Linka A., Volf Petr, Tunák M.:
Analysis of breaks in a non-equally load sharing system
, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing, ALT'2008-- 2nd International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing,
(Bordeaux, FR, 09.06.2008-11.06.2008) (2008)
Volf Petr:
Model for Difference of Two Series of Poisson-like Count Data
, Proceedings of 26th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2008
, Eds: Řehořová Pavla, Maršíková Kateřina, 26th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2008,
(Liberec, CZ, 17.09.2008-19.09.2008) (2008)
Ševčík Jaroslav, Volf Petr:
Statistical analysis in a model of partial repairrs
, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing, ALT'2008-- 2nd International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing,
(Bordeaux, FR, 09.06.2008-11.06.2008) (2008)
Volf Petr:
On models of degradation and partial repairs
, Proceedings of Mathemaitacal Methods in Reliability, Fifth International Conference Mathematical Methods in Reliability,
(Glasgow, GB, 01.07.2007-04.07.2007) (2007)
Volf Petr:
Random point process models for score of sport match
, First International Conference on Mathematics in Sport Proceedings
, Eds: Percy Dave, Scarf Phill, Robinson Carol, First International Conference on Mathematics in Sport Proceedings,
(Manchester, GB, 24.06.2007-26.06.2007) (2007)
Reisnerová Soňa, Volf Petr:
Analysis of unemployment as discretized spatial-temporal process
, Proceedings S4G. International Conference on Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry, p. 203-208
, Eds: Lechnerová R., Saxl I., Beneš V., International Conference on Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry,
(Prague, CZ, 26.06.2006-29.06.2006) (2006)
Boček Pavel, Salaba Petr, Volf Petr, Vrbenský Karel:
Modelování doby do poruchy a FTA, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 2006)
Research Report 2174 (2006)
Volf Petr:
Bayes analysis of time series with covariates
, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2005, p. 421-426
, Eds: Skalská H., Gaudeamus,
(Hradec Králové 2005)
, Mathematical Methods in Economics 2005 /23./,
(Hradec Králové, CZ, 14.09.2005-16.09.2005) (2005)
Volf Petr:
Clustering of random series of events
, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Econometrics 2004, p. 349-356, Mathematical Methods in Economics 2004 /22./,
(Brno, CZ, 15.09.2004-17.09.2004) (2004)
Volf Petr:
Odhady počtu komponent modelu
, Robust 2004. Sborník prací 13. letní školy JČMF, p. 419-426
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF,
(Praha 2004)
, ROBUST 2004. Letní škola JČMF /13./,
(Třešť, CZ, 07.06.2004-11.06.2004) (2004)
Volf Petr:
Application of Cox regression model to grouped unemployment data
, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Operational Research, p. 301-306
, Eds: Zadnik-Stirn L., Bastič M., Drobne S., Slovenian Society Informatika,
(Ljublana 2003)
, International Symposium on Operational Research /7./ SOR'03,
(Podčetrtek, SI, 24.09.2003-26.09.2003) (2003)
Smid J., Markham B., Sváček P., Volf Petr:
Calibration, regression models and the Web
, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing VIII.Proceedings, p. 131-138
, Eds: Serpico S. B., SPIE,
(Bellingham 2003)
Proceedings of the SPIE.
, International Symposium on Remote Sensing /8./,
(Crete, GR, 22.09.2002-27.09.2002) (2003)
Volf Petr:
Model and analysis of heterogeneity of random sums
, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2002, p. 265-271
, Eds: Ramík J., Technical University,
(Ostrava 2002)
, Mathematical Methods in Economics 2002 /20./,
(Ostrava, CZ, 03.09.2002-05.09.2002) (2002)
Smid J., Sváček P., Volf Petr:
On evaluation of user adaptive and flexible tutoring model
, Applied Informatics - Artificial Intelligence and Applications, p. 1-5
, Eds: Hamza M. H., Acta Press,
(Calgary 2002)
Series on Applied Informatics.
, Workshop on Intelligence and Technology in Educational Applications. ITEA 2002,
(Innsbruck, AT, 18.02.2002) (2002)
Volf Petr:
On models and statistical analysis of compound point processes. Abstract
, Abstracts of the 24th European Meeting of Statisticians & 14th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, p. 365
, Eds: Janžura M., Mikosch T., Institute of Information Theory and Automation,
(Prague 2002)
, EMS 2002,
(Prague, CZ, 19.08.2002-23.08.2002) (2002)
Volf Petr:
Random point processes and models of cumulated damage
, Third International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability. Methodology and Practice. Communications, p. 651-654
, Eds: Langseth H., Lindquist B., NTNU Trondheim,
(Trondheim 2002)
, International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability /3./,
(Trondheim, NO, 17.06.2002-20.06.2002) (2002)
Volf Petr:
Statistická analýza přežití a náhodné bodové procesy
, Analýza dat II/2002, p. 63-76
, Eds: Kupka K., TriloByte,
(Pardubice 2002)
, Analýza dat II/2002,
(Lázně Bohdaneč, CZ, 26.11.2002-29.11.2002) (2002)
Smid J., Markham B., Volf Petr, Obitko M.:
Calibration data models for the Landsat 7 ETM+ internal calibrator
, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites IV . Proceedings, p. 219-226
, Eds: Hiroyuki F., Lurie J. B., Ropertz A., SPIE,
(Bellingham 2001)
Proceedings SPIE.
