Flow cytometry involves the analysis of the fluorescence and light scatter properties of single particles (e.g. cells, nuclei, chromosomes) during their passage within a narrow, precisely defined liquid stream.
Flow cytometry involves the analysis of the fluorescence and light scatter properties of single particles (e.g. cells, nuclei, chromosomes) during their passage within a narrow, precisely defined liquid stream. Figufe 1. Close up of the flow chamber. A typical flow cytometer consists of several basic components: a light source, a flow chamber and optical assembly, photodetectors and processors to convert light signals into analog electrical impulses, analog-to-digital converters, and a computer system for analysis and storage of digitized data. Figure 2. Schematic view of a flow cytometer and sorter with a jet-in-air configuration showing one forward light scatter and two fluorescence detectors. The particles in the flow stream scatter the illuminating light. Simultaneously, if particles have previously been stained with a fluorescent dye capable of absorbing the illuminating light, fluorescence emission will occur. Some particles may contain natural fluorochromes (e.g. chlorophyll) which upon excitation also fluoresce. Scattered light and emitted fluorescence is collected by lens behind which optical filters may be placed. These are used to exclude the excitation wavelength for fluorescence measurement and, if needed, to divide the fluorescence emission for simultaneous measurement of two or more fluorescent dyes. In addition to the jet-in-air configuration described above, other flow configurations also have been developed and are used in some commercial instruments. Their advantage is that they can be operated at flow velocities lower than those of the jet-in-air configuration, which may facilitate higher sensitivity. Figure 3. Flow chamber designs as used in some commercially available flow cytometers. (A) Jet-in-air configuration; particles are measured in a narrow liquid stream after exiting the nozzle. (B, C) Enclosed-stream configurations; particles are measured while flowing in a narrow channel. (D) Jet-on-open surface configuration; particles are measured in a liquid jet while it is flowing on the glass surface. An attractive feature of flow cytometry is that flow sorters are able to separate particles of interest from heterogeneous populations. A jet-in-air configuration can be modified to break the stream into droplets which are formed by the action of a vibrating transducer attached to the flow chamber. Electronic circuitry then places an electrical charge on the fluid stream at the time when the desired particle is entering the last attached droplet. Charged droplets are deflected electrostatically by passage through an electrical field (see Fig. 2). While cytometers based on the jet-on-open surface design cannot be modified for sorting, in some enclosed-stream cytometers, sorting is made possible by switching the flow between two outlets of the flow chamber.
Flow chamber (nozzle) is a heart of a flow cytometer. The suspension of a single particles emerges from the sample needle into a surrounding steath fluid liquid that is moving with a greater velocity. The resulting acceleration at the orifice forces the particles to travel one by one in the central portion of the fluid jet that emerges from the flow chamber. This proces is called hydrodynamic focusing. Typical orifice diameters are in the range 50 - 100 µm, resulting in jet velocities between 1 -10 m/s. the particles within the stream then traverse the focus of an intense beam of light at rates in the range 100 -1000 particles/s.
Detectors (mostly photomultiplier tubes) convert light pulses to electric current pulses, which are then amplified by a linear or logarithmic amplifier. After amplification, the electronic signal is digitized for further computer processing and storage. The results of analysis are usually displayed in the form of a histogram of fluorescence intensity among the particles in the sample.1. Flow Chamber Designs
2. Particle Sorting
Protocols for preparations of suspensions of intact nuclei sutiable for flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content are described here. These protocols are routinely used in this laboratory. The procedure with LB01 buffer (Dolezel et al. 1989) works with most plants species and tissues. LB01 buffer is stored frozen at -20°C in aliquots for convenient use. For a very few species, the rezolution of DNA content histograms is not satiafactory using LB01. In those cases, a modification of a procedure originally developed by Otto (1990) can provide improved resolution (Dolezel and Göhde 1995). If neither of these buffers work, we recomend use of Tris-MgCl2 buffer (Pfosser et al. 1995). This buffer gives very good resolution with Arabidopsis thaliana tissues.
Nuclei can be released into cell homogenates by chopping or by lysis of protoplasts. Intact plant tissues should be disease- and stress-free. Young, rapidly growing leaves usually give the best results. Leaves may be transported or sent by post wrappedin moistened paper tissue and enclosed in a plastic bag. High temperatures should be avoided during transportation.
Because the nuclear DNA content of G1 nucleus reflects the ploidy of a cell, estimation of DNA content is frequently used for ploidy determination.
Table 2. Relation between the ploidy and DNA content of G1 phase nuclei
Ploidy | DNA Content (G1phase) |
n | 1C |
2n | 2C |
4n | 4C |
Flow cytometric analysis involves the estimation of DNA content and not microscopic evaluation of chromosome number. Thus, the terms Ploidy and DNA ploidy should be used to distinguish between karyotype and DNA content analysis, respectively.
Main advantages of flow cytometric assay are:
DNA ploidy analysis using external standard
The instrument is calibrated using nuclei isolated from a plant with known ploidy, e.g. 2n (the position of the G1 peak is recorded). All other samples are characterized by the relative position of their G1 peaks. Units are thus "C-values".
Figure 12. Histograms of relative nuclear DNA content of nuclei isolated from young leaves of Cassava plants (untreated control and plants regenerated from in vitro culture after treatment with a polyploidizing agent)
DNA ploidy analysis using internal standard
The nuclei of the standard with known ploidy and the nuclei of the sample are isolated, stained and analysed simultaneously. The DNA ploidy of the sample is then estimated using the ratio of G1 peaks (units are "C-values").
Internal standardization eliminates the risk of error due to variations in sample preparation and instrument instability. It is recommended for precise DNA ploidy estimation (especially when aneuploidy is suspected).
Research and industrial applications of flow cytometric DNA ploidy analysis include:
Screening for novel ploidy levels
Figure 13. A complete system for production of tetraploids in Musa sp. Flow cytometry is employed to screen ploidy level of plants regenerated after a treatment with polyploidizing agent in vitro. Solid tetraploids are selected at early stage of growth.
Screening for interspecific hybrids
When parental species differ enough in their nuclear DNA content, flow cytometric analysis can detect interspecific hybrids according to their intermediate DNA values. This application of flow cytometry permits screening of large numbers of progenies at early stage.
Figure 14. Identification of hybrid plants obtained after crossing Lolium multiflorum with Festuca arundinacea. Histograms of relative DNA content were obtained after analysis of nuclei isolated from leaf tissues. Chicken red blood cell nuclei (CRBC) were used as an internal reference standard.
Detection of aneuploid plants
The probability of detecting an aneuploid plant depends critically on the precision of the measure (characterized by coefficient of variation of G1 peaks) and on the difference in DNA content between aneuploid and diploid plant. Basically, there are two approaches for detection of aneuploid plants using DNA flow cytometry. In both cases, internal standards should be used.
Figure 15. If nuclei of euploid (E) and aneuploid (A) plants are analysed simultaneously, only analysis resulting in coefficient of variation (CV) lower than half of the difference between their DNA contents will allow detection of aneuploid G1 nuclei. In wheat, an average chromosome represents only 2.4% of the total DNA content. Thus a high resolution analysis resulting in CVs lower than 1.2% is needed to detect aneuploids in wheat using euploid wheat as internal standard.
