Institute of Information Theory and Automation

List of publications

Books and chapters

  1. Zvárová Jana, Svačina Š., Valenta Zdeněk, Berka Petr, Buchtela David, Jiroušek Radim, Malý Marek, Papíková Vendula, Peleška Jan, Rauch Jan, Vajda Igor, Veselý Arnošt, Zvára Karel, Zvolský Miroslav: Systémy pro podporu lékařského rozhodování, Universita Karlova - nakladatelství Karolinum, (Praha 2009) Biomedicínská informatika vol.3 (2009)
  2. Kroupa Tomáš: Geometry of Cores of Submodular Coherent Upper Probabilities and Possibility Measures , Soft Methods for Handling Variability and Imprecision , Eds: Dubois Didier, Lubiano M. Asuncion, Prade Henri, Gil Maria Angeles, Grzegorzewski Przemyslaw, Hryniewicz Olgierd (2008) Download
  3. Vomlel Jiří, Studený Milan: Graphical and Algebraic Representatives of Conditional Independence Models , Advances in Probabilistic Graphical Models , Eds: Lucas Peter, Gámez José A., Salmerón Antonio (2007)
  4. Outrata Jiří: Mathematical programs with equilibrium contraints. Theory and numerical methods , CISM courses and lectures, p. 221-274 , Eds: Haslinger J., Stavroulakis G. E. (2006)
  5. Kočvara Michal, Kružík Martin, Outrata Jiří: On the control of an evolutionary equilibrium in micromagnetics , Optimalization with Multivalued Mappings: Theory, Applications and Aldorithms, p. 143-168 , Eds: Dempe S., Kalashinikov V. (2006)
  6. Jiroušek Radim, Ivánek Jiří, Máša P., Toušek J., Vaněk N.: Principy digitální komunikace, LEDA, (Praha 2006) (2006)
  7. Roubíček Tomáš: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Applications, Birkhäuser, (Basel 2005) Inter. Series of Numerical Mathematics. vol.153 (2005)
  8. Studený Milan: Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures, Springer, (London 2005) (2005)
  9. Jiroušek Radim, Scozzafava R.: Basic Probability, VŠE, (Praha 2003) Lecture Notes for Ph.D. studies. vol.1/2003 (2003)
  10. Zowe J., Kočvara Michal: Free material optimization , Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future, p. 573-583 , Eds: Jäger W., Krebs H. J., Springer, (Heidelberg 2003) (2003)
  11. Studený Milan: Other approaches to the description of conditional independence structures , Highly Structured Stochastic Systems, p. 106-108 , Eds: Green P. J., Hjort N. L., Richardson S., Oxford University Press, (New York 2003) Oxford Statistical Science Series. vol.27 (2003)
  12. Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina, Gemela J.: Possibilistic belief network constructed by operators of composition and its application to financial analysis , Belief Functions in Business Decisions, p. 252-280 , Eds: Srivastava R. P., Mock T. J., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2002) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. (2002)
  13. Outrata Jiří, Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Nonsmooth Approach to Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints, Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1998) Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications. vol.28 (1998)
  14. Studený Milan, Vejnarová Jiřina: On multiinformation function as a tool for measuring stochastic dependence , Learning in Graphical Models, p. 261-297 , Eds: Jordan M. I., Kluwer Academic, (Dordrecht 1998) NATO Science Series. Series D: Behavioural and Social Sciences. vol.89 (1998)
  15. Roubíček Tomáš: Relaxation in Optimization Theory and Variational Calculus, Walter de Gruyter, (Berlin 1997) Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications. vol.4 (1997)
  16. Roubíček Tomáš: Relaxation of optimal control problems coercive in Lp-spaces , Modelling and Optimization of Distributed Parameter Systems, p. 270-277 , Eds: Malanowski K., Namorski Z., Peszynska M., Chapman & Hall, (London 1996) (1996)
  17. Tuzar Antonín: Lokomotivy olomoucko-pražské dráhy , 150 let železnice. Olomouc - Pardubice - Praha, p. 127-142, Východočeské muzeum, (Pardubice 1995) (1995)
  18. Jiroušek Radim: Metody reprezentace a zpracování znalostí v umělé inteligenci, VŠE, (Praha 1995) (1995)
  19. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On the solution of optimum design problems with variational inequalities , Recent Advances in Nonsmooth Optimization, p. 172-192 , Eds: Du D. Z., Qi L., Womersley R. S., World Scientific, (Singapore 1995) (1995)
  20. Mareš Milan: Computation over Fuzzy Quantities, CRC Press, (Boca Raton 1994) (1994)
  21. Schindler Zdeněk: Steady-state modelling of a turbine engine with controllers , Computational Optimal Control, p. 349-355 , Eds: Bulirsch R., Kraft D., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1994) International Series of Numerical Mathematics. vol.115 (1994)
  22. Tuzar Antonín: Teorie dopravy. Pracovní materiály pro posluchače Univerzity 3.věku, Dopravní fakulta, (Pardubice 1994) (1994)
  23. Studený Milan: Description of Conditional Independence Structures by Means of Imsets: A Connection with Product Formula Validity , Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, p. 179-194 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Valverde L., Yager R. R., Elsevier, (Amsterdam 1993) (1993)
  24. Roubíček Tomáš: Microstructure evolution models , Metz Days '92, p. 67-73 , Eds: Chipot M., Longmann, (Harlow 1993) Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics. vol.296 (1993)
  25. Roubíček Tomáš: Modern numerical methods and software in optimization , Modern Mathematical Methods of Optimization, p. 361-371 , Eds: Elster K. H., Akademie Verlag, (Berlin 1993) (1993)
  26. Roubíček Tomáš: A Note about Optimality Conditions for Variational Problems with Rapidly Oscillating Solutions , Progress in Partial Differential Equations: Calculus of Variations, Applications, p. 312-314 , Eds: Bandle C., John Wiley, (New York 1992) Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series. vol.267 (1992)
  27. Kozák Petr: Control of Elementary Discrete Event Systems: Synthesis of Controller with Non-Zero Decision Time , Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems, p. 457-462 , Eds: Franke D., Kraus F., Pergamon Press, (Oxford 1992) (1992)
  28. Novák V., Ramík J., Mareš Milan, Černý M., Nekola J.: Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision-Making, AcademiaKluwer, (Prague 1992) (1992)
  29. Hájek Petr, Havránek Tomáš, Jiroušek Radim: Uncertain Information Processing in Expert Systems, CRC Press, (Boca Raton 1992) (1992)

Journal articles

  1. Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Sedláček R.: Energetic approach to gradient plasticity , ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol.90, 2 (2010), p. 122-135 (2010) Download
  2. Kružík Martin, Zimmer J.: Evolutionary problems in non-reflexive spaces , Esaim-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.16, 1 (2010), p. 1-22 (2010) Download
  3. Hoheisel T., Kanzow Ch., Outrata Jiří: Exact penalty results for mathematical programs with vanishing constraints , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.72, 5 (2010), p. 2514-2526 (2010) Download
  4. Bouchitte G., Mielke A., Roubíček Tomáš: A complete-damage problem at small strains , Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol.60, 2 (2009), p. 205-236 (2009) Download
  5. Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Sedláček R.: A model of ultrafine microstructure evolution in materials deformed by high-pressure torsion , Acta Materialia vol.57, 3 (2009), p. 739-748 (2009) Download
  6. Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří: A reconstruction algorithm for the essential graph , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.50, 2 (2009), p. 385-413 (2009)
  7. Stingl M., Kočvara Michal, Leugering G.: A Sequential Convex Semidefinite Programming Algorithm for Multiple-Load Free Material Optimization , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.20, 1 (2009), p. 130-155 (2009)
  8. Matúš František: Divergence from factorizable distributions and matroid representations by partitions , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.55, 12 (2009), p. 5375-5381 (2009) Download
  9. Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Sedláček R.: Energetic formulation of nonlocal crystal plasticity , International Journal of Materials Research vol.100, 3 (2009), p. 340-341 (2009) Download
  10. Kroupa Tomáš, Butnariu D.: Enlarged cores and bargaining schemes in games with fuzzy coalitions , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.160, 5 (2009), p. 635-643 (2009) Download
  11. Stingl M., Kočvara Michal, Leugering G.: Free Material Optimization with Fundamental Eigenfrequency Constraints , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.20, 1 (2009), p. 524-547 (2009)
  12. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Matematické a počítačové modelování aktivních materiálů , Vesmír vol.88, 1 (2009), p. 21-23 (2009) Download
  13. Henrion R., Outrata Jiří, Surowiec T.: On the co-derivative of normal cone mappings to inequality systems , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.71, p. 1213-1226 (2009) Download
  14. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: On the solution of large-scale SDP problems by the modified barrier method using iterative solvers: Erratum , Mathematical Programming vol.120, 1 (2009), p. 285-287 (2009)
  15. Fonseca I., Kružík Martin: Oscillations and concentrations generated by A-free mappings and weak lower semicontinuity of integral functionals , ESAIM: Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 4 (2009), p. 1-31 (2009) Download
  16. Šíma Jiří, Lněnička Radim: Sequential Triangle Strip Generator based on Hopfield Networks , Neural Computation vol.21, 2 (2009), p. 583-617 (2009)
  17. Beremlijski P., Haslinger J., Kočvara Michal, Kučera R., Outrata Jiří: Shape Optimization in Three-Dimensional Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.20, 1 (2009), p. 416-444 (2009)
  18. Studený Milan, Roverato A., Štěpánová Š.: Two operations of merging and splitting components in a chain graph , Kybernetika vol.45, 2 (2009), p. 208-248 (2009) Download
  19. Rijmen F., Vomlel Jiří: Assessing the performance of variational methods for mixed logistic regression models , Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation vol.78, 8 (2008), p. 765-779 (2008)
  20. Kroupa Tomáš: Filters in Fuzzy Class Theory , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.159, 14 (2008), p. 1773-1787 (2008)
  21. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M., Zowe J.: Free material optimization: recent progress , Optimization vol.57, 1 (2008), p. 79-100 (2008)
  22. Mielke A., Roubíček Tomáš, Stefannelli U.: Gamma-limits and relaxations for rate-independent evolutionary problems , Calculus of Variations and partial differential equations vol.3, 31 (2008), p. 387-416 (2008)
  23. Matúš František, Csiszár I.: Generalized maximum likelihood estimates for exponential families , Probability Theory and Related Fields vol.141, p. 213-246 (2008)
  24. Kroupa Tomáš: Geometry of possibility measures on finite sets , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.48, 1 (2008), p. 237-245 (2008)
  25. Koutný Jan, Kružík Martin, Kurdila A., Roubíček Tomáš: Identification of Preisach-type hysteresis operators , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.29, 1 (2008), p. 149-160 (2008)
  26. Outrata Jiří, Henrion R.: On calculating the normal cone to a finite union of convex polyhedra , Optimization vol.57, 1 (2008), p. 57-78 (2008)
  27. Ioffe A. D., Outrata Jiří: On metric and calmness qualification conditions in subdifferential calculus , Set-Valued Analysis vol.16, p. 199-227 (2008)
  28. Outrata Jiří, Sun D.: On the Coderivative of the Projection Operator onto the Second-order Cone , Set-Valued Analysis vol.16, p. 999-1014 (2008) Download
  29. Kalamajska A., Kružík Martin: Oscillations and concentrations in sequences of gradients , Esaim-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.14, 1 (2008), p. 71-104 (2008)
  30. Jiroušek Radim: Probabilistic partial knowledge handling , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.47, 3 (2008), p. 359-367 (2008)
  31. Butnariu D., Kroupa Tomáš: Shapley mappings and the cumulative value for n-person games with fuzzy coalitions , European Journal of Operational Research vol.186, 1 (2008), p. 288-299 (2008)
  32. Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin, Koutný Jan: A mesoscopical model of shape-memory alloys , Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences vol.56, 2 (2007), p. 146-154 (2007)
  33. Červinka Michal: A note on existence of mixed solutions to equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints , Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society vol.2007, 24 (2007), p. 27-44 (2007)
  34. Matúš František: Adhesivity of polymatroids , Discrete Mathematics vol.307, 21 (2007), p. 2464-2477 (2007) Download
  35. Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří: Coderivative Analysis of Quasi-Variational Inequalities with Applications to Stability and Optimization , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.18, 2 (2007), p. 389-412 (2007)
  36. Perez A., Studený Milan: Comparison of two methods for approximation of probability distributions with prescribed marginals , Kybernetika vol.43, 5 (2007), p. 591-618 (2007)
  37. Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří, Červinka Michal: Equilibrium problems with complementarity constraints: case study with applications to oligopolistic markets , Optimization vol.56, 4 (2007), p. 479-494 (2007)
  38. Savický Petr, Vomlel Jiří: Exploiting Tensor Rank-One Decomposition in Probabilistic Inference , Kybernetika vol.43, 5 (2007), p. 747-764 (2007)
  39. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: Free material optimization for stress constraints , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization vol.33, p. 323-335 (2007)
  40. Roubíček Tomáš: Incompressible ionized non-Newtonean fluid mixtures , SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis vol.39, 3 (2007), p. 863-890 (2007)
  41. Roubíček Tomáš: Modelling of thermodynamics of martensitic transformation in shape-memory alloys , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems vol.2007, p. 892-902 (2007)
  42. Ramos A. M., Roubíček Tomáš: Nash equilibria in noncooperative predator-prey games , Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol.56, 2 (2007), p. 211-241 (2007)
  43. Kružík Martin: On convergence of gradient-dependent integrands , Applications of Mathematics vol.52, 6 (2007), p. 529-543 (2007)
  44. Lněnička Radim, Matúš František: On Gaussian conditional independence structures , Kybernetika vol.43, 3 (2007), p. 327-342 (2007)
  45. Roubíček Tomáš: On Nash equilibria for noncooperative games governed by Burgers equation , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.132, 1 (2007), p. 41-50 (2007)
  46. Roubíček Tomáš: On non-Newtonian fluids with energy transfer , Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics vol.9, 1 (2007), p. 1-16 (2007)
  47. Vejnarová Jiřina: On possibilistic marginal problem , Kybernetika vol.43, 5 (2007), p. 657-674 (2007)
  48. Jarušek Jiří, Outrata Jiří: On sharp necessary optimality conditions in control of contact problems with strings , Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications vol.64, 4 (2007), p. 1117-1128 (2007)
  49. Achtziger W., Kočvara Michal: On the Maximization of the Fundamental Eigenvalue in Topology Optimization , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization vol.34, 3 (2007), p. 181-195 (2007)
  50. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: On the solution of large-scale SDP problems by the modified barrier method using iterative solvers , Mathematical Programming vol.109, p. 413-444 (2007)
  51. Pošta M., Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal control of Navier-Stokes equations by Oseen approximation , Computers & Mathematics With Applications vol.53, p. 569-581 (2007)
  52. Flegel M., Kanzow Ch., Outrata Jiří: Optimality conditions for disjunctive programs with application to mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints , Set-Valued Analysis vol.15, 2 (2007), p. 139-162 (2007)
  53. Matúš František: Optimality conditions for maximizers of the information divergence from an exponential family , Kybernetika vol.43, 5 (2007), p. 731-746 (2007)
  54. Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: Racing algorithms for conditional independence inference , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.45, 2 (2007), p. 386-401 (2007)
  55. Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Sedláček R.: Statistically based continuum model of dislocation cell structure formation , Physical Review. B vol.75, 2 (2007), p. 1-14 (2007)
  56. Achtziger W., Kočvara Michal: Structural Topology Optimization with Eigenvalues , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.18, 4 (2007), p. 1129-1164 (2007)
  57. Matúš František: Two constructions on limits of entropy functions , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.53, 1 (2007), p. 320-330 (2007)
  58. Sedláček R., Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Krempaszky Ch.: Variational approach to formation of misoriented microstructures in plastic deformation , Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics vol.7, 1 (2007), p. 4080005-4080006 (2007) Download
  59. Roverato A., Studený Milan: A graphical representation of equivalence classes of AMP chain graphs , Journal of Machine Learning Research vol.7, 6 (2006), p. 1045-1078 (2006)
  60. Červinka Michal: A numerical approach to weak Pareto solutions to equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints , Journal of Electrical Engineering - Elektrotechnický časopis vol.57, 7 (2006), p. 14-17, ISCAM 2006. International Conference in Applied Mathematics for undergraduate and graduate students, (Bratislava, SK, 07.04.2006-08.04.2006) (2006)
  61. Kočvara Michal, Mielke A., Roubíček Tomáš: A rate-independent approach to the delamination problem , Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids vol.11, 4 (2006), p. 423-447 (2006)
  62. Kroupa Tomáš: Application of the Choquet integral to measures of information in possibility theory , International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol.21, 3 (2006), p. 349-359 (2006)
  63. Ivánek Jiří: Combining implicational quantifiers for equivalence ones by fuzzy connectives , International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol.21, 3 (2006), p. 325-334 (2006)
  64. Jiroušek Radim: Data-Based Construction of Multidimensional Probabilistic Models with MUDIM , Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics. Logic Journal vol.14, 3 (2006), p. 501-520 (2006)
  65. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Effective reformulations of the truss topology design problem , Optimization and Engineering vol.7, 2 (2006), p. 201-219 (2006)
  66. Roubíček Tomáš: Incompressible ionized fluid mixtures , Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics vol.17, 7 (2006), p. 493-509 (2006)
  67. Bína V., Jiroušek Radim: Marginalization in Multidimensional Compositional Models , Kybernetika vol.42, 4 (2006), p. 405-422 (2006)
  68. Arndt M., Griebel M., Novák Václav, Roubíček Tomáš, Šittner P.: Martensitic transformation in NiMnGa single crystals: numerical simulations and experiments , International Journal of Plasticity vol.22, 10 (2006), p. 1943-1961 (2006)
  69. Kratochvíl J., Kružík Martin, Sedláček R., Sveshnikov A. M.: Mechanisms controlling formation of the ultra-fine microstructure in severely deformed materials , Engineering Mechanics = Inženýrská mechanika vol.13, 4 (2006), p. 261-270 (2006)
  70. Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin: Mesoscopic model of microstructure evolution in shape memory alloys, its numerical analysis and computer implementation , GAMM Mitteilungen vol.29, 1 (2006), p. 192-214 (2006)
  71. Vomlel Jiří: Noisy-or classifier , International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol.21, 3 (2006), p. 381-389 (2006)
  72. Kružík Martin: Periodic solutions to a hysteresis model in micromagnetics , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.13, 1 (2006), p. 81-99 (2006)
  73. Matúš František: Piecewise linear conditional information inequality , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.52, 1 (2006), p. 236-238 (2006)
  74. Kružík Martin, Prohl A.: Recent developments in the modeling, analysis, and numerics of ferromagnetism , SIAM Review vol.48, 3 (2006), p. 439-483 (2006)
  75. Kroupa Tomáš: Representation and extension of states on MV-algebras , Archive for Mathematical Logic vol.45, 4 (2006), p. 381-392 (2006)
  76. Outrata Jiří, Henrion R.: Calmness of constraint systems with applications , Mathematical Programming vol.104, p. 437-464 (2005)
  77. Csiszár I., Matúš František: Closures of exponential families , Annals of Probability vol.33, 2 (2005), p. 582-600 (2005)
  78. Matúš František: Conditional independences in Gaussian vectors and rings of polynomials , Conditionals, Information, and Inference, International Workshop. WCII 2002 vol.3301, - (2005), p. 152-161, International Workshop WCII 2002, (Hagen, DE, 13.05.2002-15.05.2002) (2005)
  79. Kroupa Tomáš: Conditional probability on MV-algebras , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.149, 2 (2005), p. 369-381 (2005)
  80. Studený Milan: Characterization of inclusion neighbourhood in terms of the essential graph , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.38, 3 (2005), p. 283-309 (2005)
  81. Roubíček Tomáš: Incompressible ionized fluid mixtures: a non-Newtonian approach , IASME Transactions vol.2, 7 (2005), p. 1190-1197 (2005)
  82. Roubíček Tomáš: Maximum principle in optimal design of plates with stratified thickness , Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol.51, 99 (2005), p. 183-200 (2005)
  83. Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin: Mesoscopic model for ferromagnets with isotropic hardening , Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol.56, 1 (2005), p. 107-135 (2005)
  84. Kružík Martin, Mielke A., Roubíček Tomáš: Modelling of microstructure and its evolution in shape-memory-alloy single crystals, in particular in CuALNi , Meccanica vol.40, p. 389-418 (2005)
  85. Outrata Jiří, Römisch W.: On optimality conditions for some nonsmooth optimization problems over Lp spaces , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.126, 2 (2005), p. 411-438 (2005)
  86. Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: Racing for conditional independence inference , Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty vol.3571, p. 221-232, ECSQARU 2005. European Conference /8./, (Barcelona, ES, 06.07.2005-08.07.2005) (2005)
  87. Mielke A., Roubíček Tomáš: Rate-independent damage processes in nonlinear inelasticity , Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences vol.16, 2 (2005), p. 177-209 (2005)
  88. Outrata Jiří: A note on a class of equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints , Kybernetika vol.40, 5 (2004), p. 585-594 (2004)
