Preparation of novel ceramic materials, e.g. EuTiO3 Single crystal growth, e.g. piezoelectric KIO3 Soft chemistry technology, e.g. filling nanoporous materials with ferroelectrics
Semiconductors for ultrafast optoelectronics Charge carrier transport in disordered and nanostructures semiconductors
Tunable materials and structures for THz applications THz near field microscopy
Ferroelectric and antiferroelectric structures in compounds with chiral rod-like and non-chiral bent-shaped molecules Dielectric, electrooptic and optical properties and properties of relaxational modes in polar liquid crystals Chirality and surface interactions of liquid crystalline phases Defects in ferroelectric and...
Dynamics of structural (namely ferroelectric) phase transitions: experiment and theory Multiferroic materials Ferroelectric heterostructures and strained films Polar clusters dynamics in relaxor ferroelectrics Effective medium theory for dielectric and piezoelectric properties Domain walls and domain structures...
Theoretically predicted ferroelectric phase induced by tensile stress was confirmed in SrTiO3 epitaxial films and SrTiO3/DyScO3 heterostructures on DyScO3 substrates, prepared in top world laboratories. It is driven near 270 K by a soft phonon mode in the THz range which in the whole measured temperature region of 20-300 K couples to an...
We have investigated the magnetoelectric effect in BiFeO3 and observed rather a large change of permittivity with magnetic field at high temperatures, where the sample becomes partially conducting due to defects. However, in this case the magnetoelectric effect is not intrinsic, i.e. due to coupling of polarization and magnetization, but due to...
Computer simulations based on Ginzburg-Landau-Devonshire theory are used to investigate piezoelectric response of tetragonal BaTiO3 crystals. We have shown that piezoelectric response of twinned BaTiO3 increases with increasing density of 90° domain walls. A considerable enhancement of the longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient is predicted for...
Series of 15 new liquid crystalline compounds have been synthesized and studied composed of non-symmetrical bent-shaped molecules based on a 7-hydroxynaphtalene-2-carboxylic acid, the central naphtalene core being laterally substituted by chlorine or the methyl group. Studies of textures in planar samples, calorimetric study, X-ray diffraction and...
A new series of new multifunctional materials with the azo-group in the molecular core has been prepared, which exhibit ferroelectric properties and are photosensitive. With these materials (known as photoferroelectrics) the illumination by visible light can change their electric and optical properties. After the light is switched off their...
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