Figure 16. The use of a different species as an internal standard (this approach is less sensitive to the precision of the measure). Here, an example is given for detection of aneuploids in hexaploid wheat using hexaploid triticale (T) as an internal standard. After calculating G1 peak ratios (sample/standard), the relative difference in DNA content (D) between euploid (E) and aneuploid (A) plant can be calculated:
In some plant species (e.g. in most of angiosperms), cell differentiation may be accompanied by endopolyploidization either viaendomitosis or endoreduplication. Thus, in addition to diploid cells in G1-, S-, or G2- phase of the cell cycle, differentiated plant tissues may contain endopolyploid cells whose DNA content ranges from 4C to 128C or even more.
Figure 17. Schematic representation of the cell cycle with endomitosis (EM) and endoreduplication (ER) pathways.
Figure 18. Changes of nuclear DNA content during one endoreduplication cycle (shaded area)
Figure 19. Histogram of relative DNA content of nuclei isolated from a parenchymatic tissue of a cactus plant. Note the presence of peaks representing endopolyploid nuclei with DNA content up to 32C.
Since the nuclear DNA content reflects the position of a cell within a cell cycle, flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content is suitable for cell cycle analysis. In order to determine the fraction of cell population in the G1, S and G2 phases, a DNA content distribution must be deconvolved (most conveniently using a dedicated computer software).
Figure 20. The distribution of nuclear DNA content of nuclei isolated from broad bean meristem root tip cells. A non-parametric curve-fitting method was used for histogram decomposition for cell cycle phases. G1 and G2 peaks are represented by a Gaussian function, and the S phase is represented by a second degree polynomial, broadened with Gaussian function.
In addition to monoparametric (DNA content) analysis, more sophisticated (biparametric) methods have been developed. These are mostly based on incorporation of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine into newly synthesized DNA and its detection using a monoclonal antibody or Hoechst fluorescence quenching.
Comparison of relative positions of G1 peaks corresponding to the sample nuclei and the nuclei isolated from a plant with known DNA content, respectively, permit accurate determination of the "unknown" DNA content:
Figure 21. Relative DNA content distribution of nuclei isolated from young leaves of Musa acuminataerrans and Glycine max cv "Polanka" (2C = 2.50 pg DNA). The ratio of G1 peak means (Glycine /Musa) = 1.984. Thus the 2C nuclear DNA content of M. acuminata errans is equal to 2.50 / 1.984 = 1.26 pg DNA.
Absolute values in pg DNA can be converted to the number of base pairs. The conversion factor is 1 pg = 965 million base-pairs (Mbp).
Table 3. Nuclear genome size of Musa genotypes estimated by flow cytometry*
Genotype | Genome | 2C DNA Content (pg) | 1C DNA | |
Mean | CV[%] | (Mbp) | ||
M. balbisiana | BB | 1,14 | 2,57 | 552 |
M. acuminata | AA | 1,23 | 1,48 | 593 |
Pisang Mas (Austria) | AA | 1,25 | 1,62 | 605 |
M. acuminata errans | AA | 1,26 | 1,72 | 606 |
Pisang Mas (Malaysia) | AA | 1,26 | 1,14 | 607 |
* Glycine max cv. "Polanka" (2C DNA content = 2.50 pg) was used as an internal reference standard
In allopolyploid species whose basic genomes are known to be of different size, it is possible to use flow cytometric measurement of nuclear DNA content for estimation of their genome composition.
Figure 22. Flow cytometric estimation of nuclear genome composition in two triploid clones of Musa. In both cases, nuclei of Musa (M) and Lycopersicum esculentum (L, 2C = 1.96 pg DNA), which was used as an internal standard, were isolated, stained and analysed simultaneously.
Interpretation of histograms shown in Figure 22:
Table 4. Genome constitution of some Musa clones
Genotype | Type | Ploidy | Constitution |
Pisang Mas | Dessert Banana | 2n | AA |
Gros Michel | -"- | 3n | AAA |
Cavendish | -"- | 3n | AAA |
Breed Clones | -"- | 4n | AAAA |
Lady's Finger | -"- | 2n | AB |
Mysore | -"- | 3n | AAB |
"French" Plantain | Plantain | 3n | AAB |
"Horn" Plantain | -"- | 3n | AAB |
Bluggoe | Cooking Banana | 3n | ABB |
Pisang Awak | -"- | 3n | ABB |
If sex chromosomes differ sufficiently in size (and hence in DNA content), or in DNA base composition, flow cytometric analysis of isolated nuclei may be used for early screening of sex in non-flowering individuals.
Figure 23. Histogram of relative nuclear DNA content obtained after simultaneous analysis of nuclei isolated from male (M, 2n = 24, XY) and female (F, 2n = 24, XX) plant of Melandrium album. Compared to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome has approximately two times higher DNA content. Thus, the G1 and the G2 peaks corresponding to both sexes are clearly separated
Base composition of nuclear DNA can be estimated by separate analyses using fluorochromes showing preference to AT- or GC- rich regions of DNA relative to a known standard.
Figure 24. Histograms of relative nuclear DNA content in maize (M) and human leukocytes (L) obtained after staining with fluorescent dyes differing in DNA base preference. Human leukocytes were used as an internal standard. (FR = ratio of G1 peak means of leukocyte and maize nuclei)
Table 5. Estimation of DNA base composition in six plant species using flow cytometry. Human leukocytes (AT = 59,5%) were used as a reference standard.
Species | 2C (pg) | AT (pg) | AT (%) | GC (pg) | GC (%) |
R. sativus | 1.11 | 0.78 | 46.99 | 0.88 | 53.01 |
L. esculentum | 1.96 | 1.51 | 50.17 | 1.5 | 49.83 |
Z. mays | 5.72 | 2.5 | 44.88 | 3.07 | 55.12 |
H. sapiens | 7 | 4.17 | 59.5 | 2.83 | 40.5 |
P. sativum | 9.07 | 5.97 | 61.42 | 3.76 | 38.58 |
V. faba | 26.9 | 18.32 | 62.31 | 11.08 | 37.69 |
A. cepa | 34.76 | 29.88 | 69.85 | 12.9 | 30.15 |
2C = 2C nuclear DNA content AT sample = AT reference ×fluorescence ratio GC sample = GC reference ×fluorescence ratio AT (%) = AT / (AT + GC) ×100 GC (%) = GC / (AT + GC) ×100 |
Structural chromosome aberrations in dividing cells lead to unequal distribution of DNA into daughter cells. This is reflected by the increase in variation of nuclear DNA content (increase of coefficient of variation of G1 and G2 peaks). In addition, higher doses may result in changes of cell cycle kinetics.
Figure 25. Histograms of nuclear DNA content in a Chinese hamster cell line exposed to increasing doses of X-rays, with CVs of the G1 peaks shown. The analysis was performed 24 h after irradiation (Otto and Oldiges, 1980)
Chromatin structure (e.g. heterochromatin content) may be evaluated by flow cytometric analysis of nuclei stained by fluorochromes which bind to DNA by different modes (e.g. intercalation / binding to major or minor groove of DNA molecule).
