časopis teorie vědy



Gerhard Banse, Monika Bartikova:

Einführung                                                                                                         5


Peter Fleissner:

Perspektiven des Wissenserwerbs in der Europäischen Union                          11


Hans-Joachim Petsche, Rolf-Rainer Lamprecht:

e-Learning und Lernkultur                                                                     33


Thomas Koehler:

e-Education @ School: A Paradigm Shift                                                        57


Irene Krebs:

PISA – hilft e-Learning?                                                                         75


Zoltan Galantai:

e-Learning in Hungary: Past, Present and Perspectives                                   83


Monika Bartikova, Petr Machleidt:

Comments on Some Aspects of e-Learning Development

 in the Czech Republic – Barriers and Opportunities                              95


Zuzana Simoniova:

e-Learning in Slovakia                                                                             11
















Perspektiven des Wissenserwerbs

 in der Europäischen Union


Peter Fleissner




This paper describes the possibilities which are offered by the new information- and communication technologies to future knowledge acquisition processes. But modern technology is not sufficient to guarantee its meaningful use. Questions of content, quality assurance, universal access and finance have to be answered in a way that there is no danger for a further divide of society, into “infobets” and “aninfobets“.




e-Learning und Lernkultur


Rolf-Rainer Lamprecht, Hans-Joachim Petsche





As future chances of nations depend more and more on their ability to develop innovations and master risks, the change from knowledge society to education society is now on the agenda. Education is more than training, competence is more than knowledge. The new challenge is the development of self organization dispositions of the individuals in handling uncertainty. In other words, the development of competences as technical, instrumental and value centred predispositions is coming now into the focus of learning under the aspects of risk and/or innovation. In this context it seems to be necessary to prove at the university how learning by using electronic media can determine a new culture of learning.





e-Education @ School: A Paradigm Shift


Thomas Koehler



The introduction of new computer and internet based media technology influences patterns of teaching and learning a lot. The paper outlines main changes and discusses these in the light of an overall paradigmatic shift. In detail the problems of media effects, of community development, of information selection and localisation and of the information seeker’s behavioural self control are discussed. Suitable examples demonstrate how teaching and learning patterns may be affected. As a consequence a framework for the useful introduction of such technologies into educational organisations is developed. Here especially the problem of the co-development of technology and organization is outlined and linked to characteristics of current learning technology, namely learning management systems. Finally the paper focuses on necessary competencies of teachers at both, schools and academic institutions.





PISA – hilft  e-Learning?


Irene Krebs



Expenditore for public education is increasing around throughout the world. Studies of the OECD demonstrate that today EU countries invest in their education system in different ways. Which role do modern information technologies, especially e-Learning, play in this process? This paper tries to answer this question.




e-Learning  in  Hungary:

 Past, Present  and  Perspectives


Zoltan Galantai



Having been a relative new field in Hungary, e-learning’s roots are interwoven with correspondence courses, which – from our point of view - can be regarded as the educational past of Hungarian e-learning. We can interpret e-learning as a technically advanced form of distance learning. So it is a must to study the beginnings of Hungarian correspondence education. And, similarly, it is a must to study the origins, legal regulation, institutional structure of distance learning. e-Learning is the main subject of the contribution, that is why we would like to concentrate us on the issues of the internet penetration and ICT in Hungary to understand some technical backgrounds of it. We’ll also try to interpret a possible future of distance learning in the lights of these statistics.



Comments  on  Some  Aspects  of  e-Learning Development  in  the  Czech  Republic  –  Barriers

and  Opportunities

Monika Bartikova , Petr Machleidt




E-learning presents a new, dynamic developing method of education and information exchange. The practical application of e-learning method on the specific conditions in the Czech Republic have brought not only a lot of new opportunities in the area of education, but also some problems (for example technical and financial). The contribution attempts to give the basic information about the situation in the e-learning problematic in the Czech Republic – from the governmental support and technical development to the financial and personal barriers.






e-Learning in Slovakia


Zuzana Simoniova



This article deals with e-learning and its aspects in Slovakia. IT is here and it influences, consciously or unconsciously, all aspects of human life. One of the relatively new forms of education is e-learning. It does not have a long tradition in Slovakia. Therefore, we have to understand what does it really mean: e-Learning is a modern didactic method, with the perspective of use especially in the distance studies. Students will gain required study information from the internet. They will use the internet as the means of communication with the distance institution, their tutor (what is a term for a teacher in the e-learning) and with other students. I pointed some advantages and disadvantages of the e-learning in this article.