  89. Kružík Martin, Otto F.: A phenomenological model for hysteresis in polycrystalline shape memory alloys , ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik vol.84, 12 (2004), p. 835-842 (2004)
  90. Kim Y. G., Valtorta M., Vomlel Jiří: A prototypical system for soft evidential update , Applied Intelligence vol.21, 1 (2004), p. 81-97 (2004)
  91. Vomlel Jiří: Bayesian networks in educational testing , International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol.12, 1 (2004), p. 83-100 (2004)
  92. Vomlel Jiří: Building adaptive tests using Bayesian networks , Kybernetika vol.40, 3 (2004), p. 333-348 (2004)
  93. Kroupa Tomáš: Conditional independence in probability theory on MV-algebras , Soft Computing vol.8, 8 (2004), p. 534-538 (2004)
  94. Studený Milan: Characterization of essential graphs by means of the operation of legal merging of components , International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems vol.12, p. 43-62 (2004)
  95. Vomlel Jiří: Integrating inconsistent data in a probabilistic model , Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics vol.14, 3 (2004), p. 367-386 (2004)
  96. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Interactions between demagnetizing field and minor-loop development in bulk ferromagnets , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials vol.277, p. 192-200 (2004)
  97. Bartels S., Roubíček Tomáš: Linear-programming approach to nonconvex variational problems , Numerische Mathematik vol.99, 2 (2004), p. 251-287 (2004)
  98. Kružík Martin, Prohl A.: Macroscopic modeling of magnetic hysteresis , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.14, 14 (2004), p. 665-681 (2004)
  99. Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin: Microstructure evolution model in micromagnetics , Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik vol.55, 1 (2004), p. 159-182 (2004)
  100. Pilar Iglesias Z., Matúš František, Pereira C. A. B., Tanaka N. I.: On finite sequences conditionally uniform given minima and maxima , Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics vol.66, 3 (2004), p. 428-439 (2004)
  101. Csiszár I., Matúš František: On information closures of exponential families: A counterexample , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.50, 5 (2004), p. 922-924 (2004)
  102. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Optimization problems with equilibrium constraints and their numerical solution , Mathematical Programming vol.101, 1 (2004), p. 119-149 (2004)
  103. Vomlel Jiří: Probabilistic reasoning with uncertain evidence , Neural Network World vol.15, 5 (2004), p. 453-465 (2004)
  104. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: Solving nonconvex SDP problems of structural optimization with stability control , Optimization Methods & Software vol.19, 5 (2004), p. 595-609 (2004)
  105. Matúš František: Towards classification of semigraphoids , Discrete Mathematics vol.277, 1 (2004), p. 115-145 (2004)
  106. Kružík Martin: A note on equality of functional envelopes , Mathematica Bohemica vol.128, 2 (2003), p. 169-178 (2003)
  107. Mielke A.Roubíček Tomáš, Roubíček Tomáš: A rate-independent model for inelastic behavior of shape-memory alloys , Multiscale Modeling and Simulation vol.1, 4 (2003), p. 571-597 (2003)
  108. Matúš František: Conditional probabilities and permutahedron , Annales de L Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilites Et Statistiques vol.39, 4 (2003), p. 687-701 (2003)
  109. Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová J.: Construction of multidimensional models by operators of composition: current state of art , Soft Computing vol.7, 5 (2003), p. 328-335 (2003)
  110. Jiroušek Radim, Kleiter G. D., Vejnarová J.: Editorial note , Soft Computing vol.7, 5 (2003), p. 279 (2003)
  111. Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: General framework for multidimensional models , International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol.18, 1 (2003), p. 107-127 (2003)
  112. Matache A. M., Roubíček Tomáš, Schwab Ch.: Higher-order convex approximations of Young measures in optimal control , Advances in Computational Mathematics vol.19, 1 (2003), p. 73-97 (2003)
  113. Csiszár I., Matúš František: Information Projections Revisited , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.49, 6 (2003), p. 1474-1490 (2003)
  114. Roubíček Tomáš, Tröltzsch F.: Lipschitz stability of optimal controls for the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations , Control and Cybernetics vol.32, 3 (2003), p. 683-705 (2003)
  115. Kružík Martin: Maximum principle based algorithm for hysteresis in micromagnetics , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.13, 2 (2003), p. 461-485 (2003)
  116. Kroupa Tomáš: On application of Choquet integral in possibilistic information theory , Neural Network World vol.13, 5 (2003), p. 541-548 (2003)
  117. Jiroušek Radim: On experimental system for multidimensional model development MUDIM , Neural Network World vol.13, 5 (2003), p. 513-520 (2003)
  118. Rajagopal K. R., Roubíček Tomáš: On the effect of dissipation in shape-memory alloys , Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications vol.4, 99 (2003), p. 581-597 (2003)
  119. Lněnička Radim: On the tightness of the Zhang-Yeung inequality for Gaussian vectors , Communications in Information and Systems vol.3, 1 (2003), p. 41-46 (2003)
  120. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENNON: A code for convex nonlinear and semidefinite programming , Optimization Methods & Software vol.18, 3 (2003), p. 317-333 (2003)
  121. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Specimen shape influence on hysteretic response of bulk ferromagnets , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials vol.256, 1 (2003), p. 158-167 (2003)
  122. Kružík Martin, Luskin M.: The computation of martensitic microstructure with piecewise laminates , Journal of Scientific Computing vol.19, p. 293-308 (2003)
  123. Kočvara Michal: A fast iterative algorithm for American option pricing , Solutions vol.6, 1 (2002), p. 57-66 (2002)
  124. Kirsch U., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Accurate reanalysis of structures by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering vol.55, 2 (2002), p. 233-251 (2002)
  125. Jiroušek Radim: Decomposition of multidimensional distributions represented by perfect sequences , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, p. 215-226 (2002)
  126. Roubíček Tomáš: Evolution model for martensitic phase transformation in shape-memory alloys , Interfaces and Free Boundaries vol.4, 2 (2002), p. 111-136 (2002)
  127. Studený Milan: Chain graph models and their causal interpretations - discussion on the paper by Lauritzen and Richardson , Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methodology vol.64, 3 (2002), p. 358 (2002)
  128. Matúš František: Lenghts of semigraphoid inferences , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, 4 (2002), p. 287-294 (2002)
  129. Vejnarová Jiřina: Markov properties and factorization of possibility distributions , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, p. 357-377 (2002)
  130. Henrion R., Jourani A., Outrata Jiří: On calmness of a class of multifunctions , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.13, 2 (2002), p. 603-618 (2002)
  131. Studený Milan: On stochastic conditional independence: the problems of characterization and description , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.35, p. 323-341 (2002)
  132. Roubíček Tomáš, Valášek M.: Optimal control of causal differential-algebraic systems , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.269, 2 (2002), p. 616-641 (2002)
  133. Bouchitee G., Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal design of stratified media , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.12, 1 (2002), p. 135-150 (2002)
  134. Beremlijski P., Haslinger J., Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Shape optimization in contact problems with Coulomb friction , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.13, 2 (2002), p. 561-587 (2002)
  135. Plecháč P., Roubíček Tomáš: Visco-elasto-plastic model for martensitic phase transformation in shape-memory alloys , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.25, 99 (2002), p. 1281-1298 (2002)
  136. Henrion R., Outrata Jiří: A subdifferential condition for calmness of multifunctions , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.258, 1 (2001), p. 110-130 (2001)
  137. Nečas J., Roubíček Tomáš: Buoyancy-driven viscous flow with L , Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications vol.46, 99 (2001), p. 737-755 (2001)
  138. Csiszár I., Matúš František: Convex cores of measures on R , Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica vol.38, 2 (2001), p. 177-190 (2001)
  139. Matúš František: Excluded minors for Boolean polymatroids , Discrete Mathematics vol.235, p. 317-321 (2001)
  140. Roubíček Tomáš, Schmidt W. H.: Existence in optimal control problems of certain Fredholm integral equations , Control and Cybernetics vol.30, 3 (2001), p. 303-322 (2001)
  141. Hörnlein H. R. E. M., Kočvara Michal, Werner R.: Material optimization: bridging the gap between conceptual and preliminary design , Aerospace Science and Technology vol.5, 1 (2001), p. 541-554 (2001)
  142. Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří: On second-order subdifferentials and their applications , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.12, 1 (2001), p. 139-169 (2001)
  143. Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: Perfect sequences for belief networks representation , Neural Network World vol.11, 6 (2001), p. 611-626 (2001)
  144. Roubíček Tomáš: Steady-state bouyancy-driven viscous flow with measure data , Mathematica Bohemica vol.126, 2 (2001), p. 493-504 (2001)
  145. Kružík Martin, Prohl A.: Young measure approximation in micromagnetics , Numerische Mathematik vol.90, 2 (2001), p. 291-307 (2001)
  146. Outrata Jiří: A generalized mathematical program with equilibrium constraints , SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization and SIAM Journal on Control vol.38, 5 (2000), p. 1623-1638 (2000)
  147. Siddiqi A. H., Manchanda P., Kočvara Michal: An iterative two-step algorithm for American option pricing , IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry vol.11, 2 (2000), p. 71-84 (2000)
  148. Kružík Martin: Bauer's maximum principle and hulls of sets , Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations vol.11, 3 (2000), p. 321-332 (2000)
  149. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J., Nemirovski A.: Cascading - an approach to robust material optimization , Computers and Structures vol.76, p. 431-442 (2000)
  150. Roubíček Tomáš: Direct method for parabolic problems , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.10, 99 (2000), p. 57-65 (2000)
  151. Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Nemirovski A., Zowe J.: Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions , SIAM Review vol.42, 4 (2000), p. 695-715 (2000)
  152. Roubíček Tomáš, Šverák V.: Nonexistence of solutions in nonconvex multidimensional variational problems , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.7, 99 (2000), p. 427-436 (2000)
  153. Carstensen C., Roubíček Tomáš: Numerical approximation of Young measures in nonconvex variational problems , Numerische Mathematik vol.84, 99 (2000), p. 395-415 (2000)
  154. Outrata Jiří: On mathematical programs with complementarity constraints , Optimization Methods & Software vol.14, 1 (2000), p. 117-137 (2000)
  155. Haslinger J., Kočvara Michal, Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal control of distributed parameter systems , ERCIM News, p. 24-25 (2000)
  156. Ben-Tal A., Jarre F., Kočvara Michal, Nemirovski A., Zowe J.: Optimal design of trusses under a nonconvex global buckling constraint , Optimization and Engineering vol.1, 2 (2000), p. 189-213 (2000)
  157. Paz A., Geva R. Y., Studený Milan: Representation of irrelevance relations by annotated graphs , Fundamenta Mathematicae vol.42, 1 (2000), p. 149-199 (2000)
  158. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Weierstrass-type maximum principle for microstructure in micromagnetics , Zeitschrift für Analysis und Ihre Anwendungen vol.19, 2 (2000), p. 415-428 (2000)
  159. Volf M., Studený Milan: A graphical characterization of the largest chain graphs , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.20, 3 (1999), p. 209-236 (1999)
  160. Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Nemirovski A., Zowe J.: Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.9, 4 (1999), p. 813-832 (1999)
  161. Pik Jiří: Hierarchy of events in analysis and forecasting of discrete event processes , International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems vol.3, 3 (1999), p. 195-201 (1999)
  162. Málek J., Roubíček Tomáš, Stará J.: K sedmdesátinám profesora Jindřicha Nečase , Bulletin České společnosti pro mechaniku vol.3, 99 (1999), p. 26-29 (1999)
  163. Roubíček Tomáš: On noncooperative nonlinear differential games , Kybernetika vol.35, 4 (1999), p. 487-498 (1999)
  164. Kružík Martin: On the composition of quasiconvex functions and the transposition , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.6, 1 (1999), p. 207-213 (1999)
  165. Outrata Jiří: Optimality conditions for a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints , Mathematics of Operations Research vol.24, 3 (1999), p. 627-644 (1999)
  166. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization problems with concentration and oscillation effects: Relaxation theory and numerical approximation , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.20, p. 511-530 (1999)
  167. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Some geometric properties of the set of generalized Young functionals , Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. A - Mathematics vol.129, p. 601-616 (1999)
  168. Vejnarová Jiřina: A note on the interval-valued marginal problem and its maximum entropy solution , Kybernetika vol.34, 1 (1998), p. 17-26 (1998)
  169. Schindler J., Schindler Zdeněk, Schindler Jr. J.: A WWW-based information system on resistance of bacteria to antibiotics , Medical Informatics vol.23, 3 (1998), p. 179-185 (1998)
  170. Jiroušek Radim: Bayesovské sítě - moderní technologie umělé inteligence , Lékař a technika. Biomedicinské inženýrství a informatika vol.29, 4 (1998), p. 79-88 (1998)
  171. Matúš František: Combining m-dependence with Markovness , Annales de L Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilites Et Statistiques vol.34, 4 (1998), p. 407-423 (1998)
  172. Kříž Otakar: Conditional problem for objective probability , Kybernetika vol.34, 1 (1998), p. 27-40 (1998)
  173. Kružík Martin: DiPerna-Majda measures and uniform integrability , Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae vol.39, 3 (1998), p. 511-523 (1998)
  174. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Free material optimization , Documenta Mathematica vol.3, p. 707-716 (1998)
  175. Kočvara Michal, Zibulevsky M., Zowe J.: Mechanical design problems with unilateral contact , E S A I M: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis vol.32, 3 (1998), p. 255-282 (1998)
  176. Roubíček Tomáš: Nonlinear heat equation with L , Nodea-Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications vol.5, 4 (1998), p. 517-527 (1998)
  177. Kružík Martin: Numerical approach to double well problems , SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis vol.35, 5 (1998), p. 1833-1849 (1998)
  178. Studený Milan, Bouckaert R. R.: On chain graph models for description of conditional independence structures , Annals of Statistics vol.26, 4 (1998), p. 1434-1495 (1998)
  179. Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal control of nonlinear Fredholm integral equations , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.97, 3 (1998), p. 707-729 (1998)
  180. Jarre F., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Optimal truss design by interior-point methods , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.8, 4 (1998), p. 1084-1107 (1998)
  181. Roubíček Tomáš: Optimality conditions for nonconvex variational problems relaxed in terms of Young measures , Kybernetika vol.34, 3 (1998), p. 335-347 (1998)
  182. Studený Milan: A recovery algorithm for chain graphs , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.17, 213 (1997), p. 265-293 (1997)
  183. Jiroušek Radim, Kushmerick Nicholas: Constructing probabilistic models , International Journal of Medical Informatics vol.45, 6 (1997), p. 9-18 (1997)
  184. Roubíček Tomáš, Schmidt W. H.: Existence of solutions of certain nonconvex optimal control problems governed by nonlinear integral equations , Optimization: a journal of mathematical programming and operations research Additional Title Information vol.42, 1 (1997), p. 91-109 (1997)
  185. Roubíček Tomáš: Nonconcentrating generalized Young functionals , Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae vol.38, 1 (1997), p. 91-99 (1997)
  186. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: On the measures of DiPerna and Majda , Mathematica Bohemica vol.122, 4 (1997), p. 383-399 (1997)
  187. Studený Milan: Semigraphoids and structures of probabilistic conditional independence , Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence vol.21, 1 (1997), p. 71-98 (1997)
  188. Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.: Design of transaction management protocols , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.41, 9 (1996), p. 1330-1334 (1996)
  189. Jarušek Jiří, Eck Ch.: Dynamic contact problems with friction in linear viscoelasticity , Comptes Rendus de L Academie Des Sciences Serie I-Mathematique vol.322, p. 497-502 (1996)
  190. Jarušek Jiří: Dynamic contact problems with given friction for viscoelastic bodies , Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal vol.46, 3 (1996), p. 475-487 (1996)
  191. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Explicit characterization of Lp-Young measures , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.198, p. 830-843 (1996)
  192. Roubíček Tomáš: Numerical approximation of relaxed variational problems , Journal of Convex Analysis vol.3, 2 (1996), p. 1-19 (1996)
  193. Matúš František: On two-block-factor sequences and one-dependence , Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol.124, 4 (1996), p. 1237-1242 (1996)
  194. Jarušek Jiří: Regularity and optimal control of quasicoupled and coupled heating processes , Applications of Mathematics vol.41, 2 (1996), p. 81-106 (1996)
  195. Outrata Jiří: Solution behaviour for parameter-dependent quasi-variational inequalities , R A I R O - Operations Research vol.30, 4 (1996), p. 399-415 (1996)
  196. Achtziger W., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Von der Mathematik zum automatisierten Design , FAU UniKurier vol.22, 94 (1996), p. 23-25 (1996)
  197. Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A Newton method for a class of quasi-variational inequalities , Computational Optimization and Applications vol.4, 1 (1995), p. 5-21 (1995)
  198. Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A numerical approach to optimization problems with variational inequality constraints , Mathematical Programming vol.68, 1 (1995), p. 105-130 (1995)
  199. Roubíček Tomáš, Hoffmann K. H.: About the concept of measure-valued solutions to distributed parameter systems , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.18, p. 671-685 (1995)
  200. Roubíček Tomáš: Approximation theory for generalized Young measures , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.16, p. 1233-1253 (1995)
  201. Studený Milan: Conditional independence and natural conditional functions , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.12, 1 (1995), p. 43-68 (1995)
  202. Matúš František, Studený Milan: Conditional independences among four random variables I , Combinatorics, Probability and Computing vol.4, p. 269-278 (1995)
  203. Matúš František: Conditional independences among four random variables II , Combinatorics Probability & Computing vol.4, p. 407-417 (1995)
  204. Studený Milan: Description of structures of stochastic conditional independence by means of faces and imsets. 2nd part: basic theory. , International Journal of General Systems vol.23, 3 (1995), p. 201-219 (1995)
  205. Studený Milan: Description of structures of stochastic conditional independence by means of faces and imsets. 3rd part: examples of use and appendices , International Journal of General Systems vol.23, 4 (1995), p. 323-341 (1995)
  206. Jarušek Jiří: Dynamical contact problems for bodies with a singular memory , Bollettino della Unione Mathematica Italiana vol.7, p. 581-592 (1995)
  207. Roubíček Tomáš: Effective characterization of generalized Young measures generated by gradients , Bollettino della Unione Mathematica Italiana vol.7, 9 (1995), p. 755-779 (1995)
  208. Matúš František: Extreme convex set functions with many nonnegative differences , Discrete Mathematics vol.135, p. 177-191 (1995)
  209. Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.: Fully decentralized solutions of supervisory control problems , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.40, 12 (1995), p. 2094-2097 (1995)
  210. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On a class of quasi-variational inequalities , Optimization Methods & Software vol.5, p. 275-295 (1995)
  211. Jiroušek Radim, Přeučil Stanislav: On the effective implementation of the iterative proportional fitting procedure , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis vol.19, p. 177-189 (1995)
  212. Roubíček Tomáš: Relaxation of vectorial variational problems , Mathematica Bohemica vol.120, 4 (1995), p. 411-430 (1995)
  213. Roubíček Tomáš, Hoffmann K. H.: Theory of convex local compactifications with applications to Lebesgue spaces , Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications vol.25, 6 (1995), p. 607-628 (1995)
  214. Vejnarová Jiřina: A few remarks on measures of uncertainty in Dempster-Shafer theory , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 233-244 (1994)
  215. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: An iterative two-step algorithm for linear complementarity problems , Numerische Mathematik vol.68, 1 (1994), p. 95-106 (1994)
  216. Mareš Milan: Analysis of data with fuzzy noise , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.64, p. 353-360 (1994)
  217. Jiroušek Radim: Decision-tree modelling of probability distributions , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 125-137 (1994)
  218. Studený Milan: Description of structures of stochastic conditional independence by means of faces and imsets. 1st part: introduction and basic concepts , International Journal of General Systems vol.23, 2 (1994), p. 123-137 (1994)
  219. Roubíček Tomáš: Finite element approximation of a microstructure evolution , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.17, p. 377-393 (1994)
  220. Pik Jiří: Natural discrete-event process forecasting: A decision support system , Annals of Operations Research vol.51, 2 (1994), p. 367-374 (1994)