Figure 26. Linear regression of Propidium Iodide (PI) / DAPI fluorescence ratio versus percentage heterochromatin in maize lines. (Rayburn et al., 1992)
1a. Chop a small amount of plant material (typically 20 mg) with a new razor blade or a sharp scalpel in 1ml of ice-cold LB01 in a petri dish. It is preferable to include a DNA fluorochrome (DAPI or propidium iodide) in the buffer prior to chopping. Alternatively, this compound may be added immediately after the filtration (step 2). The stains are used in the following concentrations: DAPI, 2 µg/ml; propidium iodide, 50 µg/ml + RNase, 50 µg/ml.
The actual quantity of plant material to be used for nuclei isolation depends both on the type of tissue and on the species, and must be determined experimentally (higher quantities are usually needed of callus or cultured cells).
1b. As an alternative, protoplasts can be prepared and resuspended in ice-cold LB01 to a concentration of 105 - 106/ml. The concentration of detergent (Triton X-100) in LB01 buffer should be increased to 0.5 % (v/v); this improves the release of the nuclei from the protoplasts.
Nuclei cannot be released from "collapsed" protoplasts, hence protoplast viability is an important consideration. Typically the protoplasts should be 90-100% viable as determined using FDA.
2. Filter the suspension through a 42 µm nylon mesh.
3. Store on ice prior to analysis (a few minutes to one hour).
4. Analyse relative DNA content of isolated nuclei.
1a. Chop a small amount of plant material (typically 20 mg) with a new razor blade or a sharp scalpel in 1ml of ice-cold Otto I buffer in a petri dish.
1b. As an alternative, protoplasts can be prepared, and resuspended in ice-cold Otto I buffer to a concentration of 105 - 106/ml.
2. Filter the suspension through a 42 µm nylon mesh.
3. Pellet the nuclei (150g/5 min).
4. Remove the supernatant, leaving about 100 µl of the liquid above the pellet.
5. Resuspend the nuclei by gentle shaking. Add 100 µl of fresh Otto I buffer.
6. Incubate for 10 - 60 min, depending on species, at room temperature, shaking occasionally. Select the incubation period that gives the lowest background and CV.
7. Add 1 ml of Otto II buffer. It is preferable to include DAPI (or propidium iodide + RNase) in the Otto II buffer. Alternatively, these compounds can be added to the sample after the addition of Otto II buffer. The stains are used at the following concentrations: DAPI, 4 µg/ml; propidium iodide, 50 µg/ml + RNase, 50 µg/ml.
8. Store at room temperature, analyzing within 5 - 15 min.
9. Analyse relative DNA content of isolated nuclei.
Large numbers of samples can be prepared and simultaneously centrifuged (step 3). If necessary, the samples can be kept at room temperature for prolonged periods of time after step 5 (the addition of fresh Otto I buffer) prior to the addition of Otto II buffer and analysis.
Browning due to phenolic compounds may be inhibited by adding 2 µl/ml ß-mercaptoethanol to Otto II buffer prior its use.
In some species, a simplified procedure may be used.
1. Chop a small amount of plant material (typically 20 mg) with a new razor blade or a sharp scalpel in 0.5 ml of ice-cold Otto I buffer in a petri dish.
2. Add 2 ml of Otto II buffer. It is preferable to include DAPI (or propidium iodide + RNase) in the Otto II buffer. Alternatively, these compounds can be added to the sample after the addition of Otto II buffer. The stains are used at the following concentrations: DAPI, 4 µg/ml; propidium iodide, 50 µg/ml + RNase, 50 µg/ml.
3. Mix well with a pipette.
4. Filter the suspension through a 42 µm nylon mesh.
5. Store at room temperature, analyzing within 5 - 15 min.
6. Analyse relative DNA content of isolated nuclei.
Browning due to phenolic compounds may be inhibited by adding 2µl/ml ß-mercaptoethanol to Otto II buffer prior its use.
This procedure gives good results only with some species. If the results are not satisfactory, it is recommended to test a standard two-step procedure.
1. Chop a small amount of plant material (typically 20 mg) with a new razor blade or a sharp scalpel in 0.5 ml of ice-cold Otto I buffer in a petri dish.
2. Add 0.5 ml of ice-cold Otto I buffer, mix well with a pipette.
3. Filter the suspension through a 42 µm nylon mesh.
4. Incubate for 1 - 5 min, shake occasionally.
5. Add 2 ml of Otto II buffer. It is preferable to include DAPI (or propidium iodide + RNase) in the Otto II buffer. Alternatively, these compounds can be added to the sample after the addition of Otto II buffer. The stains are used at the following concentrations: DAPI, 4 µg/ml; propidium iodide, 50 µg/ml + RNase, 50 µg/ml.
6. Store at room temperature, analyzing within 5 - 15 min.
7. Analyse relative DNA content of isolated nuclei.
If necessary, the samples can be kept at room temperature for prolonged periods of time after step 4 ( prior to the addition of Otto II buffer).
Browning due to phenolic compounds may be inhibited by adding 2µl/ml ß-mercaptoethanol to Otto II buffer prior its use.
This procedure gives good results only with some species. If the results are not satisfactory, it is recommended to test a standard two-step procedure.
1a. Chop a small amount of plant material (typically 20 mg) with a new razor blade or a sharp scalpel in 1ml of ice-cold Tris-MgCl2 buffer in a petri dish. It is preferable to include a DNA fluorochrome (DAPI or propidium iodid) in the buffer prior to chopping. Alternatively, this compound may be added immediately after the filtration (step 2). The stains are used in the following concentrations: DAPI, 4 µg/ml; propidium iodide, 50 µg/ml + RNase, 50 µg/ml.
The actual quantity of plant material to be used for nuclei isolation depends both on the type of tissue and on the species, and must be determined experimentally (higher quantities are usually needed of callus or cultured cells).
1b. As an alternative, protoplasts can be prepared and resuspended in ice-cold Tris buffer to a concentration of 105 - 106/ml.
Nuclei cannot be released from "collapsed" protoplasts, hence protoplast viability is an important consideration. Typically the protoplasts should be 90-100% viable as determined using FDA.
2. Filter the suspension through a 42 µm nylon mesh.
3. Store on ice prior to analysis (a few minutes to one hour).
4. Analyse relative DNA content of isolated nuclei.
In some cases, it is not possible to analyze the material immediately after collection. Then a procedure is necessary which permits storage of material for analysis at later date. This is especially critical in experiments involving the measurement of cell cycle kinetics, when samples have to be collected and analyzed at specific time intervals.
Due to changes in chromatin structure, nuclei isolated from fixed tissues are not recommended for determination of DNA content in absolute units (genome size).
1. Fix plant tissues (10 - 100 mg) by addition of 20 ml of formaldehyde fixative for 10 min at 5°C.
The optimal concentration of formaldehyde and the duration of fixation should be determined empirically for given material (to achieve the lowest backround and the highest possible resolution of peaks in the DNA content histograms).
