The BY-2 Cell Line as a Tool to Study Auxin Transport

Petrášek, Jan; Zažímalová, Eva
In Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Tobacco BY-2 Cells: From Cellular Dynamics to Omics. Vol. 58.. Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag 58: 107-117, 2006

Klíčová slova: Auxin Transport; BY-2 Cell Line; cell membrane
Abstrakt: Auxintransport playsakeyroleinthe regulation of plantgrowthand devel-opment. Either it runs in apoplast by mass flow in the phloem together with othermetabolitesand/orthereexistsaparallel,cell-to-cell,strictlydirectional, carrier-mediatedactivetransport.Themajorcontributiontoourunderstand-ing of its physiology as well as molecular background comes from studies in planta.However,duringthe last tenyears,tobacco cell linessuchasBY-2have provided a major impetus for precise analysis of the machinery performing auxin flow across cell membranes at the cellular level. In this chapter recent knowledgeaboutthemolecularmechanismofauxintransportissummarized, andthedataarediscussedinthecontextofrecentfindingsconcerningtherole of directional cell-to-cell transport of auxin in plant development. The results obtainedusingBY-2aswellasothertobaccocelllineshighlighttheadvantages of these models in studies of auxin-regulated processes such as cell division, elongation and establishment of cell polarity. Autoři z ÚEB: Jan Petrášek, Eva Zažímalová