Vedoucí projektu: Ing. Josef
Böhm, CSc.
Oddělení: AS
Podporováno (ID): GA101/03/0620
Trvání: 2003 - 2005
The project deals with the issue of the interaction between electric field and electrical insulation at long-time exposition to extreme electric and thermal stresses (e.g. in the aircraft manufacture industry or in the case of linear motors driving therods in nuclear reactors). The output of the project will be the determination of the existence of an irreversible region of electric stress for the given insulating system. This will allow the optimisation of its design from the point of view of its useproperties. The state-of-the-art diagnostic system, that will be necessary for this purpose, will be applicable in other fields as well. The project will be solved at specialised institutions of the Czech Republic (University of West Bohemia Pilsen, BrnoUniversity of Technology, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Prague, ŠKODA Co. Pilsen).Odpovědnost za obsah: AS Poslední změny: 02.11.2009