2. Wash out formaldehyde fixative by three changes of Tris buffer, each for 10 min at 5°C.
3. The fixed tissues can be stored at 4°C for up to several days.
4. Homogenize the tissues by crushing with a glass rod in 1ml of ice-cold Tris buffer or LB01 in a petri dish.
Alternatively, nuclei can be isolated by chopping the tissues with a new razor blade and/or scalpel. It is also possible to release the nuclei using a motorized homogenizer (e.g. Polytron PT 1200). In this case, fixed tissues are transferred to a 12 x 75mm polystyrene tube containing ice cold LB01 buffer. This approach is especially convenient for isolation of nuclei from very small root tips and/or small amounts of cultured cells.
5. Filter the suspension through a 42 µm nylon mesh.
6. Store the nuclei at 4°C prior to analysis.
Fixed nuclei can be stored for more than a week. If prolonged storage is required, isolated nuclei should be employed, rather than fixed tissues.
7. Add DAPI to a final concentration of 2 µg/ml.
Binding of propidium iodide to DNA in formaldehyde-fixed chromatin is impaired and the use of DAPI for DNA staining is recommended. Alternatively, the negative effect of the fixation may be reversed by heating (Overton and McCoy 1994) or by acid hydrolysis (unpublished).
8. Analyze relative DNA content of isolated nuclei.
Isolated nuclei can be stored for up to several years without any sign of deterioration. Note: fixed nuclei are not suitable as a standard for estimation of nuclear DNA content in absolute units (genome size).
use deionized or double-distilled water in all recipes
Tris-MgCl2 buffer (Pfosser et al. 1995)
0.2 M Tris
4.84 g
4 mM MgCl2 . 6H2O
162.64 mg
0.5% Triton X-100
1 ml
15 mM Tris | 363.4 mg |
2 mM Na2EDTA | 148.9 mg |
0.5 mM spermine tetrahydrochloride | 34.8 mg |
80 mM KCl | 1.193 g |
20 mM NaCl | 233.8 mg |
0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100 | 200 µl |
0.1M citric acid monohydrate | 4.2 g |
0.5% (v/v) Tween 20 | 1 ml |
0.4M Na2HPO4 .12H2O | 28.65 g |
100 mM NaCl | 1.461 g |
10 mM Na2EDTA | 930.6 mg |
0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100 | 250 µl |
10 mM Tris | 302.85 mg |
Dilute stock formaldehyde (MERCK cat. no. 1.04003.) in Tris buffer to a final concentration of 4% (v/v)
140 mM NaCl | 1.637 g |
10 mM sodium citrate | 588.2 mg |
1 mM Tris | 24.23 mg |
140 mM NaCl | 0.41 g |
5% (v/v) Triton X-100 | 2.5 ml |
320 mM sucrose | 54.77 g |
15 mM MgSO4 . 7 H2O | 1.85 g |
15 mM ß-mercaptoethanol | 530 µl |
1 mM Tris | 587.3 mg |
0.1 mg/ml DAPI | 5 mg |
1 mg/ml propidium iodide | 50 mg |
1 mg/ml RNase (IIA Sigma) | 25 mg |
Increased sensitivity may be achieved by using a high numerical aperture objective (e.g., Partec 40x1.25 quartz, glycerine). The use of a high numeric aperture objective (e.g., Partec 40x1.25 quartz, glycerine) is highly recommended. Analysis of DAPI Flurescence
Heat protection
Excitation filter
BG38 + UG1
Dichroic mirror
Barrier filter
If needed, excitation light intensity may be decreased by placing a neutral density filter (e.g., NG5) between the UG1 and TK420. This may be necessary when non-linearity of DNA content distributions is observed.Analysis of Propidium Iodide Flurescence
Heat protection
Excitation filter
BG38 + EM520
Dichroic mirror
Barrier filter
If needed, excitation light intensity may be decreased by placing a neutral density filter (e.g., NG5) between the EM520 and TK560. This may be necessary when non-linearity of DNA content distributions is observed.
It is generally agreed that flow cytometric estimation of nuclear DNA amount in absolute units should be performed using internal standard (the nuclei of a standard are isolated, stained and analysed simultaneously with the nuclei of a sample). DNA content of the sample is then calculated:
C DNA Amount (pg) = sample G1 peak mean × standard 2C DNA amount (pg) standard G1 peak mean
To estimate nuclear DNA content in plants, most laboratories prefer to use plant DNA standards. When choosing a standard, it is advisable to select a taxon whose DNA amount is not very different from that of a sample (this will decrease a risk of errors due to nonlinearity of the instrument). Several species are thus needed to cover the large range of genome size known for plants. Unfortunately, there is no general agreement on DNA standards for plant flow cytometry. This laboratory has been using the following plant cultivars:List of DNA standards suitable for plant DNA flow cytometry
2C DNA Content (pg)*
1C Genome Size (Mbp)**
Allium cepa
17 061
Dolezel et al. (1998)
Vicia faba ssp. faba var.equina
13 154
Dolezel et al. (1992)
Secale cereale
7 917
Dolezel et al. (1998)
Pisum sativum
4 445
Dolezel et al. (1998)
Zea mays
2 655
Lysak and Dolezel (1998)
Glycine max
1 223
Dolezel et al. (1994)
Lycopersicon esculentum
Stupicke polni tyckove rane
Dolezel et al. (1992)
Raphanus sativus
Dolezel et al. (1998)
*) Nuclear DNA content was established using human male leukocytes (2C = 7.0 pg DNA; Tiersch et al. 1989) as a primary reference standard.
**) 1 pg DNA = 978 Mbp (Dolezel et al. 2003)
All cultivars fulfil the criteria for plant DNA standards as they are: a) suitable for flow cytometric analysis of DNA content; b) seed propagated; c) available as elite lines from breeders. Upon request, this laboratory can provide reasonable amounts of seeds free of charge. Please, send your requests to: dolezelueb [dot] cas [dot] cz
A general outline of the procedure for flow cytometric analysis and sorting of plant chromosomes consists of the following steps:
Although plant chromosome suspensions have also been prepared from cultured cells and mesophyll protoplasts, the most frequently used procedure, developed by Dolezel et al. (1992), involves the use of root tips.
Protocols that describe inpidual steps of chromosome analysis and sorting are given here. Support protocols are also included describing the estimation of cell-cycle synchrony in root tips, instrument alignment, and estimation of purity of flow-sorted chromosome fractions.
These protocols are used to induce high degree of metaphase synchrony in meristem root-tip cells. The procedures use a combination of hydroxyurea, a DNA synthesis inhibitor, and the anti-microtubular drug amiprophos-methyl or oryzalin. The original version of the procedure has been published by Dolezel et al. (1992).
Approximately 30 seedlings are needed to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension). Germinate the seeds at 25 ą 0.5°C in a biological incubator in the dark.
Adjust the temperature of all solutions to 25 ą 0.5°C prior their use. Perform all incubations in the dark in a biological incubator at 25 ą 0.5°C.
Aerate all solutions. The aeration stones and tubing must be kept clean to avoid extensive contamination by bacteria and fungi.
The degree of metaphase synchrony may be checked microscopically or after flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content.
