Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Research at Department 29

String Theory and Quantum GravityResearch subjects

String theory is the only known theory that consistently unifies all four fundamental interactions: the electromagnetic, gravitational and strong and weak nuclear forces. Its consistency with quantum mechanics makes it also the leading candidate for quantum gravity theory. String theory faces two major

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Problems of perturbation theory in QCDResearch subjects

An important problem of perturbative QCD is an accurate determination of the strong coupling αs from hadronic τ decays. The decay width Rτ can be determined from the two-point correlation functions Π(s) which are the Fourier transforms of vacuum expectation values of current products.

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ATLAS forward physicsResearch subjects

We play an active role in preparation and development of forward proton detectors for ATLAS experiment. Within a broader international collaboration we proposed to ATLAS to instrument regions 220m and 420m away from the interaction point with forward proton detectors. Installation of the detectors would increase

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Jet physics at DZeroResearch subjects

For more than 10 years we are participating in the DZero experiment which detects and analyzes the results of the proton-antiproton interactions provided by Tevatron collider in Fermilab. We are focusing on jets - collimated sprays of particles which are fingerprints of violently scattered proton constituents, quarks

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Diffractive proton scattering at high energies – the TOTEM experiment at LHC, CERN, GenevaResearch subjects

Diffractive scattering of protons is realized at small values of four momentum transfer squared t , i.e., when the majority of particles is scattered at very small angles in forward direction. In contrast to deep inelastic scattering their dynamical characteristics are only weakly energy dependent.

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Particle physics in medicineResearch subjects

Members of this group focus their research interests on potential applications of particle physics in medicine, in particular in the treatment of cancer. Hadron radiotherapy, i.e., treatment of cancer with the help of irradiating tumours with proton and light ion beams, is a modern treatment modality which allows to spare surrounding healthy...

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Determination of the coupling α_s from hadronic τ decaySelected results

Functions relevant for obtaining the width Rτ (Adler function D(s), correlation function Π(s)) are not uniquely determined from perturbative expansions. Also, their singularities are only partially known.

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The role of Coulomb and hadronic interactions in elastic collisions of charged nucleonsSelected results

High energy elastic proton collisions due to hadronic interactions happen practically at all admissible values of the four momentum transfer squared t, while at small |t| also the Coulomb interaction contributes. The hitherto description of the effect of both interactions with the help of the complete elastic amplitude proposed by West and...

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