, Europto Remote Sensing Conference 2000,
(Barcelona, ES, 25.09.2000-29.09.2000) (2001)
Smid J., Smid Jr. J., Obitko M., Volf Petr:
Model parameters and model performance
, Proceedings of the UM2001 Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Adaptive Systems, p. 25-32
, Eds: Weibelzahl S., Chin D., Weber G., Pedagogical University,
(Freiburg 2001)
, UM2001. International Conference on User Modeling /8./,
(Sonthofen, DE, 13.07.2001-17.07.2001) (2001)
Volf Petr:
On regression models of survival analysis and application to grouped unemployment data
, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2001, p. 193-198
, Eds: Dlouhý M., VŠE,
(Praha 2001)
, International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2001 /19./,
(Hradec Králové, CZ, 05.09.2001-07.09.2001) (2001)
Volf Petr:
Statistical models and analysis of cumulated damage processes
, ROBUST'2000. Sborník prací jedenácté letní školy JČMF, p. 357-367
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF,
(Praha 2001)
, ROBUST'2000 /11./,
(Nečtiny, CZ, 11.09.2000-15.09.2000) (2001)
Linka A., Volf Petr:
Statistické metody pro hodnocení homogenity textilních materiálů
, ROBUST'2000. Sborník prací jedenácté letní školy JČMF, p. 164-175
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF,
(Praha 2001)
, ROBUST'2000 /11./,
(Nečtiny, CZ, 11.09.2000-15.09.2000) (2001)
Volf Petr:
Statistické modely a analýza procesů narůstajícího poškození
, Analýza dat 2000/II. Moderní statistické metody. Sborník přednášek, p. 87-98
, Eds: Kupka K., TriloByte Statistical Software,
(Pardubice 2001)
, Analýza dat 2000/II. Moderní statistické metody,
(Lázně Bohdaneč, CZ, 21.11.2000-24.11.2000) (2001)
Linka A., Volf Petr:
A statistical method for inspection of structure of textile materials
, Conférence Internationale sur les Méthodes Mathématiques en Fiabilité, p. 711-714
, Eds: Nikulin M., Limnios N., Université Victor Segalen,
(Bordeaux 2000)
, MMR '2000 /2./,
(Bordeaux, FR, 04.07.2000-07.07.2000) (2000)
Picek J., Volf Petr:
Nonlinear quantile regression survival analysis
, Conférence Internationale sur les Méthodes Mathématiques en Fiabilité, p. 864-867
, Eds: Nikulin M., Limnios N., Université Victor Segalen,
(Bordeaux 2000)
, MMR '2000 /2./,
(Bordeaux, FR, 04.07.2000-07.07.2000) (2000)
Volf Petr, Linka A.:
On statistical analysis of reliability of textile yarn via the load-sharing model
, Conférence Internationale sur les Méthodes Mathématiques en Fiabilité, p. 1014-1017
, Eds: Nikulin M., Limnios N., Université Victor Segalen,
(Bordeaux 2000)
, MMR '2000 /2./,
(Bordeaux, FR, 04.07.2000-07.07.2000) (2000)
Linka A., Volf Petr:
Random field model and statistical quality control
, Jubilee kateder matematiky TUL 2000 (mezinárodní konference). Sborník příspěvků, p. 59-66
, Eds: Vild J., Technická univerzita,
(Liberec 2000)
, Jubilee kateder matematiky TUL 2000 (mezinarodni konference),
(Liberec, CZ, 13.09.2000-14.09.2000) (2000)
Volf Petr, Picek J., Linka A.:
MCMC method for recognition of objects from noisy planar data
, Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis. Proceedings, p. 355-360
, Eds: Bacelar-Nicolau H., Nicolau F. C., Janssen J., Instituto Nacional de Estatistica,
(Lisabon 1999)
, ASMDA '99,
(Lisabon, PT, 13.06.1999-18.06.1999) (1999)
Volf Petr:
On random sums driven by a counting process
, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. 52nd Session, p. 463-464, Edita,
(Helsinki 1999)
, Session of the International Statistical Institute, ISI '99 /52./,
(Helsinki, FI, 10.08.1999-18.08.1999) (1999)
Volf Petr:
On statistical event-history analysis and its applications
, Operations Research Proceedings 1998, p. 283-292
, Eds: Kall P., Lüthi H. J., Springer,
(Berlin 1999)
, International Conference on Operations Research,
(Zürich, CH, 31.08.1998-03.09.1998) (1999)
Markham B., Kurz L., Seiferth J., Smid J., Volf Petr:
Algorithms and analysis tools for the Landsat detectors trending
, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing. Proceedings, p. 25-33
, Eds: Serpico S. B., SPIE,
(Bellingham 1998)
Proceedings of SPIE.