Lysak MA, Cihalikova J, Kubalakova M, Simkova H, Kunzel G, Dolezel J. Flow karyotyping and sorting of mitotic chromosomes of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Chromosome Research 7: 431 - 444 (1999)
Approximately 30 seedlings are needed to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
Germinate the seeds at 25 ą 0.5°C in a biological incubator in the dark.
Adjust the temperature of all solutions to 25 ą 0.5°C prior their use. Perform all incubations in the dark in a biological incubator at 25 ą 0.5°C.
Aerate all solutions. The aeration stones and tubing must be kept clean to avoid extensive contamination by bacteria and fungi.
The degree of metaphase synchrony may be checked microscopically or after flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content.
Vlacilova K, Ohri D, Vrana J, Cihalikova J, Kubalakova M, Kahl G, Dolezel J. Development of flow cytogenetics and physical genome mapping in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Chromosome Research 10: 695 - 706 (2002) Abstract
Approximately 30 seedlings are needed to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension). Germinate the seeds at 25 ą 0.5°C in a biological incubator in the dark.
Adjust the temperature of all solutions to 25 ą 0.5°C prior their use. Perform all incubations in the dark in a biological incubator at 25 ą 0.5°C.
Aerate all solutions. The aeration stones and tubing must be kept clean to avoid extensive contamination by bacteria and fungi.
The degree of metaphase synchrony may be checked microscopically or after flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content.
Kubalakova M, Kovarova P, Suchankova P, Cihalikova J, Bartos J, Lucretti S, Watanabe N, Kianian SF, Dolezel J. Chromosome sorting in tetraploid wheat and its potential for genome analysis. Genetics 170: 823 - 829 (2005) Abstract PDF
Approximately 30 seedlings are needed to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
Germinate the seeds at 25 ą 0.5°C in a biological incubator in the dark.
Adjust the temperature of all solutions to 25 ą 0.5°C prior their use. Perform all incubations in the dark in a biological incubator at 25 ą 0.5°C.
Aerate all solutions. The aeration stones and tubing must be kept clean to avoid extensive contamination by bacteria and fungi.
The degree of metaphase synchrony may be checked microscopically or after flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content.
Dolezel J, Cihalikova J, Lucretti S. A high-yield procedure for isolation of metaphase chromosomes from root tips of Vicia faba. L. Planta 188: 93 - 98 (1992)
Approximately 30 seedlings are needed to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
Germinate the seeds at 25 ą 0.5°C in a biological incubator in the dark.
Adjust the temperature of all solutions to 25 ą 0.5°C prior their use. Perform all incubations in the dark in a biological incubator at 25 ą 0.5°C.
Aerate all solutions. The aeration stones and tubing must be kept clean to avoid extensive contamination by bacteria and fungi.
The degree of metaphase synchrony may be checked microscopically or after flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content.
Neumann P, Pozarkova D, Vrana J, Dolezel J, Macas J. Chromosome sorting and PCR-based physical mapping in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Chromosome Research 10: 63 - 71 (2002) Abstract
Approximately 30 seedlings are needed to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension). Germinate the seeds at 25 ą 0.5°C in a biological incubator in the dark.
Adjust the temperature of all solutions to 25 ą 0.5°C prior their use. Perform all incubations in the dark in a biological incubator at 25 ą 0.5°C.
Aerate all solutions. The aeration stones and tubing must be kept clean to avoid extensive contamination by bacteria and fungi.
The degree of metaphase synchrony may be checked microscopically or after flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content.
Approximately 30 seedlings are needed to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension). Germinate the seeds at 25 ą 0.5°C in a biological incubator in the dark.
Adjust the temperature of all solutions to 25 ą 0.5°C prior their use. Perform all incubations in the dark in a biological incubator at 25 ą 0.5°C.
Aerate all solutions. The aeration stones and tubing must be kept clean to avoid extensive contamination by bacteria and fungi.
The degree of metaphase synchrony may be checked microscopically or after flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content.
Kubalakova M, Kovarova P, Suchankova P, Cihalikova J, Bartos J, Lucretti S, Watanabe N, Kianian SF, Dolezel J. Chromosome sorting in tetraploid wheat and its potential for genome analysis. Genetics 170: 823 - 829 (2005) Abstract PDF
Approximately 30 seedlings are needed to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
Germinate the seeds at 25 ą 0.5°C in a biological incubator in the dark.
Adjust the temperature of all solutions to 25 ą 0.5°C prior their use. Perform all incubations in the dark in a biological incubator at 25 ą 0.5°C.
Aerate all solutions. The aeration stones and tubing must be kept clean to avoid extensive contamination by bacteria and fungi.
The degree of metaphase synchrony may be checked microscopically or after flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content.
Kovarova et al. (in press)
Approximately 30 seedlings are needed to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension). Germinate the seeds at 25 ą 0.5°C in a biological incubator in the dark.
Adjust the temperature of all solutions to 25 ą 0.5°C prior their use. Perform all incubations in the dark in a biological incubator at 25 ą 0.5°C.
Aerate all solutions. The aeration stones and tubing must be kept clean to avoid extensive contamination by bacteria and fungi.
The degree of metaphase synchrony may be checked microscopically or after flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content.
Vrana J, Kubalakova M, Simkova H, Cihalikova J, Lysak MA, Dolezel J. Flow-sorting of mitotic chromosomes in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genetics 156: 2033 - 2041 (2000) Abstract PDF
Kubalakova M, Vrana J, Cihalikova J, Simkova H, Dolezel J. Flow karyotyping and chromosome sorting in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 104: 1362 - 1372 (2002) Abstract
This protocol is used to estimate the extent of mitotic synchrony and the frequency of cells in metaphase in synchronized root tips.
Harvest the root tips (1 cm) in deionized H2O.
Squash preparations prepared in fructose syrup can be maintained for few days in a refrigerator but they are not permanent. To make permanent slides, perform the following procedure:
This procedure is used to estimate of cell cycle synchrony induced by hydroxyurea and APM treatments. The protocol is based on the analysis of DNA content of isolated nuclei after staining with 4-,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). This dye is excited at UV and thus the flow cytometer must be equipped with a light source providing excitation in UV. We use BD FACSVantage equipped with a Coherent Innova 305 argon-ion laser.
Although the nuclei suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to perform the analysis on the same day of isolation.
In this procedure, chromosomes are released from synchronized root tips mechanically after a mild fixation with formaldehyde. Chromosomes are released into a polyamine lysis buffer (LB01) which stabilises their structure. The method has been originally developed for chromosome isolation in field bean (Dolezel et al. 1992). Chromosome suspensions prepared according to this procedure are suitable for flow cytometric analysis and sorting.
