Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Akademie věd České republiky

Division of optics

Division of optics is focused on research of physical properties classical and quantum aspects of propagation of optical radiation, on the research of optical structures, materials and technologies. In classical optics we are concentrate mainly on holography, statistical behavior of light beams, fractal optics. In the area of quantum optics we designed various types of sources of quantum correlated photon pairs, in quantum information we are focused on measurement of overlaps, fidelity and purity. Detection of weak and ultraweak irradiation down to one photon, including its characterization together with quantum teleportation and copying is studied. The research of optical materials of selected doped oxide crystals, films and nanostructures is concentrated mainly on anomalous behavior of optical properties depending on structure, doping and preparation technology in a strong connection with new opto-plasmatic technologies development. In X-ray optics we are focused on crystal optics for synchrotron radiation.
(+420) 266 05 2141
(+420) 286 581 448
dejnekaatfzu [dot] cz

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