  221. Matúš František: On nonnegativity of symmetric polynomials , American Mathematical Monthly vol.101, 7 (1994), p. 661-664 (1994)
  222. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On optimization of systems governed by implicit complementarity problems , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.15, p. 869-887 (1994)
  223. Outrata Jiří: On optimization problems with variational inequality constraints , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.4, 2 (1994), p. 340-357 (1994)
  224. Sladký Karel: On sufficient conditions for the stability of dynamic interval systems , Kybernetika vol.30, 5 (1994), p. 525-536 (1994)
  225. Hoffmann K. H., Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal control of a fine structure , Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol.30, p. 113-126 (1994)
  226. Matúš František: Probabilistic conditional independence structures and matroid theory: background , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 185-196 (1994)
  227. Jarušek Jiří: Solvability of the variational inequality for a drum with a memory vibrating in the presence of an obstacle , Bollettino della Unione Mathematica Italiana vol.7, p. 113-122 (1994)
  228. Matúš František: Stochastic independence, algebraic independence and abstract connectedness , Theoretical Computer Science vol.134, p. 455-471 (1994)
  229. Studený Milan: Structural semigraphoids , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 207-217 (1994)
  230. Kříž Otakar: Supremal inference machine and measures of certainty , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 2 (1994), p. 171-184 (1994)
  231. Hoffmann K. H., Roubíček Tomáš: Thermomechanical evolution of a microstructure , Quarterly of Applied Mathematics vol.52, 4 (1994), p. 721-737 (1994)
  232. Mareš Milan: Algebraic Equivalences over Fuzzy Quantities , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 121-132 (1993)
  233. Mareš Milan: Algebraic Purism is Expensive if It Concerns Fuzzy Quantities , Busefal, p. 44-53 (1993)
  234. Kočvara Michal: An Adaptive Multigrid Technique for Three-Dimensional Elasticity , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering vol.36, 10 (1993), p. 1703-1716 (1993)
  235. Haslinger J., Hoffmann K. H., Kočvara Michal: Control Fictitious Domain Method for Solving Optimal Shape Design Problems , E S A I M: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis vol.27, 2 (1993), p. 157-182 (1993)
  236. Studený Milan: Convex Cones in Finite-Dimensional Real Vector Spaces , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 180-200 (1993)
  237. Roubíček Tomáš: Evolution of a microstructure: a convexified model , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences vol.16, p. 625-642 (1993)
  238. Mareš Milan: Fuzzification of Multicriteria Decision-Making , Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence vol.1, 2 (1993), p. 15-24 (1993)
  239. Matúš František, Flusser Jan: Image Representations via a Finite Radon Transform , IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence vol.15, 10 (1993), p. 996-1006 (1993) Download
  240. Mareš Milan: Koaliční hry v životě praktickém , Vesmír vol.72, 4 (1993), p. 185-188 (1993)
  241. Exner O., Kramosil Ivan, Vajda Igor: Mathematical Evaluation of the Fit of a Theory with Experimental Data , Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences vol.33, 3 (1993), p. 407-411 (1993)
  242. Vejnarová Jiřina, Klir G. J.: Measure of strife in Dempster-Shafer theory , International Journal of General Systems vol.22, 1 (1993), p. 25-42 (1993)
  243. Outrata Jiří: On Necessary Optimality Conditions for Stackelberg Problems , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.76, 2 (1993), p. 305-320 (1993)
  244. Lachout Petr, Studený Milan, Šindelář Jan: On set-valued measures , Informatica vol.4, p. 21-44 (1993)
  245. Tuzar Antonín: Remark to a Problem on 0-1 Matrices , Compositio Mathematica vol.86, 1 (1993), p. 97-100 (1993)
  246. Mareš Milan: Remarks on Fuzzy Quantities with Finite Support , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 133-143 (1993)
  247. Jarušek Jiří: Solvability of unilateral hyperbolic problems involving viscoelasticity via penalization , Stability & Applied Analysis of Continuous Media vol.3, 2 (1993), p. 129-140 (1993)
  248. Kaňková Vlasta: Stability in Stochastic Programming - the Case of Unknown Location Parameter , Kybernetika vol.29, 1 (1993), p. 80-101 (1993)
  249. Roubíček Tomáš: A General View to Relaxation Methods in Control Theory , Optimization vol.23, 2 (1992), p. 261-268 (1992)
  250. Roubíček Tomáš, Verdi C.: A Stable Approximation of a Constrained Optimal Control for Continuous Casting , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.13, 3 (1992), p. 487-494 (1992)
  251. Mareš Milan: Additive Decomposition of Fuzzy Quantities with Finite Supports , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.47, 3 (1992), p. 341-346 (1992)
  252. Kočvara Michal: An Algebraic Study of a Local Multigrid Method for Variational Problems , Applied Mathematics and Computation vol.51, 1 (1992), p. 17-41 (1992)
  253. Kramosil Ivan: An Alternative Approach to Rough Sets , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 1-25 (1992)
  254. Kočvara Michal: An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering vol.101, p. 433-442 (1992)
  255. Malvestuto F. M., Studený Milan: Comment on "A Unique Formal System for Binary Decompositions of Database Relations, Probability Distributions, and Graphs" , Information Sciences vol.63, p. 1-2 (1992)
  256. Kramosil Ivan: Comparing Alternative Definitions of Boolean-Valued Fuzzy Sets , Kybernetika vol.28, 6 (1992), p. 425-443 (1992)
  257. Kaňková Vlasta, Lachout Petr: Convergence Rate of Empirical Estimates in Stochastic Programming , Informatica vol.3, 4 (1992), p. 497-523 (1992)
  258. Kozák Petr: Discrete Events and General Systems Theory , International Journal of Systems Science vol.23, 9 (1992), p. 1403-1422 (1992)
  259. Kramosil Ivan: From an Alternative Model of Rough Sets to Fuzzy Sets , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 12-16, International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making, (Bechyně, CS, 25.06.1990-29.06.1990) (1992)
  260. Roubíček Tomáš: Minimization on Convex Compactifications and Relaxation of Nonconvex Variational Problems , Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications vol.1, 1 (1992), p. 1-18 (1992)
  261. Mareš Milan: Multiplication of Fuzzy Quantities , Kybernetika vol.28, 5 (1992), p. 337-356 (1992)
  262. Matúš František: On Equivalence of Markov Properties over Undirected Graphs , Journal of Applied Probability vol.29, 3 (1992), p. 745-749 (1992)
  263. Kozák Petr: On Feedback Controllers , International Journal of Systems Science vol.23, 9 (1992), p. 1423-1431 (1992)
  264. Kramosil Ivan, Šindelář Jan: On Pseudo-Random Sequences Satisfying a Class of Stochastical Laws , Kybernetika vol.28, 5 (1992), p. 383-491 (1992)
  265. Jarušek Jiří: On the Regularity of Solutions of a Thermoelastic System under Noncontinuous Heating Regimes. Part III , Applications of Mathematics vol.37, 4 (1992), p. 275-288 (1992)
  266. Vejnarová Jiřina: On Various Criteria of Optimality in Probabilistic Decision-Making , Kybernetika vol.28, 5 (1992), p. 392-401 (1992)
  267. Kepka Jiří: Several Comments on Pattern Recognition System Based on the Use of Attributed Grammars , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 69-76 (1992)
  268. Matúš František, Tuzar Antonín: Short Proofs of Khintchine-Type Inequalities for Zero-One Matrices , Journal of Combinatorial Theory. A vol.59, 1 (1992), p. 155-159 (1992)
  269. Kepka Jiří: The Employment of Prolog for a Syntax Analysis in Syntactic Pattern Recognition Applications , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 62-68 (1992)
  270. Jarušek Jiří, Málek J., Nečas J., Šverák V.: Variational Inequality for a Viscous Drum Vibrating in the Presence of an Obstacle , Rendiconti di Matematica vol.12, p. 943-958 (1992)
  271. Roubíček Tomáš: A Convergent Computational Method for Constrained Optimal Relaxed Control Problems , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol.69, 3 (1991), p. 589-603 (1991)
  272. Matúš František: Abstract Functional Dependency Structures , Theoretical Computer Science vol.81, 1 (1991), p. 117-126 (1991)
  273. Mareš Milan: Algebra of Fuzzy Quantities , International Journal of General Systems vol.20, 1 (1991), p. 59-65 (1991)
  274. Kramosil Ivan: Definition and Recognition of Classical Sets by the Rough Ones , Problems of Control and Information Theory vol.20, 2 (1991), p. 77-95 (1991)
  275. Kramosil Ivan: Expert systems with Boolean-valued uncertainties , Computers and Artificial Intelligence vol.10, 1 (1991), p. 43-55 (1991)
  276. Jarušek Jiří: On the Regularity of Solutions of a Thermoelastic System under Noncontinuous Heating Regimes. Part II , Applications of Mathematics vol.36, 3 (1991), p. 161-180 (1991)
  277. Jiroušek Radim: Solution of the Marginal Problem and Decomposable Distributions , Kybernetika vol.27, 5 (1991), p. 403-412 (1991)
  278. Mareš Milan: Some Remarks to Fuzzy Critical Path Method , Ekonomicko-matematický obzor vol.27, 4 (1991), p. 367-370 (1991)
  279. Mareš Milan: A Few Remarks on Dependence , Busefal, p. 6-8 (1990)
  280. Roubíček Tomáš: A Generalization of the Lions-Temam Compact Imbedding Theorem , Časopis pro pěstování matematiky vol.115, 4 (1990), p. 338-342 (1990)
  281. Nečas J., Roubíček Tomáš: An Approximation of a Nonlinear Thermoelastic Problem with a Moving Boundary Via a Fixed-Domain Method , Aplikace matematiky vol.35, 5 (1990), p. 361-372 (1990)
  282. Roubíček Tomáš: Convex Compactifications and Special Extensions of Optimization Problems , Nonlinear Analysis vol.16, 5 (1990), p. 1117-1126 (1990)
  283. Roubíček Tomáš: Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Heat Equation in Heterogenous Media , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.11, 6 (1990), p. 793-810 (1990)
  284. Outrata Jiří: On Generalized Gradients in Optimization Problems with Set-Valued Constraints , Mathematics of Operations Research vol.15, 4 (1990), p. 626-639 (1990)
  285. Kaňková Vlasta: On the Convergence Rate of Empirical Estimates in Chance Constrained Stochastic Programming , Kybernetika vol.26, 6 (1990), p. 449-461 (1990)
  286. Jarušek Jiří: On the Regularity of Solutions of a Thermoelastic System under Noncontinuous Heating Regimes , Aplikace matematiky vol.35, 6 (1990), p. 426-450 (1990)
  287. Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching and Sorting Algorithms , Kybernetika vol.26, p. 1-92 (1990)
  288. Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching and Sorting Algorithms , Kybernetika vol.26, p. 1-93/příl. (1990)

Other publications

  1. Kroupa Tomáš: Affinity and Continuity of Credal Set Operator , Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications , Eds: Augustin Thomas, Coolen Frank P.A., Moral Serafin, Troffaes Matthias C.M., ISIPTA '09, (Durham, GB, 14.07.2009-18.07.2009) (2009) Download
  2. Jiroušek Radim: Almost Bayesian Assignments and Conditional independence: a contribution to Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence , Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, 6th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, (Durham, GB, 14.07.2009-18.07.2009) (2009) Download
  3. Vomlel Jiří, Savický Petr: An experimental comparison of triangulation heuristics on transformed BN2O networks , Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina, WUPES 2009, (Liblice, CZ, 19.09.2009-23.09.2009) (2009) Download
  4. Vomlelová M., Vomlel Jiří: Applying Bayesian networks in the game of Minesweeper , Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty , Eds: Novák V., Pavliska V., Štěpnička M., Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision-Making under Uncertainty /12./, (Litomyšl, CZ, 12.09.2009-15.09.2009) (2009) Download
  5. Kroupa Tomáš: Belief Functions on Formulas in Lukasiewicz Logic , Proceedings of WUPES 2009 , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina, 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Liblice, CZ, 19.09.2009-23.09.2009) (2009) Download
  6. Kratochvíl Václav: Equivalence Problem in Compositional Models , WUPES'09 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., WUPES´09, (Liblice, CZ, 19.09.2009-23.09.2009) (2009) Download
  7. Kroupa Tomáš: Geometrical and Topological Properties of Credal Set Operator, ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, (Praha 2009) Research Report 2264 (2009) Download
  8. Červinka Michal: LECTURE NOTES SPRING SCHOOL IN VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS Paseky 2009, MFF UK, (Paseky nad Jizerou 2009) , SPRING SCHOOL IN VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS, (Paseky, CZ, 19.04.2009-25.4.2009) (2009)
  9. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Matematické a počítačové modelování aktivních materiálů , Vesmír vol.88, 1 (2009), p. 21-23 (2009)
  10. Kratochvíl Václav: Motivatio for different characterization of Equivalent Persegrams , Proceedings ot the 12th Czech-Japan seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty , Eds: Novák Vilém, Pavliska Viktor, Štěpnička Martin, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision-Making under Uncertainty /12./, (Litomyšl, CZ, 12.09.2009-15.09.2009) (2009) Download
  11. Vejnarová Jiřina: On conditional independence in evidence theory , Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications ISIPTA'09 , Eds: Augustin Thomas, Coolen Frank A.P., Moral Serafin, Troffaes Matthias C.M., 6th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications ISIPTA'09, (Durham, GB, 14.07.2009-18.07.2009) (2009) Download
  12. Vejnarová Jiřina: On Markov properties in evidence theory , Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty , Eds: Novák V., Pavliska V., Štěpnička M., Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision-Making under Uncertainty /12./, (Litomyšl, CZ, 12.09.2009-15.09.2009) (2009) Download
  13. Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří: On open questions in the geometric approach to learning BN structures , WUPES'09 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Liblice, CZ, 19.09.2009-23.09.2009) (2009) Download
  14. Červinka Michal, Matonoha Ctirad, Outrata Jiří: On the Computation of Relaxed Pessimistic Solutions to MPECs, ICS AS CR, (Prague 2009) Research Report V-1057 (2009)
  15. Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, University of Economics, (Praha 2009) , 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Liblice, CZ, 19.09.2009-23.09.2009) (2009)
  16. Kroupa Tomáš, Gerla B.: Representation of States on MV-algebras by Probabilities on R-generated Boolean Algebras , Proceedings of IFSA/EUSFLAT 2009, IFSA/EUSFLAT 2009, (Lisabon, PT, 20.07.2009-24.07.2009) (2009) Download
  17. Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: There are combinations and compositions in Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence , Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina, 8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, (Liblice, CZ, 19.09.2009-23.09.2009) (2009) Download
  18. Savický Petr, Vomlel Jiří: Triangulation Heuristics for BN2O Networks , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty , Eds: Sossai C., Chemello G., ECSQARU 2009. European Conference /10./, (Verona, IT, 01.07.2009-03.07. 2009) (2009)
  19. Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří: A Geometric Approach to Learning BN Structures , Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM'08) , Eds: Jaeger Manfred, Nielsen Thomas D., the Fourth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM'08), (Hirtshals, DK, 17.09.2008-19.09.2008) (2008) Download
  20. Stingl M., Kočvara Michal, Leugering G.: A new method for the solution of multi-disciplinary free material opimization problems , Oberwolfach Reports , Eds: Kunish K., Leugering G., Sprekels J., Troltzsch F., Optimal control of Coupled Systems of PDE, (Oberwolfach, DE, 02.03.2008-08.03.2008) (2008)
  21. Janžura Martin, Ivánek Jiří: Abstracts of Contributions to 4th International Workshop on Data – Algorithms – Decision Making, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2008) Interní publikace DAR-ÚTIA vol.2008/6 , 4th International Workshop on Data-Algorithms-Decision Making, (Loučeň, CZ, 30.11.2008-02.12.2008) (2008) Download
  22. Vomlel Jiří, Savický Petr: Arithmetic circuits of the noisy-or models , Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM'08) , Eds: Jaeger Manfred , Nielsen Thomas D., the Fourth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM'08), (Hirtshals, DK, 17.09.2008-19.09.2008) (2008) Download
  23. Jiroušek Radim: Compositional Belief Function Models , Joint 4th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent systems and 9th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, Joint 4th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent systems and 9th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, (Nagoya, JP, 17.09.2008-21.09.2008) (2008) Download
  24. Jiroušek Radim: Conditional Independence and Compositional Models for Belief Functions , The 11th Czech-Japan Seminář on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, 11th Czech-Japan Seminář on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, (Sendai, JP, 15.09.2008-17.09.2008) (2008) Download
  25. Jiroušek Radim: Conditional Independence and Factorization of Multidimensional Models , WCCI 2008 Proceedings, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, (Hong Kong, HK, 01.06.2008-06.06.2008) (2008) Download
  26. Vejnarová Jiřina: Conditional Independence in Evidence Theory , Proceedigs of 12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems IPMU'08 , Eds: Magdalena L., Ojeda-Aciego N., Verdegay J. L., 12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems IPMU'08, (Malaga, ES, 22.06.2008-27.06.2008) (2008) Download
  27. Běhounek Libor, Kroupa Tomáš: Continuous Relations over Topological Spaces in Fuzzy Class Theory , Foundations of Lattice-Valued Mathematics with Applications to Algebra and Topology , Eds: Klement E.P., Rodabaugh S.E., Stout L.N., Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /29./, (Linz, AT, 12.02.2008-16.02.2008) (2008)
  28. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: Free material opimization: towards the stress constraints , Oberwolfach Reports , Eds: Kunish K., Leugering G., Sprekels J., Troltzsch F., Optimal control of Coupled Systems of PDE, (Oberwolfach, DE, 02.03.2008-08.03.2008) (2008)
  29. Červinka Michal: Hierarchical Structures in Equilibrium Problems, Matematicko fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, (Praha 2008) (2008) Download
  30. Studený Milan: Mathematical aspects of learning Bayesian networks: Bayesian quality criteria, ÚTIA AV ČR, v.v.i, (Praha 2008) Research Report 2234 (2008) Download
  31. Csiszár I., Matúš František: On minimization of entropy functionals under moment constraints , Proceedings ISIT 2008, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2008, (Toronto, CA, 06.07.2008-11.07.2008) (2008)
  32. Henrion R., Outrata Jiří, Surowiec T.: On the coderivative of normal cone mappings to inequality systems, WIAS , (Berlín 2008) Research Report 1321 (2008)
  33. Vejnarová Jiřina: On two notions of independence in evidence theory , Proceedings of 11th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty , Eds: Itoh Takeshi, Shirouha Akiyoshi, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision-Making under Uncertainty /11./, (Sendai, JP, 15.09.2008-17.09.2008) (2008) Download
  34. Jiroušek Radim: Persegrams of Compositional Models Revisited: conditional independence , Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertianlty in Konowledge-based Systems , Eds: Magdalena L., Ojeda Aciego Manuel, Verdegay J. L., 12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertianlty in Konowledge-based Systems, (Malaga, ES, 22.06.2008-27.06.2008) (2008) Download
  35. Henrion R., Kruger A., Outrata Jiří: Set-Valued Analysis - Special Issue on Variational Analysis and Generalised Differentiation, ( 2008) (2008)
  36. Vejnarová Jiřina: Uncertainty and Information: Foundations of Generalized Information Theory (a book review) , Algorithmic Operations Research vol.3, 1 (2008), p. 92-93 (2008) Download
  37. Mareš Milan, Ivánek Jiří: Výroční zpráva Výzkumného centra Data - Algoritmy - Rozhodování za rok 2007, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2008) Research Report 2008/1 (2008)
  38. Mareš Milan, Ivánek Jiří: Výroční zpráva Výzkumného centra Data - Algoritmy - Rozhodování za rok 2008, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2008) Research Report 2009/1 (2008) Download
  39. Kratochvíl Václav: An Effective Algorithm to Search Reductions in Compositional Models , Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./ , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./, (Liblice, CZ, 15.09.2007-18.09.2007) (2007)
  40. Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav, Kroupa Tomáš, Lněnička Radim, Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří, Hampl P., Hamplová H.: An evaluation of string similarity measures on pricelists of computer components , Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./ , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./, (Liblice, CZ, 15.09.2007-18.09.2007) (2007)
  41. Outrata Jiří, Červinka Michal: Boris S. Mordukhovich: Variational analysis and generalized differentiation , Mathematical Methods of Operations Research vol.65, 1 (2007), p. 195-198 (2007)
  42. Jiroušek Radim, Malec M.: Compositional Models and Maximum Entropy Principle , Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences , Eds: Lee T. S., Liu Y., Zhao X., International Conference on Information and Management Sciences /6./, (Lhasa, CN, 01.07.2007-06.07.2007) (2007)
  43. Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina, Daniel Milan: Compositional models for belief functions , Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications ISIPTA'07 , Eds: De Cooman G., Vejnarová J., Zaffalon M., ISIPTA'07 - 5th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, (Praha, CZ, 16.07.2007-19.07.2007) (2007)
  44. Jiroušek Radim: Conditional Irrelevance Relation for Belief Functions: Examples , Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./ , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./, (Liblice, CZ, 15.09.2007-18.09.2007) (2007)
  45. Vejnarová Jiřina: Fifth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications ISIPTA'07, (Praha, CZ, 16.07.2007-19.07.2007) (2007)
  46. Šíma Jiří, Lněnička Radim: HTGEN - Hopfield Triangle Strip GENerator, ( 2007) (2007)
  47. Matúš František: Infinitely many information inequalities , Proceedings of ISIT 2007, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2007, (Nice, FR, 24.06.2007-29.06.2007) (2007)
  48. Běhounek Libor, Kroupa Tomáš: Interior-Based Topology in Fuzzy Class Theory , New Dimensions in Fuzzy Logic and Related Technologies , Eds: Štěpnička M., Novák V., Bodenhofer U., EUSFLAT 2007, (Ostrava, CZ, 11.09.2007-14.09.2007) (2007)