Approximately 30 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Lysak MA, Cihalikova J, Kubalakova M, Simkova H, Kunzel G, Dolezel J. Flow karyotyping and sorting of mitotic chromosomes of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Chromosome Research 7: 431 - 444 (1999)
Approximately 15 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Vlacilova K, Ohri D, Vrana J, Cihalikova J, Kubalakova M, Kahl G, Dolezel J. Development of flow cytogenetics and physical genome mapping in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Chromosome Research 10: 695 706 (2002) Abstract
Approximately 30 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Kubalakova M, Kovarova P, Suchankova P, Cihalikova J, Bartos J, Lucretti S, Watanabe N, Kianian SF, Dolezel J. Chromosome sorting in tetraploid wheat and its potential for genome analysis. Genetics 170: 823 - 829 (2005) Abstract PDF
Approximately 30 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Root tips may be homogenised also using a razor blade. This method is more laborious. However, it results in higher yield of longer chromosomes in field bean:
Dolezel J, Cihalikova J, Lucretti S. A high-yield procedure for isolation of metaphase chromosomes from root tips of Vicia faba. L. Planta 188: 93 - 98 (1992)
Approximately 25 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Neumann P, Pozarkova D, Vrana J, Dolezel J, Macas J. Chromosome sorting and PCR-based physical mapping in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Chromosome Research 10: 63 - 71 (2002) Abstract
Approximately 25 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Approximately 30 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Kubalakova M, Kovarova P, Suchankova P, Cihalikova J, Bartos J, Lucretti S, Watanabe N, Kianian SF, Dolezel J. Chromosome sorting in tetraploid wheat and its potential for genome analysis. Genetics 170: 823 - 829 (2005) Abstract PDF
Approximately 15 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Kovarova et al. (in press)
Approximately 30 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Vrana J, Kubalakova M, Simkova H, Cihalikova J, Lysak MA, Dolezel J. Flow-sorting of mitotic chromosomes in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genetics 156: 2033 - 2041 (2000) Abstract PDF
Kubalakova M, Vrana J, Cihalikova J, Simkova H, Dolezel J. Flow karyotyping and chromosome sorting in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 104: 1362 - 1372 (2002) Abstract
This protocol describes the analysis and sorting of plant chromosomes stained with 4-,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). This method was originally developed by Lucretti et al. (1993) for field bean and requires a flow cytometer equipped with a light source providing excitation in UV. We use BD FACSVantage equipped with a Coherent Innova 305 argon-ion laser.
Lucretti S, Dolezel J, Schubert I, Fuchs J. Flow karyotyping and sorting of Vicia faba chromosomes. Theoretical and Applied Genetetics 85: 665 - 672 (1993)
This protocol describes the analysis and sorting of plant chromosomes after dual staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) that binds preferentially to AT-rich regions of DNA, and with mithramycin that binds preferentially to GC-rich regions of DNA. This method was originally developed by Lucretti and Dolezel (1997) for broad bean and requires a flow cytometer equipped with two lasers (one of them UV). We use BD FACSVantage equipped with Coherent Innova 305 and Coherent Innova 70C argon-ion lasers.
Lucretti S, Dolezel J. Bivariate flow karyotyping in broad bean (Vicia faba). Cytometry 28: 236 - 242 (1997)
This protocol is used to sort chromosomes when their frequency in the original suspension is too low. This is frequently the case for large chromosomes, which break more easily than smaller chromosomes during chromosome isolation (Lucretti et al. 1993). During the first sort, the sample is enriched for the required chromosome. During the second sort, the chromosomes are sorted with a high purity. We use this protocol with BD FACSVantage dual laser flow cytometer and sorter.
The actual number of chromosomes that should be sorted depends on the number of chromosomes that will be sorted during the second sort. It is recommended to sort at least five times more chromosomes than the final number required.
In some cases, it may be practical to enrich the sample for more than one chromosome. Individual chromosomes are sorted during the second sort.
Lucretti S, Dolezel J, Schubert I, Fuchs J. Flow karyotyping and sorting of Vicia faba chromosomes. Theoretical and Applied Genetetics 85: 665 - 672 (1993)
This protocol describes a procedure that allows precise estimation of the purity of a sorted fraction (Kubalakova et al. 2000). The procedure is based on specific fluorescent labelling of repetitive DNA sequences that show characteristic pattern of distribution among the chromosomes. The sequences are labelled using hybridization of specific probes labelled with biotin or digoxigenin and detected with avidin, streptavidin or anti-digoxigenin antibody conjugated with fluorochromes. The chromosomes are evaluated using a fluorescence microscope.
I. Sort Chromosomes
1.Pipet 10 µl of P5 buffer containing 5% sucrose (w/v) onto a clean microscope slide.
2.Immediately sort 1000 chromosomes into the drop.
II. Perform FISH Reaction
1.Pipette 10µl P5 Buffer onto a clean microscopic slide and immediately sort 1000 chromosomes into the drop
2.Air-dry the slide and store at room temperature
3.Add 25µl Hybridization Mix to the area containing flow-sorted chromosomes, cover with a glass coverslip and seal up with rubber cement.
4.Denature for 45 sec at 80°C by placing the slide on a temperature controlled hot plate.
5.Transfer the slide to a wet chamber and incubate at 37°C overnight.
6.Remove carefully the coverslip and wash in 2 × SSC for 10 min at 42°C
7.Perform a stringent wash in 0.1 × SSC for 5 min at 42°C.
8.Wash again 10 min in 2 × SSC and next 10 min in 2 × SSC decrease gradually temperature to room temperature.
9.Wash in 4 × SSC for 10 min at room temperature.
10.Apply 60µl 1% Blocking Buffer onto the slide, cover with parafilm and incubate for 10 min in at room temperature. Repeat this step two times.
11.Apply fluorescently labeled antibody and/or fluorescently labeled avidin in 1% Blocking Buffer for 1 hour at 37°C
12.Wash the slide three times in 4 × SSC for 5 min at 40°C.
13.Mount the slide with Vectashield containing DAPI.
14.Use fluoresce microscope to identify sorted chromosomes and determine the presence of contaminating chromosomes by evaluating at least 100 chromosomes on three different slides.
Kubaláková, M., Valárik, M., Bartoš, J., Vrána, J., Číhalíková, J., Molnár-Láng, M., Doležel, J.: Analysis and sorting of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromosomes using flow cytometry. - Genome 46: 893-905, 2003.
Doležel, J., Kubaláková, M., Bartoš, J., Macas, J.: Flow cytogenetics and plant genome mapping. - Chrom. Res. 12: 77-91, 2004.
Šafář, J., Bartoš, J., Janda, J., Bellec, A., Kubaláková, M., Valárik, M., Pateyron, S., Weiserová, J., Tušková, R., Číhalíková, J., Vrána, J., Šimková, H., Faivre-Rampant, P., Sourdille, P., Caboche, M., Bernard, M., Doležel, J., Chalhoub, B.: Dissecting large and complex genomes: flow sorting and BAC cloning of individual chromosomes from bread wheat. – Plant J. 39: 960-968, 2004.
Kubaláková, M., Kovářová, P., Suchánková, P., Číhalíková, J., Bartoš, J., Lucretti, S., Watanabe, N., Kianian, S.F., Doležel, J.: Chromosome sorting in tetraploid wheat and its potential for genome analysis. – Genetics, 170: 823-829, 2005.
This protocol describes a procedure that allows precise estimation of the purity of a sorted fraction (Kubalakova et al. 2000). The procedure is based on specific fluorescent labelling of repetitive DNA sequences that show characteristic pattern of distribution among the chromosomes. The sequences are labelled using a primed in situ labelling (PRINS) and the chromosomes are evaluated using a fluorescence microscope.
