU SF}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {2001}, pages = {35-45}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010002} ) @Article(Mar:20010004, title = {{P}o\v{c}\'{\i}t\'{a}n\'{\i} s v\'{a}gnost\'{\i} {I} - {F}uzzy veli\v{c}iny}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Automatizace}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {44}, pages = {34-37}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010004} ) @Article(Mar:20010013, title = {{P}o\v{c}\'{\i}t\'{a}n\'{\i} s v\'{a}gnost\'{\i} {I}{I} - {Z}\'{a}kladn\'{\i} operace}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Automatizace}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {44}, pages = {96-99}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010013} ) @Article(Mar:20010017, title = {{P}o\v{c}\'{\i}t\'{a}n\'{\i} s v\'{a}gnost\'{\i} {I}{I}{I} - {M}etoda kritick\'{e} cesty}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Automatizace}, year = {2001}, number = {3}, volume = {44}, pages = {185-186}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010017} ) @InCollection(Mar:20010044, title = {{Z}\'{a}kladn\'{\i} modely teorie rozhodov\'{a}n\'{\i} a teorie her}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Um{\v{e}}l{\'{a}} inteligence (3)}, chapter= {3}, publisher = {Academia}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, pages = {237-261}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010044} ) @Book(Mar:20010048, title = {Fuzzy Cooperative Games. Cooperation with Vague Expectations} , author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, publisher = {Physica-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010048} ) @InProceedings(Mar:20010086, title = {{C}omposition of fuzzy verbal data}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EUSFLAT 2001}, publisher = {De Montfort University}, address = {Leicester}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {463-465}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010086} ) @InProceedings(Mar:20010162, title = {{C}oalitional fuzzy preferences}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Uncertainty Modelling'2001}, editor = {Komorn{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Mesiar, R.}, publisher = {STU}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {98-108}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010162} ) @Article(Mar:20010223, title = {{F}uzzy {T}{U} games and their classes}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society}, year = {2001}, number = {13}, volume = {7}, pages = {83-88}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010223} ) @Article(MarVla:20010224, title = {{L}inear coalitional games and their fuzzy extensions}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Vlach, M.}, journal = {International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {2001}, number = {3}, volume = {9}, pages = {341-354}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010224} ) @Article(MarVla:20020010, title = {{C}oncept of linear fuzzy coalitional game}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M. and Vlach, M.}, journal = {Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications}, year = {2001}, number = {6}, volume = {21}, pages = {125-132}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020010} ) @Article(MarMes:20010152, title = {{C}ontinuous {A}rchimedean t-norms and their bounds}, author = {Marko, V. and Mesiar, R.}, journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {121}, pages = {183-190}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010152} ) @TechReport(MatLic:20010199, title = {{F}loating-{P}oint-{L}ike {A}rithmetic for {F}{P}{G}{A}}, author = {Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and L{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ko, M. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A. and Softley, C.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2039}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010199} ) @TechReport(MatStr:20010003, title = {{L}{O}{G}{A}{T} - {P}relimitary {R}esults}, author = {Matou{\v{s}}ek, R. and Str{\'{a}}dal, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2011}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010003} ) @Article(Mat:20010081, title = {{E}xcluded minors for {B}oolean polymatroids}, author = {Mat{\'{u}}{\v{s}}, F.}, journal = {Discrete Mathematics}, year = {2001}, number = {-}, volume = {235}, pages = {317-321}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010081} ) @Article(MenMor:20010116, title = {{M}inimum divergence estimators based on grouped data}, author = {Men{\'{e}}ndez, M. L. and Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {53}, pages = {277-288}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010116} ) @Article(MenMor:20010120, title = {{A}pproximations to powers of phi-disparity goodness-of-fit tests}, author = {Men{\'{e}}ndez, M. L. and Morales, D. