» Projects » Grant List » Study of micellar additives influence on heat transfer with respect to application to heating systems

Study of micellar additives influence on heat transfer with respect to application to heating systems

  • Identification: 101/99/1431 - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 1999 - 2001
  • Principal investigator: Ing. Václav Mík CSc.

The phenomenon of drag reduction in the flow of heat carrying liquids is an important means of saving energy cost in many industrial branches particularly in the heating and cooling of dwelling places. Next to high polymers which are already well know drag reducers, the most effective and prospective additive for turbulence damping at high temperatures followed by friction reduction are cationic surfactants. It follows from the physical nature of the process that the friction reduction by means of surfactants is accompanied by a decrease of heat transfer coefficient The aim of the proposed project is the determination of a change in heat transfer due to the surfactant presence in water. The investigation will be conducted in a distinguished defined flow field. We expect to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of drag reduction in connection to the suspected decrease of heat transfer.