1 cycle: | 5 min | 94°C (denaturation) |
5 min | 55°C (annealing) | |
10 min | 72°C (extension) | |
8 cycles: | 1 min | 91°C (denaturation) |
1 min | 55°C (annealing) | |
3 min | 72°C (extension) | |
1 cycle: | 1 min | 91°C (denaturation) |
5 min | 55°C (annealing) | |
10 min | 72°C (extension) |
The drops are dried within 1 h. However, the PRINS reaction should be performed next day after overnight incubation at room temperature.
The actual conditions for the PRINS reaction (i.e., denaturation and annealing temperature) must be optimised by for given species and primer pair.
During slide observation, use a DAPI filter first to localise sorted chromosomes. Avoid prolonged exposure to excitation light that fades rapidly both DAPI and fluorescein.
Kubalakova M, Lysak MA, Vrana J, Simkova H, Cihalikova J, Dolezel J. Rapid identification and determination of purity of flow-sorted plant chromosomes using C-PRINS. Cytometry 41: 102 - 108 (2000) Abstract PDFReferences
Estimation of Purity of Sorted Chrmosomes Using PCR with Chromosome-Specific Primers
I. Sort Chromosomes
II. Perform PCR Reaction
1 cycle:
5 min
denaturation at 94°C
35-40 cycles:
30 sec
denaturation at 94°C
1 min
annealing at the optimised temperature
2-3 min
extension at 72°C
1 cycle:
10 min
extension at 72°C
III. Analyze PCR Products
This protocol was optimised for RFLP-derived markers in barley. For other types of markers and plant species, slight modification might be necessary.
It is important to freeze the tubes even if the reaction is to be performed on the same day of sorting.
Annealing temperature must be optimised by for given primer pair and the template.
The electrophoresis should be run at constant voltage of 4 - 5 V/cm.
Lysak MA, Cihalikova J, Kubalakova M, Simkova H, Kunzel G, Dolezel J. Flow karyotyping and sorting of mitotic chromosomes of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Chromosome Research 7: 431 - 444 (1999)
use deionized or double-distilled water in all recipes
H3BO3 | 280 mg |
MnSO4 . H2O | 340 mg |
CuSO4 . 5H2O | 10 mg |
ZnSO4 . 7H2O | 22 mg |
(NH4)6Mo7O24 . 4H2O | 10 mg |
Adjust volume to 100 ml with deionized H2O
Store at 4°C
H2SO4 | 0.5 ml |
Adjust volume to 100 ml with deionized H2O
Store at 4°C
Na2EDTA | 3.36 g |
FeSO4 | 2.79 g |
Adjust volume to approximately 400 ml
Heat the solution to 70°C while stirring until the colour turns yellow-brown
Cool down, adjust the volume to 500 ml
Store at 4°C
Ca(NO3)2 . 4H2O | 4.7 g |
MgSO4 . 7H2O | 2.6 g |
KNO3 | 3.3 g |
NH4H2PO4 | 0.6 g |
solution A | 5 ml |
solution B | 0.5 ml |
Adjust volume to 500 ml with deionized H2O
Store at 4°C
10x stock solution | 100 ml |
solution C | 5 ml |
Adjust volume to 1000 ml with deionized H2O
Prepare just before use
10x stock solution | 10 ml |
solution C | 0.5 ml |
Adjust volume to 1000 ml with deionized H2O
Prepare just before use
amiprophos-methyl | 60.86 mg |
Adjust volume to 10 ml with cold acetone
Store at - 20°C in 1 ml aliquots
Treatment Solution
Prepare the treatment solution by adding specified volume of amiprophos-methyl stock solution to Hoaglands Nutrient Solution
H3BO3 | 300 mg |
MnSO4 . H2O | 758 mg |
ZnSO4 . 7H2O | 200 mg |
Adjust volume to 1000 ml with deionized H2O
Store at 4°C
Na2MoO4 . 2H2O | 25 mg |
CoCl2 . 6 H2O | 2.5 mg |
KI | 75 mg |
CuSO4 . 5 H2O | 2.5 mg |
Adjust volume to 100 ml with deionized H2O
Store at 4°C
thiamine | 100 mg |
pyridoxine | 10 mg |
nicotinic acid | 10 mg |
Adjust volume to 100 ml with deionized H2O
Store at 4°C
m-inositol | 100 mg |
Adjust volume to 100 ml with deionized H2O
Store at 4°C
Na2EDTA | 3.36 g |
FeSO4 | 2.79 g |
Adjust volume to approximately 400 ml
Heat the solution to 70°C while stirring until the color turns yellow-brown
Cool down and adjust the volume to 500 ml
Store at 4°C
KNO3 | 30 g |
MgSO4 . 7H2O | 5 g |
(NH4)SO4 | 1.34 g |
CaCl2 . 2H2O | 1.5 g |
NaH2PO4 . H2O | 1.5 g |
solution A | 100 ml |
solution B | 10 ml |
Adjust volume to 500 ml with deionized H2O
Store at 4°C
10x stock solution | 100 ml |
solution C | 10 ml |
solution D | 10 ml |
solution E | 5 ml |
Adjust volume to 1000 ml with deionized H2O
Adjust the final pH to 5.5
Sterilise by autoclaving
10 mM Tris | 0.606 g |
10 mM Na2EDTA | 1.861 g |
100 mM NaCl | 2.922 g |
Adjust volume to 500 ml with deionized H2O
Adjust the final pH to 7.5 using 1N NaOH
Prepare just before use
10 mM Tris | 0.303 g |
10 mM Na2EDTA | 0.931 g |
100 mM NaCl | 1.461 g |
0.1% v/v Triton X-100 | 250 µl |
Adjust volume to 200 ml with deionized H2O
Adjust the final pH to 7.5 using 1N NaOH
Add formaldehyde solution (37%, Catalog No. 1.04003, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany):
Field Bean
27 ml
20 ml
13.5 ml
Vicia sativa
13.5 ml
13.5 ml
13.5 ml
13.5 ml
13.5 ml
Durum Wheat
13.5 ml
Finally, adjust volume to 250 ml with deionized H2O
Prepare the fixative just before use
15 mM Tris | 0.363 g |
2 mM Na2EDTA | 0.149 g |
0.5 mM spermine . 4HCl | 0.035 g |
80 mM KCl | 1.193 g |
20 mM NaCl | 0.234 g |
0.1 % v/v Triton X-100 | 200 µl |
Adjust volume to 200 ml with deionized H2O
Adjust the final pH*)
Filter through a 0.22 ľm filter to remove small particles
Add 220 ľl ß-mercaptoethanol and mix well
Store at - 20°C in 10 ml aliquots
*) Please note that the original LB01 buffer was adjusted to pH 7.5. However, we have found later that the optimal pH differs for different applications. To distinguish the variants, we use the following abbreviations:
LB01/7.5 pH adjusted to 7.5 using 1N HCl
LB01/9 pH adjusted to 9 using 1M NaOH
22.5 mM Tris | 0.545 g |
3 mM Na2EDTA | 0.223 g |
0.75 mM spermine . 4HCl | 0.052 g |
120 mM KCl | 1.790 g |
30 mM NaCl | 0.351 g |
0.15% v/v Triton X-100 | 300 µl |
Adjust volume to 200 ml with deionized H2O
Adjust the final pH to 7.5 using 1N HCl
Filter through a 0.22 ľm filter to remove small particles
Add 330 ľl ß-mercaptoethanol and mix well
Store at - 20°C in 5 ml aliquots
3:1 Fixative
Mix 3 volumes of 96% ethanol with 1 volume of glacial acetic acid
Prepare the fixative just before use
1N HCl | 30 ml |
Parafuchsin (Serva, C.I.42500) | 2 g |
K2S2O5 | 3.8 g |
deionized H2O | 170 ml |
Stir for 2 hours in a tightly closed bottle and leave to stay overnight
Add 2 g of active charcoal
mix 1 min and filter through a paper filter moistened with 1N HCl
Repeat the filtration if the solution is not colourless
Store in a tightly closed bottle at 4°C
fructose | 30 g |
deionized H2O | 20 ml |
Incubate the mixture at 37°C overnight
Add a crystal of thymol
store at 4°C
HCl - 35% (v/v) | 419.8 ml |
Adjust volume to 1000 ml with deionized H2O
acetic acid - 99% (v/v) | 227 ml |
Adjust volume to 500 ml with deionized H2O
Dissolve 5 mg DAPI in 50 ml deionized H2O by stirring for 60 min.