  49. De Cooman G., Vejnarová Jiřina, Zaffalon M.: ISIPTA '07 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, Action M Agency, (Praha 2007) , Fifth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications ISIPTA'07, (Praha, CZ, 16.07.2007-19.07.2007) (2007)
  50. Kočvara Michal, Roubíček Tomáš: Jiří V. Outrata, sailing analyst, becomes sixty, ( 2007) (2007)
  51. Roubíček Tomáš: Models of martensitic transformation in shape-memory alloys , Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM V), 5th Intl. Conf. Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM V), (Shanghai, CN, 15.06.2007-21.06.2007) (2007)
  52. Jiroušek Radim: On a Conditional Irrelevance Relation for Belief Functions Based on the Operator of Composition , Proceedings of the Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief , Eds: Beierle Ch., Kern-Isberner G., Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief at the 30th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (Osnabrueck, DE, 10.09.2007-14.09.2007) (2007)
  53. Vejnarová Jiřina: Possibilistic Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure revisited , Proceedings of 10th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty , Eds: Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./, (Liblice, CZ, 15.09.2007-18.09.2007) (2007)
  54. Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./, UTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2007) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./, (Liblice, CZ, 15.09.2007-18.09.2007) (2007)
  55. Běhounek Libor, Kroupa Tomáš: Topology in Fuzzy Class Theory: Basic Notions , Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing , Eds: Melin P., Castillo O., Aguilar L.T., Kacprzyk J., Pedrycz W., IFSA 2007. International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress /12./, (Cancun, MX, 18.06.2007-21.06.2007) (2007)
  56. Vomlel Jiří, Studený Milan: Using imsets for learning Bayesian networks , Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./ , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /10./, (Liblice, CZ, 15.09.2007-18.09.2007) (2007)
  57. Mareš Milan, Ivánek Jiří: Výroční zpráva Výzkumného centra Data - Algoritmy - Rozhodování za rok 2006, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2007) Research Report 2007/1 (2007)
  58. Šimeček Petr: A Short Note on Discrete Representability of Independence Models , Proceedings of PGM 2006, p. 287-292 , Eds: Studený M., Vomlel J., European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models /3./, (Praha, CZ, 12.09.2006-15.09.2006) (2006)
  59. Jiroušek Radim: A Short Note on Perez´ Approximation by Dependence Structure Simplification, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2006) Internal Publication 2006/22 (2006)
  60. Janžura Martin, Ivánek Jiří: Abstracts of Contributions to 2nd International Workshop on Data – Algorithms – Decision Making, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2006) Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA vol.2006/32 , International Workshop on Data – Algorithms – Decision Making /2./, (Třešť, CZ, 10.11.2006-12.11.2006) (2006)
  61. Studený Milan: An algeraic approach to structural learning Bayesian networks , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 2284-2291 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Yager R. R., IMPU 2006, (Paris, FR, 02.07.2006-07.07.2006) (2006)
  62. Šimeček Petr: Classes of Gaussian, Discrete and Binary Representable Independence Models Have No Finite Characterization , Prague Stochastics 2006, p. 622-632 , Eds: Hušková M., Janžura M., Prague Stochastics 2006, (Prague, CZ, 21.08.2006-25.08.2006) (2006)
  63. Savický Petr, Vomlel Jiří: Exploiting Tensor Rank-one Decomposition in Probabilistic Inference, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2006) Internal Publication 2006/19 (2006)
  64. Šimeček Petr: Gaussian Representation of Independence Models over Four Random Variables , Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2006, p. 1405-1412 , Eds: Rizzi A., Vichi M., World Conference on Computational Statistics /17./, (Rome, IT, 28.08.2006-01.09.2006) (2006)
  65. Šimeček Petr: Gene Expression Data Analysis for in Vitro Toxicology , Sborník ROBUST 2006, p. 1-8 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., ROBUST 2006, (Lhota pod Rohanovem, CZ, 23.01.2006-27.01.2006) (2006)
  66. Csiszár I., Matúš František: Generalized maximum likelihood estimates for exponential families , Proceedings ISIT 2006, p. 1939-1943, International Symposium on Information Theory, (Seattle, US, 09.07.2006-14.07.2006) (2006)
  67. Csiszár I., Matúš František: Generalized maximum likelihood estimates for infinite dimensional exponential families , Prague Stochastics 2006, p. 288-297 , Eds: Hušková M., Janžura M., Prague Stochastics 2006, (Prague, CZ, 21.08.2006-25.08.2006) (2006)
  68. Kroupa Tomáš: How Many Extreme Points Does the Set of Probabiltiies Dominated by a Possibility Measure Have? , Proceedings of WUPES 2006, p. 89-95 , Eds: Vejnarová Jiřina, Kroupa Tomáš, Workshop on Uncertainty Processing 2006 /7./, (Mikulov, CZ, 16.09.2006-20.09.2006) (2006)
  69. Šimeček Petr: Independence Models , Proceedings of WUPES 2006, p. 151-161 , Eds: Vejnarová Jiřina, Kroupa Tomáš, Workshop on Uncertainty Processing 2006 /7./, (Mikulov, CZ, 16.09.2006-20.09.2006) (2006)
  70. Vejnarová Jiřina: Inference with Imprecise Probabilities - Upper Envelopes of Sets of , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 2324-2330 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Yager R. R., IPMU 2006 /11./, (Paris, FR, 02.07.2006-07.07.2006) (2006)
  71. Jiroušek Radim, Kratochvíl Václav: Marginalization algorithm for compositional models , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 2300-2307 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Yager R. R., IPMU 2006 /11./, (Paris, FR, 02.07.2006-07.07.2006) (2006)
  72. Jiroušek Radim: Multidimensional Compositional Models. Part 1: Introduction, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2006) Internal Publication 2006/4 (2006)
  73. Henrion R., Outrata Jiří: On calculating the normal cone to finite union of convex polyhedra, WIAS, (Berlin 2006) Research Report 1146 (2006)
  74. Kroupa Tomáš: On Concept of Filter in Fuzzy Class Theory , Proceedings of 6th International Conference on the Logic of Soft Computing and the Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Soft Computing, p. 53-57 , Eds: Gottwald S., Hájek P., Ojeda-Aciego M., International Conference on the Logic of Soft Computing and the Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Soft Computing /6./, (Malaga, ES, 13.09.2006-15.09.2006) (2006)
  75. Matúš František: Optimality conditions for maximizers of the information divergence from an exponential family , Proceedings of WUPES 2006, p. 96-110 , Eds: Vejnarová Jiřina, Kroupa Tomáš, WUPES 2006, (Mikulov, CZ, 16.09.2006-20.09.2006) (2006)
  76. Hassdorf R., Feydt J., Thienhaus S., Buforn L., Kružík Martin: Probing superelasticity in NiTi-based shape memory thin films and foils , Proceedings of the International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, p. 399-407 , Eds: Duerig T.W., Pelton A.R., International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, (Baden-Baden, DE, 03.10.2006-07.10.2006) (2006)
  77. Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří: Proceedings of the 3th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, Agentura Action M, (Praha 2006) , European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models /3./, (Praha, CZ, 12.09.2006-15.09.2006) (2006) Download
  78. Vejnarová Jiřina, Kroupa Tomáš: Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, University of Economics, Prague, (Prague 2006) , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing 2006 /7./, (Mikulov, CZ, 16.09.2006-20.09.2006) (2006)
  79. Butnariu D., Kroupa Tomáš: Shapley Mappings and the Cumulative Value for n-Person Games with Fuzzy Coalitions, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2006) Internal Publication 2006/35 (2006)
  80. Henrion D., Loefberg J., Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: Solving polynomial static output feedback problems with PENBMI , Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference 2005, p. 7581-7586, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference/44./, (Sevilla, IT, 12.12.2005-15.12.2005) (2006)
  81. Štuka Č., Šimeček Petr: Studium souvislostí mezi úspěšností studia medicíny, známkami na střední škole a výsledky přijímacích zkoušek , Sborník Medsoft 2006, MEDSOFT 2006, (Nupaky, CZ, 21.03.2006-22.03.2006) (2006)
  82. Savický Petr, Vomlel Jiří: Tensor Rank-One Decomposition of Probability Tables , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 2292-2299 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Yager R. R., IPMU 2006 /11./, (Paris, FR, 02.07.2006-07.07.2006) (2006)
  83. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: The worst-case multiple-load FMO problem revised , IUTAM Symposium on Topological Design Optimization of Structures, Machines and Materials, p. 403-411 , Eds: Bendsoe M. P., Olhoff N., Sigmund O., IUTAM Symposium on Topological Design Optimization of Structures, Machines and Materials, (Rungstedgaard, DK, 26.10.2005-29.10.2005) (2006)
  84. Jiroušek Radim, Bína V.: Theoretical foundations for marginalization in compositional models , Proceedings of Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision-Making under Uncertainty, p. 224-231 , Eds: Watada J., Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision-Making under Uncertainty /9./, (Kitakyushu, JP, 18.08.2006-22.08.2006) (2006)
  85. Roverato A., Studený Milan: A Graphical Representation of Equivalence Classes of AMP Chain Graphs, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/37 (2005)
  86. Bína V., Jiroušek Radim: About an effective algorithm for marginalization in multidimensional compositional models , Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 1-13 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 18.09.2005-21.09.2005) (2005)
  87. Mareš Milan, Ivánek Jiří: Cíle Výzkumného centra DAR a postup jejich řešení v jednotlivých výzkumných oblastech. 1. společná konference 13. dubna 2005, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Interní publikace DAR - ÚTIA. vol.2005/1 , Společná konference Výzkumného centra DAR /1./, (Praha, CZ, 13.04.2005) (2005)
  88. Ivánek Jiří: Combining Implicational Quantifiers for Equivalence Ones by Fuzzy Connectives, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/11 (2005)
  89. Perez A., Studený Milan: Comparsion of Two Methods for Approximation of Probability Distributions with Prescribed Marginals, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/39 (2005)
  90. Jiroušek Radim: Data-Based Construction of Multidimensional Probabilistic Models with MUDIM, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/22 (2005)
  91. Hamplová H., Ivánek J., Jiroušek Radim, Kroupa Tomáš, Lněnička Radim, Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří: Decision support system for comparison of price lists , Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 32-38 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 19.09.2005-21.09.2005) (2005)
  92. Vomlel Jiří: Decomposition of probability tables representing Boolean functions , Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 159-166 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 18.09.2005-21.09.2005) (2005)
  93. Roubíček Tomáš: Incompressible fluid mixtures of ionized constituents , International Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, p. 429-440 , Eds: Wang Y., Hutter K., Schaker, (Aachen 2005) , STAMM'2004, (Seeheim, DE, 22.08.2004-28.08.2004) (2005)
  94. Matúš František: Inequalities for Shannon entropies and adhesivity of polymatroids , Proceedings of the Ninth Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, p. 28-31, McGill University, (Montreal 2005) , Canadian Workshop on Information Theory /9./, (Montreal, CA, 05.06.2005-08.06.2005) (2005)
  95. Janžura Martin, Ivánek Jiří: International Workshop on Data - Algorithm - Decision Making, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/41 (2005)
  96. Janžura Martin, Ivánek Jiří: International Workshop on Data-Algorithmus-Decision Making, (Prague, CZ, 19.12.2005-20.12.2005) (2005)
  97. Roubíček Tomáš: Numerical techniques in relaxed optimization problems , Robust Optimization-Directed Design, p. 145-161 , Eds: Kurdila A. J., Pardalos P. M., Zabrankin M., Nonconvex Optimization-Directed Design, (Fort Walton Beach, US, 19.04.2004-21.04.2004) (2005)
  98. Vejnarová Jiřina, Jiroušek Radim, Bína V.: On an interval-valued solution of the marginal problem , Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications, p. 379-387 , Eds: Cozman F. G., Nau R., Seidenfeld T., ISIPTA, (Pittsburg 2005) , International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications /4./, (Pittsburg, US, 20.07.2005-23.07.2005) (2005)
  99. Lněnička Radim: On Gaussian Conditional Independence Structures, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/14 (2005)
  100. Kleiter G. D., Jiroušek Radim: Perfect sequences: a contribution to structuring conditional independence models , Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 65-75 , Eds: Kroupa T., Vejnarová J., Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 18.09.2005-21.09.2005) (2005)
  101. Kroupa Tomáš, Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of the 8th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, Oeconomica, (Praha 2005) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /8./, (Třešť, CZ, 18.09.2005-21.09.2005) (2005)
  102. Roubíček Tomáš: Rate-independent damage at large strains , Analysis and Computation of Microstructures in Finite Plasticity, Analysis and Computation of Microstructures in Finite Plasticity, (oberwolfach, DE, 13.11.2005-19.11.2005) (2005) Download
  103. Hassdorf R., Feydt J., Thienhaus S., Conte N., Kružík Martin: Spherical load indentation in submicron NiTiCu shape memory thin films , Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology III, p. 971-976 , Eds: Bahr D. F., Cheng Y. T., Huber N., Material Research Society, (Warrendale 2005) MRS Proceedings. vol.841 , 2004 MRS FALL MEETING, (Boston, US, 29.11.2004-02.12.2004) (2005)
  104. Ivánek Jiří: Strictness of Four-fold Table Generalized Quantifiers in Fuzzy Logic, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/7 (2005)
  105. Ivánek Jiří: Strictness of four-fould table generalized quantifires in fuzzy logic , Fuzzy logic, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence, p. 1239-1243 , Eds: Liu Y., Chen G., Zing M., International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress /11./, (Beijing, CN, 28.07.2005-31.07.2005) (2005)
  106. Savický Petr, Vomlel Jiří: Tensor Rank-One Decomposition of Probability Tables, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/26 (2005)
  107. Kroupa Tomáš: Towards formal theory of measure on clans of fuzzy sets , Proceedings of the Joint EUSFLAT-LFA 2005 Conference, p. 351-356 , Eds: Montseny E., Sobrevilla P., Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, (Barcelona 2005) , Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic /4./ and Technology and Rencontres Phrancophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications /11./, (Barcelona, ES, 07.09.2005-09.09.2005) (2005)
  108. Studený Milan, Roverato A., Štěpánová Š.: Two Operations of Merging Components in a Chain Graph, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/38 (2005)
  109. Šimeček Petr: A Short Note on Structure Learning , Proceedings of Contributed Papers. WDS''04, p. 84-87 , Eds: Šafránková J., Week of Doctoral Students 2004, (Prague, CZ, 15.06.2004-18.06.2004) (2004)
  110. Vomlel Jiří: Bayesian networks in Mastermind , Proceedings of the 7th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 185-190, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /7./, (Awaji, JP, 31.08.2004-02.09.2004) (2004)
  111. Henrion R., Outrata Jiří: Calmness of Constraint Systems with Applications, WIAS, (Berlin 2004) Research Report 929 (2004)
  112. Kroupa Tomáš: Conditional probability on MV-algebras. Abstract , ISCAM 2004. International Conference in Applied Mathematics for Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Abstracts, p. 20, ISCAM 2004, (Bratislava, SK, 16.04.2004-17.04.2004) (2004)
  113. Kroupa Tomáš: Copulas and characterization of T-product possibility measures , Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems. Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, p. 104-107, Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /25./, (Linz, AT, 03.01.2004-07.01.2004) (2004)
  114. Jiroušek Radim: Data-based construction of multidimensional probabilistic models , Conditionals, Information, and Inference. Proceedings, p. 77-87, German Conference on Artificial Intelligence /27./, (Ulm, DE, 20.09.2004-24.09.2004) (2004)
  115. Jiroušek Radim: Decomposition of Bayesian networks induced by compositional models , Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 129-136, Probabilistic Graphical Models PGM'04 /2./, (Leiden, NL, 04.10.2004-08.10.2004) (2004)
  116. Roubíček Tomáš: Incompressible ionized fluid mixtures , Thermodynamische Materialtheorie, Thermodynamische Materialtheorie, (oberwolfach, DE, 12.12.2004-18.12.2004) (2004) Download
  117. Jiroušek Radim: Knowledge-based decision-making supported by compositional models , Multiple Participant Decision Making, p. 135-148, Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing 2004, (Prague, CZ, 12.05.2004-14.05.2004) (2004)
  118. Matúš František: Maximization of information divergences related to binary i.i.d. sequences , Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 1303-1306, IPMU 2004 /10./, (Perugia, IT, 04.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
  119. Kružík Martin, Roubíček Tomáš: Mesoscopic Model of Microstructure Evolution in Shape Memory Alloys with Applications to NiMnGa, IMA University of Minnesota, (Minneapolis 2004) Research Report 2003 (2004)
  120. Roubíček Tomáš: Models of microstructure evolution in shape memory alloys , Nonlinear Homogenization and its Applications o Composites, Polycrystals and Smart Materials. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, p. 269-304, NATO Workshop on Nonlinear Homogenization and its Applications to Composites, Polycrystals, and Smart Materials, (Kazimierz Dolny, PL, 23.06.2003-26.06.2003) (2004)
  121. Lněnička Radim: On conditional independences among four Gaussian variables , Conditionals, Information, and Inference. CII'04. Proceedings, p. 89-101, Conditionals, Information, and Inference. CII'04, (Ulm, DE, 21.09.2004) (2004)
  122. Kroupa Tomáš: On interpretation of possibility distributions as sets of dominated distribution functions , Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 367-372, IPMU 2004 /10./, (Perugia, IT, 04.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
  123. Jiroušek Radim: On relation of compositional and decomposable models , Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 1057-1064, IPMU 2004 /10./, (Perugia, IT, 04.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
  124. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On the modeling and control of delamination processes , Control and Boundary Analysis. Proceedings, p. 171-190, IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /21./, (Sophia Antipolis, FR, 21.07.2003-25.07.2003) (2004)
  125. Flegel M. L., Kanzow Ch., Outrata Jiří: Optimality Conditions for Disjunctive Programs with Application to Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints, University of Würzburg, (Würzburg 2004) Research Report 256 (2004)
  126. Kružík Martin: Periodicity properties of solutions to a hysteresis model in micromagnetics , Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, p. 605-614, ENUMATH 2003 /5./, (Prague, CZ, 18.08.2003-22.08.2003) (2004)
  127. Kružík Martin: Rate-independent behavior of ferromagnets , Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), p. 67-70, GAMM Jahrestagung, (Dresden, DE, 21.03.2004-27.03.2004) (2004)
  128. Studený Milan: Structural imsets: an algebraic method for describing conditional independence structures , Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 1323-1330, IPMU 2004 /10./, (Perugia, IT, 04.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
  129. Vomlel Jiří: Thoughts on belief and model revision with uncertain evidence , Znalosti 2004. Sborník příspěvků 3.ročníku konference, p. 126-137, Znalosti 2004 /3./, (Brno, CZ, 22.02.2004-25.02.2004) (2004)
  130. Studený Milan, Vomlel Jiří: Transition between graphical and algebraic representatives of Bayesian network models , Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 193-200, Probabilistic Graphical Models PGM'04 /2./, (Leiden, NL, 04.10.2004-08.10.2004) (2004)
  131. Šimeček Petr, Studený Milan: Využití Hilbertovy báze k ověření shodnosti strukturálních a kombinatorických imsetů , Sborník ROBUST 2004, p. 395-402 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., ROBUST 2004. Letní škola JČMF /13./, (Třešť, CZ, 07.06.2004-11.06.2004) (2004)
  132. Šimeček P., Studený Milan: Využití pojmu Hilbertovy báze pro ověřování hypotézy o shodnosti strukturálních a kombinatorických imsetů , Sborník prací 13. letní školy JČMF ROBUST 2004, p. 395-401 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF, (Praha 2004) , ROBUST 2004. Letní škola JČMF /13./, (Třešť, CZ, 07.06.2004-11.06.2004) (2004)
  133. Jiroušek Radim: What is the difference between Bayesian networks and compositional models? , Proceedings of the 7th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 191-196, Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /7./, (Awaji, JP, 31.08.2004-02.09.2004) (2004)
  134. Kočvara Michal, Mielke A., Roubíček Tomáš: A Rate-Independent Approach to the Delamination Problem, Universität Stuttgart, (Stuttgart 2003) Research Report 2003/29 (2003)
  135. Vejnarová Jiřina: Design of Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure for Possibility Distributions , Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications, p. 575-590 , Eds: Bernard J.-M., Seidenfeld T., Zaffalon M., Carleton Scientific, (Waterloo 2003) , International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications /3./, (Lugano, CH, 14.07.2003-17.07.2003) (2003)
  136. Studený Milan: Characterization of inclusion neighbourhood in terms of the essential graph: Lower neighbours , Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 243-262 , Eds: Vejnarová J., University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003) (2003)
  137. Studený Milan: Characterization of inclusion neighbourhood in terms of the essential graph: upper neighbours , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. European Conference, p. 161-172 , Eds: Nielsen T. D., Zhang N. L., Springer, (Berlin 2003) , ECSQARU 2003 /7./, (Aalborg, DK, 02.07.2003-05.07.2003) (2003)