(Barcelona, ES, 21.09.1998-23.09.1998) (1998)
Linka A., Volf Petr:
Čítací procesy a jejich použití při modelování tahové pevnosti lana
, Analýza dat '98. Sborník přednášek, p. 13-21
, Eds: Kupka K., TriloByte,
(Pardubice 1998)
, Celostátní konference Analýza dat '98,
(Lázně Bohdaneč, CZ, 10.11.1998-13.11.1998) (1998)
Linka A., Picek J., Volf Petr:
Identifikace kruhů v obrazových datech z RICH detektoru
, Analýza dat '98. Sborník přednášek, p. 22-30
, Eds: Kupka K., TriloByte,
(Pardubice 1998)
, Celostátní konference Analýza dat '98,
(Lázně Bohdaneč, CZ, 10.11.1998-13.11.1998) (1998)
Linka A., Ososkov G., Picek J., Volf Petr:
MCMC solution to circle fitting in analysis of RICH detector data
, COMPSTAT. Proceedings in Computational Statistics, p. 383-388
, Eds: Payne R., Green P., PhysicaVerlag,
(Heidelberg 1998)
, COMPSTAT /13./,
(Bristol, GB, 24.08.1998-28.08.1998) (1998)
Volf Petr, Linka A.:
O podstatě a aplikacích MCMC metod
, ROBUST'98. Sborník prací desáté zimní školy JČMF, p. 243-253
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF,
(Praha 1998)
, ROBUST '98 /10./,
(Radešín, CZ, 26.01.1998-30.01.1998) (1998)
Volf Petr:
On counting process with random increments
, Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 587-590
, Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF,
(Praha 1998)
, Prague Stochastics '98,
(Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998) (1998)
Smid J., Volf Petr:
Tools for prediction of the system performance and detection of the changes
, Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, p. 43-46
, Eds: Rojíček J., Valečková M., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1998)
, CMP'98 /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 07.09.1998-09.09.1998) (1998)
Smid J., Volf Petr:
An incremental construction of a nonparametric regression model
, International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, p. 466-472, AAAI Press,
(Fort Lauderdale 1997)
, AISTAT '97 /6./,
(Fort Lauderdale, US, 04.01.1997-07.01.1997) (1997)
Smid J., Volf Petr:
Bayesian learning algorithm based on the MCMC method
, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, p. 164-167
, Eds: Hamza M. H., IASTED Acta Press,
(Calgary 1997)
, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing,
(Banff, CA, 27.07.1997-01.08.1997) (1997)
Lipoldová Marie, Svobodová M., Krulová Magdalena, Havelková Helena, Badalová Jana, Nohýnková E., Holáň Vladimír, Volf Petr, Démant Peter:
Complex genetic control of Leishmania major induced pathology in mice
, Immunology Letters vol.56, p. 213, European Immunology Meeting /13./,
(Amsterdam, NL, 22.06.1997-25.06.1997) (1997)
Smid J., Volf Petr:
Dynamics approximation and change point retrieval from a neural networks model
, Mathematics of Neural Networks. Models, Algorithms and Applications, p. 333-338
, Eds: Ellacott S. W., Mason J. C., Anderson I. J., Kluwer,
(Boston 1997)
, World Conference on Neural Networks,
(Washington, US, 12.06.1995-16.06.1995) (1997)
Smid J., Volf Petr, Rao G.:
HST battery voltage-current modeling
, Proceedings of the 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, p. 201-206, AICE,
(New York 1997)
, IECEC '97 /32./,
(Honolulu, US, 27.07.1997-01.08.1997) (1997)
Smid J., Volf Petr, Rao G.:
Monte Carlo approach to Bayesian regression modeling
, Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 169-180
, Eds: Warwick K., Kárný M., Birkhäuser,
(Boston 1997)
, European IEEE Workshop CMP'96 /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 28.08.1996-30.08.1996) (1997)
Linka A., Picek J., Volf Petr:
Bayesian analysis for likelihood-based nonparametric regression
, Proceedings in Computational Statistics, p. 343-348
, Eds: Prat A., Ripoll E., Physica Verlag,
(Heidelberg 1996)
, Symposium on Computational Statistics. COMPSTAT '96 /12./,
(Barcelona, ES, 26.08.1996-30.08.1996) (1996)
Volf Petr:
Methods of regression diagnostics for hazard-based models
, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT'94, p. 247-254
, Eds: Pázman A., Witkovský V., Mathematical Institute,
(Bratislava 1996)
Tatra Mountains.
