Institute of Information Theory and Automation

Pro příhlášené + UTIA


The Institute is involved in fundamental as well as applied research in computer science, artificial intelligence, stochastic informatics, signal/image processing and pattern recognition, control theory, systems theory, and econometrics (for more about the research topics go to the pages of scientific departments).

Computer Centre

Head of department:
Petr Vaníček

Deputy head of department:
Jaromír Hanuš

Dáša Pomikálková

phone: +420 286 890 299
www: homepage

Name Surname Position Room 26605-
Emilie Kalašová 64 2363
Petr Miláček 70 2928
Jarmila Pánková 78 2275
Martin Papík 71 2363
Dagmar Pomikálková secretary 64, 69 2363
Petr Vaníček head of department 63, 66 2233
Milan Zajíček deputy head of IT 68 2376


Business administration department

Head of department:
Ing. Jaroslava Marešová

Vice-head of department:
Olga Pokorná

more info:

Name Surname Position Room 26605-
Ingrid Bahenská 169 2334
Dana Heřmánková 177
Simona Kejhová 177 2257
Jaroslava Marešová head of department 170 2815
Olga Pokorná 176 2344
Helena Řeřábková 176 2399
Hana Svobodová 171 2261
Daniela Zdeňková 172 2311

Operations and maintenance department

Head of department:
Ing. Hana Králová

Vice-head of department:
Václav Bortlík

Helena Polanová

phone: +420 286 890 311

Name Surname Position Room 26605-
Václav Bortlík 15 2294
Pavel Heral 15 2294
Václav Ilem 15 2294
Hana Králová head of department 12 2059
Helena Polanová secretary 11 2043
Jindřich Smutný 15 2294
Pavel Vinař 19 2811
Zelenková 14 2594

Školicí a rekreační středisko ÚTIA AV ČR, Mariánská

chata marianskaVybavení chaty Chata je vytápěna ústředním topením, má lyžárnu a společenskou místnost s TV. K dispozici jsou 3,4 a 6-ti lůžkové pokoje. Vždy několik pokojů sdílí společně kuchyň s malou jídelnou a sociální zařízení. V kuchyni je několik plotýnkových vařičů. Každý pokoj má v kuchyni vlastní uzamykatelnou skříňku s nádobím a potřebami na vaření (podle počtu lůžek na pokoji).


Kybernetika logo
Kybernetika is an international journal dedicated to the rapid publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers in the fields of Control Systems, Information Sciences, System Sciences, Signal and Image Processing, Statistical Decision-Making, Applied Probability Theory, Random Processes, Fuzziness and Uncertainty Theories, Operations Research and Theoretical Computer Science, as well as on topics closely related to these fields.


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Department of Image Processing

Head of the Department:
Barbara Zitová

Deputy head of the Department:
Filip Šroubek

Jana Švarcová

phone: +420 286 581 419
staff: people, Ph.D. students
List of publications, courses, projects

The Department is involved in basic research in image processing and pictorial pattern recognition. Major application areas are biomedicine, remote sensing, astronomy, and art conservation.

Main scientific areas
  • Recognition of distorted images and patterns by invariant descriptors regardless of their actual position in the scene
  • Registration and fusion of several images of the same scene taken at different times, by different sensors and/or from different viewpoints in order to obtain information of higher quality
  • Theory of moment invariants, namely of rotation invariants, affine invariants and invariants to convolution
  • Restoration of degraded images, namely multichannel blind deconvolution, edgepreserving denoising, local contrast enhancement, and color transformations
  • Image forensics - detection of image forgeries


Last events:

New monograph Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition, Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2009 (317 pp., ISBN 978-0-470-69987-4) written by UTIA's researchers Jan Flusser, Tomáš Suk and Barbara Zitová, was published on October 30, 2009.

Akademická rada Akademie věd ČR, na základě návrhu poroty pro udělování Prémií Otto Wichterleho mladým vědeckým pracovníkům v AV ČR, udělila Prémii Otto Wichterleho v roce 2008

Ing. Filipu Šroubkovi, Ph.D.

z Ústavu teorie informace a automatizace.