  138. Vomlel Jiří: Integrating inconsistent data in a probabilistic model , Uncertainty, Incompleteness, Imprecision and Conflict in Multiple Data Sources, p. 1-10 , Eds: Liu W., Cholvy L., Benferhat S., UUJ, (Aalborg 2003) , ECSQARU'03 /7./, (Aalborg, DK, 02.07.2003) (2003)
  139. Kroupa Tomáš: Measure of divergence of possibility measures , Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 173-181 , Eds: Vejnarová J., University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003) (2003)
  140. Roubíček Tomáš: Microstructure in ferromagnetics and its steady-state and evolution models , Communications of the Bexbach Colloquium on Science 2000, p. 39-52 , Eds: Robnik M., Ruffing A., Shaker, (Aachen 2003) , Bexbach Colloquium on Science 2000, (Bexbach, DE, 27.10.2000-29.10.2000) (2003)
  141. Jiroušek Radim: MUDIM - a system for MUltiDImensional Model development , Methods for Decision Support in Environment with Uncertainty - Applications in Economics, Business and Engineering. Proceedings of the Czech-Japan Seminar, p. 40-45 , Eds: Ramík J., Novák V., University of Ostrava, (Ostrava 2003) , Czech-Japan Seminar /6./, (Valtice, CZ, 20.09.2003-23.09.2003) (2003)
  142. Vomlel Jiří: Noisy-or classifier , Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 291-302 , Eds: Vejnarorová J., University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003) (2003)
  143. Jiroušek Radim: On approximating multidimensional probability distributions by compositional models , Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications, p. 305-320 , Eds: Bernard J.-M., Seidenfeld T., Zaffalon M., Carleton Scientific, (Waterloo 2003) , International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications /3./, (Lugano, CH, 14.07.2003-17.07.2003) (2003)
  144. Kroupa Tomáš: On construction of joint observable on Lukasiewicz tribe , Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, p. 665-668 , Eds: Wagenknecht M., Hampel R., University of Applied Sciences, (Zittau 2003) , EUSFLAT 2003 /3./, (Zittau, DE, 10.09.2003-12.09.2003) (2003)
  145. Matúš František, Ay N.: On maximization of the information divergence from an exponential family , Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 199-204 , Eds: Vejnarová J., University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003) (2003)
  146. Vejnarová Jiřina: On V-projections of possibility distributions , Methods for Decision Support in Environment with Uncertainty - Applications in Economics, Business and Engineering. Proceedings of the Czech-Japan Seminar, p. 103-108 , Eds: Ramík J., Novák V., University of Ostrava, (Ostrava 2003) , Czech-Japan Seminar /6./, (Valtice, CZ, 20.09.2003-23.09.2003) (2003)
  147. Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal design of laminated composites , Analysis and Simulation of Multifield Problems, p. 129-134 , Eds: Wendland W., Efendiev M., Springer, (Berlin 2003) , International Conference on Multifield Problems, (Stuttgart, DE, 08.04.2002-10.04.2002) (2003)
  148. Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization of steady-state flow of incompressible fluids , Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, p. 357-368 , Eds: Barbu V., Lasiecka I., Tiba D., Kluwer, (Boston 2003) , IFIP WG7.2 Conference Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, (Constanta, RO, 10.09.2002-14.09.2002) (2003)
  149. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints and Their Numerical Solution, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 2003) Research Report 298 (2003)
  150. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENNON. A generalized augmented Lagrangian method for semidefinite programming , High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization, p. 297-315 , Eds: di Pillo G., Murli A., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2003) , High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization, (Erice, IT, 30.06.2001-08.07.2001) (2003)
  151. Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, University of Economics, (Prague 2003) , WUPES 2003. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /6./, (Hejnice, CZ, 24.09.2003-27.09.2003) (2003)
  152. Henrion D., Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: Solving Simultaneous Stabilization BMI Problems with PENNON, LAASCNRS, (Toulouse 2003) Research Report 3549 (2003)
  153. Vomlel Jiří: Two applications of Bayesian networks , Znalosti 2003. Sborník příspěvků 2. ročníku konference, p. 73-82 , Eds: Svátek V., VŠB, (Ostrava 2003) , Znalosti 2003 /2./, (Ostrava, CZ, 19.02.2003-21.02.2003) (2003)
  154. Kružík Martin: Variational models for microstructures in shape memory alloys and in micromagnetics and their numerical treatment , Communications of the Bexbach Colloquium on Science 2000, p. 20-38 , Eds: Robnik M., Ruffing A., Shaker, (Aachen 2003) , Bexbach Colloquium on Sciences 2000, (Bexbach, DE, 27.10.2000-29.10.2000) (2003)
  155. Berka Petr: Adaptive features of machine learning methods , First International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems. Proceedings, p. 40-43, IEEE, (Varna 2002) , International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems /1./, (Varna, BG, 10.09.2002-12.09.2002) (2002)
  156. Studený Milan: Algebraic approach to learning Bayesian networks. Abstract , BAYESIAN STATISTICS 7 Programme Abstracts Participants, p. 179, Universitat de Valencia, (Valencia 2002) , Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statisitcs /7./, (Playa de las Americas, ES, 01.06.2002-06.06.2002) (2002)
  157. Vomlel Jiří: Bayesian networks in educational testing , Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 176-185 , Eds: Gámez J. A., Salmerón A., University of Castilla, (Cuenca 2002) , European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models /1./ PGM'02, (Cuenca, ES, 06.11.2002-08.11.2002) (2002)
  158. Matúš František: Conditional independences in Gaussian vectors and polynomials , Workshop on Conditionals, Information, and Inference, p. 169-176 , Eds: Kern-Isberner G., Roedder W., Fernuniversitaet Hagen, (Hagen 2002) , Workshop on Conditionals, Information, and Inference, (Hagen, DE, 13.05.2002-15.05.2002) (2002)
  159. Jiroušek Radim: Detection of independence relations from persegrams , Proceedings of the 9th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, p. 1261-1267, ESIA, (Annecy 2002) , IPMU '2002 /9./, (Annecy, FR, 01.07.2002-05.07.2002) (2002)
  160. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Free material optimization: an overview , Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, p. 181-215 , Eds: Siddiqi A. H., Kočvara M., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2002) , International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics of the Indian Subcontinent /1./, (Amritsar, IN, 22.01.2001-25.01.2001) (2002)
  161. Studený Milan: Characterization of essential graphs by means of an operation of legal component merging , Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, p. 161-168 , Eds: Gamez J. A., Salmeron A., University of Castilla, (Cuenca 2002) , European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models /1./ PGM'02, (Cuenca, ES, 06.11.2002-08.11.2002) (2002)
  162. Kroupa Tomáš: Information measures in possibility theory , Proceedings of the 5th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 143-148 , Eds: Watada J., Osaka University, (Osaka 2002) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /5./, (Mt. Koyasan, JP, 14.09.2002-16.09.2002) (2002)
  163. Jiroušek Radim: Knowledge representation by compositional models , Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, p. 117-123 , Eds: Arabnia H. R., Mun Y., Prasad B., CSREA Press, (Las Vegas 2002) , International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering - IKE'02, (Las Vegas, US, 24.06.2002-27.06.2002) (2002)
  164. Studený Milan: O použití řetězcových grafů pro popis struktur podmíněné nezávislosti , ROBUST'2002. Sborník prací dvanácté zimní školy JČMF, p. 292-314 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., Klaschka J., JČMF, (Praha 2002) , ROBUST'2002 /12./, (Hejnice, CZ, 21.01.2002-25.01.2002) (2002)
  165. Jiroušek Radim: On computational procedures for probabilistic compositional models , Proceedings of the 5th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 3-10 , Eds: Watada J., Osaka University, (Osaka 2002) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /5./, (Mt. Koyasan, JP, 14.09.2002-16.09.2002) (2002)
  166. Vejnarová Jiřina: On interpretation of Lukasziewicz-product possibility distributions , Proceedings of the 5th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 137-142 , Eds: Watada J., Osaka University, (Osaka 2002) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /5./, (Mt. Koyasan, JP, 14.09.2002-16.09.2002) (2002)
  167. Vejnarová Jiřina: On interpretation of T-product possibility distributions , Proceedings of the 9th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, p. 1053-1060, ESIA, (Annecy 2002) , IPMU '2002 /9./, (Annecy, FR, 01.07.2002-05.07.2002) (2002)
  168. Studený Milan: On methods of description of conditional independence structures. Abstract , Abstracts of the 24th European Meeting of Statisticians & 14th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, p. 333 , Eds: Janžura M., Mikosch T., Institute of Information Theory and Automation, (Prague 2002) , EMS 2002, (Prague, CZ, 19.08.2002-23.08.2002) (2002)
  169. Outrata Jiří, Romisch W.: On Optimality Conditions for Some Nonsmooth Optimization Problems over Lp Spaces, HumboldtUniversität, (Berlin 2002) Research Report 2002-4 (2002)
  170. Jiroušek Radim, Studený Milan, Vejnarová Jiřina: Open problems inspired by Albert Perez , Conditionals, Information, Inference, p. 117-128 , Eds: Kern-Isberner G., Rodder W., Fern Universität, (Hagen 2002) , Workshop on Conditionals, Information, and Inference, (Hagen, DE, 13.05.2002-15.05.2002) (2002)
  171. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENNON - A Code for Convex Nonlinear and Semidefinite Programming, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 2002) Research Report 290 (2002)
  172. Kružík Martin: Quasiconvex extreme points of convex sets , European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, p. 145-151 , Eds: Bemelmans J., Brighi B., Brillard A., World Scientific, (Singapore 2002) , European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems /4./, (Rolduc, NL, 18.06.2001-22.06.2001) (2002)
  173. Siddiqi A. H., Kočvara Michal: Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics of the Indian Subcontinent, Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2002) Applied Optimization. , Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics /1./, (Amritsar, IN, 22.01.2001-25.01.2001) (2002)
  174. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Unique Reformulation of Truss Topology Design Problems, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 2002) Research Report 297 (2002)
  175. Kroupa Tomáš, Berka Petr: WISECON: The intelligent support for e-commerce , First International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems. Proceedings, p. 210-214, IEEE, (Varna 2002) , International IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems /1./, (Varna, BG, 10.09.2002-12.09.2002) (2002)
  176. Vejnarová Jiřina: A partial solution of the possibilistic marginal problem , Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications, p. 342-351 , Eds: De Cooman G., Fine T. L., Seidenfeld T., Shaker, (Maastricht 2001) , ISIPTA '01 /2./, (Ithaca, US, 26.06.2001-29.06.2001) (2001)
  177. Kirsch U., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Accurate Reanalysis of Structures by a Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method, University of Erlangen, (Erlangen 2001) Research Report 281 (2001)
  178. Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin: Adaptive approximation algorithm for relaxed optimization problems , Proceedings of the Conference Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization Problems, p. 242-254 , Eds: Hoffmann K. H., Hoppe R. H. W., Schultz V., Birkhäuser, (Basel 2001) , Fast Solution of Discretized Optimization Problems, (Berlin, DE, 12.06.2000-14.06.2000) (2001)
  179. Jiroušek Radim: Detection of independence relations from persegrams , Proceedings of the 4th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 52-62 , Eds: Jiroušek R., Vejnarová J., VŠE, (Praha 2001) , Czec-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /4./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 14.09.2001-17.09.2001) (2001)
  180. Hörnlein H. R. E. M., Kočvara Michal: Free material optimization: Reading the tea leaves , Proceedings of the 2nd Max Planck Workshop on Engineering Design Optimization, p. 2-5 , Eds: Bendsoe M. P., Olhoff N., Rasmussen J., Technical University, (Lyngby 2001) , Max Planck Workshop on Engineering Design Optimization /2./, (Nyborg, DK, 12.10.2001-14.10.2001) (2001)
  181. Kružík Martin: Maximum Principle Based Algorithm for Hysteresis in Micromagnetics, Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, (Bonn 2001) Research Report 8/2001 (2001)
  182. Kočvara Michal, Hörnlein H. R. E. M.: MOPED - An integrated designer tool for material optimization , CEAS Conference on Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design and Optimization, p. 87-96 , Eds: Hoenlinger H., DGLR, (Bonn 2001) , CEAS Conference on Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design and Optimization, (Koeln, DE, 25.06.2001-26.06.2001) (2001)
  183. Hoernlein H., Kočvara Michal, Werner R.: MOPED - An Integrated Designer Tool for Material Optimization, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 2001) Research Report 279 (2001)
  184. Henrion R., Jourani A., Outrata Jiří: On Calmness of a Class of Multifunctions, WIAS, (Berlin 2001) Research Report 685 (2001)
  185. Outrata Jiří: On constraint qualifications for mathematical programs with mixed complementarity constraints , Complementarity: Applications, Algorithms and Extensions, p. 253-271 , Eds: Ferris M. C., Mangasarian O. L., Pang J.-S., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 2001) Applied Optimization. vol.50 , International Conference on Complementarity Problems, (Madison, US, 09.06.1999-12.06.1999) (2001)
  186. Kočka T., Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: On characterizing inclusion of Bayesian networks , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceeding of the 17th Conference, p. 261-268 , Eds: Breese J., Koller D., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 2001) , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /17./, (Seattle, US, 02.08.2001-05.08.2001) (2001)
  187. Studený Milan: On non-graphical description of models of conditional independence structure, Katholieke Universiteit, (Leuven 2001) (2001) Download
  188. Kočka T., Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: On the Inclusion Problem, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2001) Research Report 2010 (2001)
  189. Kočvara Michal, Stingl M.: PENNON - A Generalized Augmented Lagrangian Method for Semidefinite Programming, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 2001) Research Report 286 (2001)
  190. Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: Perfect sequences for belief networks representation , Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Tools in Artificial Intelligence, p. 87-96, IEEE Computer Society Press, (Los Alamitos 2001) , IEEE International Conference on Tools in Artificial Intelligence /13./, (Dallas, US, 07.11.2001-09.11.2001) (2001)
  191. Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: Proceedings of the 4th Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, VŠE, (Praha 2001) , Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /4./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 14.09.2001-17.09.2001) (2001)
  192. Kružík Martin: Quasiconvex Extreme Points of Convex Sets, Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, (Bonn 2001) Research Report 14/2001 (2001)
  193. Beremlijski P., Haslinger J., Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Shape Optimization in Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction, University of Erlangen, (Erlangen 2001) Research Report 282 (2001)
  194. Henrion R., Outrata Jiří: A Subdifferential Criterion for Calmness of Multifunctions, WIAS, (Berlin 2000) Research Report 553 (2000)
  195. Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina: Construction of multidimensional models by operators of composition: Curent state of art , Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 113-126 , Eds: Vejnarová J., VŠE, (Praha 2000) , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, WUPES 2000 /5./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 21.06.2000-24.06.2000) (2000)
  196. Roubíček Tomáš: Dissipative evolution of microstructure in shape memory alloys , Lectures on Applied Mathematics, p. 45-63 , Eds: Bungartz H., Hoppe R., Zenger C., Springer, (Berlin 2000) , Workshop on Applied Mathematics, (Munich, DE, 09.06.1999) (2000)
  197. Kříž Otakar: Envelopes of a simplex of discrete probabilities , Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 152-165 , Eds: Vejnarová J., VŠE, (Praha 2000) , WUPES '2000 /5./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 21.06.2000-24.06.2000) (2000)
  198. Studený Milan, Bouckaert R. R., Kočka T.: Extreme Supermodular Set Functions over Five Variables, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2000) Research Report 1977 (2000)
  199. Jiroušek Radim: Marginalization in composed probabilistic models , Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, p. 36-43 , Eds: Boutilier C., Goldszmidt M., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 2000) , Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /16./, (Stanford, US, 30.06.2000-03.07.2000) (2000)
  200. Kočvara Michal: Modern Optimization Algorithms in Topology Design, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 2000) Research Report 263 (2000)
  201. Mordukhovich B. S., Outrata Jiří: On Second-order Subdifferentials and their Applications, Wayne State University, (Detroit 2000) Research Report 7 (2000)
  202. Studený Milan: On stochastic conditional independence: Problem of characterization and description , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference, p. 5-8 , Eds: Scozzafava R., Vantaggi B., Baltzer Science Publ., (Rome 2000) , Workshop on Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference., (Rome, IT, 04.05.2000-06.05.2000) (2000)
  203. Matúš František: On the length of semigraphoid inference , Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 176-180 , Eds: Vejnarová J., VŠE, (Praha 2000) , WUPES '2000 /5./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 21.06.2000-24.06.2000) (2000)
  204. Vejnarová Jiřina: On the specific role of Gödel's t-norm in possibility theory , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference, p. 1-4 , Eds: Scozzafava R., Vantaggi B., Baltzer Science Publ., (Rome 2000) , Workshop on Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference., (Rome, IT, 04.05.2000-06.05.2000) (2000)
  205. Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization of fine structure in micromagnetism , Free Boundary Problems. Proceedings, p. 398-408 , Eds: Nobuyuki K., Gakuto, (Chiba 2000) Gakuto International Series in Mathematical Sciences and Applications. vol.14 , Free Boundary Problems, (Chiba, JP, 01.11.1999) (2000)
  206. Jiroušek Radim: Recent results regarding composition of distributions , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference, p. 9-12 , Eds: Scozzafava R., Vantaggi B., Baltzer Science Publ., (Rome 2000) , Workshop on Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference., (Rome, IT, 04.05.2000-06.05.2000) (2000)
  207. Matúš František: Semigraphoids: closure, constructions and representations , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference, p. 13-16 , Eds: Scozzafava R., Vantaggi B., Baltzer Science Publ., (Rome 2000) , Workshop on Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: Independence, Conditioning, Inference., (Rome, IT, 04.05.2000-06.05.2000) (2000)
  208. García-Mata Osvaldo, Studený Milan: About the Closure Operation for Relational Models Induced by Syntactic Inference Rules, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) Research Report 1959 (1999)
  209. García-Mata Osvaldo: An Algorithm for Finding the Bases of Relational Models: A Graph Expansion Approach, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) Research Report 1960 (1999)
  210. Dawid A. P., Studený Milan: Conditional products: An alternative approach to conditional independence , Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 99. Proceedings, p. 32-40 , Eds: Heckerman D., Whittaker J., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 1999) , International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics /7./, (Fort Lauderdale, US, 03.01.1999-06.01.1999) (1999)
  211. Roubíček Tomáš: Convex locally compact extensions of Lebesgue spaces and their applications , Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control, p. 237-250 , Eds: Ioffe A., Reich S., Shafrir I., Chapman & Hall/CRC, (Boca Raton 1999) , Calculus of Variations and Related Topics, (Haifa, IL, 25.03.1998-31.03.1998) (1999)
  212. Jiroušek Radim: Graphical Markovm models , Proceedings of the 9th Soft Science Workshop, p. 65-68, Society of Fuzzy Theory and Systems, (Nagaoka 1999) , Soft Science Workshop /9./, (Nagaoka, JP, 15.03.1999-16.03.1999) (1999)
  213. Roubíček Tomáš: Noncooperative games with elliptic systems , Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, p. 246-255 , Eds: Hoffmann K.-H., Leugering G., Tröltzsch F., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1999) International Series of Numerical Mathematics. vol.133 , Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations, (Chemnitz, DE, 20.04.1998-25.04.1998) (1999)
  214. Iglesias P. Z., Matúš František, Pereira C. A. B., Tanaka N. I.: On Finite Sequences Conditionally Uniform Given Minima and Maxima, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) Research Report 1999 (1999)
  215. Kočvara Michal: On the Modelling and Solving of the Truss Design Problem with Global Stability Constraints, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 1999) Research Report 252 (1999)
  216. Ben-Tal A., Jarre F., Kočvara Michal, Nemirovski A., Zowe J.: Optimal Design of Trusses under a Nonconvex Global Buckling Constraint, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 1999) Research Report 253 (1999)
  217. Málek J., Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization of steady flows for incompressible viscous fluids , Applied Nonlinear Analysis. Proceedings, p. 355-372 , Eds: Adeila Sequiera, Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1999) , International Workshop on Nonlinear PDE and Applications, (Olomouc, CZ, 13.12.1999-17.12.1999) (1999)
  218. Matúš František, Studený Milan: Workshop on Conditional Independence Structures and Graphical Models. Book of Abstracts, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) , Conditional Independence Structures and Graphical Models, (Toronto, CA, 27.09.1999-01.10.1999) (1999)
