- Identification: GA103/00/1620 - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
- Duration: 2000 - 2002
- Principal investigator: Ing. Aleš Havlík CSc. (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University)
- Co-investigator: Ing. Václav Matoušek DrSc. (Water Research Institute)
- Co-investigator: Ing. Zdeněk Chára CSc.
Subject of research
The centre of the project is in research work on hydraulic functions of bridge structures and inundation openings for complicated flow and geometric conditions. The main objectives of the proposed project are:1) Research of hydraulic conditions for structures of bridges and foot bridges in especially complicated flows.2) Model research on verification of possible improvements to bridge hydraulic function (referring namely to ice regime of rivers).3) Analysis of hydraulic performance of openings in inundation areas for various arrangements of surface rout bodies and course of river channel.4) Review of currently used computational methods for hydraulic design and check of bridges and a way of their implementation in the available mathematical simulating models.The project consists of : I) Hydraulic laboratory research of various descriptive levels.II) In-situ investigations and documentary data analyses.III) Mathematical modelling of hydraulic function of bridge structures. Expected outputs of