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Communications in Statistics}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, series = {Part A. Theory and Methods}, volume = {30}, pages = {105-134}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010120} ) @Article(MenPar:20010203, title = {{M}inimum disparity estimators for discrete and continuous models}, author = {Men{\'{e}}ndez, M. L. and Pardo, L. and Vajda, I.}, journal = {Applications of Mathematics}, year = {2001}, number = {6}, volume = {46}, pages = {439-466}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010203} ) @InProceedings(Mes:20010149, title = {{F}uzzy quantities and their processing}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium 2001}, publisher = {IPM}, address = {Zittau}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {55-60}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010149} ) @InProceedings(Mes:20010172, title = {{S}cale invariant operators}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Proceedings}, publisher = {Montfort University Leicester}, address = {Leicester}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {479-481}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010172} ) @InProceedings(Mes:20010180, title = {{M}axitive and k-order maxitive measures}, author = {Mesiar, R.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Prague}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010180} ) @Article(MesViv:20020164, title = {{A} note to the entropy of fuzzy {T}-dynamical systems}, author = {Mesiar, R. and Vivona, D.}, journal = {Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics}, year = {2001}, number = {3}, volume = {9}, pages = {709-714}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020164} ) @TechReport(Mic:20010064, title = {{O}dhady koeficient\accent23u zp\accent23usobilosti a jejich vlastnosti}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2016}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010064} ) @Article(Mic:20010066, title = {{N}ov\'{y} pohled na {S}hewhartovy regula\v{c}n\'{\i} diagramy}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, journal = {Automa}, year = {2001}, number = {7/8}, volume = {7}, pages = {10-12}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010066} ) @InProceedings(Mic:20020014, title = {{R}egula\v{c}n\'{\i} diagramy s roz\v{s}\'{\i}\v{r}en\'{y}mi mezemi a zp\accent23usobilost proces\accent23u}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, booktitle = {Anal{\'{y}}za dat pro {\v{r}}{\'{\i}}zen{\'{\i}} jakosti a technologii}, editor = {Kupka, K.}, publisher = {TriloByte}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {October}, year = {2001}, pages = {92-108}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020014} ) @TechReport(MicKre:20010012, title = {{K}oeficienty zp\accent23usobilosti a v\'{y}konnosti v p\v{r}\'{\i}pad\v{e} roz\v{s}\'{\i}\v{r}en\'{y}ch regula\v{c}n\'{\i}ch mez\'{\i}}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J. and K{\v{r}}epela, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2009}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010012} ) @Article(MorOut:20010098, title = {{O}n second-order subdifferentials and their applications}, author = {Mordukhovich, B. S. and Outrata, J.}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Optimization}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {12}, pages = {139-169}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010098} ) @TechReport(Nag:20010121, title = {{R}ozhodov\'{a}n\'{\i} a \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} v doprav\v{e}. {\v{C}}\'{a}st {I}{I}. {I}dentifikace a \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i}}, author = {Nagy, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2022}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010121} ) @InProceedings(NagNed:20010042, title = {{F}actorized {E}{M} algorithm for mixture estimation}, author = {Nagy, I. and Nedoma, P. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings}, editor = {K{\accent23u}rkov{\'{a}}, V. and Netruda, R. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Steele, N. C.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wien}, month = {April}, year = {2001}, pages = {402-405}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010042} ) @Article(NecRou:20010188, title = {{B}uoyancy-driven viscous flow with {L}^1-data}, author = {Ne{\v{c}}as, J. and Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Nonlinear Analysis}, year = {2001}, number = {99}, series = {Theory, Methods \& Applications}, volume = {46}, pages = {737-755}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010188} ) @TechReport(Nov:20010201, title = {{P}rior {D}esign of {M}ultivariate {A}daptive {C}ontrol}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}k, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2033}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010201} ) @PhDThesis(Nov:20030063, title = {Statistical Pattern Recognition: Methods for Feature Selection. Habilitation Thesis}, author = {Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J.