Filter through a 0.22 ľm filter to remove small particles
Store at - 20°C in 0.5 ml aliquots
Dissolve 50 mg mithramycin A in 50 ml deionized H2O by stirring for 60 min.
Filter through a 0.22 ľm filter to remove small particles
Store at - 20°C in 0.5 ml aliquots
50 mM NaCl | 7.31 g |
Adjust volume to 2500 ml with deionized H2O
Sterilise by autoclaving
Dissolve 1.23 g of MgSO4 . 7H2O in 50 ml of deionized H2O.
Filter through a 0.22 ľm filter to remove small particles
Store at 4°C
10 mM Tris base | 0.605 g |
50 mM KCl | 1.864 g |
2mM MgCl2.6H2O | 0.203 g |
Adjust volume to 500 ml with deionized H2O
Adjust the final pH to 8.0 using 1N HCl
Sterilise by autoclaving
Store at 4°C
10x DNA polymerase buffer* | 5 µl |
25 mM MgCl2 (4 mM final) | 5 µl |
2 mM dCTP, dGTP (0.1 mM each final) | 2.5 µl |
0.2 mM fluorescein-12-dUTP (2 ľM final) | 2 µl |
0.2 mM fluorescein-15-dATP (2 ľM final) | 2 µl |
0.2 mM dTTP (34 ľM final) | 4.25 µl |
0.2 mM dATP (34 ľM final) | 4.25 µl |
20 ľM forward primer (2 ľM final) | 5 µl |
20 ľM reverse primer (2 ľM final) | 5 µl |
5U/ľl Taq DNA polymerase (3 U / 50 ľl final) | 1.5 µl |
*) The buffer contains 15 mM MgCl2
Add sterile deionized H2O to 55 ľl (includes 5 ľl for evaporation)
Actual composition of the mix (e.g., MgCl2, concentration and ratio of labelled and unlabeled nucleotides, primer concentration) should be optimised for given primer pair and species
0.5 M NaCl | 2.923 g |
50 mM Na2EDTA | 1.861 g |
Adjust volume to 100 ml with deionized H2O
Adjust the final pH to 8.0 using 1N NaOH
Sterilise by autoclaving
Store at 4°C
100 mM maleic acid | 1.161 g |
150 mM NaCl | 0.876 g |
0.05% v/v Tween-20 | 0.5 ml |
Adjust volume to 100 ml with deionized H2O
Adjust the final pH to 7.5 using 1N NaOH
Sterilise by autoclaving
Store at 4°C
(for a 50 ľl reaction mixture)
10x Taq DNA polymerase buffer* | 5 µl |
25 mM MgCl2 (1.5 mM final) | 3 µl |
10 mM dNTPs (0.2 mM each final) | 1 µl |
50 ľM forward primer (1 ľM final) | 1 µl |
50 ľM reverse primer (1 ľM final) | 1 µl |
5U/ľl Taq DNA polymerase (2.5 U/50 ľl final) | 0.5 µl |
sterile deionized H2O | 18.5 µl |
*) The buffer does not contain MgCl2
Mix well and centrifuge briefly
Prepare shortly before the use
Tris (2M final) | 242 g |
glacial acetic acid (1 M final) | 57.1 ml |
0.5 M EDTA (pH 8.0), (100 mM final) | 200 ml |
0.5M EDTA (pH 8.0) (100 mM final) | 2 ml |
SDS (1% w/v final) | 100 mg |
bromophenol blue (0.05% w/v final) | 5 mg |
xylenecyanol (0.05% w/v final) | 5 mg |
gycerol (50% v/v final) | 5 ml |
Adjust volume to 10 ml with deionized H2O
Store at room temperature
The solution may be used several times
Store at room temperature
It is generally agreed that flow cytometric estimation of nuclear DNA amount in absolute units should be performed using internal standard (the nuclei of a standard are isolated, stained and analysed simultaneously with the nuclei of a sample).
To estimate nuclear DNA content in plants, most laboratories prefer to use plant DNA standards. When choosing a standard, it is advisable to select a taxon whose DNA amount is not very different from that of a sample (this will decrease a risk of errors due to nonlinearity of the instrument). Several species are thus needed to cover the large range of genome size known for plants. Unfortunately, there is no general agreement on DNA standards for plant flow cytometry. This laboratory has been using the following plant cultivars:
Species | Cultivar | 2C DNA Content (pg)* | 1C Genome Size (Mbp)** | Reference |
Allium cepa | Alice | 34.89 | 17 061 | Dolezel et al. (1998) |
Vicia faba ssp. faba var. equina | Inovec | 26.90 | 13 154 | Dolezel et al. (1992) |
Secale cereale | Dankovske | 16.19 | 7 917 | Dolezel et al. (1998) |
Pisum sativum | Ctirad | 9.09 | 4 445 | Dolezel et al. (1998) |
Zea mays | CE-777 | 5.43 | 2 655 | Lysak and Dolezel (1998) |
Glycine max | Polanka | 2.50 | 1 223 | Dolezel et al. (1994) |
Lycopersicon esculentum | Stupicke polni tyckove rane | 1.96 | 958 | Dolezel et al. (1992) |
Raphanus sativus | Saxa | 1.11 | 543 | Dolezel et al. (1998) |
*) Nuclear DNA content was established using human male leukocytes (2C = 7.0 pg DNA; Tiersch et al. 1989) as a primary reference standard.
**) 1 pg DNA = 978 Mbp (Dolezel et al. 2003)
All cultivars fulfil the criteria for plant DNA standards as they are: a) suitable for flow cytometric analysis of DNA content; b) seed propagated; c) available as elite lines from breeders. Upon request, this laboratory can provide reasonable amounts of seeds free of charge. Please, send your requests to: dolezelueb [dot] cas [dot] cz