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13 Feb 10 - 20 Feb 10
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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Akademie věd České republiky


Pondělí, 24. Květen 2010 - Pátek, 28. Květen 2010

The idea of regular scientific meetings of physicist involved in studies of ferroelectrics and phase transitions in Poland and Czechoslovakia followed inevitably from the success of first such event in Blazejewko in 1979. The Seminar was organized in collaborating of the Department of Dielectric of the Institute of Physics of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and Ferroelectric Lab of the Institute of Molecular Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences. The Seminars are an international forum for presentation of recent results, unconstrained discussions and initiating of joint studies. (více ...)

Pondělí, 20. Září 2010 - Pátek, 24. Září 2010

The series of International Symposia on Ferroic Domains and Micro- to Nanoscopic Structures (ISFD‘s) is devoted to phenomena originating to basic and applied aspects of structural changes in condensed matter connected with breaking of crystal symmetry.

The scope of ISFD‘s covers in particular:

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Minulé konference

Pondělí, 7. Září 2009 - Pátek, 11. Září 2009

While maintaining the traditional scientific topics of the ESOMAT series in focus, in particular the theoretical and experimental research of materials with martensitic transformation (MT), the scientific program of the ESOMAT 2009 conference is organized in groups: A (basic research) and B (applied research). Mathematical modelling (A.2) and recent developments engineering applications (B.3) appear as individual topics within the program to attract researchers working in these directions in the ESOMAT community. The actual conference program may yet slightly change.

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