}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20030063} ) @InProceedings(OceKli:20010166, title = {{V}\'{y}ber pr\'{\i}znakov a klasifik\'{a}cia}, author = {Ocel{\'{\i}}kov{\'{a}}, E. and Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {Kybernetika a informatika}, publisher = {Slovak society for cybernetics and informatics}, address = {Pie{\v{s}}tany}, month = {April}, year = {2001}, pages = {76-77}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010166} ) @InProceedings(Out:20010026, title = {{O}n constraint qualifications for mathematical programs with mixed complementarity constraints}, author = {Outrata, J.}, booktitle = {Complementarity: Applications, Algorithms and Extensions }, editor = {Ferris, M. C. and Mangasarian, O. L. and Pang, J.-S.}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Dordrecht}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {253-271}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010026} ) @InProceedings(PacNov:20010032, title = {{N}umber of components and initialization in {G}aussian mixture model for pattern recognition}, author = {Pacl{\'{\i}}k, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J.}, booktitle = {Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings}, editor = {K{\accent23u}rkov{\'{a}}, J. and Neruda, R. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Steele, N. C.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wien}, month = {April}, year = {2001}, pages = {406-409}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010032} ) @TechReport(Pec:20010169, title = {{S}yst\'{e}m {R}{O}{D}{O}{S}: {S}c\'{e}n\'{a}\v{r}e \'{u}niku radionuklid\accent23u do \v{z}ivotn\'{\i}ho prost\v{r}ed\'{\i} a aktualizace datab\'{a}ze zdrojov\'{y}ch \v{c}len\accent23u}, author = {Pecha, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2004}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010169} ) @InProceedings(Pec:20010177, title = {{H}ydrologick\'{e} modely evropsk\'{e}ho programov\'{e}ho syst\'{e}mu {R}{O}{D}{O}{S}}, author = {Pecha, P.}, booktitle = {Radionuklidy a inizuj{\'{\i}}c{\'{\i}} z{\'{a}}{\v{r}}en{\'{\i}} ve vodn{\'{\i}}m hospod{\'{a}}{\v{r}}stv{\'{\i}}. Sborn{\'{\i}}k}, publisher = {V{\'{U}}V TGM}, address = {Praha }, month = {November}, year = {2001}, pages = {1-7}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010177} ) @InProceedings(PecKuc:20010047, title = {{S}ensitivity study of influence of input parameters variations for removal processes calculations on activity depletion in the radioactive plume and deposition on the ground}, author = {Pecha, P. and Ku{\v{c}}a, P. and Pechov{\'{a}}, E.}, booktitle = {Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes. Proceedings}, publisher = {EC JRC-EI}, address = {Ispra}, month = {May}, year = {2001}, pages = {489-493}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010047} ) @TechReport(PecPec:20010112, title = {{C}omparative {B}enchmark of {R}adiological {C}onsequences {E}stimation for {P}ostulated {L}oss of {C}oolant {A}ccident for {W}{W}{E}{R} 1000 {R}eactor}, author = {Pecha, P. and Pechov{\'{a}}, E.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2015}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010112} ) @InProceedings(PecPec:20010143, title = {{P}reparation of radiological inputs for environmental impact assessment of routine normal operation of nuclear facilities}, author = {Pecha, P. and Pechov{\'{a}}, E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Congress ECORAD 2001}, publisher = {IPSN France}, address = {Aix-en-Provence}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {1-6}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010143} ) @InProceedings(PecPec:20010178, title = {{M}odelov\'{a}n\'{\i} depozice aktivity pro norm\'{a}ln\'{\i} v\'{y}pusti a havarijn\'{\i} \'{u}niky z jadern\'{y}ch za\v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i}}, author = {Pechov{\'{a}}, E. and Pecha, P.}, booktitle = {Radionuklidy a inizuj{\'{\i}}c{\'{\i}} z{\'{a}}{\v{r}}en{\'{\i}} ve vodn{\'{\i}}m hospod{\'{a}}{\v{r}}stv{\'{\i}}. Sborn{\'{\i}}k}, publisher = {V{\'{U}}V TGM}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {2001}, pages = {14-20}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010178} ) @TechReport(PleKad:20030142, title = {Ideal-ist Workshop European IT Research Programme (IST) Successful Proposal Writing}, author = {Pleger, R. and Kadlec, J. and Grabowiecki, T. and Kadlecov{\'{a}}, M. and Krekels, D. and He{\v{r}}m{\'{a}}nek, A.}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20030142} ) @Article(PudHai:20010051, title = {{C}zech {P}attern {R}ecognition {S}ociety}, author = {Pudil, P. and Haindl, M.}, journal = {IAPR Newsletter}, year = {2001}, number = {3}, volume = {23}, pages = {4-5}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010051} ) @InCollection(PudRih:20010138, title = {{U}\v{c}\'{\i}c\'{\i} se metody rozpozn\'{a}v\'{a}n\'{\i} a jejich pou\v{z}it\'{\i} v ekonomii a managementu}, author = {Pudil, P. and {\v{R}}{\'{\i}}hov{\'{a}}, Z.}, booktitle = {Mana{\v{z}}ersk{\'{e}} rozhledy FM 2000. Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}sp{\v{e}}vk{\accent23u} FM JU}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, pages = {81-90}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010138} ) @InProceedings(PudSom:20010165, title = {{R}ecent advances in methodology of feature selection for statistical pattern recognition}, author = {Pudil, P. and Somol, P.}, booktitle = {Computer Data Analysis and Modeling. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Aivazian, S. and Kharin, Y. and Rieder, H.}, publisher = {Belarussian State University}, address = {Minsk}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {163-171}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010165} ) @Article(Rou:20010127, title = {{S}teady-state bouyancy-driven viscous flow with measure data}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Mathematica Bohemica}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {126}, pages = {493-504}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010127} ) @InProceedings(RouKru:20010190, title = {{A}daptive approximation algorithm for relaxed optimization problems}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T. and Kru{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}k, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization Problems}, editor = {Hoffmann, K. H. and Hoppe, R. H. W. and Schultz, V.}, publisher = {Birkh{\"{a}}user}, address = {Basel}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {242-254}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010190} ) @Article(RouSch:20010225, title = {{E}xistence in optimal control problems of certain {F}redholm integral equations}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T. and Schmidt, W. H.}, journal = {Control and Cybernetics}, year = {2001}, number = {3}, volume = {30}, pages = {303-322}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010225} ) @InProceedings(RuiSap:20010082, title = {{D}ecoupling with stability: {A}pplication to the real time control of the water storing plant}, author = {Ruiz-Le{\'{o}}n, J. J. and Sapiens, A. J. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Torres-Munoz, J. A.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications}, editor = {Hamza, E. D.}, publisher = {IASTED}, address = {Banff}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {249-253}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010082} ) @InProceedings(RuiZun:20010237, title = {{C}omputation of the interactor of a linear multivariable system}, author = {Ruiz, J. and Zuniga, J. C. and Henrion, D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Control and Applications. IASTED 2001}, publisher = {IASTED}, address = {Banff}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {1-4}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010237} ) @InProceedings(SanCel:20010221, title = {{W}astewater treatment plant control by combining fuzzy logic and nonlinear estimation}, author = {Sanchez, E. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Gonzales, J. M. and Ramirez, E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Mexico City}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {236-239}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010221} ) @TechReport(SchKad:20010186, title = {{I}mplementing {A}dvanced {E}qualization {A}lgorithms using {S}imulink with {E}mbedded {A}lpha {A}{X}{P} {C}oprocessor}, author = {Schier, J. and Kadlec, J. and Moonen, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2013}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010186} ) @InProceedings(Sla:20010099, title = {{O}pen {L}eontief model with alternative choice of input-output matrices}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2001}, editor = {Dlouh{\'{y}}, M.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {167-172}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010099} ) @InProceedings(SmiMar:20010192, title = {{C}alibration data models for the {L}andsat 7 {E}{T}{M}+ internal calibrator}, author = {Smid, J. and Markham, B. and Volf, P. and Obitko, M.}, booktitle = {Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites IV . 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B. and Ropertz, A.}, publisher = {SPIE}, address = {Bellingham}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {219-226}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010192} ) @InProceedings(SmiSmi:20010059, title = {{M}odel parameters and model performance}, author = {Smid, J. and Smid Jr., J. and Obitko, M. and Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the UM2001 Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Adaptive Systems}, editor = {Weibelzahl, S. and Chin, D. and Weber, G.}, publisher = {Pedagogical University}, address = {Freiburg}, month = {July}, year = {2001}, pages = {25-32}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010059} ) @InProceedings(SodSeb:20010104, title = {{A}n evaluation of algorithms for computing the covariance function of a multivariable {A}{R}{M}{A} process}, author = {S{\"{o}}derstr{\"{o}}m, T. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and Je{\v{z}}ek, J. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V. and Henrion, D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Porto}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010104} ) @InProceedings(SomPud:20010139, title = {{F}eature selection toolbox as a multi-purpose tool in pattern recognition}, author = {Somol, P. and Pudil, P.}, booktitle = {Pattern Recognition in Information Systems. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems}, editor = {Fred, A. and Jain , A. K.}, publisher = {ICEIS Press}, address = {Set{\'{u}}bal}, month = {July}, year = {2001}, pages = {91-102}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010139} ) @InProceedings(SomPud:20010229, title = {{B}ranch \& {B}ound algorithm with partial prediction for use with recursive and non-recursive criterion forms}, author = {Somol, P. and Pudil, P. and Grim, J.}, booktitle = {Advances in Pattern Recognition - ICAPR 2001. Proceedings}, editor = {Singh, S. and Murshed, N. and Kropatsch, W.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {March}, year = {2001}, pages = {425-434}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010229} ) @InProceedings(Sou:20010025, title = {{L}east squares without minimization?!}, author = {Soukup, L.}, booktitle = {First International Symposium on Robust Statistics and Fuzzy Techniques in Geodesy and GIS}, editor = {Carosio, A. and Kutterer, H.}, publisher = {Swiss Federal Institute of Technology}, address = {Z{\"{u}}rich}, month = {March}, year = {2001}, pages = {47-51}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010025} ) @PhDThesis(Stu:20010193, title = {On Mathematical Description of Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures. DrSc. Dissertation}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010193} ) @Book(Stu:20010216, title = {On non-graphical description of models of conditional independence structure}, author = {Studen{\'{y}}, M.}, publisher = {Katholieke Universiteit}, address = {Leuven}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010216} ) @InProceedings(SugSeb:20010105, title = {{P}olynomial matrices and {M}{R}{A}{C}{S} based on {Q}{R} factorization}, author = {Sugimoto, K. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and Henrion, D.}, booktitle = {SICE 1st Annual Conference on Control Systems}, publisher = {SICE}, address = {Kyoto}, month = {May}, year = {2001}, pages = {539-542}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010105} ) @InProceedings(SugSeb:20010106, title = {{P}olynomial matrices and recursive {Q}{R} factorization}, author = {Sugimoto, K. and {\v{S}}ebek, M. and Henrion, D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001}, publisher = {EUCA}, address = {Porto}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010106} ) @InProceedings(SukFlu:20010088, title = {{F}eatures invariant simultaneously to convolution and affine transformation}, author = {Suk, T. and Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Proceedings}, editor = {Skarbek, W.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {183-190}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010088} ) @Article(SimKra:20010191, title = {{F}iltering, predictive, and smoothing {C}ram\'{e}r-{R}ao bounds for discrete-time nonlinear dynamic systems}, author = {{\v{S}}imandl, M. and Kr{\'{a}}lovec, J. and Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {2001}, number = {11}, volume = {37}, pages = {1703-1716}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010191} ) @TechReport(Smi:20010241, title = {{C}omparison of {D}iscretization {E}rror with {E}rror in {M}onte {C}arlo {E}stimates}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}d, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2025}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010241} ) @InProceedings(SmiKar:20010097, title = {{O}n prior information in principal component analysis}, author = {{\v{S}}m{\'{\i}}dl, V. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Quinn, A.}, booktitle = {Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2001. 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T. and Zoltowski, M.}, journal = {IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing}, year = {2001}, number = {11}, volume = {49}, pages = {2498-2510}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010194} ) @InProceedings(TicKov:20010046, title = {{P}arallel factorised algorithms for mixture estimation}, author = {Tich{\'{y}}, M. and Kov{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, B.}, booktitle = {Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings}, editor = {K{\accent23u}rkov{\'{a}}, V. and Neruda, R. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Steele, M. C.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wien}, month = {April}, year = {2001}, pages = {410-413}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010046} ) @Article(TicZem:20010045, title = {{P}erformance and tuning of the {U}{N}{I}{X} operating system}, author = {Tich{\'{y}}, M. and Zem{\'{a}}nek, P.