Instructions for Authors

Applications of Mathematics
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Mathematica Bohemica

Papers which have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere are not acceptable. English language is preferred, but German and French are also accepted.

Every manuscript considered for publication is passed to a referee for a peer review, and then it is subject to final approval by the Editorial Board.

The manuscripts must be in their final form, changes at the proof stage will be considered only exceptionally.

The structure of the manuscript should be as follows:

References should be listed in the following form:

[1] \v S. Schwabik, I. Vrko\v c: On Kurzweil-Henstock equiintegrable sequences. Math. Bohem. 121 (1996), 189--207. Zbl 0863.26009
[2] R. A. Gordon: The Integrals of Lebesgue, Denjoy, Perron and Henstock. Graduate Studies in Math., Vol. 4, AMS, Providence, 1994. Zbl 0807.26004

For abbreviations of names of serials see Zentralblatt MATH. References in the text should be quoted by the corresponding number in brackets, e.g. [1].

The Editorial Office encourages electronic submission of manuscripts. The authors can submit their papers in PDF, DVI, PostScript, LaTeX, AmSTeX, or Plain TeX formats. After the paper is accepted, the author(s) are asked to provide the paper in LaTeX, AmSTeX, or Plain TeX format together with all accompanying files. Included should be all necessary macros which are not part of the standard TeX formats. Avoid using excessive user-defined macros. In particular, abstracts should contain no user-defined macros at all. E-mail, CD-ROM, or diskette submissions are accepted.

The Editors cannot be held responsible for possible loss of the manuscript, therefore the authors should keep a copy of all files sent to the Editorial Office.

To expedite the processing of their manuscripts, the authors are asked to download the TeX style file ( and use the template file ( These files should be used in preparing manuscripts for any of the three journals published by the Institute.

The style file expects the widely used document class amsart:




as shown in the template file. Other AMS-style files can be included provided IMjournal is included as the last item.

We believe that the template file is fairly self-explanatory. Nevertheless, we consider it useful to highlight the delimiters it uses. For instance, see the following template

\author{\|FirstName |Surname|, Town,

\|SecondAuthorFirstName |SecondAuthorSurname|, OtherTown, ...}

It is designed to properly typeset the name of the author(s) as in many cases it is uneasy to determine which part of the name is to be considered as author's surname.

Even if the title is typeset in uppercase, please do not use explicit uppercase text: it is easy to convert lowercase to uppercase correctly, the opposite is not the case.

The same holds for text typeset in small capitals.

Also notice that displayed formulas are tagged on the left-hand side; if possible, avoid mixing them with list items.

Figures must be either sent in an electronic form preferably as *.EPS files or drawn clearly in black Indian ink (suitable for scanning and reproduction). If a figure is based on graphed data and prepared in a non-standard way, then the relevant dataset should also be included in the electronic submission of the accepted manuscript.

For non-electronic submissions, papers should be sent in two copies to the Editorial Office. Manuscripts should be printed (with usual size of types), double-spaced, on one side of sheets (A4 size). Mathematical formulas must be clearly readable.

The desired position of figures should be clearly indicated in pencil on the margin of the manuscript.

For any further information concerning the preparation of manuscripts, please feel free to contact the Editor (,,