Eighth Liblice Conference
on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids
The Conference will be held in hotel Myslivna in Brno, the Czech Republic‘s second largest city with the population of nearly 370,000 people. It is the metropolis of Moravia, the geographical and historical region of the Kingdom of Bohemia. Within its two hundred-kilometer radius there are other important European capitals: Prague, Vienna and Bratislava. It is the seat of several universities and important judiciary institutions. To the north of Brno there is the protected area of the Moravian Karst (Moravský kras) and to the south stretch the Moravian vineyards with their typical wine cellars.
Brno lies about 200 km south-east of Prague and 150 km north of Vienna, Austria. Both Prague and Vienna form thus natural starting points to travel to Brno, either by air or by ground transportation means.
With respect to a convenient flight connection between Prague and Brno, and railroad and bus connection between Prague/Vienna and Brno, no transportation from these cities to the Conference site will be provided.
By air
Brno international airport is served by regular flights from Prague (operated by Czech Airlines) and London/Stansted (operated by RyanAir).
Prague connection
There are very convenient flights:
Prague → Brno on Sunday: flight OK0032, dept. 11.20, arr. 12.05 (recommended); flight OK0038, dept. 17.30, arr. 18.15
Brno → Prague on Friday: flight OK0035, dept. 10.05, arr. 10.50
London connection
London → Brno on Sunday, flight FR8403, arr. 16.40; Brno → London on Friday, flight FR8404, dept. 17.05
The organizers are going to arrange transportation from/to the airport. Conferees arriving/departing by air are therefore asked to notify the organizers on their intention (and time of arrival/departure) as soon as possible. The departure time of the bus(es) can’t be fixed until this information has been gathered.
Ground transportation
Prague/Vienna train connection
Brno lies on the Berlin-Prague-Vienna Euro City (Inter City) train route. Journey from Prague to Brno takes 2 hours and 46 minutes and trains run in one hour intervals. From Vienna to Brno it takes 2 hours
and trains run at two hour intervals.
Prague bus connection
Student Agency (www.studentagency.cz) operates direct bus connection from Prague (city, airport) to Brno.
There are more than ten connections in both directions daily. Journey by bus from Prague airport takes 3.5 hours.
Vienna bus connection
Student Agency (www.studentagency.cz) operates direct bus connection from Vienna airport to Brno. There are four connections daily:
Vienna airport → Brno – 8:05 a.m., 11:05 a.m., 6:05 p.m., 8:30 p.m.
Brno → Vienna airport – 3:05 a.m., 6:00 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 15:15 p.m.
Journey by bus from Vienna airport to Brno takes about 2.5 hours.
For accompanying persons, there will be full-day programs from Monday through Thursday.
On Wednesday afternoon the accompanying persons will join the conference participants for an excursion.
Details of the program will be specified later.
It has been a standard policy of the organizers to provide as much comfort to participants as possible and accommodate them one person per room. However, the number of conference applications has far exceeded the number of rooms available and double occupancy will have to be implemented (respecting the choice of preferred roommates).
Nonetheless, a limited number of one-bed rooms will be available, which can be booked for an extra charge; they will be filled on a first come/first served basis.
Current regulations require an entry visa to the Czech Republic for citizens of most non-European countries and several European countries. Conferees are advised to check the regulations in their home countries before leaving for the conference.