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New Publication - Sociological Studies

The Institutional Background of Czech Sociology before the Onset of Marxism - Zdeněk R. Nešpor


New Publication - Sociological Studies

The Issue of Minorities in the Czech Republic: Community Life and the Representation of Collective Interests (Slovaks, Ukrainians, Vietnamese, and Roma) - Yana Leontiyeva (ed.), Petra Ezzeddine-Lukšíková, Tomáš Hirt, Marek Jakoubek, Jiří Kocourek, Lucia Pažejová


New Publication - Sociological Studies

Social Capital: Concepts, Theories, and Methods of Measurement - Jiří Šafr, Markéta Sedláčková


New Publication - Sociological Studies

Educational Aspirations in a Comparative Perspective. The role of individual, contextual and structural factors in the formation of educational aspirations in OECD countries - Petr Matějů, Petr Soukup, Josef Basl


New issue of Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 2007/2, volume 43, number 4, April 2007


New Publication - Sociological Studies

Science as a public matter: science policies and the media - Karel Čada, Alice Červinková, Marcela Linková, Dana Řeháčková, Tereza Stöckelová


Petra Rakušanová and Barbora Stašková: Organized Civil Society in the Czech Republic

This study explores why the third sector is an important agent for promoting civic participation and interest representation.


New Publication - Sociological Studies

The Phenomenon of Childlessness in a Sociological and Demographic Perspective - Hana Hašková (ed.), Petra Šalamounová, Hana Víznerová, Lenka Zamykalová


Science Studies Opens the Black Box, Spring School of Studies Proceedings

Alice Červinková, Kateřina Šaldová (eds.)


New Issue of Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 3/2006