Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Research at Department 53

Ultra-high-power femtosecond pulsesResearch subjects

We aim to reach power up to a petawatt level (1015 Watt) in laser pulses with duration of tens femtoseconds (10-14s). The pulses will be used for a study of new effects in ultra-high electromagnetical fields. We concentrate on an ultra-short pulse propagation in media and a technique of pulse amplification up to 30 terawatts (30×1012 W).

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High-power nanosecond hybrid lasersResearch subjects

Our hybrid lasers are set up by an association of proper solid-state and gas laser media in a single laser system, which can exploit advantages of both media. The solid-state laser can provide an easier control of pulse shape or a higher energy extraction to the amplified pulse, for example. The gaseous iodine laser could have a narrower gain...

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Nonlinear optical phenomenaResearch subjects

We prepare a system for optical parametric amplification of femtosecond pulses by the technique of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA). We also develop a model of Raman laser, which is an efficient convertor of laser wavelength. We plan to expand the research of laser interaction with matter in the future.

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Automatic stabilization of an optical parametric oscillatorSelected results

A fully automatic alignment system for a pulsed infrared laser beam was developed and tested. The system allows: to lock the output wavelength of the oscillator to an iodine spectral line with picometer precision, which is needed for amplification in the iodine laser amplifiers. to compensates for long-term fluctuations of the beam initial...

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SOFIASelected results

The hybrid iodine photodissociation laser SOFIA has been constructed. The pulse feeding the amplifier chain is the idler wave of an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) tuned to the atomic iodine transition at 1315 nm. This solid-state oscillator enables ps-synchronization to other laser systems. A homemade automatic stabilization of the OPO idler...

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Two-dimensional-imaging spectrographSelected results

A minute, yet practical, modification of a well-known spectrograph based on a set of wedged narrow band filters is presented. It makes possible two-dimensional-imaging spectral measurements with a potential subpixel precision of a few micrometers. The simple spectroscopic device can evaluate dispersion of quantities which can be transformed into...

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