Mathematical Publications.
(Smolenice, SK, 30.05.1994-03.06.1994) (1996)
Smid J., Volf Petr, Rao G.:
Monte Carlo approach to Bayesian regression modeling
, Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96, p. 205-210
, Eds: Berec L., Rojíček J., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1996)
, European IEEE Workshop CMP'96 /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 28.08.1996-30.08.1996) (1996)
Volf Petr:
O statistických metodách pro klasifikaci
, Analýza dat '96, p. 84-92
, Eds: Kupka K., TriloByte,
(Pardubice 1996)
, Analýza dat '96,
(Lázně Bohdaneč, CZ, 05.11.1996-08.11.1996) (1996)
Smid J., Volf Petr:
Dynamics Extraction from a Neural Network Time Series Model
, Proceedings of the World Conference on Neural Networks, p. 20-24, Lawrence Erlbaum,
(Washington 1995)
, World Conference on Neural Networks,
(Washington, US, 12.06.1995-16.06.1995) (1995)
Smid J., Volf Petr, Sláma Marek, Palus M.:
Linear and nonlinear trending and prediction for AVHRR time series data
, 1995 Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Information Technologies, p. 209-220
, Eds: Hostetter C. F., NASA,
(Greenbelt 1995)
NASA Conference Publication.
, Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
(Greenbelt, US, 09.05.1995-11.05.1995) (1995)
Volf Petr:
Neparametrická analýza v obecných modelech regrese
, Analýza dat 95/II, p. 42-50
, Eds: Kupka K., TriloByte,
(Pardubice 1995)
, Analýza dat 95 /2./,
(Lázně Bohdaneč, CZ, 21.11.1995-24.11.1995) (1995)
Volf Petr:
Dimension reducing approach in statistical regression analysis
, Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 71-76
, Eds: Kulhavá L., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1994)
, IEEE Workshop CMP '94,
(Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-09.09.1994) (1994)
Volf Petr:
Odhadování a testování v regresních modelech pro životnost
, ROBUST 94. Sborník prací zimní školy JČMF, p. 195-204
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF,
(Praha 1994)
, ROBUST '94,
(Malenovice, CZ, 17.01.1994-21.01.1994) (1994)
Volf Petr:
On consistent estimation of additive regression model for intensity of counting process
, Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 260-263
, Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1994)
, Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./,
(Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994) (1994)
Volf Petr:
Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Intensity-Based Regression Models
, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. Contributed Papers 49th Session, p. 531-532, ISI,
(Firenze 1993)
, Session of the International Statistical Institute,
(Firenze, IT, 25.08.1993-02.09.1993) (1993)
Volf Petr:
Estimation Procedures for Nonparametric Regression Models of Lifetime
, Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 463-468
, Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia,
(Prague 1992)
, Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /11./,
(Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
Volf Petr:
Regresní modely v analýze přežívání
, ROBUST '92. Sborník prací letní školy JČMF, p. 220-235
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF,
(Praha 1992)
, ROBUST '92,
(Herbertov, CS, 14.09.1992-18.09.1992) (1992)
Kovanic Pavel, Volf Petr:
Robustní identifikace životnostního modelu
, ROBUST '92. Sborník prací letní školy JČMF, p. 94-100
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF,
(Praha 1992)
, ROBUST '92,
(Herbertov, CS, 14.09.1992-18.09.1992) (1992)
Volf Petr:
Time-to-Response Nonparametric Analysis via the EM Algorithm
, Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Probability and Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT '91, p. 226-232
, Eds: Pázman A., Volaufová J., Univerzita Komenského,
(Bratislava 1992)
, PROBASTAT '91 /10./,
(Bratislava, CS, 26.08.1991-30.08.1991) (1992)
Volf Petr:
A Nonparametric Estimator of Regression Curve from Censored Data
, Vsemirnyj kongress obščestva matematičeskoj statistiky i teorii verojatnostej im. Bernulli, p. 428-431
, Eds: Prochorov Y. V., Matematičeskij institut Steklova,
(Moskva 1990)
, Vsemirnyj kongress obščestva matematičeskoj statistiky i teorii verojatnostej im. Bernulli /1./,
(Taškent, SU, 08.09.1986-09.09.1986) (1990)
Volf Petr:
An Identification of Proportionality of Hazards for Nonhomogeneous Lifetime Data
, Proceedings of the 4th Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics, p. 527-533
, Eds: Mandl P., Hušková M., Karlova Universita,
(Praha 1989)
, Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics /4./,
(Praha, CS, 29.08.1988-02.09.1988) (1989)