Konání: 18.ledna (pátek) v 10:00 bude v rámci semináře ZOI pořádaná přednáška Petra Somola

Are Better Feature Selection Methods Actually Better?

One of hot topics discussed recently in relation to pattern recognition techniques is the question of actual performance of modern feature selection methods.

Department of Control Theory

Logo of ACT Head of the Department:
Sergej Čelikovský

Deputy head of the Department:
Branislav Rehák

Miroslava Součková

phone: +420 266 052 385
fax: +420 286 890 286
staff: people, Ph.D. students
List of publications, courses, projects

The research in linear control theory has a long tradition at the Institute. In early 1960s, under the guidance of Professor Strejc, researchers at the Institute made considerable developments in both transfer-function and state-space methods. In the 1970s and the 1980s, the members of the Department, led by Professor Kučera, achieved significant results, which launched an entirely new area of research worldwide. Among these are the parametrization of all controllers stabilizing a given plant (known as the Youla-Kučera parametrization) and the design of control systems via polynomial equations. In the 1990s, the research activities of the department ranged from robust control to nonlinear systems.

Applied research in the department focuses on numerical methods for control-system simulation and design, which yields various original software packages for control and simulation. The current research objectives in the Department of Control Theory, which has been led by Sergej Čelikovský since 2004, are the analysis and design of control systems on the one hand and the topological study of dynamical systems on the other. The four main research directions are:

  • Analysis and design of linear systems including robust control.
  • Numerical methods for control systems analysis and design including chaotic systems.
  • Analysis and design of nonlinear control systems.
  • Topological dynamics and dynamical systems on surfaces and manifolds.
Interest is focused on both theoretical studies and computer implementation of the results obtained.


Last events:

Doc. RNDr. Sergej Čelikovský, CSc. was awarded Guest Professor of Wuhan University, China.

Wuhan is the metropolis and most populous city of central China and lies at the intersection of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han River. Wuhan University ( belongs too the most important universities of China with a rich tradition. The award is a prize of appreciation for the long scientific cooperation of ÚTIA and Sergej Čelikovský with china institutions and their experts in nonlinear dynamical systems.
  • S. Čelikovký: "Algorithms for Complex Systems Analysis and Control Design" (Czech Science Foundation, GA ČR 102/08/0186, 2008-2010)
  • S. Čelikovký: "Stabilisation de systemes mechaniques articules et application a la Robotique a pattes" (Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, MEB 020906, 2009-2010)

Petr Augusta was awarded a Diploma in the Scientific Section of the XIth International Student Olympiad on Automatic Control for Theoretical Contribution in Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 17–19, 2006.

Department of Stochastic Informatics

Head of the Department:
Jan Seidler

Deputy head of the Department:
Pavel Boček

Iva Marešová

phone: +420 266 052 466
staff: people, Ph.D. students
List of publications, courses, projects

The Department concentrates on mathematical research in the following areas.

  • Information in statistical experiments and optimal statistical decisions (estimation, testing, classification), with emphasis on maximum entropy, minimum divergence methods, and asymptotic theory.
  • Robust statistical procedures and their applications in various statistical environments, including adaptivity and selforganization. Regression analysis.
  • Statistical inference in random processes and random fields. Applications in stochastic optimization, change-point, optimum investment portfolios, and image and speech processing.
  • Stochastic partial differential equations, particle systems.


Last events:

more info:

Continuing the series of international conferences on stochastics organized in Prague since 1956 the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University and the Department of Stochastic Informatics, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic organize the Prague Stochastics 2010 which will be held from August 30 to September 3, 2010.

The workshop will be held in UTIA from August 3 to August 6, 2009. The topics concern mainly the central limit theorem and invariance principles for sequences and arrays of dependent random variables. Many specialists of the field already confirmed their participation.

For more information see webpage:

We welcome you to attend the workshop.

Lucie Fajfrova (UTIA) and Dalibor Volny (Universite de Rouen, France), on behalf of the organisers.

Blind Source Separation

Blind Source Separation consists of recovering original signals from their mixtures when the mixing process is unknown. In biomedicine, namely in MEG and EEG signal processing, one of the most popular algorithms nowadays is SOBI (Second Order Blind Identification).

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Institute of Information Theory and Automation