  219. Siddiqi A. H., Manchanda P., Kočvara Michal: An Iterative Two-Step Algorithm for American Option Pricing, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 1998) Research Report 241 (1998)
  220. Studený Milan: Bayesian networks from the point of view of chain graphs , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference, p. 496-503 , Eds: Cooper G. F., Moral S., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 1998) , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /14./, (Madison, US, 24.07.1998-26.07.1998) (1998)
  221. Matúš František: Block-factor fields of Bernoulli shifts , Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 383-389 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF, (Praha 1998) , Prague Stochastics '98, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998) (1998)
  222. Studený Milan: Complexity of structural models , Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 521-528 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF, (Praha 1998) , Prague Stochastics '98, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998) (1998)
  223. Vejnarová Jiřina: Composition of possibility measures on finite spaces: Preliminary results , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings, p. 25-30, La Sorbonne, (Paris 1998) , IPMU'98 /7./, (Paris, FR, 06.07.1998-10.07.1998) (1998)
  224. Roubíček Tomáš: Existence results for some nonconvex optimization problems governed by nonlinear processes , Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications, p. 87-96 , Eds: Bulirsch R., Bittner L., Schmidt W., Meier K., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1998) International Series of Numerical Mathematics. vol.124 , Conference on Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications, (Trassenheide, DE, 23.09.1996-27.09.1996) (1998)
  225. Jiroušek Radim: Graph modelling of probability distributions , Congresso nazionale della Societa Italiana di Matematica applicata e industriale, p. 154-158, SIMAI, (Roma 1998) , SIMAI'98 /4./, (Giardini Naxos, IT, 01.06.1998-05.06.1998) (1998)
  226. Jiroušek Radim: Graph modelling without graphs , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings, p. 809-816, La Sorbonne, (Paris 1998) , IPMU'98 /7./, (Paris, FR, 06.07.1998-10.07.1998) (1998)
  227. Pik Jiří: Hierarchy of events in analysis and forecasting of discrete event processes , International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems, p. 5-6 , Eds: Dubois D. M., University of Liege, (Liege 1998) , CASYS'98 /2./, (Liege, BE, 10.08.1998-14.08.1998) (1998)
  228. Pik Jiří: Imperfectly specified events in failure diagnosis , International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES'98, p. 340-342, IEEE, (London 1998) , WODES'98, (Cagliari, IT, 26.08.1998-28.08.1998) (1998)
  229. Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin: Numerical treatment of microstructure evolution modeling , Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, p. 532-539 , Eds: Bock H. G., World Scientific, (Singapore 1998) , ENUMATH '97 /2./, (Heidelberg, DE, 28.09.1997-03.10.1997) (1998)
  230. Vejnarová Jiřina: Possibilistic independence and operators of composition of possibility measures , Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 575-580 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF, (Praha 1998) , Prague Stochastics '98, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998) (1998)
  231. Kříž Otakar: Terciální regulace U a Q , Aktuální problémy elektrizační soustavy a jejich řešení, p. 31-44 , Eds: Beran J., EGÚ, (Praha 1998) , Aktuální problémy elektrizační soustavy a jejich řešení, (Modra, SK, 28.04.1998-29.04.1998) (1998)
  232. Pik Jiří: A hierarchical event structure: An application of the selectivity principle in discrete event systems , The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy, p. 770-775 , Eds: Weingartner P., Schurz G., Dorn G., The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, (Kirchberg 1997) , International Wittgenstein Symposium /20./, (Kirchberg, AT, 10.08.1997-16.08.1997) (1997)
  233. Kočvara M., Outrata Jiří: A nonsmooth approach to optimization problems with equilibrium constraints , Complementarity and Variational Problems, p. 148-164 , Eds: Ferris M. C., Pang J.-S., SIAM, (Philadelphia 1997) , International Conference on Complementarity Problems, (Baltimore, US, 01.11.1995-04.11.1995) (1997)
  234. Vejnarová Jiřina: A note on the marginal problem with inequality constrains and its "maximum entropy solution" , Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 173-183, VŠE, (Praha 1997) , WUPES '97 /4./, (Prague, CZ, 22.01.1997-25.01.1997) (1997)
  235. Jiroušek Radim: Artificial intelligence, the marginal problem and inconsistency , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, p. 223-234 , Eds: Beneš V., Štěpán J., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1997) , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, (Prague, CZ, 02.09.1996-06.09.1996) (1997)
  236. Studený Milan: Comparison of graphical approaches to description of conditional independence structures , Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 156-172, VŠE, (Praha 1997) , WUPES '97 /4./, (Prague, CZ, 22.01.1997-25.01.1997) (1997)
  237. Jiroušek Radim: Composition of probability measures on finite spaces , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, p. 274-281 , Eds: Geiger D., Shenoy P. P., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 1997) , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /13./, (Providence, IS, 01.08.1997-03.08.1997) (1997)
  238. Kružík Martin: DiPerna-Majda Measures and Uniform Integrability, University of Minnesota, (Minneapolis 1997) Research Report 1494 (1997)
  239. Pik Jiří: Event uncertainty in failure diagnosis of discrete event systems , Advances in Intelligent Systems, p. 414-417 , Eds: Morabito F. G., IOS Press, (Amsterdam 1997) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. , AMSE-ISIS '97, (Reggio di Calabria, IT, 11.09.1997-13.09.1997) (1997)
  240. Kříž Otakar: Inconsistent marginal problem on finite sets , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, p. 235-242 , Eds: Beneš V., Štěpán J., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1997) , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, (Prague, CZ, 02.09.1996-06.09.1996) (1997)
  241. Pik Jiří: Incorrect observations in failure diagnosis of discrete event systems , Intelligent Manufacturing Systems '97. Preprints, p. 203-206, IFAC, (Seoul 1997) , IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems '97. /4./, (Seoul, KR, 21.07.1997-23.07.1997) (1997)
  242. Vejnarová Jiřina: Measures of uncertainty and independence concept in different calculi , Progress in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, p. 155-166 , Eds: Costa E., Cardoso A., Springer, (Berlin 1997) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. vol.1323 , Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence. EPIA '97 /8./, (Coimbra, PT, 06.10.1997-09.10.1997) (1997)
  243. Kříž Otakar: Některé aspekty terciálního řízení U a Q v ES ČR , Řízení napětí a jalových výkonů v elektrizační soustavě České republiky. 2. ročník, p. 67-71 , Eds: Beran J., EGÚ, (Praha 1997) , Řízení napětí a jalových výkonů v elektrizační soustavě České republiky. /2./, (Poděbrady, CZ, 04.11.1997-05.11.1997) (1997)
  244. Kružík Martin: Numerical Approach to Double Well Problems, University of Minnesota, (Minneapolis 1997) Research Report 1485 (1997)
  245. Outrata Jiří: On a special class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints , Recent Advances in Optimization, p. 246-260 , Eds: Gritzmann P., Horst R., Sachs E., Tichatschke R., Springer, (Berlin 1997) Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. vol.452 , French-German Conference on Optimization /8./, (Trier, DE, 21.07.1996-26.07.1996) (1997)
  246. Outrata Jiří, Kočvara M.: On exterior penalties in equilibrium problems , Operations Research. Proceedings 1996, p. 37-42 , Eds: Zimmermann U., Derigs U., Gaul W., Möhring R. H., Schuster K.-P., Springer, (Berlin 1997) , Symposium on Operations Research (SOR 96), (Braunschweig, DE, 03.09.1996-06.09.1996) (1997)
  247. Studený Milan: On marginalization, collapsibility and precollapsibility , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems, p. 191-198 , Eds: Beneš V., Štěpán J., Kluwer, (Dordrecht 1997) , Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems /3./, (Prague, CZ, 02.09.1996-06.09.1996) (1997)
  248. Outrata Jiří: Optimality Conditions for a Class of Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 1997) Research Report 212 (1997)
  249. Vomlel Jiří: Statistical methods for probabilistic model parameter estimation from incomplete data and their application to the marginal problem , Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 184-193, VŠE, (Praha 1997) , WUPES '97 /4./, (Prague, CZ, 22.01.1997-25.01.1997) (1997)
  250. Pik Jiří: Transformation of structural patterns or discrete events? An application of structural methods in discrete event systems , Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, p. 119-124 , Eds: Pudil P., Novovičová J., Grim J., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1997) , Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition /1./, (Prague, CZ, 09.06.1997-11.06.1997) (1997)
  251. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A Nonsmooth Approach to Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Erlangen 1996) Research Report 175 (1996)
  252. Pik Jiří: An event deformation model and its application , Discrete Event Systems. WODES'96, p. 352-355 , Eds: Spathopoulos M. P., Smedinga R., Kozák P., IEE, (London 1996) , International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES'96, (Edinburgh, GB, 19.08.1996-21.08.1996) (1996)
  253. Pik Jiří: Analysis and forecasting of natural discrete event processes based on the rho-bar distance of event sequences , Proceedings in Computational Statistics. COMPSTAT'96, p. 93-94 , Eds: Prat A., Ripoll E., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 1996) , Symposium on Computational Statistics. COMPSTAT'96 /12./, (Barcelona, ES, 26.08.1996-30.08.1996) (1996)
  254. Jarušek Jiří, Eck Ch.: Dynamic contact problems with Coulomb friction for viscoelastic bodies. Existence of solutions for a general body , Conference on Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations. Abstracts, p. - , Eds: Wendland W. L., Sändig A. M., Bach M., University of Stuttgart, (Stuttgart 1996) , Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations, (Stuttgart, DE, 09.10.1996-11.10.1996) (1996)
  255. Jarušek Jiří, Eck Ch.: Existence of a solution to a viscoelastic case of dynamic contact problems with Coulomb friction , Systems with Coulomb Friction. Abstracts, p. 40-41 , Eds: Klarbring A., Andersson C. E., University of Linköping, (Vadstena 1996) , Euromech Colloquium /351./, (Vadstena, SE, 05.08.1996-07.08.1996) (1996)
  256. Eck Ch., Jarušek Jiří: Existence results for contact problems with Coulomb friction , Conference on Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations. Abstracts, p. - , Eds: Wendland W. L., Sändig A. M., Bach M., University of Stuttgart, (Stuttgart 1996) , Analysis, Numerics and Applications of Differential and Integral Equations, (Stuttgart, DE, 09.10.1996-11.10.1996) (1996)
  257. Eck Ch., Jarušek Jiří: Existence results for the static contact problem with Coulomb friction , Systems with Coulomb Friction. Abstracts, p. 42-43 , Eds: Klarbring A., Andersson C. E., University of Linköping, (Vadstena 1996) , Euromech Colloquium /351./, (Vadstena, SE, 05.08.1996-07.08.1996) (1996)
  258. Jarušek Jiří, Eck Ch.: Existence theorem to a dynamic contact problem with friction , Prague Mathematical Conference 1996. Abstracts, p. 56 , Eds: Babuška I., Fiedler M., Kurzweil J., Pták V., ICARIS, (Praha 1996) , PMC '96, (Prague, CZ, 08.07.1996-12.07.1996) (1996)
  259. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: How mathematics can help in design of mechanical structures , Numerical Analysis 1995, p. 76-93 , Eds: Griffith D. F., Watson G. A., Longman, (Harlow 1996) , Dundee Biennial Conference on Numerical Mathematics /16./, (Dundee, GB, 27.06.1995-30.06.1995) (1996)
  260. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: How Mathematics Can Help in Design of Mechanical Structures, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 1996) Research Report 171 (1996)
  261. Jarre F., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Interior Point Methods for Mechanical Design Problems, Universität Erlangen, (Erlangen 1996) Research Report 173 (1996)
  262. Jiroušek Radim: I-projections in probabilistic network construction , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty in Complex Systems, p. 17-20, Edizioni Kappa, (Roma 1996) , Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty in Complex Systems, (Roma, IT, 16.05.1996-18.05.1996) (1996)
  263. Kleiter G. D., Jiroušek Radim: Learning Bayesian networks under the control of mutual information , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings, p. 985-990, University of Granada, (Granada 1996) , IPMU '96 /6./, (Granada, ES, 01.07.1996-05.07.1996) (1996)
  264. Kříž Otakar: Marginal problem on finite sets , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings, p. 763-768, University of Granada, (Granada 1996) , IPMU'96 /6./, (Granada, ES, 01.07.1996-05.07.1996) (1996)
  265. Roubíček Tomáš: Modelling of microstructure in non-quasiconvex variational problems , Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications, p. 264-270 , Eds: Niezgódka M., Strzelecki P., Longmann, (Harlow 1996) Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics. vol.363 , Free Boundary Problems '95, (Zakopané, PL, 12.06.1995-15.06.1995) (1996)
  266. Outrata Jiří: Nonsmooth approaches in computing of equilibria , Operations Research Proceedings 1995, p. 36-41 , Eds: Kleinschmidt P., Bachem A., Derigs U., Springer, (Berlin 1996) , Symposium on Operations Research (SOR'95), (Passau, DE, 13.08.1995-15.08.1995) (1996)
  267. Studený Milan: On Recovery Algorithm for Chain Graphs, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1874 (1996)
  268. Studený Milan: On separation criterion and recovery algorithm for chain graphs , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, p. 509-516 , Eds: Horvik E., Jensen F., Morgan Kaufmann Publ., (San Francisco 1996) , Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /12./, (Portland, US, 01.08.1996-04.08.1996) (1996)
  269. Studený Milan: On stochastic conditional independence structures , European Conference on Higly Structured Stochastic Systems. Proceedings, p. 165-169, University of Aalborg, (Rebild 1996) , European Conference on Highly Structured Stochastic Systems /1./, (Rebild, DK, 19.05.1996-24.05.1996) (1996)
  270. Outrata Jiří: Semismoothness in parametrized quasi-variational inequalities , System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings, p. 203-210 , Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J., Chapman & Hall, (London 1996) , IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./, (Prague, CZ, 10.07.1995-14.07.1995) (1996)
  271. Roubíček Tomáš: A note about relaxation of vectorial variational problems , Calculus of Variations, Applications and Computations, p. 208-214 , Eds: Bandle C., Bemelmans J., Longman, (Harlow 1995) Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics. vol.326 , European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems /2./, (Pont-a-Mousson, FR, 00.06.1994) (1995)
  272. Jiroušek Radim, Kleiter G. D.: A note on learning Bayesian networks , Statistics, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, p. 148-153 , Eds: Kodratoff Y., Nakhaeizadeh G., Taylor C., FORTH, (Heraklion 1995) , ECML '95, (Heraklion, GR, 25.04.1995-27.04.1995) (1995)
  273. Jiroušek Radim: A sequential probabilistic model with nonmonotonic behaviour , Artificial Intelligence Techniques, p. 39-52 , Eds: Žižka J., Brazdil P., VUT, (Brno 1995) , AIT '95, (Brno, CZ, 18.09.1995-20.09.1995) (1995)
  274. Kozák Petr: Control of guarded automata counting event occurrences , Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 907-912, IEEE, (Piscataway 1995) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /34./, (New Orleans, US, 13.12.1995-15.12.1995) (1995)
  275. Jarušek Jiří: Dynamical contact problems for viscoelastic bodies , Proceedings of the 2nd Contact Mechanics International Symposium, p. 25-32 , Eds: Raous M, Jean M., Moreau J. J., Plenum Press, (New York 1995) , Contact Mechanics International Symposium /2./, (Carry-Le-Rouet, FR, 19.09.1994-23.09.1994) (1995)
  276. Matúš František: Finite Partially Exchangeable Arrays, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1856 (1995)
  277. Jiroušek Radim: From learning Bayesian networks to a decomposable model construction. Abstract , Workshop on Normative Systems. Abstracts, p. - , Eds: Lehner P. E., George Mason University, (Fairfax 1995) , Workshop on Normative Systems /5./, (Fairfax, US, 19.05.1995-21.05.1995) (1995)
  278. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: How to optimize mechanical structures simultaneously with respect to topology and geometry , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, p. 135-140 , Eds: Olhoff N., Rozvany G. I. N., Elsevier, (Oxford 1995) , World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization /1./, (Goslar, DE, 28.05.1995-02.06.1995) (1995)
  279. Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: Chain graphs: semantics and expressiveness , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, p. 67-76 , Eds: Froidevaux Ch., Kohlas J., Springer, (Berlin 1995) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. vol.946 , ECSQARU '95, (Fribourg, CH, 03.07.1995-05.07.1995) (1995)
  280. Bouckaert R. R., Studený Milan: Chain Graphs: Semantics and Expressiveness - Extended Version, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1836 (1995)
  281. Schindler Zdeněk: Implementace přímé metody automatického derivování. Systém JAD, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1831 (1995)
  282. Jiroušek Radim, Vomlel Jiří: Inconsistent knowledge integration in a probabilistic model , Mathematical Models for Handling Partial Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, p. 263-270 , Eds: Colleti G., Dubois D., Scozzafava R., Plenum Press, (New York 1995) , Mathematical Models for Handling Partial Knowledge in AI /18./, (Erice, IT, 19.06.1994-25.06.1994) (1995)
  283. Zvárová Jana, Studený Milan: Information theoretical approach to constitution and reduction of medical data. Abstract , EuroMISE '95: Information, Health and Education, p. 88 , Eds: Zvárová J., Malá I., EuroMISE Center, (Prague 1995) , TEMPUS International Conference, (Prague, CZ, 20.10.1995-23.10.1995) (1995)
  284. Jarušek Jiří: Kontaktní úlohy v mechanice, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1841 (1995)
  285. Jarušek Jiří: Kontaktní úlohy v mechanice. Doktorská disertační práce, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) (1995)
  286. Studený Milan: Marginal problem in different calculi of AI , Advances in Intelligent Computing - IPMU '94, p. 348-359 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Yager R. R., Zadeh L. A., Springer, (Berlin 1995) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.945 , IPMU '94 /5./, (Paris, FR, 04.07.1994-08.07.1994) (1995)
  287. Roubíček Tomáš: Optimal control of a microstructure , Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications, p. 195-202 , Eds: Diaz J. I., Herrero A. M., Linan A., Vazquez J. L., Longman, (Harlow 1995) Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics. vol.323 , Free Boundary Problems, (Toledo, ES, 21.06.1993-26.06.1993) (1995)
  288. Tuzar Antonín: Optimální řízení dynamiky dopravních prostředků , 1. vědecká konference o dopravě s mezinárodní účastí, p. 107-118, Dopravní fakulta, (Pardubice 1995) , Vědecká konference o dopravě /1./, (Pardubice, CZ, 19.09.1995-20.09.1995) (1995)
  289. Outrata Jiří: Semismoothness in parametrized quasi-variational inequalities , 17th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization. Collection of Abstracts, p. 537-539 , Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) , IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./, (Praha, CZ, 10.07.1995-14.07.1995) (1995)
  290. Pik Jiří: A computer aided decision support system for the analysis and forecasting of natural discrete event processes , Integrated Systems Engineering. Proceedings, p. 29-34 , Eds: Johannsen G., Pergamon, (Oxford 1994) , IFAC Conference on Integrated Systems Engineering, (Baden-Baden, DE, 27.09.1994-29.09.1994) (1994)
  291. van Dijk N. M., Sladký Karel: A Note on Error Bounds for Closed Leontief Input-Output Models, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1823 (1994)
  292. Kaňková Vlasta: A note on the relationship between distribution function estimation and estimations in stochastic programming , Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 122-125 , Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./, (Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994) (1994)
  293. Kaňková Vlasta: A note sensitivity analysis for stochastic programming problems. Abstract , Minisymposium on Stochastic Programming, p. - , Eds: Römisch W., Schultz R., HumboldtUniversität, (Berlin 1994) , Minisymposium on Stochatic Programming, (Berlin, DE, 22.01.1994-23.01.1994) (1994)
  294. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A numerical approach to the design of masonry structures , System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings of the 16th IFIP-TC7 Conference, p. 195-205 , Eds: Henry J., Yvon J. P., Springer, (London 1994) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. vol.197 , IFIP-TC7 /16./, (Compiegne, FR, 05.07.1993-09.07.1993) (1994)
  295. Pik Jiří: An objective formalization of the selectivity principle using the weighted distance of formal symbols , Cybernetics and Systems '94, p. 1611-1618 , Eds: Trappl R., World Scientific, (Singapore 1994) , European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research /12./, (Vienna, AT, 05.04.1994-08.04.1994) (1994)
  296. Kaňková Vlasta: Aproximace a stabilita ve stochastickém programování , 12. seminář o Matematických metodách v ekonomice, p. 79-90, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , MME '94. Matematické metody v ekonomice /12./, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-08.09.1994) (1994)
  297. Studený Milan, Boček Pavel: CI-models arising among 4 random variables , Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings, p. 268-282, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./, (Třešť, CZ, 11.09.1994-15.09.1994) (1994)
  298. Matúš František: Combining m-dependence with Markovness , Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 145-149 , Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./, (Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994) (1994)