}, journal = {Journal of Electrical Engineering}, year = {2001}, number = {3/4}, series = {52}, pages = {74-80}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010045} ) @TechReport(Vac:20010175, title = {{B}ifurcations {R}outes and {S}pectral {A}nalysis of {A}gents {B}ehaviour}, author = {V{\'{a}}cha, L.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2023}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010175} ) @InProceedings(Vaj:20010117, title = {{O}n asymptotic equivalence of information-theoretic divergences}, author = {Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {Proceedings 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Washington}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {23}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010117} ) @Article(Vaj:20010119, title = {{O}ptimization of {B}arron density estimates under the chi-square criterion}, author = {Vajda, I.}, journal = {Revista de Estat{\'{\i}}stica}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, series = {Statistical Review}, volume = {5}, pages = {395-396}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010119} ) @Article(Vajvan:20010060, title = {{O}ptimization of {B}arron density estimates}, author = {Vajda, I. and van der Meulen, E. C.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, year = {2001}, number = {5}, volume = {47}, pages = {1867-1883}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010060} ) @Article(ValKar:20010056, title = {{B}ayesian {M}-{T} clustering for reduced parameterisation of {M}arkov chains used for non-linear adaptive elements}, author = {Vale{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Sutanto, E. L.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {2001}, number = {6}, volume = {37}, pages = {1071-1078}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010056} ) @InProceedings(vanSla:20010020, title = {{M}onotonicity and comparison results for nonnegative dynamic systems}, author = {van Dijk, N. M. and Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, booktitle = {Operations Research. Proceedings 2000}, editor = {Fleischmann, B. and Lasch, R. and Derigs, U.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {103-109}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010020} ) @InProceedings(Vej:20010250, title = {{A} partial solution of the possibilistic marginal problem}, author = {Vejnarov{\'{a}}, J.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications}, editor = {De Cooman, G. and Fine, T. L. and Seidenfeld, T.}, publisher = {Shaker}, address = {Maastricht}, month = {June}, year = {2001}, pages = {342-351}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010250} ) @Article(VilCel:20010220, title = {{S}tructurally stable design of output regulation for a class of nonlinear systems}, author = {Villanueva-Novelo, C. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Castillo-Toledo, B.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2001}, number = {5}, volume = {37}, pages = {517-561}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010220} ) @InProceedings(Vis:20010033, title = {{R}obust instrumental variables and specification test}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k konferencie PRASTAN 2000}, editor = {Kalina, M.}, publisher = {STU SF}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {May}, year = {2001}, pages = {133-164}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010033} ) @InProceedings(Vis:20010034, title = {{T}he robust regression and the experiences from its application in estimation of parameters in a dual economy}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Modelling Economies in Transition}, editor = {Welfe, W. and Wdowinski, P.}, publisher = {University of Lodz}, address = {Lodz}, month = {December}, year = {2001}, pages = {424-443}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010034} ) @InProceedings(Vis:20010057, title = {{A} new paradigm of point estimation}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Anal{\'{y}}za dat 2000/II. Modern{\'{\i}} statistick{\'{e}} metody}, editor = {Kupka, K.}, publisher = {Trilobyte}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {November}, year = {2001}, pages = {195-231}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010057} ) @Article(Vis:20010058, title = {{C}ombining forecasts using the least trimmed squares}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {37}, pages = {183-204}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010058} ) @InProceedings(Vis:20010136, title = {{O}verfitting the least trimmed squares}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k konferencie PRASTAN 2001}, editor = {Kalina, M.}, publisher = {STU SF}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {160-166}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010136} ) @InProceedings(Vis:20010137, title = {{R}egression with high breakdown point}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {ROBUST'2000. Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} jeden{\'{a}}ct{\'{e}} letn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}MF}, editor = {Antoch, J. and Dohnal, G.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {324-356}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010137} ) @Article(Vis:20020003, title = {{D}urbin-{W}atson statistic for the least trimmed squares}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, journal = {Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society}, year = {2001}, number = {14}, volume = {8}, pages = {1-40}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020003} ) @Article(Vis:20020020, title = {{S}electing regression model}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, journal = {Probability and Mathematical Statistics}, year = {2001}, number = {2}, volume = {21}, pages = {467-492}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020020} ) @InProceedings(Vis:20020021, title = {{C}haracter of the czech economy in transition}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Institucionalizace (ne)odpov{\v{e}}dnosti: glob{\'{a}}ln{\'{\i}} sv{\v{e}}t, evropsk{\'{a}} integrace a {\v{c}}esk{\'{e}} z{\'{a}}jmy}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Kabele, J. and Ml{\v{c}}och, L.}, publisher = {Karolinum}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {2001}, pages = {181-208}, ident = {UTIA-B 20020021} ) @InProceedings(Vol:20010036, title = {{S}tatistick\'{e} modely a anal\'{y}za proces\accent23u nar\accent23ustaj\'{\i}c\'{\i}ho po\v{s}kozen\'{\i}}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Anal{\'{y}}za dat 2000/II. Modern{\'{\i}} statistick{\'{e}} metody. Sborn{\'{\i}}k p{\v{r}}edn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek} , editor = {Kupka, K.}, publisher = {TriloByte Statistical Software}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {November}, year = {2001}, pages = {87-98}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010036} ) @InProceedings(Vol:20010062, title = {{S}tatistical models and analysis of cumulated damage processes}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {ROBUST'2000. Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} jeden{\'{a}}ct{\'{e}} letn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}MF}, editor = {Antoch, J. and Dohnal, G.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {357-367}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010062} ) @InProceedings(Vol:20010089, title = {{O}n regression models of survival analysis and application to grouped unemployment data}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2001}, editor = {Dlouh{\'{y}}, M.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {193-198}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010089} ) @Article(VolLin:20010029, title = {{A} counting process model of survival of parallel load-sharing system}, author = {Volf, P. and Linka, A.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {2001}, number = {1}, volume = {37}, pages = {47-60}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010029} ) @InProceedings(Vos:20010091, title = {{B}ifurcation routes in financial markets}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2001}, editor = {Dlouh{\'{y}}, M.}, publisher = {V{\v{S}}E}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, pages = {199-205}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010091} ) @InProceedings(Vos:20010126, title = {{B}ifurcation routes and heterogenous formation}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Nostradamus 2001. 4th International Conference on Prediction and Nonlinear Dynamics}, editor = {Zelinka, I.}, publisher = {Tomas Bata University}, address = {Zl{\'{\i}}n}, month = {September}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010126} ) @Article(Vos:20010195, title = {{B}ifurcation routes and economic stability}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, journal = {Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society}, year = {2001}, number = {14}, volume = {8}, pages = {43-59}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010195} ) @Article(Vos:20010255, title = {{O}n foreign capital investment bifurcations}, author = {Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, journal = {Journal of Economics}, year = {2001}, number = {5}, volume = {49}, pages = {910-924}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010255} ) @InProceedings(XiaMar:20010084, title = {{M}odules over non-commutative rings for an analysis of control systems}, author = {Xia, X. and M{\'{a}}rquez-Mart{\'{\i}}nez, L. and Zagalak, P. and Moog, C.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Prague}, month = {August}, year = {2001}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010084} ) @TechReport(ZitFlu:20010210, title = {{M}etody pro detekov\'{a}n\'{\i} dodate\v{c}n\'{y}ch manipulac\'{\i} s digit\'{a}ln\'{\i}mi obrazy}, author = {Zitov{\'{a}}, B. and Flusser, J. and Saic, S.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {2001}, number = {2028}, ident = {UTIA-B 20010210} )