Treatment of Vicia faba root tip cells with specific inhibitors to cyclin-dependent kinase leads to abnormal spindle formation.

Binarová, P., Doležel, J., Dráber P., Heberle-Bors, E., Strnad, M and Bögre, L.
PLANT JOURNAL 16 : 697-707 , 1998

Association of gamma-tubulin with kinetochores in Vicia faba meristem cells.

Binarová, P., Hause, B., Doležel, J., Dráber,P.
PLANT JOURNAL 14 : 751-757 , 1998

Advanced resources for plant genomics: BAC library specific for the short arm of wheat chromosome 1B

Janda, Jaroslav; Šafář, Jan; Kubaláková, Marie; Bartoš, Jan; Kovářová, Pavlína; Suchánková, Pavla; Pateyron, S.; Číhalíková, Jarmila; Sourdille, P.; Šimková, Hana; Faivre-Rampant, P.; Hřibová, Eva; Bernard, M.; Lukaszewski, A.; Doležel, Jaroslav; Chalhoub, B.
PLANT JOURNAL 47 : 977-986 , 2006
Keywords: wheat; genomics; chromosome sorting

Dissecting large and complex genomes: flow sorting and BAC cloning of individual chromosomes from bread wheat

Šafář, Jan; Bartoš, Jan; Janda, Jaroslav; Bellec, A.; Kubaláková, Marie; Valárik, Miroslav; Pateyron, S.; Weiserová, Jitka; Tušková, Radka; Číhalíková, Jarmila; Vrána, Jan; Šimková, Hana; Faivre-Rampant, P.; Sourdille, P.; Caboche, M.; Bernard, M.; Doležel, Jaroslav; Chalhoub, B.
PLANT JOURNAL 39 : 960-968 , 2004
Keywords: wheat; flow sorting; DNA library

High-resolution FISH on super-stretched flow-sorted plant chromosomes

Valárik, Miroslav; Bartoš, Jan; Kovářová, Pavlína; Kubaláková, Marie; de Jong, H.; Doležel, Jaroslav
PLANT JOURNAL 37 : 940-950 , 2004
Keywords: Chromosome streching; fluorescence in situ hybridization; chromosome sorting
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