  299. Kozák Petr: Dealing with complexity in the discrete event system control methods , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 229-236 , Eds: Kulhavá L., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , IEEE Workshop CMP '94, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-09.09.1994) (1994)
  300. Kozák Petr: Decentralized controller design for a class of hybrid systems , Integrated Systems Engineering. Proceedings, p. 123-128 , Eds: Johannsen G., Pergamon, (Oxford 1994) , IFAC Conference on Integrated Systems Engineering, (Baden-Baden, DE, 27.09.1994-29.09.1994) (1994)
  301. Mareš Milan: Equivalentions over fuzzy quantities , Second International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Its Applications. Abstracts, p. 32-33, Technical University, (Liptovský Mikuláš 1994) , Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Its Applications /2./, (Liptovský Mikuláš, SQ, 31.01.1994-04.02.1994) (1994)
  302. Kaňková Vlasta: Estimates in stochastic programming problems. Abstract , Stochastic Programming: Stability, Numerical Methods and Applications, p. -, HumboldtUniversität, (Berlin 1994) , GAMM/IFIP Workshop, (Gosen, DE, 23.03.1992-27.03.1992) (1994)
  303. Pik Jiří: Fault tolerant specification of discrete events , IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes. Preprints, p. 227-230 , Eds: Ruokonen T., University of Technology, (Helsinki 1994) , IFAC Symposium SAFEPROCESS '94, (Espoo, FI, 13.06.1994-16.06.1994) (1994)
  304. Mareš Milan: Fuzzy cooperation without side payments , Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, p. 142-144 , Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./, (Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994) (1994)
  305. Kříž Otakar: Invariant moves for constructing extensions of marginals , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Proceedings, p. 984-989, Cité Internationale Universitaire, (Paris 1994) , IPMU '94 /5./, (Paris, FR, 04.07.1994-08.07.1994) (1994)
  306. Studený Milan: Marginal problem in different calculi of AI , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Proceedings, p. 597-604, Cité Internationale Universitaire, (Paris 1994) , IPMU '94 /5./, (Paris, FR, 04.07.1994-08.07.1994) (1994)
  307. Jiroušek Radim: Multimodel approximation of probability distributions: a tool for knowledge derivation , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Proceedings, p. 449-454, Cité Internationale Universitaire, (Paris 1994) , IPMU '94 /5./, (Paris, FR, 04.07.1994-08.07.1994) (1994)
  308. Sladký Karel: Nezáporné matice a Leontjevovské modely , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. (Viackriteriálna optimalizácia VII), p. 157-164, Ekonomická univerzita, (Bratislava 1994) , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike, (Bratislava, SK, 27.09.1994-28.09.1994) (1994)
  309. Sladký Karel: Nezáporné matice v dynamických modelech ekonomických systémů , 12. seminář o Matematických metodách v ekonomice, p. 175-186, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , MME '94. Matematické metody v ekonomice /12./, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-08.09.1994) (1994)
  310. Sladký Karel: On a multistage stochastic linear program , Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings, p. 435-446 , Eds: Mandl P., Hušková M., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1994) , Asymptotic Statistics /5./, (Prague, CZ, 04.09.1993-09.09.1993) (1994)
  311. Včelař František: On an Approach to the Fuzzification of Classical Arrow's Aggregation Problem, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1795 (1994)
  312. Kočvara Michal, Rozložník Miroslav, Xanthis L. S.: On iterative solvers for the method of arbitrary lines , Proceedings of the Second Hellenic European Conference on Mathematics and Informatics, p. 261-272 , Eds: Lipitakis E. A., Hellenic Mathematical Society, (Athens 1994) , HERMIS '94 /2./, (Athens, GR, 22.09.1994-24.09.1994) (1994)
  313. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On Optimization of Systems Governed by Implicit Complementarity Problems, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, (Jena 1994) Research Report 513 (1994)
  314. Kaňková Vlasta: On stability in two-stage stochastic nonlinear programming , Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings, p. 329-340 , Eds: Mandl P., Hušková M., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1994) , Asymptotic Statistics /5./, (Prague, CZ, 04.09.1993-09.09.1993) (1994)
  315. Matúš František: On the maximum-entropy extensions of probability measures over undirected graphs. , Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings, p. 181-198, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./, (Třešť, CZ, 11.09.1994-15.09.1994) (1994)
  316. Tuzar Antonín: Optimalizace v úlohách vlakové dopravy , Doprava jako věda, p. 79-83, ČVUT, (Praha 1994) , Pracovní seminář Doprava jako věda, (Praha, CZ, 10.05.1994-11.05.1994) (1994)
  317. Kříž Otakar: Optimizations in finite-dimensional distributions with fixed marginals , Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings, p. 143-156, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./, (Třešť, CZ, 11.09.1994-15.09.1994) (1994)
  318. van Dijk N. M., Sladký Karel: Perturbation Theory for Open Leontief Input-Output Models, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1824 (1994)
  319. van Dijk N. M., Sladký Karel: Perturbations and error bounds in nonnegative dynamic models , Stochastic Models. Abstracts, p. 21-22 , Eds: Hordijk A., Leiden University, (Leiden 1994) , Workshop on Stochastic Models, (Leiden, NL, 12.12.1994-16.12.1994) (1994)
  320. Kaňková Vlasta: Poznámka ke stabilitě úloh vícekriteriálního stochastického programování , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. (Viackriteriálna optimalizácia VII), p. 97-103, Ekonomická univerzita, (Bratislava 1994) , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike, (Bratislava, SK, 27.09.1994-28.09.1994) (1994)
  321. Jiroušek Radim: Probabilistic model of nonmonotonic reasoning , Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings, p. 87-97, VŠE, (Praha 1994) , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./, (Třešť, CZ, 11.09.1994-15.09.1994) (1994)
  322. Studený Milan: Semigraphoids are two-antecedental approximations of stochastic conditional independence models , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, p. 546-552 , Eds: Mantaras R. L., Poole D., Morgan Kaufmann, (San Francisco 1994) , Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /10./, (Seattle, US, 29.07.1994-31.07.1994) (1994)
  323. Sladký Karel: Sensitivity analysis in normalized Markov decision chains , Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, p. 224-227 , Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./, (Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994) (1994)
  324. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: Shape optimization of elasto-plastic bodies governed by variational inequalities , Boundary Control and Boundary Variation, p. 261-271 , Eds: Zolesio J.-P., Dekker, (New York 1994) , IFIP Workshop Boundary Control and Boundary Variation, (Sophia Antipolis, FR, 03.06.1992-05.06.1992) (1994)
  325. Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.: Steady-state model of a turbine engine coupled with a propeller , Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Proceedings, p. 21-30 , Eds: Beulens A. J. M., Doležal J., Sebastian H. J., Lansa, (Leidschendam 1994) , Working Conference of the IFIP TC 7.6 /2./, (Dagstuhl, DE, 28.09.1992-01.10.1992) (1994)
  326. Kozák Petr: Supervisory control of parallelly interconnected timed discrete event systems , Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Proceedings, p. 1012-1017, IEEE Press, (San Antonio 1994) , IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (San Antonio, US, 02.10.1994-05.10.1994) (1994)
  327. Sladký Karel: Value convergence in generalized Markov decision chains , Operations Research '94, p. 480-482 , Eds: Bachem A., Derigs U., Jünger M., Schrader R., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1994) , Symposium on Operations Research /18./, (Cologne, DE, 01.09.1993-03.09.1993) (1994)
  328. Roubíček Tomáš: Various relaxations in optimal control of distributed parameter systems , Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems, p. 327-341, Birkhäuser, (Basel 1994) , International Conference on Control and Estimation of D.P.S, (Vorau, AT, 00.07.1993) (1994)
  329. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 1 (1994), p. 103-104 (1994)
  330. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 1 (1994), p. 102-103 (1994)
  331. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 1 (1994), p. 101-102 (1994)
  332. Pik Jiří: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 1 (1994), p. 104 (1994)
  333. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 5 (1994), p. 574 (1994)
  334. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 5 (1994), p. 575 (1994)
  335. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.30, 5 (1994), p. 576 (1994)
  336. Jarušek Jiří: [Recenze] , Mathematica Bohemica vol.119, 4 (1994), p. 447-448 (1994)
  337. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: A Combined SORP-PCG Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problems , Proceedings of the Seminar Numerical Mathematics in Theory and Practice, p. 97-104 , Eds: Křížková J., JČMF, (Praha 1993) , Numerical Mathematics in Theory and Practice, (Plzeň, CZ, 25.01.1993-26.01.1993) (1993)
  338. Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: A Nonsmooth Approach to Simultaneous Geometry and Topology Design of Trusses , Topology Design of Structures, p. 31-42 , Eds: Bendsoe M. P., Mota-Soares C. A., Kluwer Academic, (Leuven 1993) NATO ASI Series. , Workshop on Topology Design of Structures, (Sesimbra, PT, 20.06.1992-26.06.1992) (1993)
  339. Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A Numerical Approach to Optimization Problems with Variational Inequality Constraints, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1993) Research Report 463 (1993)
  340. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A Numerical Solution of Two Selected Shape Optimization Problems, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1993) Research Report 464 (1993)
  341. Kočvara Michal: An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation , Reliability in Computational Mechanics, p. 433-442 , Eds: Demkowicz L., Oden J. T., Babuška I., NorthHolland, (Amsterdam 1993) , Workshop on Reliability in Computational Mechanics /2./, (Krakow, PL, 00.10.1991) (1993)
  342. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: An Iterative Two-Step Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problems, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1993) Research Report 446 (1993)
  343. Jiroušek Radim: Approximations of Probability Distributions by Three Types of Graph Models , Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, p. 39-48 , Eds: Bouchon-Meunier B., Valverde L., Yager R. R., NorthHolland, (Amsterdam 1993) , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, (Mallorca, ES, 11.07.1992-16.07.1992) (1993)
  344. Mareš Milan: Computation with Fuzzy Quantities , Second European Congress on Systems Science, p. 1065-1070, Afcet, (Paris 1993) , European Congress on Systems Science /2./, (Prague, CZ, 05.10.1993-08.10.1993) (1993)
  345. Kozák Petr: Control of real-time discrete event systems with hybrid controllability of events , 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 223-228, IEEE, (New York 1993) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /32./, (San Antonio, US, 15.12.1993-17.12.1993) (1993)
  346. Studený Milan, Matúš František, Vejnarová Jiřina: Decomposition of Large Systems and Independence Structures , Second European Congress on Systems Science, p. 891-898, Afcet, (Paris 1993) , European Congress on Systems Science /2./, (Prague, CZ, 05.10.1993-08.10.1993) (1993)
  347. Balemi S., Kozák Petr, Smedinga R.: Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) Progress in Systems and Control Theory. vol.13 , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1993)
  348. Kříž Otakar: Expert System-Driven Controllers , Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, p. 369-379 , Eds: Kárný M., Warwick K., Plenum Press, (New York 1993) , IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, (Prague, CZ, 01.09.1992-02.09.1992) (1993)
  349. Studený Milan: Formal Properties of Conditional Independence in Different Calculi of AI , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, p. 341-348 , Eds: Clarke M., Kruse R., Moral S., Springer, (Berlin 1993) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.747 , European Conference ECSQARU '93, (Granada, ES, 08.11.1993-10.11.1993) (1993)
  350. Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.: Fully Decentralized Solutions of Supervisory Control Problems, University of Toronto, (Toronto 1993) Research Report 9310 (1993)
  351. Jiroušek Radim: Graph Modelling in Artificial Intelligence. Habilitation, FIS VŠE, (Praha 1993) (1993)
  352. Jiroušek Radim: Graph Modelling in Probability Distribution Processing , Probabilistic Methods in Expert Systems, p. 121-137, Societá Italiana di Statistica, (Roma 1993) , Probabilistic Methods in Expert Systems, (Roma, IT, 14.10.1993-15.10.1993) (1993)
  353. Kozák Petr: Improving Characteristics of Discrete Event Controllers with Hybrid Controllability of Events , Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, p. 632-635, IEEE, (Detroit 1993) , Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems /36./, (Detroit, US, 16.08.1993-18.08.1993) (1993)
  354. Jiroušek Radim, Kříž Otakar, Vejnarová Jiřina: Information in Human and Formalized Knowledge , Second European Congress on Systems Science, p. 899-907, Afcet, (Paris 1993) , European Congress on Systems Science /2./, (Prague, CZ, 05.10.1993-08.10.1993) (1993)
  355. Kočvara Michal: Local Multigrid Methods for Elliptic Problems. CSc.Dissertation, MÚ AV ČR, (Praha 1993) (1993)
  356. Kříž Otakar: On Extensions of Marginals for Decision-Making , Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, p. 205-212 , Eds: Clarke M., Kruse R., Moral S., Springer, (Berlin 1993) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.747 , European Conference ECSQARU '93, (Granada, ES, 08.11.1993-10.11.1993) (1993)
  357. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: On the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1993) Research Report 434 (1993)
  358. Matúš František, Flusser Jan: Picture Coding by a Finite Radon Transform , General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, p. 106, URSI, (Kyoto 1993) , General Assembly of the URSI /24./, (Kyoto, JP, 25.08.1993-02.09.1993) (1993)
  359. Pik Jiří: Podobnost mezi událostmi v systémech diskrétních událostí , Zborník prednášok 12. sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '93, p. 193-201, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky EU, (Bratislava 1993) , ALGORITMY '93, (Stará Lesná, SQ, 26.04.1993-29.04.1993) (1993)
  360. Jiroušek Radim: Probabilistic Methods in Artificial Intelligence. DrSc.Dissertation, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) (1993)
  361. Pik Jiří: Similarity of Events in Discrete Event Systems , Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, p. 71-78 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) Progress in Systems and Control Theory. vol.13 , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1993)
  362. Kozák Petr: Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Processes: A Real-Time Extension, University of Toronto, (Toronto 1993) Research Report 9301 (1993)
  363. Kozák Petr: Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Processes: A Real-Time Extension, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1777 (1993)
  364. Kozák Petr, Wonham W. M.: Synthesis of Database Management Protocols, University of Toronto, (Toronto 1993) Research Report 9311 (1993)
  365. Kříž Otakar: The Cat-and-Mouse Problem as a System of Boolean Equations , Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, p. 181-187 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) Progress in Systems and Control Theory. vol.13 , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1993)
  366. Kozák Petr: The Cat-and-Mouse Problem with Least Delays , Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, p. 199-206 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) Progress in Systems and Control Theory. vol.13 , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1993)
  367. Kozák Petr: Unifying Framework for Discrete Event System Control Theory , Discrete Event System: Modeling and Control, p. 95-110 , Eds: Balemi S., Kozák P., Smedinga R., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1993) Progress in Systems and Control Theory. vol.13 , WODES '92, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1993)
  368. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.29, 1 (1993), p. 103 (1993)
  369. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 202 (1993)
  370. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.29, 1 (1993), p. 104 (1993)
  371. Tuzar Antonín: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.29, 1 (1993), p. 102-103 (1993)
  372. Pik Jiří: A Discrete-Event Process Analysis and Modelling , Working Conference IFIP on Optimization - Based Computer - Aided Modelling and Design, p. 185-189 , Eds: Beulens A. J. M., Sebastian H. J., Springer, (Berlin 1992) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. vol.174 , Working Conference IFIP on Optimization - Based Computer - Aided Modelling and Design, (Hague, NL, 02.04.1991-04.04.1991) (1992)
  373. Kříž Otakar: A New Algorithm for Decision Making with Probabilistic Background , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 135-144 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
  374. Ben-Tal A., Eiger G., Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A Nondifferentiable Approach to Decomposable Optimization Problems with an Application on the Design of Water Distribution Networks , Proceedings of French-German Conference on Optimization: Advances in Optimization, p. 197-216 , Eds: Pallaschke D., Oettli W., Springer, (Berlin 1992) Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. vol.382 , French-German Colloquium on Optimization /6./, (Lambrecht, DB, 02.06.1991-08.06.1991) (1992)
  375. Outrata Jiří, Zowe J.: A Nondifferentiable Approach to the Solution of Control Problems with Variational Inequalities, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1992) Research Report 368 (1992)
  376. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A Nondifferentiable Approach to the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities , 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, p. 364-373 , Eds: Kall P., Springer, (Berlin 1992) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. vol.180 , IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./, (Zürich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1992)
  377. Kaňková Vlasta: A note on stability in stochastic programming. Abstract , Stochastic Programming, p. -, CISM, (Udine 1992) , International Conference on Stochastic Programming /6./, (Udine, IT, 14.06.1992-18.06.1992) (1992)
  378. Kaňková Vlasta: A Note on the Stability in Stochastic Programming Problems , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 51-59 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
  379. Roubíček Tomáš: A Stefan Problem in Multi-Component Media Coupled with a Signorini Contact Problem , Free Boundary Problems Involving Solids, p. 57-61 , Eds: Chadam J. M., Rasmussen H., Longmann, (Harlow 1992) Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics. vol.281 , Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Application /5./, (Montreal, CA, 13.06.1990-22.06.1990) (1992)
  380. Kozák Petr: A Unifying Framework for Discrete Event System Control Theory , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 47-50 , Eds: Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1992)
  381. Matúš František: Ascending and Descending Conditional Independence Relations , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 189-200 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
  382. Kříž Otakar: Attempts at Comparing Expert Systems with Uncertainty , 11th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research '92, p. 495-502 , Eds: Trappl R., World Scientific, (Singapore 1992) , European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research /11./, (Vienna, AT, 21.04.1992-24.04.1992) (1992)
  383. Sladký Karel: Cat and Mouse in a Maze: Extended Formulations and Their Solutions Using Controlled Markov Chains , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 133-136, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1992)
  384. Kozák Petr: Causality and Non-Determinism , 11th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research '92, p. 137-143 , Eds: Trappl R., World Scientific, (Singapore 1992) , European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research /11./, (Vienna, AT, 21.04.1992-24.04.1992) (1992)
  385. Studený Milan: Conditional Independence Relations Have No Finite Complete Characterization , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 377-396 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Procesess /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
  386. Sladký Karel: Constrained Multiplicative Markov Decision Chains , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 361-368 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
  387. Roubíček Tomáš: Convex Compactifications in Optimal Control Theory , System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings of the 15th IFIP Conference, p. 433-439 , Eds: Kall P., Springer, (Berlin 1992) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. vol.180 , IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./, (Zurich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1992)
  388. Studený Milan: Description of Conditional Independence Structures by Means of Imsets: A Connection with Product Formula Validity , International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty. IPMU '92, p. 503-506, Universitat des les Illes Balears, (Palma 1992) , IPMU '92, (Mallorca, ES, 06.07.1992-10.07.1992) (1992)
  389. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Dva nové přístupy k optimalizaci příhradových konstrukcí , Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 6, p. 52-62 , Eds: Práger M., Přikryl P., Segeth K., MÚ ČSAV, (Praha 1992) , Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky /6./, (Bratříkov, CZ, 15.06.1992-19.06.1992) (1992)
  390. Roubíček Tomáš: Evolution of a Microstructure: A Convexified Model, Technische Universität, (München 1992) Research Report 321 (1992)
  391. Kramosil Ivan: Extensionality and Intensionality Principles in Uncertainty Processing , LOGICA '91. Proceedings of the International Symposium, p. 71-92 , Eds: Svoboda V., Zapletal I., FÚ ČSAV, (Praha 1992) , LOGICA '91, (Bechyně, CS, 15.04.1991-17.04.1991) (1992)
  392. Roubíček Tomáš: Finite Element Approximation of a Microstructure Evolution, Technische Universität, (München 1992) Research Report 376 (1992)
  393. Mareš Milan: Fuzzy Contaminated Real Data , Abstracts of International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, p. 34 , Eds: Harman B., VVŠT, (Liptovský Mikuláš 1992) , International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, (Liptovský Mikuláš, CS, 17.02.1992-21.02.1992) (1992)
  394. Mareš Milan: Fuzzy-Contaminated Real Data , Fuzzy Sets, Theory and Applications, p. 34, VVŠT, (Liptovský Mikuláš 1992) , Fuzzy Sets, Theory and Applications, (Liptovský Mikuláš, SQ, 17.02.1992-21.02.1992) (1992)
  395. Jiroušek Radim: Introduction to Probabilistic Methods of Knowledge Representation and Processing , Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, p. 255-285 , Eds: Mařík V., Štěpánková O., Trappl R., Springer, (Berlin 1992) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. vol.617 , Summer School on Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, (Praha, CS, 06.07.1992-17.07.1992) (1992)
  396. Kozák Petr, Balemi S., Pik Jiří, Smedinga R.Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R.: : Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92 , , ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1992)
  397. Kozák Petr: Knowledge of Time-Dependent System Behaviour: Representation and Inference Methods , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, p. 291-296 , Eds: Kulikowski R., Nahorski Z., Owsinski J. W., Straszak A., Polish Academy of Sciences, (Warsaw 1992) , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, (Warsaw, PL, 24.06.1992-26.06.1992) (1992)
  398. Mareš Milan: Linear Combination of Fuzzy Criteria , Multicriteria Decision Making, p. 93-97 , Eds: Černý M., Glückaufová D., Loula D., EÚ ČSAV, (Praha 1992) , Multicriteria Decision Making, (Liblice, CS, 18.03.1991-22.03.1991) (1992)
  399. Mareš Milan: Linear Dependence of Fuzzy Vector , Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making, p. 107-114 , Eds: Novák V., Ramík J., Mareš M., Černý M., Nekola J., AcademiaKluwer, (Praha 1992) , International Symposium of Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning andDecision Making, (Bechyně, CS, 25.06.1990-29.06.1990) (1992)
  400. Mareš Milan: Mají fuzzy data smůlu ? , SIAP '92 - Aplikace systémového inženýrství, p. 132-139 , Eds: Vítek M., VŠCHT, (Pardubice 1992) , SIAP '92 - Aplikace systémového inženýrství, (Pardubice, CS, 14.04.1992-15.04.1992) (1992)
  401. Studený Milan: Multiinformation and Conditional Independence II, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1751 (1992)
  402. Pik Jiří: Natural Discrete-Event Process Forecasting: A Decision Support System , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, p. 467-472 , Eds: Kulikowski R., Nahorski Z., Owsinski J. W., Straszak A., Polish Academy of Sciences, (Warsaw 1992) , Support Systems for Decision and Negotiation Processes, (Warsaw, PL, 24.06.1992-26.06.1992) (1992)
  403. Kozák Petr: On Controllable Behaviours of Time Systems, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1739 (1992)
  404. Lachout Petr, Studený Milan, Šindelář Jan: On Set-Valued Measures, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1741 (1992)
  405. Roubíček Tomáš: Optimality Conditions for Nonconvex Variational Problems Relaxed in Terms of Young Measures, Technische Universität, (München 1992) Research Report 375 (1992)
  406. Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Matoušek O.: Optimization Approach to the Modelling of Turbine Aircraft Engines , 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, p. 667-676 , Eds: Kall P., Springer, (Berlin 1992) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. vol.180 , IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./, (Zürich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1992)
  407. Doležal Jaroslav, Schindler Zdeněk, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.: Optimization-Based Decision Support System for Turbine Power Units Modelling and Design , Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. 28-37, Springer, (Berlin 1992) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. vol.174 , Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, (Hague, NL, 02.04.1991-04.04.1991) (1992)
  408. Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching Algorithms on Systolic Arrays , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 119-134 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
  409. Studený Milan: Popis struktur podmíněné stochastické nezávislosti pomocí formulí součinového typu , Sborník prací letní školy JČMF ROBUST '92, p. 146-155 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF, (Praha 1992) , ROBUST '92, (Herbertov, CS, 14.09.1992-18.09.1992) (1992)
  410. Jiroušek Radim: Reasoning and Derivation of Knowledge in Probabilistic Expert Systems , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 31-40 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
  411. Sladký Karel: Relationships Between Markovian Decision Problems and Products of a Finite Set of Matrices , Conference on Mathematical Programming, p. -, JČMF, (Praha 1992) , Conference on Mathematical Programming /24./, (Loučná, CZ, 20.09.1992-25.09.1992) (1992)
  412. Tuzar Antonín: Remarque to the Optimality Conditions for One Singular Distributed Parameter System, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1757 (1992)
  413. Pik Jiří: Similarity of Events in Discrete Event Systems , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 87-90 , Eds: Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1992)
  414. Jiroušek Radim: Simple Approximations of Probability Distributions by Graph Models , International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty. IPMU '92, p. 497-502, Universitat des les Illes Balears, (Palma 1992) , IPMU '92, (Mallorca, ES, 06.07.1992-10.07.1992) (1992)
  415. Kaňková Vlasta: Stability in Stochastic Programming: Simple Recourse Case , Conference on Mathematical Programming, p. -, JČMF, (Praha 1992) , Conference on Mathematical Programming /24./, (Loučná, CZ, 20.09.1992-..1992) (1992)
  416. Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.: Steady-State Model of a Turbine Engine Coupled with a Propeller , 2nd Working Conference of the IFIP-TC 7 on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. -, Technische Hochschule, (Leipzig 1992) , Working Conference of the IFIP-TC 7 on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design., (Dagstuhl, DB, 28.09.1992-01.10.1992) (1992)
  417. Schindler Zdeněk: Steady-State Modelling of Turbine Engine with Controller , 9th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization.München, p. -, IFAC, ( 1992) , IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization /9./, (München, DB, 02.09.1992-04.09.1992) (1992)
  418. Pik Jiří: Structural Patterns or Discrete Events? A Link Between Pattern Recognition and Discrete-Event Systems , Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 292-293 , Eds: O'Conner L., Werner R., IEEE Computer Society Press, (Los Alamitos 1992) , International Conference on Pattern Recognition /11./, (Hague, NL, 30.08.1992-03.09.1992) (1992)
  419. Kříž Otakar: The Cat-and-Mouse Problem as a System of Boolean Equations , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 137-140, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1992)
  420. Kozák Petr: The Cat-and-Mouse Problem with Least Delays , Joint Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES '92, p. 129-132 , Eds: Kozák P., Balemi S., Pik J., Smedinga R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , WODES '92, (Praha, CS, 26.08.1992-28.08.1992) (1992)
  421. Kozák Petr: The Need for Differential-Like Calculus for the Discrete Event Systems, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1750 (1992)
  422. Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Two Nonsmooth Approaches to Simultaneous Geometry and Topology Design of Trusses, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1992) Research Report 383 (1992)
  423. Mareš Milan: Values of Cooperative Game: A Few Remarks and Questions , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 181-187 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
  424. Tuzar Antonín: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 77 (1992)
  425. Outrata Jiří: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 78 (1992)
  426. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 3 (1992), p. 245 (1992)
  427. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 3 (1992), p. 245-246 (1992)
  428. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.28, 4 (1992), p. 334-335 (1992)
  429. Pik Jiří: A Discrete-Event Process Analysis and Modelling , Optimization-Based. Computer-Aided. Modelling and Design, p. -, Haagse Hogeschool, (Haag 1991) , Working Conference IFIP-TC 7.6. /1./, (Haag, NL, 02.04.1991-04.04.1991) (1991)
  430. Kramosil Ivan: A Few Remarks and Comments on Extra-mathematical Assumptions and Consequences of Some Theoretical Models of Uncertainty Quantification and Processing , LOGICA '90, p. 71-92 , Eds: Svoboda V., Zapletal I., Institute of Philosophy Czechoslovak Academy of Science, (Praha 1991) , LOGICA '90, (Bechyně, CS, 07.05.1990-09.05.1990) (1991)
  431. Vejnarová Jiřina: A Few Remarks on Measures of Uncertainty in Dempster-Shafer Theory , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
  432. Outrata Jiří, Schieder Ch., Zowe J.: A Nondifferentiable Approach to Decomposable Optimization Problems with an Applications to the Design of Water Distribution Networks, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1991) Research Report 307 (1991)
  433. Kočvara Michal, Outrata Jiří: A Nondifferentiable Approach to the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities , System Modelling and Optimization. Abstracts, p. 202-203, IFIP, (Zürich 1991) , IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./, (Zürich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1991)
  434. Roubíček Tomáš: A Note on an Interaction Between Penalization and Discretization , Modelling and Inverse Problems of Control for Distributed Parameter Systems. Proceedings of IFIP-IIASA Conference, p. 145-150 , Eds: Kurzhanski A., Lasiecka I., Springer, (Berlin 1991) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. vol.154 , IFIP-IIASA Conference on Modelling and Inverse Problems of Control for Distributed Parameter Systems, (Laxenburg, AT, 24.07.1989-28.07.1989) (1991)
  435. Mareš Milan: Algebra of Fuzzy Quantities, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1719 (1991)
  436. Kříž Otakar, Jiroušek Radim: An Expert System as a Controller and its Closed Loop Behaviour , Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, p. 36-42 , Eds: Warwick K., Kárný M., Halousková A., Springer, (Berlin 1991) , Czechoslovak-UK Seminar on Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, (Praha, CS, 14.05.1990-16.05.1990) (1991)
  437. Janžura Martin, Přeučil Stanislav: An Expert System Based on the Simulated Annealing Algorithm , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
  438. Kočvara Michal: An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1730 (1991)
  439. Pik Jiří: Analýza experimentální křivky , Knižnica algoritmov. 11.diel zo sympózia Algoritmy '91, p. 115-124, JSMF, (Bratislava 1991) , ALGORITMY '91, (Štrbské Pleso, CS, 15.04.1991-19.04.1991) (1991)
  440. Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: Codes for Truss Topology Design: A Numerical Comparison, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1991) Research Report 344 (1991)
  441. Kříž Otakar: Combining Inference Machines , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
  442. Kozák Petr: Control of Elementary Discrete Event Systems: Synthesis of Controller with Non-Zero Decision Time , Design Methods of Control Systems, p. 708-713 , Eds: Franke D., Kraus F., Pergamon Press, (Oxford 1991) , IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems /1./, (Zurich, CH, 04.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1991)
  443. Haslinger J., Hoffmann K. H., Kočvara Michal: Control/Fictitious Domain Method for Solving Optimal Shape Design Problems, Institut für Mathematik, (Augsburg 1991) Research Report 278 (1991)
  444. Studený Milan: Convex cones in Rn, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1724 (1991)
  445. Studený Milan: Convex Semigraphoids , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
  446. Studený Milan: Convex Set Functions I, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1773 (1991)
  447. Studený Milan: Convex set Functions II, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1734 (1991)
  448. Jiroušek Radim: Decision Trees and their Power to Represent Probability Distributions , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
  449. Kozák Petr: Discrete Event Systems in Examples, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1711 (1991)
  450. Kramosil Ivan: Extensional Processing of Probability Measures , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. -, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
  451. Doležal Jaroslav, Schindler Zdeněk, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.: General and Problem-Oriented Mathematical Models of Aircraft Power Unit Behaviour , Fourth Viennese Workshop on Dynamic Economic Models and Optimal Control, p. 21-25, University of Technology, (Vienna 1991) , Fourth Viennese Workshop on Dynamic Economic Models and Optimal Control, (Vienna, AT, 12.06.1991-14.06.1991) (1991)
  452. Doležal Jaroslav, Schindler Zdeněk, Matoušek O.: GoLeM - Decision Support System Prototype for the Analysis of Aircraft Power Units Behaviour , Advances in Methodology and Software in Decision Support Systems, p. -, IIASA, (Laxenburg 1991) , Workshop on Advances in Methodology and Software in Decision Support Systems, (Laxenburg, AT, 22.07.1991-24.07.1991) (1991)
  453. Pik Jiří: Hierarchy in Discrete Event Systems , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, p. 26-28, DT ZSVTS, (Bratislava 1991) , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, (Bratislava, CS, 08.10.1991-10.10.1991) (1991)
  454. Mareš Milan, Vítek M., Nekola J.: Jedna metoda hledání projektových variant , 25. mezinárodní seminář Projektové řízení měst a obcí, p. 135-143, DT ČSVTS, (Brno 1991) , Mezinárodní seminář Projektové řízení měst a obcí /25./, (Brno, CS, 30.09.1991-02.10.1991) (1991)
  455. Kočvara Michal: LAME - Local Adaptive Multigrid for 3D Elasticity , Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Engineering, p. 231-236, ŠKODA k.p., (Plzeň 1991) , International Conference Mathematical Methods in Engineering /6./, (Plzeň, CS, 27.05.1991-31.05.1991) (1991)
  456. Kočvara Michal: LAME: lokální adaptivní multigrid pro elasticitu , Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 5, p. 68-75, MÚ ČSAV, (Praha 1991) , Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 5, (Alšovice, CS, 18.06.1990-22.06.1990) (1991)
  457. Mareš Milan: Linear Combination of Fuzzy Criteria , Multicriteria Decision Making. Methods, Algorithms, Applications, p. -, Ekonomický ústav ČSAV, (Praha 1991) , International Workshop on Multicriteria Decision Making, (Liblice, CS, 18.03.1991-22.03.1991) (1991)
  458. Mareš Milan: Linear Dependence of Fuzzy Vectors, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1720 (1991)
  459. Kočvara Michal: Local Multigrid Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computations , Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, p. 41-42, ČVUT, (Praha 1991) , Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, (Praha, CS, 18.09.1991-19.09.1991) (1991)
  460. Kozák Petr: Logical Control and Control of Discrete Event Systems , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, p. 28-30, DT ZSVTS, (Bratislava 1991) , Riadenie diskrétnych procesov, (Bratislava, CS, 08.10.1991-10.10.1991) (1991)
  461. Kozák Petr: Methods of Discrete Event Systems Control in AI Real-Time Skills , Dependability of Artificial Intelligence, p. 271-277 , Eds: Schildt G.H., Retti J., NorthHolland, (Amsterdam 1991) , Dependability of Artificial Intelligence Systems, (Vienna, AT, 27.05.1991-29.05.1991) (1991)
  462. Outrata Jiří: Nehladká analýza v optimalizaci. Doktorská disertační práce, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) (1991)
  463. Outrata Jiří: On a Class of Stackelberg Problems , Methods of Operations Research '92, p. 105-113 , Eds: Feichtinger G., A. Hain, (Vienna 1991) , Methods of Operations Research '92, (Vienna, AT, 28.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1991)
  464. Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Matoušek O.: Optimization Approach to the Modelling of Turbine AircraftEngines , IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization. Abstracts, p. 360-361, University of Zurich, (Zurich 1991) , IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./, (Zurich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1991)
  465. Roubíček Tomáš: Optimization of a Stefan Problem by Nonsmooth Methods , Proceedings of International Conference on Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems, p. 295-301, Birkhäuser, (Basel 1991) , International Conference on Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems, (Vorau, AT, 08.07.1990-14.07.1990) (1991)
  466. Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Matoušek O.: Optimization-Based Methodology for Mathematical Modelling and Design of Turbine Power Units , Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, p. 75-78, Technical University of Prague, (Prague 1991) , Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, (Prague, CS, 18.09.1991-19.09.1991) (1991)
  467. Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Algorithms with Co-operating Processors for Dimension-separable Searching Problems , Aplikace umělé inteligence AI'91, p. 85-96 , Eds: Mařík V., Česká společnost pro kybernetiku a informatiku, (Praha 1991) , Aplikace umělé inteligence AI '91, (Praha, CS, 25.06.1991-27.06.1991) (1991)
  468. Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching Algorithms and Their Relationship to Neural Networks , Neural Nets for System Applications, p. -, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) , Neural Nets for System Applications, (Prague, CS, 20.05.1990-21.05.1990) (1991)
  469. Matúš František: Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures and Matroid Theory: Backgrounds , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
  470. Ben-Tal A., Kočvara Michal, Zowe J.: QP3 and CGO: Programs for Solving Truss Optimization Problems, Mathematisches Institut, (Bayreuth 1991) Research Report 343 (1991)
  471. Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.: Simulace chování proudových leteckých pohonných jednotek užitím optimalizačních postupů , Vybrané problémy simulačních modelů. 13.podzimní moravskoslezské kolokvium, p. 55-58 , Eds: Štefan J., ČSVTS VÚHŽ, (Ostrava 1991) , Podzimní moravskoslezské kolokvium /13./, (Ostrava, CS, 11.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
  472. Mareš Milan: Some Remarks to Fuzzy CPM, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1721 (1991)
  473. Kramosil Ivan: Uncertainty processing under a nonstandard interpretation of probability values, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1707 (1991)
  474. Doležal Jaroslav, Schindler Zdeněk, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.: Unified Modelling Methodology for Aircraft Power Units , 4th Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems, p. 102-105 , Eds: Štefan J., Dům techniky ČSVTS, (Ostrava 1991) , International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems, (Vsetín, CS, 14.05.1991-16.05.1991) (1991)
  475. Mareš Milan, Nekola J.: Vybrané neklasické metody matematické informatiky použitelné v prognostických studiích, Prognostický ústav ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 2 (1991)
  476. Mareš Milan, Nekola J., Herman Z., Řeřicha R., Spížek J., Drahoš J.: /Překlad/, Bradlo, (Bratislava 1991) (1991)
  477. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.27, 1 (1991), p. 72-73 (1991)
  478. Jiroušek Radim: [Recenze] , Automatica vol.27, 3 (1991), p. 585-586 (1991)
  479. Kramosil Ivan: [Recenze] , Computers and Artificial Intelligence vol.10, 2 (1991), p. 181-182 (1991)
  480. Kramosil Ivan: [Recenze] , Computers and Artificial Intelligence vol.10, 3 (1991), p. 292-293 (1991)
  481. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.27, 2 (1991), p. 168 (1991)
  482. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.27, 6 (1991), p. 562-563 (1991)
  483. Kozák Petr: Discrete Events and General Systems Theory, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) Research Report 1695 (1990)
  484. Kramosil Ivan: From an Alternative Model of Rough Sets to Fuzzy Sets , International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making. Abstracts, p. -, Hornický ústav ČSAV, (Ostrava 1990) , International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making, (Bechyně, CS, 25.06.1990-29.06.1990) (1990)
  485. Kramosil Ivan: From an Alternative Model of Rough Sets to Fuzzy Sets , International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making. Abstracts, p. -, Hornický ústav ČSAV, (Ostrava 1990) , International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making, (Bechyně, CS, 25.06.1990-29.06.1990) (1990)
  486. Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching Algorithms on Systolic Arrays , Prague Conference on Information Theory. Abstracts, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) , Prague Conference on Information Theory. /11./, (Praha, CS, 27.08.1991-31.08.1991) (1990)
  487. Kramosil Ivan: Parallel Probabilistic Searching Algorithms on Systolic Arrays , Prague Conference on Information Theory. Abstracts, p. -, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) , Prague Conference on Information Theory. /11./, (Praha, CS, 27.08.1991-31.08.1991) (1990)
  488. Jiroušek Radim: Reasoning and Derivation of Knowledge in Probabilistic Expert Systems , Prague Conference on Information Theory. Abstracts, p. -, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) , Prague Conference on Information Theory. /11./, (Praha, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1990)
  489. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.26, 5 (1990), p. 443 (1990)
  490. Mareš Milan: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.26, 3 (1990), p. 270 (1990)
  491. Matúš František: [Recenze] , Kybernetika vol.26, 2 (1990), p. 165 (1990)
  492. Studený Milan: Multiinformace jakožto nástroj pro studium podmíněné stochastické nezávislosti , PROBASTAT '89. Zborník príspevkov, p. 129, VVTŠ, (Liptovský Mikuláš 1989) , PROBASTAT '89, (Liptovský Mikuláš, CS, 03.09.1989-08.09.1989) (1989)
Responsible for information: MTR
Last modification: 05.02.2008
Institute of Information Theory and Automation